Jesus and the Disciples of John St. John iii. 23 - 30 by C. M. S. Mason XII Out of the city, into the country parts Of Judah, came the Lord with His disciples, To rest awhile after that arduous week In Jerusalem ; but all men followed Him ; Multitudes came to Him to be baptized With that new baptism, of mystic grace, First shown to Nicodemus. Were the five Sleeping in common chamber with their Lord ? did they, too, hear of sign, thing signified ? To the disciples always speaks He first ; the people, overhearing, get what comes. How else, seeing He trained these, that, the world, They should go a-teaching ? What spake He here To the disciples and the multitude who came (They, too, would tarry on their homeward way From the Feast), to this green place by Jordan ? "Line upon line," His way : the very words --- Of the new birth, the baptism with water And the Spirit, the lifting-up should save --- He spake to Nicodemus, these same words, Again, we may believe, He spake to the crowd, 145 And chiefly to the five ; for such His wont : Few words and pregnant, utter'd o'er and o'er,--- Lo, here, that Model the Great Teacher set ! To Ænon, where was much water, still there came The multitudes, to John to be baptized ; --- As those three thousand hearers at Pentecost, Or those ten thousand souls at Travancore Baptized of Francis Xavier. A Jew was there, Had been with Christ, mayhap, and heard Him teach Of that mysterious baptism of the Spirit And water should give a man life. "Lo, here," Thought he, this curious Jew, "two sects !" And he Disputed with John's following, while he baptized. Sore for their master's honour, they came to him With their tale : "Rabbi, He that was with thee Beyond Jordan, (disciple thought we Him), To whom thou hast borne witness, (sure, the less Of the greater receiveth witness), whom thou baptizedth, (Is not the less baptized of the greater) ? This man (say, Rabbi, hath He done thee wrong) ? Baptizeth, and all men come out to Him ! Like fuming schoolboys, crying, "It's a shame !" His disciples cried on John to answer them. 146 From that reserve of wisdom in his soul, Upgathered in those years of hermit life, Dropping in speech, epigrammatic, terse, Whereby a word of John's stands out distinct From speech of other men, and bears his stamp, To be known in crowd of all men's utterances As his, were we not told, --- John spake and said :--- "A man can receive but that which hath been given." Lo, here was peace for these uneasy souls. All men seek this new teaching ? 'Tis of God : And we--- when power departs and friends desert, How easy acquiescence once we see Our God is dealing with us ! One more fit Summons He for our work, or bids us go Up higher in His service --- all is one. "Yourselves have heard me say, I am not Christ ; To prepare, before Messias, am I sent." (Had they, too, taken him for the Coming One ?) "He is the bridegroom for whom the is the bride ; the bridegroom's friend stands by, and hears his voice, And great his exultation, that he hears : In this is all my joy fulfilled --- I hear. He must increase, but I must still decrease ; I hear the Bridegroom's voice ; it is enough." 147 What vision was John graced with ! He it was Discerned the Lamb of God, that taketh away The sins of all the world, in that poor Man Who came to him for baptism 1 Now, he sees The Church (all faithful souls) emerge as Bride From that rough sea of the world, to the cherishing Of Him who is the Bridegroom ! Hears the voice Of the Bridegroom in the multitude who came To Him to be baptized, (in lower Pool). In a large room the feet of John were set ; In vision was his peace ! What else but joy fulfilled, exultant, could the prophet know, When rumour reached him, of his word established, Of His Friend, the Bridegroom, drawing to Him His Bride ! then is John further graced to speak that law Of the Christian's life, his utmost compensation In every deprivation, loss, and shame ; Sans youth, sans health, sans beauty, power and praise, Still is this law fulfilled --- "He must increase, And I must evermore grow less and less Till He be all my hope and all my joy !"--