The red rose lies close to him. At this time the black wooden cross transfigures into an ethereal white cross and the seven red roses become seven golden ethereal roses. A soft white light now shines down upon the body of Rosenkreutz from the ethereal Rose Cross and the red rose that lies near him becomes a golden rose and then soon vanishes. When the golden rose is gone Rosenkreutz’s soul rises out of his body and ascends to the ceiling of the chapel. It then continues to rise out of the chapel and beyond it. His soul continues rising while the trees, streams, ponds and meadows come into view. Out in the distance, the village can also be seen as the moon casts its light over everything.
Finally, he has risen to such heights that he can now perceive the entire earth while his ascent carries him towards the sphere of the moon. At this time, Rosenkreutz begins to pass into a condition where he begins to have visions of all the past events of his life. In one panoramic view each single event is contained in a separate sphere of spiritual light. Some of these spheres of light which hold his life’s major events appear quite close while others are at a farther distance. He swiftly passes through these images that hold his past life.
His ascent then takes him beyond the moon and out towards the sun as he passes Venus and Mercury. Rising ever higher he is now ascending towards the sun. [It should be noted that when one passes through the sphere of the sun after physical death the soul has been relinquished because one has passed out of the soul world which extends from the earth to the sun and that within and beyond the sphere (spiritual sphere) of the sun and out into the constellations, one is in spirit only.
Space as we know it is merely an outer physical manifestation of the unseen spiritual spheres that lay behind it. It should also be noted that every human individual is a threefold being. That is, each individual consists of body, soul and spirit. The soul acts as a mediator between the body and the spirit. The soul gives us the capacity to think, feel and act.
The spirit is the true and innermost self of the individual. It is what is eternal in us and it is what incarnates after its sojourn (between death and rebirth) through the higher spheres which are our true home after physical death. At the time of physical death, the soul and spirit relinquish the physical body. As they pass through higher spiritual spheres they progress toward the spiritual sphere of the sun where the spirit of the individual relinquishes its soul (as the soul dissipates uniformly into the greater soul realms) and the spirit ( one’s individual EGO-I AM) continues alone in the higher worlds of spirit.]
As he passes into the sun he sees the exalted beings of the sun. These divine beings radiate intense light while filling the spiritual worlds with their activity and light. As he rises even higher he moves out beyond the planets and towards the constellations. All the while there are greater beings that he sees as he continues his ascent into the spiritual worlds. [The order of the divine hierarchies in ascending order is as follows: Angels, Archangels, Archai, Exusiai (the Elohim; the beings that exist in the spiritual sphere of the sun), Mights, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. Beyond the divine hierarchies is the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.] As Rosenkreutz rises through the spiritual worlds he sees that the higher the order of the divine beings, the more powerful and brilliant in appearance they are.