Eccentric's Versification

This is a very pathetic sample of my nuncupative snapshots transposed into words; those I've took the initiative to transcribe, of course. I have been writing poetry since I was about 11 years old. That doesn't mean it's all been amazing, but I write because I enjoy it. I don't know if I am a good writer, but it's a process that helps me. Writing allows me to release emotions and I recommend it to anyone. For more ramblings, please feel free to visit and perform an author search of my name: Toni Patrick.

Departure of Love
Dedicated to a 13 year old's puppy love

His eyes shine so bright,
Outcast the stars at night.
Forever smile,
Upon my heart.
Hold him close,
Never to part.
Church bells toll,
For Sirens Sing.
Harps that play,
And Cupids bring.
The love that lasts,
An eternity is past.
Alas --
I know no love,
Feel no pain.
I shut my eyes,
Succumb to the strain.
And I shall remain,
Forever lonely of heart.

Empyrean Paladin
The universe that can be found in the arms of another.

My darling angel,
Heaven sent.
Given me a guide,
Someone strong and divine.
Protect me
Love me
Cover me,
Embrace me in your wings.
Made of mud for me.
Took my ribs,
To birth my half.

Alter egos, exaggerated beasts, untamable animals: Use passion goggles.

I cannot deny, I will not deny . . .
This amorousness.
Deep within, a fire burns
A desire exists.
My passion shan't be doused!
I always get what I want
I will devour this candy,
I will devour your delicate heart!
You will give up to me,
You will surrender to me
Whatever I please.
Catalyze your uxoriousness
Beyond diplomacy
I will dominate you.

Handle with Care
Minimal assembly required

Curse these eyes that may not,
Feast upon your figure.
Lord, bind these hands that must not,
Yield to your caress.
Loathe this tongue that dare not,
Praise thy sincerity.
Damn these ears that can not,
Flutter to your madrigal.
Oh, woe is me . . .
I know not,
What love is!
Please, show me gently.

Le Sfere Sensuali
Sowing the seeds of misconception

Yearning to taste your fruits
Have them shiver with delight
Quiver with ecstasy
Inside my mouth
Giggle juice down my chin
Sticky sweet, soft petite
Dainty lips with tiny napkins
Feminine finger tips
Providing more delicious treats
Bursting between my teeth
Giggle water tickle tongue
With sweet pleasures
These tiny treasures
The Gods dubbed - Grapes

Lover's Exchange
Dedicated to Gabriel Anthony Cancino and everything he has done for me.

You made me into something . . .
Something you can't miss!
People notice now, your handy work.
Your palms gave birth,
To this porcelain disk.
Those fingertips drew my smile,
Sticky tongue'd oceans of diamond blue.
You made this paradigm,
This lovely white creature.
You made me; this goddess before you.
You dabble in my mind,
And swim in the pools of my eyes.
Taste the honey river,
That flows across my lips.
For creating this Aphrodite body,
Topped with locks of frost and twisted humor,
In exchange, for creating me . . .
You reside inside my heart
And dance with my soul,
For all eternity.

My Little Something

Have courage little little one,
My little little boy.
I'll make you a man,
I'll make you remember.
Never close those wide wide eyes,
Never deny me.

O! That Mouth
Drugstore Cowboy talks a good game

O that enchanting song,
Strings me along.
Those smooth cushions,
Invite me in awhile.
You silver tongue'd superman,
Pleasure my passion fruit.
Insatiably imbibe
The sugar water shower
. . . that descends.
Captivate me, intoxicate me
With that mouth of yours.
Perfect lips that vibrate
Lyrics of love.
Sweet saliva coats
Each supple pillow.
Your erotic mouth . . .
Can be harsh,
So please keep it shut!

Repression of Obsession
Insalubrious idée fixe

My eyes are an inferno,
Passion and desire tangle.
Relentless longing turns obsession,
O how I crave, O how I ache!
Dare I partake of the honey dew,
That burns upon such dainty lips?
Such a petite creature you are.
Ivory skin shelters innocent thoughts,
Smooth and pure with creamy center.
I long to restrain your quivering,
Milk white thighs.
With my oversized brute hands,
I yearn to tear those ribbons a sunder.
Crack that delicate pelvic bone,
Devour your precious virgin petals.

Shaped by the Hands of Love

You change me,
You rearrange me,
You shake me,
And you shape me.
You made me yours,
And yours alone.
I walk higher now,
I stride with confidence.
You gave me power,
You gave me pride.
You gave me spirit,
You gave me soul.
You gave me all these gifts,
And all I have to give you . . .
Is my heart.

Shreds of Steam

Shreds of steam,
Encompassing me.

Devour this delicate heart.
In moments of ecstasy,
Or delay and pain.

Child hoping, hospital cure
Incarcerated, postponed parole
Harsh and heavy, stinking shreds of steam
Permeate my nasal cavities, asphyxiating me
Till I am sick with the stench of the steam.

Poor-poor kids, With poor-poor parents
Sweat poor-ing, Ooz-ing
Pores vomiting the essence of worried-passion-waiting.
Shreds of shower steam, pressing the wrinkles in my face
Film building in my oculus,
Cannot see with eyes unclouded by hate.

Uttered Under Ballad of Breath
Amor inaudible.

I caught a glimpse of you,
A fleeting sign today.
Dreaming so intensely,
Thought I could feel you.

O, to hold you this moment. . .
Clinging bond with lovers' glue.
I am your Freya Venus, To beloved Ganymede.
Never stop the flowing buttercups
Suckle your lips with my eagerness, My fervor.

Dancing swinging sway from that string,
Dangles from your bottom lip.
Wash my mind with those profound
Words, presentations and puppet plays.
This blue baby bird needs your nectar,
Craves your attention.

Me-ism * Eros * Elite * Anonymous * Versification * Belles-lettres * Paparazzo * Anime * Bravura * Phantasmagoria * Extracurricular * Menology
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