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* About Me *

Well, that's me... when I was 5 years old in wildwood. Man that was the place to be in those days! Now, I am 23, and I have a car, house and a dog. We even have bird feeders in our yard! Here are a few things about me...

Name : Maria Angela Gloria
Age : 23
Sex : female
Occupation : Internal sales representative
Country : Canada
Shoe size : us 9
Do you live rural or in a town/city : town - suburbs
Favorite program you watched as a child : Sesame Street
Favorite program you watch now : Family Guy
What annoys you most about the opposite sex : Their refusal to pick up the phone when I call...
What jewellery do you wear : My high school grad ring, diamond earings and necklaces depending on what I'm wearing
Favorite color : blue
Female - Preferably Skirt or Pants : lately it's been skirts, but that's because it's summer!!
Female - Preferably Pantyhose or Bare legged : bare legged, or the thigh high ones...
Female - Preferably Sneakers or Heeled shoes : sneakers or sandals
Female - Preferably Long or Short nails : short, I'm one of those nail biters...
Female - If you have nail polish on now, what color is it : clear french manicure stlye...
Female - Handbag or just purse/wallet : just wallet, purses are a hassle.
Male - Pants or shorts : depends on the weather...
Male - Sneakers or proper shoes : proper shoes are always nice, it makes guys seem taller
Male - Hat or no hat : I'm pro guys in hats
Do you prefer a big night out or a quiet night in : quiet night in... ;o) although I've been enjoying myself a lot on those big nights out recently!
If there is one thing you could wish for what would it be : I really want to go on vacation down south with my bf...

UPDATE May 2001: We did come back with a medal from the Canadian Championships in Winnipeg. We lost 21-25, only a 4 goal difference to Alberta for the gold medal. So I have a beautiful, heavy, Silver Medal hanging on my wall now!

Update November 2001: The Laval Junior Girls Handball team has qualified to attend the May 2002 Canadian Championships to be held in Saskatchewan. Cheer us on and help us raise enough dough to ge us there, so we may come back with another medal... this time the right color... :) (we ended up winning bronze!)

UPDATE July 2006: Pat and I have a house, with a wonderful 7 month old brown labrador!

Old Journal Entries
