When the lion had finished speaking, he moved back into the aura of light and both he and the light faded from view. At this time, the seven pink-white roses started rising from the ground. As they did so they dissolved and began creating a bright blue and white aura. From the top of the aura soft pink-white rose petals continuously fell to the ground from seemingly out of nowhere. Within the light Christopher could see a woman appear. She was wearing a bright white garment that was long and flowing. There were twelve small stars that surrounded the top of her head. Radiant sun-like rays were passing through her and a crystal white crescent moon was under her feet as she hovered above the ground. She speaks to Christopher and announces herself as the Divine Sophia. Her voice is like a choir of a thousand voices though still sounding as one. She tells him that it is she who will guide him through the portal of initiation; the Door into the eternal. She holds out her hands and a large golden book appears in her hands.
The book is open and it has bright ivory white pages. The writing in the book is in glimmering silver. It is written in a language that Christopher has never seen before. While looking into the book, he begins to be filled with a wisdom and knowledge of things that he had never experienced in his life. She gives the book to Christopher to hold. The book slowly disappears but its contents flow into and fills his whole soul and spirit. Again a strange sensation overcomes him and he suddenly steps out of his body. He is now standing in a body of soul and spirit only. While in this condition, he sees the woods light up in radiant colors and sounds of musical tones are coming from everywhere in the woods including all the trees, plants and grass.
Christopher takes a long pause in order to get accustomed to his new condition of being out of his body. He then looks up to the Divine Sophia and as he does a Door of bright white light and golden arches appears behind her. A voice sounds from within the Door but also sounds within Christopher himself. It says to him: "I AM the Door. I AM the way into the eternal." The Divine Sophia looks at Christopher and asks him to follow her. She takes the hand of his new body of soul and spirit and together they move toward the Door. As they move into the Door its light becomes brighter and more intense. When they pass through it, sweeping musical tones and an abundance of light that is of a beautiful soft pink-rose color engulfs them. The musical tones and light soon faded and they now find themselves standing in a field of emerald green grass with golden daylilies. In the far distance, they can see a blue crystal city. It is the most beautiful city he has ever seen. The Divine Sophia now tells him to think deeply about traveling beyond the meadow towards the city. He does and they suddenly appear before the gates of the blue crystal city.