
Yosho is the samurai that drove the demon space pirate Ryoko to earth 700 years ago. Yosho was the 1st crown royal prince of the Jurai family and was betrothed to marry his younger half-sister Ayeka. However, when he moved to earth, he had several wives and children (so they say). Regardless, the only important child he had was Achika, Tenchi's mother. She's the focus of the Tenchi in Love movie. Since she died at a very young age, after sacrificing her Jurai life force to save earth, she is only seen in flashbacks. Nobuyuki, Achika's husband, is of some distant relation to Yosho as well, but it's considered of high moral standards to inter-marry in royal families, especially on Jurai (even tho Nobuyuki's relationship to Yosho isn't made too clear, except for his son-in-law status). Yosho is a great swordsman and guardian, so he trains Tenchi to follow in his foot steps. Katsuhito, as everyone calls him, seems to know everything, even though he keeps fairly quiet and to himself. Yosho has an extremely dry sense of humor and a keen sense of observation and intuition. He's extremely interesting because he's a complete mystery. The above picture of Yosho is the way he is represented in the series, however, that is just a disguise. One episode in particular, he reveals himself to his mother, Queen Funaho, after she tracks him down. The characters in this series are old, but don't physically age like one would expect (just look at Washu). Yosho actually looks quite youthful to be so old. However, without the water and tree of Jurai, he is aging and will die.

Another bit of info, Queen Funaho is Yosho's earthling mother from Jurai, however, Funaho is also the name of the ship Yosho flew to earth in, while chasing Ryoko. Jurai spaceships have central control centers, or "brains". These systems are giant trees that reside inside the spaceship itself, and if the ship crashes and remains dismantled for too long, the tree takes root in the ground. Memory banks and logs can be accessed long afterwards. It is the same giant holy tree of the Masaki Shrine. Prayer flags hang from it and they say if you make a wish at the tree on the night of a full moon, it'll come true. And if you pray to the tree for rain, it will happen. In the TV series, Tenchi carries Ayeka (and her sprained ankle) to the tree to look for clues as to the where abouts of Yosho. She taps the handle of the Tenchi-ken on the tree to view it's memory banks. The flashback plays the scene where Yosho crashes to earth and strips a possessed Ryoko of her last Jurai gem. This leads Ayeka to believe that Yosho is alive somewhere on Earth. Later, in episode 5 of the TV series, it's confirmed that he is really her brother Yosho.

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