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What a Wonderful World ...

What a Wonderful World Please be patient as song and graphics load. Thank you!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Have I ever told you how the earth began?
It wasn't magic or slight of hand

It began with a brilliant burst of light
The heavens swirled at My delight

Earth was formed, the mountains rose
Each breath taking sunset, for you I choose.

I did this all for you, can't you see?
So that you would spend forever with Me

But you have chosen to look away
In all of your "humanism", you've gone astray.

You think that you can be independent and be free
But when this life is over you shall see...

Eternity with Me is where you should be
however to see the Kingdom, you must KNOW Me.

~The Great I AM~
By Tina Peterson 2000

Lest we forget.....
© by Bob Macchia

For all the love You give me,
I know I am not worthy of,
for all the strength You send me,
from the heavens up above..

Lord I am not worthy,
of all You do for me.
A perfect human being,
I know I'll never be.

But I thank You for my family,
my luxuries are not so few.
I kneel and pray every day,
to thank and praise only You.

Most of us don't realize,
the blessings that You send,
some of these blessings are in disguise,
from now until the end.

We know You love all of us,
no matter how imperfect we may be.
Your undying care and thoughtfullness,
is always appreciated by me. All rights reserved (C)1999

Please feel free to visit my other pages~

The Time is at Hand You Are Beautiful
Ocean Paradise In Honor of My Child Within
She Soars on Wings as Angels The River is Here!
Unfolding a Rosebud Does He Live in YOU?
A Child's Prayer In Remembrance

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My deepest appreciation to the generous givers of these awards. I thank you!! Please click on each award to visit their sites!
In His Love, Tina
(Please be sure to visit this first site..
Bob Macchia's poetry is beautiful and an inspiration to all!)

In acknowledgement of the poets on this entire site..

As this award honors achievement in writing,

I would like to sincerely thank Michelle, Bob Macchia,

and the Holy Spirit within Me for the beautiful words

that grace these pages. ~Tina

Some of my favorite sites....

Bob Macchia's Poetry/Lovestories
~~~Forgive Them~~~