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Roswell Bodies and crash reports

This is a list of the UFO crashes up to 1992 with recovery information: researched by the Phoenix foundation


Unknown -   Beaver Oklahoma (ancient crash sight still believed by some to be buried under Sand Hills of Beaver State Park )                                                 Bodies Unknown

Unknown -  Steppes Mountains (ancient crash sight..some wreckage  reported recovered in Arch. dig 1956                                                                            No Bodies

August if 1897 Aurora, Texas                                                      1 Body -buried in Local cemetary

July 4,1947 Roswell, New Mexico 4 Bodies

Feb 13,1948 Aztec, New Mexico 12 Bodies

July 7,1948 Mexico, so. of Laredo 1 Body

1949 Roswell, New Mexico 1 ET Living

1952 Spitzenbergen, Norway 2 Bodies

Aug 14,1952 Ely, Nevada 16 Bodies

Sept 10,1950 Albuquerque, New Mexico 3 Bodies

April 18,1953 S.W. Arizona No Bodies

May 20,1953 Kingman, Arizona 1 Body

June 19,1953 Laredo, Texas 4 Bodies

July 10,1953 Johofnisburg S. Africa 5 Bodies

Oct 13,1953 Dutton, Montana 4 Bodies

May 5,1955 Brighton, England 4 Bodies

July 18,1957 Carlsbad, New Mexico 4 Bodies

1961 Timmensdorfer, Germany 12 Bodies

June 12,1962 Holloman, AFB, New Mexico 2 Bodies

Nov 10,1964 Ft. Riley, Kansas 9 Bodies

Oct 27,1966 N.W. Arizona 1 Body

1966-1968 5 Crashes IN/KY/OH/ area 3 Bodies and Disc Intact

July 18,1972 Morroco Sahara Desert 3 Bodies

July 10,1973 NW Arizona 5 Bodies

Aug 25,1974 Chihuahua, Mexico Bodies and Disc intact

May 12,1976 Australian Desert 4 Bodies

June 22,1977 NW Arizona 5 Bodies

April 5,1977 SW Ohio 11 Bodies

Aug 17,1977 Tobasco, Mexico 2 Bodies

May 1978 Bolivia No Bodies

Nov 1988 Afghanistan 7 Bodies

May 1989 South Africa 2 ET Living

June 1989 South Africa 2 ET Living Disc Intact

July 1989 Siberia 9 ET Living

Sept 2,1990 Megas Platonos, Greece ?

Nov 1992 Long Island , New York ?

This is a brief synopsis of UFO Crash reports and military retrievals. Many of these reports have not been investigated and could be the subject of future research.

1. July 4, 1947 (Roswell, NM) Most famous of the UFO Crash cases and most thoroughly investigated. William (Mac) Brazel, a local rancher, reported hearing a loud explosion during the night of a thunderstorm. The next day Brazel found a debris field on his ranch. Word reached Major Jesse Marcel at the Roswell Army Air Field and he investigated. Marcel reported finding a debris field scattered over a mile. The material recovered from the debris included small beams with heiroglyphics on them; metal that was as light as balsa wood, but couldn't be dented with a sledge hammer, although flexible. The material would not burn. The scrap material was flown to Carswell AFB in Fort Worth. Witnesses have described a second site where the main body of the craft was found along with the bodies of its crew.

2. Oct, 1947 (Cave Creek, AZ) Not much is known about this crash. There is still one living witness in Prescott, AZ.

3. Mar 25, 1948 (Aztec, NM) Though still considered a hoax by most researchers, others have left the door open on this one. A new first-hand witness has been found in Las Vegas. Story is that a large disc said to be 99 feet in diameter came down in Hart Canyon and that a military recovery team was dispatched from Durango, CO.

4. Mar 1948 (Socorro, NM) A second craft came down in this vicinity that was much like the Aztec craft according to an ex-army private.

