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Scuba Trish's Photography Page


I love taking pictures. It grants me the opportunity to share my unique perpective. It allows me a justifiable reason to stop and really attend to the moment. It allows me to relive the moment whenever I view the photo.

My photos are on all of my pages. I think that may be why I make so many pages but I will collect the photo safari pages and put them into a table near the bottom so that you can skip the chatter and just see some of my favourites.

Photo enthusiasts, will find these pages to be the most interesting.


Don't laugh at my cameras. I have the eye for the shot but not the means for the expensive camera. It is what I see not what I use.

I have a Minolta Freedom 100 for those backup shots. I used to carry it always and have some really great pictures with amazing colour from a beaten and bruised 'point and shoot'. This camera was given to me second-hand probably 10 years ago. It has travelled all over the place, Canada, USA, it even went to Finland without me. It has been in the Paijanne Tunnel and on top of Mountains. It has been on all the rides at Disney, and Canada's Wonderland. It has electrical tape as a back up on the battery cover latch, but otherwise this little camera is excellent.

It also started my passion for photography.


Port Colborne at the Welland Canal

My digital camera is an Olympus D40 Zoom. I carry it with me all the time. I love taking photos. Once again it is basically point and shoot. I make adjustments to my settings very rarely. Night shots, and macros have been my most challenging endeavour.

Rainbow Bridge!

The St. Lawrence under a full moon.

I like the fact that you can look at the little monitor as a view finder. It allows me to view the image when the camera must be in a place where use of the eye piece was impossible. A compact mirror is a handy thing to carry in the camera bag.

Niagara Falls post office

The original Niagara Falls Post office.

Post Office

I stuck my arm and camera in a foot long hole in a wall to get this interior shot.

I also really enjoy the remote control. When I go for walks or get a shot with me in it, I can use the remote control and take it from up to 20 feet away. A recommendation would include a longer wait before the remote's sensor times itself out.


I played at halloween.

When I feel that I qualify for a more technical, higher quality camera, I will get one, but for now, I just love taking pictures. It is a wonderful way to chronical those "stop and smell the roses" moments.

frozen fog

The fog attached to the trees and made great macro shots.

My one complaint. There is a lag time between clicking the button and the photograph actually being taken. This makes things difficult. Many shots are missed simply due to the fact that the moment is lost before the shutter clicks.

Car Ride

Driving home from Montreal. One more second and I'd have missed this one.

Want to see more of my photos? Just tour my pages and you will find them everywhere. Want to use one? Please ask me for permission and link it back to me. Want to buy one? Just ask me.

A Flying Saucer!

The Skylon Tower looks like it hovers in the morning fog.

I live in the Niagara Region so I have many local photos. Day trips are wonderful. Some days I set out with a full 4 set change of batteries, a few empty memory cards, and just find photo opportunities. I call it a photo safari. It might mean a trip to Niagara Falls, or a walk by one of the lakes. It could be a drive through Effingham, or stroll through the Butterfly conservatory.

The Butterfly Conservatory gives a very colourful fare to the photographers palate.

The weather is often mood enhancing, so it doesn't matter what kind of environment you are in. There is always something beautiful, or powerful, or otherwise intriguing, to take a picture of.

snow icing!

Snow, spread thick and generously on a rough fence, looks almost creamy in this shot.

Photos of the Niagara Region
Altered Reality


The Horticultural Centre

Drip!Home My ScubaTrish Homepage.
Drip!Who I am! What I do! A bit about me, and links to my other sites.
Drip!My Dives information about dives and wrecks, photos and links
Drip!My Skydiving Page pictures of my skydiving experience.
Drip!My Health "Start-Up" Page a beginner's guide to health, nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction
Drip!My Tobermory Page One of Ontario's best diving, camping, and hiking spots.
Drip!My Niagara Page information and photographs of local spots, activities, cycling routes, and tourism links.
Drip!My Flight Page information and photographs of aircraft and flights taken recently.

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