Paparazzo's Exhibition

Photography is a hobby of mine. I plan on taking a class to learn some different techniques. However, it's just for fun, so I try not to take it too seriously. Some of these pictures have been manipulated (some are quite obvious) by either myself or other people. I try to give credit where credit is due.

01. Lady Lauren: You'd think I was stalking her with all these pictures!
02. Glamour Lips: Clint photo by me, with touch-ups by Lauren.
03. Maiden's Profile: Lauren is almost too photogenic.
04. Blurry Joe: Not a very creative title, but you know what you're getting.
05. Shadowed Tyler: The mute lead singer of Fault.
06. Hall of Friends: Questionable title... considering some of the subjects pictured.
07. Red Richard: Remember that game from your childhood?
08. 4 String Marionette: Choke that puppet. More Fault pictures.
09. Cardamom Je Ne Sais Quoi: Joe rippin' it up on the bass. Nice title huh?
10. Sonic Boom: His voice can break the sound barrier.
11. Rock&Roll is Devil's Music: Lucky shot of Richard at a Fault gig.
12. Bubble in the Blue Sky: No bullets here, sorry Bono.
13. Hidden Agenda: She's up to something. Nice beige hue.
14. Taurus Temptation: The ever perfect model, Lauren.
15. Gentle Acceptance: More like exceptance. You think you know a person...
16. Smoking Results in Loss of Motor Skills: Smoking sucks.
17. Chap-o-sticky Dreamin': Lauren on my bed, bathroom provides the lighting source.
18. Bubble Kingdom: Lauren worked her magic for the special effects.
19. Imagination Sky: Manipulated by me. Photo shop isn't my speciality, obviously.
20. Shadowed Thoughts: Color intensived picture I took of Richard in my room.
21. Ice Cave: Picture of me that I manipulated with PSP. Nothing fancy.
22. Mock Moby: A pretty boring picture of my ex-boyfriend. Yawn.

Me-ism * Eros * Elite * Anonymous * Versification * Belles-lettres * Paparazzo * Anime * Bravura * Phantasmagoria * Extracurricular * Menology
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