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The Parousia of Christ in 1933-1945

For years I always found that within the Society I never could get a good esoteric explanation of the events that transpired in Europe in the first half of the 20th. century especially the years between 1933 and 1945 until Jesaiah Ben Aharon's book 'The Spiritual Event of the Twentieth Century; the Occult Significance of the Years 1933-1945'.

This was what I had been looking for and now it seems that Bondarev has added his insights into the occult relationships of the events that plagued the world in the first half of the 20th. century especially in middle and eastern Europe. The core of these tragedies were in middle Europe and not without significance and meaning. Middle Europe and more particularly the German speaking peoples were the focal point for the development of the human EGO-I AM in this age. It was also not without significance that Anthroposophy therefore had its origins in middle Europe among the German speaking peoples.

The question was whether enough people were going to take up a new spiritual impulse that was congruent with the Time Spirit of our age or were they going to revert to the old impulses of nationalism.

Anthroposophy is NOT merely a new teaching. Rather, it was borne out of a living evolutionary impulse that had come into the world with its focal point in middle Europe at the time of the Age of Michael, the end of Kali Yuga and immediately prior to the Second Coming of the Etheric Christ. It is not coincidental that Nazism rose in middle Europe at this time (1933) when quietly a new world view and understanding had just been presented to middle Europe.

Steiner spoke of the 1930's and 1940's as a time when many souls were to have the opportunity and capacity to experience the Etheric Christ as this time was to be a time that would be very propitious for an Etheric Christ experience and despite the tragedies some did have this experience (the beginning of AA as an example).

Steiner went on to say that this event would be opposed by occultic brotherhoods that were primarily located in England along with their branches in America. They were to see to it that the spiritual impulses that would be coming into the world during this period were to be obfuscated as strongly as possible. He also mentioned in his lecture cycle on the Book of Revelation to the Christian Community priests that the world would have to face the rising of the Beast before it could experience the Christ and that this 'rising of the Beast' would begin its time in 1933.

As we all know W.W.II culminated in the usage of atomic weaponry. Interestingly the date of the drop on Hiroshima was August 6 (1945). It has been a long standing tradition in some Christian faiths that August 6 is recognized as the Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor.

Some chronologists date the Transfiguration differently than August 6, however, the traditional date and the attack on Hiroshima raises intriguing parallels.

If Jesaiah ben Aharon is correct in his assessment of the spiritual events between 1933-1945 we then have an event that is somewhat repetitious of the Transfiguration but that it is now the beginning of the Transfiguration of the earth as the earth has now begun its course of evolution as an etheric earth/sun planetary sphere. While this was taking place in the earth's etheric realm we had at the same time its complete antithesis here on earth in the physical realm.

In this culmination, in the etheric, life-giving, etheric-sun forces were enveloping the earth from _above_ while on the surface of the earth death forces from _below_ the earth's surface (fission of plutonium) were utilized for the purposes of mass destruction.

All three primary entities America/England, Germany and Russia (along with others of course) were to be involved in the division of Europe and the obfuscation of what Robert termed the "Parousia" of the period of 1933-1945. I would like to repeat that the cabals that Steiner spoke of that held sway in England and America have as one of their primary objectives in seeing to it that the world comes under the influence of the west and that they would use whatever means they could to lock the world into its present stage of the consciousness soul while at the same time corrupting the consciousness soul such that the world could not advance to the next cultural age; the sixth cultural age which is to be lead by the Slavic peoples of eastern Europe and Russia.

I agree that in a sense what appears to be a benevolent side and a malevolent side is deceptive. That was the deception of W.W.II. All sides ultimately were involved in this world crises even if they were, openly conscious of it or unknowingly manipulated by it. Could I be so bold as to say that Hitler was possibly merely a puppet on the world stage? He was an individual who was consumed by and addicted to power in whatever form he could attain for mostly himself and secondly for the 'Fatherland' . He was an individual who was ripe (karmically) for this mission of devastating and eventually dividing Europe. And if if weren't Hitler then the next individual in line for this mission may have been Rudolf Hess.

I would not say that the Beast pertained to any one individual but rather to the world crises as a whole. In Jesaiah ben Aharon's book he speaks of the mission of the Christ's etheric presence (parousia). In His first coming Christ overcame the forces of death. In this second advent the mission is to understand and overcome evil which is the mission of humanity in the age of the consciousness soul. Ben Aharon had said that Christ died to evil in that He united Himself to the Beast in a Manichaen sacrifice. The seed of goodness is now within the core of evil which now gives evil the seed force of its own demise.

This has been for me a long standing question that I needed to get some kind of answer to it. We know from Steiner that world events are reflections of higher spiritual events. Events such as those twelve years and we could even say the entire first half of the twentieth century certainly had their spiritual reflections.

I don't think that Steiner ever really was specific as to whether those in the Brotherhoods of the Black Arts are supersensible beings or incarnated beings. We do know that Lenin was taught in the west and was prepared to do his work under some form of tutelage. I'm going to assume that physically incarnated beings were a part of his 'initiation' and preparation. We also know that Steiner spoke of specific forms of preparation that were used to obliterate the conscience of individuals so that they were capable of doing whatever was asked of them. Here again I am assuming that incarnated individuals were there to do this type of preparation. That doesn't mean to say that there were not beings who were also present in a supersensible form. This we know from Steiner's revelations about Ghengis Khan and his luciferic initiation. From what I gather from this revelation there may have been supersensible beings involved in such an initiation. This corresponds to Steiner's mentioning of a luciferic cabal deeply hidden in the east which may be within the Himalayan mountains. This raises the issue of the Roerich expedition that went into the Himalayans (in the early twentieth century) and may have been to this very locale. It is said that they then had letters of some sort which they supposedly gave over to the Kremlin and to F.D. Roosevelt.

I know Steiner often spoke of the manipulation of the media by these brotherhoods and how they can affect the biases and prejudices of people and bring people into a condition in which they are completely oblivious to the fact that they are thinking in a group-like consciousness. The fanning of the flames of nationalism and the anti-Jewish propaganda in Germany were prime examples. I remember that Steiner had cited this tactic (media manipulation) more than once.

Returning to the question of physical or supersensible beings I would think that this possibly operates at various levels. There are those who are physically incarnated but they do have supersensible contact with other beings both non-physical humans and other adversarial higher beings. The contact that these brotherhoods have with the external world is accessed through possibly many different personages.

We have come to the time when 100 years have passed from the time when Steiner began teaching. I thought that he said that this would be the time when there would be a coalescence of aristotelians and platonists and that Anthropsophy would be moving into another phase or level. Much if not most is dependent I'm sure on our own achievements as students of Anthroposophy.

However, there is one more point I would like to address in regard to the 100 year fruition principle. We know about the individual Caspar Hauser. He was murdered in 1833. It was a murder with occultic ramifications. Wasn't it the mission of Caspar Hauser to initiate a new and higher form of Christianity (in a religious form) in Europe that would supersede both Catholicism and Protestantism? This new Christianity would work into the heart forces of the European peoples beginning in central Europe and spreading west and east. Then at the beginning of the twentieth century Anthroposophy would have had a much more fertile ground in which to establish itself. Thereby the heart and head forces of many European people would have had these new impulses living within. This then raises the question of what seemed to be Steiner's untimely and premature death before being able to take Anthroposophy to the year 1933. Jesaiah ben Aharon does speak of these 8 missing years that were detrimental to the complete establishment of Anthroposophy on earth. In 1833 we had the murder of Caspar Hauser in central Europe and 100 years later in 1933 we had the antitheses of Caspar Hauser in Adolf Hitler.

Rick Distasi 2002