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ARCHEOASTRONOMY: Egypt ~ Mars Series

By Christopher Montgomery and the staff at UFORCE

MARS CITY IMAGE SERIES is a compilation of images that have been forwarded to us by our staff and volunteers at the UFO Resource Center. A special thanks to all of those involved in this project.


SURFACE SCANS: Virtual Space Exploration


(Reference #1).

MARS RESEARCH:Presented by Christopher Montgomery

PHOBOS II: UFO Magazine Archives
Did a UFO really knock out a Soviet Satellite?  Preface by UFORCE Director,  article & image courtesy  Don Vecker, UFO Magazine Archives SEE... PHOBOS II: UFO

MARS UFO ENHANCEMENTS brought to you by our team of dedicated researchers and image analysts. VIEW THE LATEST MARS UFO ENHANCEMENTS;

MARS CITY, EGYPT Compare these stunning photographs of ancient Egyptian runes(below), with the images taken of Mars (above). Egyptian ruins are remarkably similar to features found on Mars, especially those found at the Cydonia region. This was popularized by the well known writer Richard C. Hoagland, who did an extensive study on Cydonia (reference #2)


Reference #1: AVSE_2000; A Virtula Space Explorer, Mike Van Dusen; UFORCE correspondent and satellite imaging Research, [uforce] THE MARS PROJECT;

Reference #2: Richard C. Hoagland: The Enterprise Mission website,"Mission to Mars": The NASA/Touchstone Version of "The Monuments of Mars?"

Reference #3: "MISSION TO MARS": Hollywood version of a manned Marian mission to Mars, similar to the one proposed to President Clinton in the [uforce] petition drive in 1999.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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