--- To the Mind Control Forum (http://mindcontrolforum.com) --- Dear Carrie Dawn, My website (http://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/index.html) contains much more information about myself, and various details about what I have endured over the past five or so years. The main information is broken up into three documents: TER1.TXT, TER2.TXT and TER3.TXT. There is another document, OVB.TXT, which is a volume of poetry that contains poems that I have constructed over the past few decades. There is also a little bit of weird humor, which I believe is somewhat necessary, when dealing with such otherwise heavy topical matters. Details of a very amazing near-death experience that I had, back in early 1989, are also present. The mind-control manipulation stuff, for me, began in July of 1995, when I encountered two deceptive individuals (that I believe are members of some sort of 'fraternal,' Satanic cult). They duped me into drinking some kind of 'knock-out' zombie drug, and then probably manipulated me in various physical and spiritual ways. I am sure that some kind of voodoo or witchcraft ritualism was involved. Subsequently, I have undergone years of psychological and emotional stress, and am sure that my privacy has been completely invaded. A few years ago, I had an eye operation, known as a Scleral Dermal Cryopexy (which is a rather invasive procedure, involving the 'freezing' of a detached retina to the rear inside surface of an eyeball), and I suspect that I may have been implanted with some sort of biological monitoring device. Not all of the details of what I have experienced are posted on my website, or detailed in the following documents. If anyone has any interest in obtaining more info, please have them write to me at either my snail-mail address, or by e-mail. I believe, quite seriously, that my particular story should be of interest to anyone that has an interest in biblical prophecy, because of reasons that are difficult to explain quickly. I can tell you for sure, that there are extremely evil forces afoot, that are attempting to utilize the most advanced mind-manipulation technology available, for intensely evil purposes. They are trying to 'create' an antichrist, false prophet, etcetera. I have no doubt about this at all, and I can articulate reasons why I believe that this is so, fairly well, but very likely, it will only be believed by SOME Christians. I would greatly appreciate you posting this short document (that I initially composed for and sent to Russ Warwick, another victim) on the new Mind Control Forum website. You may blank out the specific names of the mind-control perpetrators that are mentioned in this article, at your discretion. I have gone through years of this crap, and am very, very tired of it, and the fact that practically nobody seems to take mind-control crimes seriously. I am a Christian; I know that Jesus Christ is returning soon to rule the entire earth. The Bible warned us that this sort of stuff was coming, and now, well, here it is. I have e-mailed various Christian organizations, and amazingly, none of them have responded. A short introduction, that might be appropriate for your site follows, and then, the letter I recently sent to Russ Warwick, expressing sympathy for his personal ordeal. --- Short Intro for Terry Washington --- I am a freelance computer programmer, artist and writer. I have been continually victimized by psychotronic technology for at least the past four years. I suspect that rogue factions within various domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, operating through certain criminal organizations, are largely responsible for my sufferings. Psychotronic technology, and the individuals and organizations that are abusing it, must be stopped, or we may very well wind up losing this nation, due to the spiritual consequences of what has been happening. I cannot put too fine a point on it. What has been happening, regarding the use of this technology, is very much so equivalent to the prophesied 'Mark of the Beast,' and 'Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots' described in the New Testament Book of Revelation. Check it out; certain factions of the wicked people that have been using this evil technology appear to be very Satanic individuals, that are attempting to manifest an antichrist, false prophet, or other similarly nefarious character. No joke. It very much so seems to have been a big part of their wishes for me, in my particular psychotronic harassment situation. They are sickening specimens, who will likely rot in hell for all eternity. I certainly believe that they belong there. But that's just my opinion. Only the Lord knows for sure what will become of the base fiends that perpetrate such intensely sinister practices and systems. I am not their judge. There are a great many details that I could provide about my particular set of experiences, that quite possibly would lead many people to agree with me, concerning my belief that I have been victimized by some sort of mind-control cult, or other, similar type of organization, that is utilizing occultic and/or psychotronic methods to attempt to manipulate and alter the psychological, spiritual and physical constitution of their selected victims. Really, many of the details of my story are very similar to what I have recently learned others have been enduring, so there isn't much need for me to describe some aspects of what has happened to me - there appear to be many commonalties, concerning stories of people that have been persecuted by the individuals and organizations that are the perpetrators of the psychotronic offenses and atrocities that have been occurring in America, and elsewhere throughout the world. I cannot relate every last bit of information about my particular tale, because I haven't yet compiled an exhaustive account of exactly what I have experienced. The full story of my strange psycho-spiritual odyssey would make a fairly interesting book, I believe, and I am hoping to eventually make contact with