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Welcome to the Largest Collection of Animorphs Fanfic!!!

Hey!!!! Welcome! You may have been to one of my past sites, and you can call, you can't call me that, the Yeerks are out there...Ah, yes, call me Akisis (ACK-kiss-sis NOT a-KISses)or, if that's too complicated for your tongue, you can call me Hope. Okay, okay, I admit, it's NOT the largest collection just yet, but with all of your help, it will be!!! So, onward, to Animorphanfic!

No Frames


Hope's e-mail

Akisis's e-mail

As it will always be, I do not own any of these pictures, any of the animorphs, I do not make money off of this site, and I am not affiliated with scholastic in any way. (Except me giving at least $4.99 each month for a book)