Fan2000's Plumpers- Page 8

Featured on this page are Friends stars Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston, singer-actress Jennifer Lopez, and Britney Spears.

Expanding Friends

Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston have been gaining weight over the summer and as the new season of Friends begins producers have to create a storyline around their gain. The storyline: Rachel says that she's probably have same life if she were fat and Monica challenges to prove it by gain weight, but Rachel says that Monica could never get fat again and challengers her to gain as well. The two girls agree and start gaining weight. The two actresses have gained 20 pounds each so far, but more is expected.

Enlarged Lopez

Jennifer Lopez, the Latino singer-actress famous for her large rear end, has gone and made her butt even larger as well as the rest of her body. Ms. Lopez distraught over boyfriend "Puffy" Sean Combs' trial disappeared for eight months and reportedly did nothing, but eat and watch TV. The 300-pound celebrity has made her first appearance since her hiatus and even the most braced stars were shocked at the huge singer-actress.

Britney Spears Again

Britney Spears, the Southern belle teen sensation, is apparently gaining more than money. Ms. Spears has gained 40-pounds thanks to junk food on her music tours around the world. Ms. Spears has refused interview requests and TV appearances making the world believe that she might be worried over her figure. Underground rumours have it that Britney has gained more than 40-pounds (photo above), but is nearing the 400-pound mark with exercise and a new diet not working at all. Rumours have Ms. Spears saying that she's only a third of a way to her goal.

Plumpers 9