a reputable literary agent, that will be willing to help me with such an undertaking, as I am completely unaware of the ins and outs of the publishing industry, and need the assistance of an honest person that does. I have suffered greatly over the past four or five years, because of the misfortune of being led into a 'fraternal' trap, in July of 1995, by a couple of complete strangers that I decided to trust, because they mentioned being acquainted with people that were friends of mine. They invited me to their home for drinks. I won't identify the people, not because of any desire to protect them, but because I am sure that the local authorities already know exactly who they are, and for some reason, seem to be protecting them from prosecution. It took me almost six entire months to finally come to the realization that I had been slipped some kind of powerful sedative, and subsequently manipulated by occultic techniques and/or psychotronic technology. The rage and frustration that I have felt has been immense. To my dismay, many people seem to know more details of whatever happened to me 'while I was sleeping,' than perhaps I ever will. Although plenty of folks appear to be aware of this unrighteous series of occurrences that I have been dealing with, nobody has come forth to help me with this terrible situation. Some of the local Chicago police have literally laughed at me, when I tried to ask them about what I should do to seek any redress. Another horrible thing to contemplate, is that one of the people (a woman) that co-perpetrated this injustice against me, is actually involved in the judicial system. Not only is this deeply sad to me, but maddening. What the hell is wrong with the United States? --- End of Short Intro for Terry Washington --- The letter that I originally sent off to Russ Warwick now follows... --- Letter to Russ Warwick --- Posted: russwar@icom.ca, fastrackesp@hotmail.com, warwickruss@hotmail.com, russellwarwick@primeonline.com, samadhiw@aol.com, phoenixx100@hotmail.com Russ, Just want to write and tell you that I sincerely believe that you have been experiencing some serious persecution -- I really have sympathy for you, because various points that you mention apply to my personal situation as well. My story is very complicated and strange; it would be very difficult for me to explain it thoroughly, and since you have your own problems to deal with, I'll spare you some of the details, and just include enough information for you to get the gist of what I've been through. Maybe some of what follows will seem slightly disjointed, because I've worked on it haphazardly, over the past few days, editing and adding bits here and there. I have had a fairly large surveillance operation revolving around my life, for at least the past few years, and probably prior as well. The eeriest thing about it, is that there appears to be a large private sector element involved, meaning that the tapping of my phone, bugging of my home, etcetera, seems to be 'monitored' by people within the media and/or local civic and business community, as well as by the organizations that you'd expect, such as the CIA, FBI, et al. I believe that they are 'monitoring' many people, via some kind of digital transmission bug network. A device like a cell phone (with a powerful, digitally transmitting bug chip) could be utilized for this purpose, and all of the information could be sent to a (perhaps password-access) website. Sounds real paranoid, but it seems possible to me, after what I've experienced. I know that somebody really has been continually invading my privacy over the past few years. I am constantly reminded of all this by, for example, local people talking loudly and 'dropping hints' whenever I am in public places. The hints usually include bits of conversation that I have had with people in my home, or on the telephone, in 'private.' Of course, nobody will admit that this sort of injustice is actually happening, and many people seem to delight in the concept of getting away with this highly illegal and unconstitutional invasion of my privacy, which is extremely aggravating to me. They just don't seem to get it -- if they are willing to allow this sort of intrusion to happen to anyone, they are also inviting it upon themselves, eventually. At least, that's how I see it. The United States has been gradually becoming more and more blatantly fascist, and unfortunately, things haven't changed at all since our new president was elected (which is what I expected, because of the leftist 'political' nature of a particular negative event that I experienced in 1995, which pretty much symbolized to me the beginning of this current cycle of woe that I've been trudging through). A good friend of mine, Steve Wilson (samadhiw@aol.com), has been doing research on particle beam weaponry, non-ionizing radiation, microwave technology, and other assorted sciences relating to electronic warfare, over the past ten or so years. In the mid-'90s, he spent quite a bit of time putting together proposals for the DoD (Department of Defense -- USA), under the DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center), which classified him as a 'data custodian,' and sent him piles and piles of reprographed documents, microfilm, etcetera, detailing extremely the technical details of the various technologies utilized in the construction of electronic warfare systems. Steve's forte, basically was his understanding of non-ionizing radiation, and he wanted to construct portable scanners to monitor electromagnetic changes in the environment. The program through which he made his initial submissions was called the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research), which also was a subsidiary of the DOD, but has since become defunct. Anyhow, at a certain juncture, I signed a document, indicating that I was involved in the preparation (software interfacing) of a particular proposal. My friend Steve had been describing weird incidents (regarding his suspicions that he was being targeted by domestic, international