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"What did I eat?" you wonder to yourself as you look around. Just a moment ago, you were standing on the sidewalk near your home . .and then a bright light. Then. .you were here. Here is a dark cave, with a deep purple glow about it. A soft, bubbly chuckle fills your head. You shake it, trying to get rid of the voice. This is really wierding you out. The laugh becomes louder, and then you hear it aloud, coming from behind you. You turn around to see a huge head of a dragon, its eyes focused on you.

Wait a minute . . . Dragon?

The laughter increases, and you watch the dragon stifling what seems to be a serious case of the giggles. You look at it quizzically, and finally voice the question that has been bothering you for the past five minutes. "You're not going to eat me, are you?"
This sends the beast off of the edge, and it goes into a fit of hysterics. You look at it curiously, as it rolls on the rocky floor of the huge cavern. The dragon isn't small either. You estimate its length at about 300 ft. Every time it sees you anew, it begins to laugh harder. Finally it calms down, and sits up again. A voice enters your mind, just as easily as the earlier laughter I haven't laughed that much since a knight threatened to disembowel me, and accused me of eating a 'beautiful damsel' two hundred years ago. That was a hoot. No, I won't eat you. Humans for the most part are disgusting dirty creatures. You don't have quite as much of an odor of unwashed person as most, but it's still unpleasant. I'm quite omnivorous in fact. Would you like a slice of pizza?
You nod slowly, extremely skeptical. The dragon turns and heads into the dark recesses of the cave, until you can no longer see it. You wonder, where did your house go? The voice answers your question, It's in another dimension, no worries. I saw you daydreaming about dragons a few days ago, and well . . figured you needed a vacation anyway. So I brought you here! My name is Shadow Phoenix by the way. I know I dont' look like much of a phoenix, but it's my public name. I can't tell you my private name. That'll be explained later if you need me to. So. Now that you're here, what do you want to do? The dragon reappears, carrying a dragon sized slice in one paw, and, sitting in the palm of its other, a human sized slice of . .cheese pizza rests. Go on, take it. It's just mozzarella and marinara sauce, nothing fancy.she prompts you. You hesitantly reach out and take it. You take a small bite, and discover, hey, it's pizza. Pretty good too. I make it myself she says proudly, so, what do you want to do? she asks you again. You chew slowly before answering. "Well, what can I do?"
She flicks a claw, and a list appears, floating in the air in front of you.

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Orshe says with a sigh, if you really don't want to be here, then I can always send you home.

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