Tenchi Masaki

The story surrounding Tenchi is very complex, with many turns and spin offs. The name Tenchi-Muyo suggests that there is "No Need for Tenchi", but that's not entirely true. Without him, who would be guardian of earth? However, Tenchi isn't the center of the shows attention. He makes brief appearances with little dialogue. Tenchi's grandfather is Katsuhito (Yosho), who was Ayeka's long lost, betrothed brother from Jurai. Yosho came to earth during a battle with Ryoko 700 years ago. He eventually stayed on earth and had a daughter named Achika Masaki, Tenchi's mother. Achika died when Tenchi was very young because she sacrificed her Jurai life force to protect the world from Kain (Tenchi in Love movie). However, before she died, Achika left Tenchi a very mysterious crystal. When activated, the crystal transforms into a powerfully dangerous sword, in order to effectively protect the earth. Tenchi's loving yet cowardly pop is Nobuyuki Masaki.

Tenchi is a very loving, gentle soul, which ironically gets him into more trouble/danger. By being nice to others, people get the wrong idea about him. That's why everyone is in love with Tenchi! He showed great kindness and concern for Ryoko so she naturally fell under his charms. He was polite and respectful to Ayeka, so she fell madly/obsessively in love with him. Sasami loves Tenchi too, but she's more discreet about her true feelings, unlike the other bossy loud mouths living at the Shrine. He was always supportive and sensitive to Washu, so she too, fell head over heels for the boy. Mihoshi and Kiyone aren't as public about their feelings (save a few instances), but he's always understanding about their bad luck and gives them free room and board. Tenchi is just that kind of guy! (Even tho in the Tenchi in Tokyo series, he was very flighty and rude because he found Sakuya. I didn't like his attitude in that series because he was a lot more short with all the girls in his life, leading them on). Regardless, the crystal charm that I mentioned early is so dangerous that each of the 6 girls living at the Masaki Shrine takes a sliver of the crystal to wear around their wrists. This makes the family cosmically connected, meaning that all 6 of those girls finding their way to the Masaki Shrine to live with Tenchi was no coincidence. When the charms are separated, they become weak and the earth is vulnerable to attack (as demonstrated by Yugi in Tenchi in Tokyo. She separated the Masaki family in order to take over the world. However, the crystals brought all the members back together. The power of their connection was stronger than Yugi).

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