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Since January of 2002, ECHO has not been maintained due to lack of time. I (Abby) apologize for this and would like to get ECHO active again. Also, I am sorry if you are a new member and just recieved your welcome letter. So any new members, please tell any horsie friends you might have about us and encourage them to join. I alone cannot make this club active, the members have to. In the event my schedule proves too hectic to keep ECHO going, I will be looking for someone to take over my position as webmistress. This would not require any previous knowledge of web design or maitenance. If you are interested please e-mail me:

Since ECHO is "restarting" all current members must re-apply. If you joined ECHO before June 2002, then you must re-apply. This is so we have an updated database of active members.

There are many unfinished sections of ECHO and You can help finish them! If you have an amusing, touching, or inspiring horse-related story, please e-mail it to me so it can be posted on the webpage!

I would like to get chat nite going again. I will leave the time and day as it is right now, unless I recieve numerous e-mails that it will not work for most members.

I will start trivia again on Sunday, August 18, so please play! Everyone will start fresh, in other words, all previous points are erased.

Also on Sunday I will start the ECHO poll again. Please remember to vote!

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