The blind man now reflects upon two incidences that have occurred to Rosenkreutz before his arrival to see him. They are the metamorphosis of the red rose and the transfiguration of the white dove. He tells him that the blood reflects and contains humanity’s highest spiritual forces and that the red rose is a symbolic picture of the blood of humanity. The red rose illustrates the luciferic impulses in human souls which reflect themselves in the blood. When the entire soul takes up the Christ Impulse the blood of humanity will no longer be as the blood we have now but will become a spiritual force of the Christ Light in our souls. The transfigured rose is a picture of the regeneration of our souls by our own EGO-I AM. Once again with the Christ all things will be changed to reflect the Light of the Christ as will our souls and blood reflect It; as did the transfigured dove and rose.
This luciferic force in the world is one of the opposing powers to the Christ. However, Lucifer’s power is slowly waning and it will continue to do so. Though it does not appear so on earth, in the higher worlds one can see Lucifer’s attack on the world slowly retreating since the Advent of the Christ on earth. Another opposing power to Christ is called Satan. This being is called the Dragon; the Beast. He was a great being, who during the period of the Atlantean Age, was cast out of the sphere of the sun as he became an opposing power to the Elohim. Michael the archangel defeated him then and he was cast towards the earth sphere and dwelled in the etheric realm of the earth. [Satan has been in the realm of the earth for great ages but he has never been as dominant as Lucifer until the 15th century when humanity’s intellectual powers began to increase greatly. It is through the intellect that Satan has his power. It is through the passions that Lucifer has his.]
Here Satan will oppose the Christ in this realm immediately prior to the last century of this millennium says the blind man. He will once again meet Michael in battle in this realm where the Christ will have His Being. When he is again defeated by Michael, Satan will then be cast to a realm below the surface of the earth. [ This battle had taken place between 1841 to 1879]. The blind man continues by saying this will be the beginning of a great period of materialism and secularism. Human beings will begin to see themselves as super-structures of natural physical causes ‘only’ and will begin to forget their divine origins. They will no longer believe they are descendants of the Holy Trinity and the divine hierarchies. Their thoughts, feelings and deeds will be turned to the quest, conquering and understanding of the material-physical world only. They will come under the spell of Satan who wishes to turn the vision of humanity away from the divine worlds and at the same time remove the Light of the Christ out of the souls of humans. By doing so, Satan will be able to create through humanity a world of his own on earth. A world that could never complete its original mission: the mission of evolving both Love and Free Will; the mission of humanity.