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Europe 2000

I went to Europe with a few classmates in February 2000 and I wanted to share some of my pictures with everyone. Hope you enjoy these, and there will be more to come soon!

This is a few of us at the airport waiting to leave. We were all very excited, and couldn't wait to get on that plane!

This is one of my most cherished pictures. Unfortunately, it's a little too pale here, but I remember it took my breath away when I saw it... It almost brought tears to my eyes.

This is the same site but in summer..... It's a stop every tour bus goes to I guess.

Of course we weren't going to leave europe without a souvenir! These guys bought themselves, or their relatives, a buck of beer. (legal drinking age in europe is a joke!)

This is a group picture of all us tourists crammed in our deluxe tour bus!

A friend of mine went to europe and left me with a few pics.... here is the tour of pisa in Italy.

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