"John, loving scribe, takes up the parable" St. John iii. 16 - 22 by C. M. S. Mason XI LEST we, like Nicodemus, go forth in the dark, Nor comprehend that sign of the lifting up, Nor the mystery of new birth, wherefrom a man, All staled and hardened in the world's old ways, Comes forth a tender soul, soon grieved with sin, Lively and quick in frank pursuit of joy, And all his joy is, God in Christ who died --- Lest we let this dear tale, like water, slip Through careless fingers dallying with the deep, John, loving scribe, takes up the parable :--- For God sop loved the sinful world, He gave, As one gives his best friend a gift of price, God gave His own begotten Son ! Who loves, Or son, or friend, or wife, or child, he knows Whether were harder to give his own life, To suffer pains in himself than in that one, the very light of his eyes, joy of his days, Whose hurt he feels with thrice-repeated pang ! God gave His son to the world - ah, gift supreme ! Would no less gift have served for us, poor souls ? On Him should have eternal life, e'en now, 141 142 Nor ever perish a soul that dies ; He cannot die, for he is born anew Into that life, fed by eternal springs, That knows no lasting languors, horrid drought ! But the glad wretch, reprieved from perishing, Must do his part ; he must believe in the Son. And this is why none other way was found By God almighty than to give His Son, That men might see Him walk the earth as Man, Knowing how hard it is, in lowly ways, To keep unspotted of the world, and give, By word and look and mien, by thousand acts Of pitiful tenderness, dear life for men ! Hearing such words as man ne'er spoke before, Seeing such deeds as never had been done, How choose men but believe in such a friend ? And how, believing, fail to enter in Kingdom of God, where love is, and no hate ? Not as a judge He came ; not now was sent To judge the world for all it's evils wrought In the eye of day. Only to save He came, Through that new infancy of tender souls Which comes to them who look upon His face. But, judgment is come with Him, howe'er meek The Son of Man walk among men. Each soul Judges himself, unknowing ; doth he believe? Then is his judgment passed ; he's born again. Doth he in wilful pride still ask a sign, Rejecting every sign of that sweet Life ? 143 so, too, he's judged ; he goes his way, untouched By the dear grace of God should give him life ; And day by day all soft and tender thoughts, All ways of sweetness, die out from his life ; He perisheth, the while he lives out his days. To see the light, and not choose the light,--- For light reproveth deeds that love the dark --- What greater condemnation is for men ! Each man, arraigned before his own sure bar, goes out to his deserts, or light or darkness.