5. Aug 14, 1952 a disc crashed near Ely, NV, and 16 bodies were recovered.

6. May 20, 1953 (Kingman, AZ) An engineer who reported this event said 1 or 2 bodies were recovered. He rode a bus with darkened windows from the Nevada Test Site to the crash location. The disc was found embedded in the sand and canted at an angle. His job was to determine the disc's trajectory and velocity.

There have been rumors of additional crashes including a controversial report of a South African Mirage jet fighter shooting down a disc over the Kalahari Desert in Botswana on May 7, 1989. There are also reports of a disc crash inChihuahua, Mexico on August 25, 1974 and one in Megas Platanos on September 2, 1990 in central Greece. Few of these reports have been investigated as thoroughly as Roswell, but that does not mean they should be dismissed.

An FBI MEMO from March 22, 1950 alludes to 3 saucers recovered in New Mexico. This memo also states that it was believed that a radar station interferred with the saucers' control mechanisms causing them to crash. If that is true, then such a discovery would suggest the idea of a weapon that could be used to bring saucers down.

7. In Beaver Oklahoma crash sight (alleged) believed to be the cause or effect of  phenomena known as the "Beaver Sands Portal." A supposed  dimensional door way to  other  worlds first experienced by native Americans of the area, and then white men starting with Coronado's Expedition who camped near the sand  dunes. Green light and eerie sensations on the skin  mark this experience, along with a small number of disappearances  in to the Portal spread out over the last 4 centuries.

Here is another file of crashed disks researched by

The Phoenix Foundation:

Alleged UFO Crashes

Copyright 1992 by the Phoenix Foundation. All rights reserved.

The following list of UFO crashes was compiled by the Phoenix Foundation from numerous sources within the Gemstone Intelligence Network (GIN), an international intelligence organization founded and operated by the Phoenix Foundation. For further information on Phoenix Foundation membership or to receive the organization's newsletter, please contact:

The Phoenix Foundation, Research Division, P.O. Box 92008, Nashville, Tennessee 37209.

April 17, 1897 - Aurora, Texas

A mysterious airship is said to have crashed in this town, exploding into many small fragments. Reportedly, the occupant was child-size and greenish, and the craft contained papers covered with heiroglyphics. The pilot's body is supposed to be buried in the local cemetery. Although the case was widely regarded as a hoax, new investigation brought to light a peculiar alloy that was eventually analyzed by the McDonnell Aircraft Company.

Dec. 22, 1909 - Chicago

Six years after Kitty Hawk, newspapers from New York to Chicago were astounded by national reports of a huge airship flying across the nation and seen by thousands. It crashed west of Chicago, but was never found. The story was front-page news in the nation's major newspapers.

1933 or 1934 - Ubatuba, Brazil Witnesses on a beach are said to have seen a disc dive and explode, showering the area with silvery fragments of highly pure magnesium.

May, 1947 - Spitzbergen, Norway

A report by journalist Dorothy Kilgallen stated that British scientists and airmen were excavating the wreckage of a mysterious flying ship. The Swedish military acknowledged its extraterrestrial origin and reported 17 bodies were found. The story appeared as a tiny blip for only one day in the U.S. news media before it was silenced by the military. I personally saw this news story years ago.

July 2, 1947 - Roswell, New Mexico

The most famous and thoroughly investigated by journalists, this is the crash that launched Majestic-12. It was the first and only time the U.S. government publicly admitted it had recovered a crashed flying saucer. Within hours, the craft was whisked off to Wright-Patterson AFB and a new cover story emerged, claiming it had been only a weather balloon. In recent years, the officer responsible for that cover story has recanted. Three or four humanoid bodies were recovered; one was alive for a short time.

February 13, 1948 - Aztec, New Mexico

Three radar units tracked a falling UFO. Secretary of State George C. Marshall requested a search party be dispatched from Camp Hale in Colorado. A helicopter team found a crashed 30-foot disc 12 miles northeast of Aztec and recovered 2-12 badly burned humanoids. The disc is stored in Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio.

August 1948 - Laredo, Texas

Four officers witnessed the crash of an object and the recovery of bodies 38 miles south of Laredo, Texas, in Mexico. The information came from an NBC affiliate in Chicago, who received it from a source in Army security.

August 19, 1949 - Death Valley, California,

Two prospectors named Mace Garney and Buck Fitzgerald claimed to have watched an object crash in the desert. It was a 24-foot disc. The story appeared on page 13 of the local Bakersfield newspaper the next day.

Before 1950 - Mexico

Roy L. Dimmick, sales manager for the Apache Powder Company of Los Angeles, spoke with a man from Mexico and another from Ecuador who had seen a disc crash near Mexico City.

April 1950 - Argentina

Mr. E.C. Bossa found a strange disc and four small dead pilots in a remote region of Argentina. He returned with a friend the next day and found only a pile of warm ashes. A cigar-shaped object was seen briefly as it flew overhead at a high altitude.

1953 - Brady, Montana

Mr. C.M. Tenney, returning from Great Falls to Conrad, saw an oval object that followed his car while balls of fire fell all over the road. Later that day he was phoned by a colonel from Malmstrom AFB who asked him to come to the base at 10 a.m. the next day. He was escorted to a windowless room inside a fenced-off compound and asked to sign a statement. While doing so, he says he saw two men carrying large laundry bags containing humanoid bodies.

May 21, 1953 - Kingman, Arizona

A USAF veteran claims to have participated in the recovery of a crashed aluminum-like disc impacted 20 inches into the earth. It was oval, 32 feet wide. Inside were two swivel chairs, an oval cabin and numerous instruments. One 4-foot-tall occupant was recovered, dead. It had a dark brown complexion and wore a silvery metal suit with no helmet. The witness' affidavit was released by respected UFO researcher Ray Fowler in UFO Magazine, April 1976.

Mid-1950s - Birmingham, Alabama

When a disc crashed near Birmingham, the area was cordoned off and humanoid bodies were flown to Maxwell AFB, according to a man who claims to have flown the helicopter with the bodies to a waiting aircraft.

Spring 1954 - Mattydale, NY

In this suburb of Syracuse, at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, an information specialist and his wife saw a 20-foot-wide object being examined on the ground by several men who were taking pictures. The next day an officer told them the event was a military secret. Later, police denied the whole incident ever took place.

1959 - Frdynia, Poland

An object was reported to have fallen into the harbor. Divers recovered pieces of shiny metal, which was examined by the Polytechnic Institute and Polish Navy. Some material was reportedly lost. Several days later a small humanoid was found on a nearby beach; its remains were sent to the Soviet Union.

March 1960 - New Paltz, NY

Local law enforcement authorities captured a small humanoid outside his craft while two copilots escaped. The alien was turned over to the CIA and died 28 days later.

January 1967 - Southwest Missouri

A Mr. Loftin found a 40-inch disc and gave it to the U.S. Testing Company for analysis.

November 9, 1974 - Carbondale, NJ

A glowing object fell into a small lake outside town. Three teenagers saw it fall at 7:30 p.m. on a Saturday. They observed a yellow-white glow under the water that shifted to a point 25 feet offshore. The boys were kept in a police car for three hours while a number of vehicles with floodlights and cranes removed a disc-shaped object and put it into a van. The following Monday, a railroad lantern and battery were recovered from the lake and officials called the whole thing a hoax. Hoax? Or cover story?

May 17, 1974 - Chili, NM

An Air Force team allegedly removed a 60-foot-wide metallic object from an impact area and moved it to Kirtland AFB.

May 6, 1978 - Padcaya, Bolivia

A large luminous object crashed on a 13,000-foot mountain. An expedition of soldiers and scientists was dispatched to the site, but was delayed by bad weather. They found nothing.

1978 - Soviet Union

After a collision with a Soviet fighter plane, a disc-shaped object fell into the ocean off Finland, where it was recovered with humanoid bodies - by a Soviet salvage team.

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