and/or multinational defense contractors for 'experimentation' with advanced particle-beam technologies) to me for about two or three years, but I pretty much chalked it up to his paranoid personality, and didn't give his stories much thought. Steve showed me many, many, completely declassified documents from the DTIC, that indicated that, yes, particle-beam warfare technology had arrived, and was being seriously used for warfare purposes, both domestic and abroad. Around 1994-1995, Steve became highly interested in extraterrestrial phenomena, which I was also very intrigued by. He spent a lot of time downloading documents and images from the Internet. Right before I had a very bad experience in July of 1995 (which I will detail next), I printed out some copies of the William Cooper files (which you are probably already familiar with), and placed a few small ads on local supermarket bulletin boards, offering copies for sale (this was just before the Internet explosion, when many folks still had no access). The documents detailed alleged 'codewords' for various US military operations pertaining to the recovery of crashed 'alien' vehicles, and humanoid bodies. Less than one week later, the following strange 'event' took place. You mention being drugged in Indonesia, before the spooks shuffled you away from your family. I understand that part very well. I also was slipped some kind of vile 'potion,' and then subsequently manipulated in ways that I still do not fully understand. I suspect that I may have been sexually violated in July of 1995, when I stopped over at the home of someone that claimed to be a friend of a friend. I am a completely heterosexual man, so you can imagine how horrifying the prospect of this is to me. One very weird thing about this event, is that there seemed to be some kind of 'alien' element to it, which is very difficult for me to explain in rational terms. I am not providing some of the details, for fear that they would not seem rational to you. Suffice it to say, that there seemed to be a very bizarre, paranormal, planned and choreographed aspect to the (probably 'black-project' intelligence-directed) 'mugging' that I experienced. The two people that did this to me, were very strange. One, a male, was the person that I initially met. His name is R------ A------. His girlfriend's name is C------ K-----. The guy is some kind of local theatre actor, and the woman, believe it or not, was actually studying to be a lawyer. I just stupidly walked into their home, trustingly, and sat down in their backyard at a table to have a few drinks, minutes after meeting them. The funny thing, is that the very last thing I can remember from that encounter, is being handed a large plastic cup, which contained a small amount of fluid. The guy set the cup on the table and then sat down, I reached over, picked up the cup, drank it (thinking it was some kind of 'shot'), and then -- that's it; I don't remember anything after that, up until right when I got home later that evening, and stumbled into my bedroom and fell asleep, which would have been at least three or four hours later. I was so drugged, that when I woke up, at about four in the morning, I had defecated on myself, and then puked for about an hour. What is difficult to explain to others (and also to myself), is that I had no awareness at all of anything being 'wrong' at all, until about six months later. It was almost as if I had forgotten all about those people. Very weird. Well, gradually I became suspicious, because of a lot of very weird phenomena I was noticing in the media, psychical phenomena, and also, the fact that many places where I went, people seemed to be snickering at me. Another thing that made me wonder, was blood appearing in my stools a few weeks later. Incredible as it might seem, even after that happened, I didn't have any immediate suspicions. Didn't have a clue. Hard to explain, but here in Chicago, there is some kind of weird behind-the-scenes 'culture' that I feel is equivalent to what the New Testament book of Revelation describes as 'Mystery Babylon, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.' Basically, I feel that I had a run-in with the 'mystery meat merchants,' if you get my meaning. They are basically black magic occultists, of the witchcraft/voodoo serpent-cult variety, that practice a form of the ancient mystery religions that are found in various forms all throughout the world. Very disgusting, bad people, and the ugliest thing of all, is that there seems to be some kind of connection between those forces, and the world governmental movement, which I suspect uses them for various paranormal experimentation operations. You know, the 'trauma-based mind-control' stuff, which is basically about 'demonizing' people, through evil occultic ritualism, which is often combined with irradiation (I have also experienced that extensively) and the other basic psychotronic operations. Those people are the ministers of a very Satanic religion, and appear to be attempting to administer the 'Mark of the Beast' to the people that they are victimizing. Basically, they are attempting to make regular humans into 'vessels' for evil spiritual beings, many of which have been 'cast down' to the earth relatively recently, apparently. That is very much what all the fuss is about. The evil spirits need human bodies to fully 'act' on the physical plane. It's a lot like the movie 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers,' but no popcorn. More like 'Invasion of the Boodie Snatchers,' or 'Scratchers,' if you ask me. Heh. The Bible tells us that Satan has an assembly of 'angels,' that serve him, and that's the truth. The demons and devils are their spirit children. Get a copy of the apocryphal book of Enoch, if you don't already have one. Explains it all very well. If I am correct about what seems to have happened to me, at the hands of those ungodly people, I believe that they may have videotaped whatever they did to me while I was drugged, and somehow (perhaps over the Internet) distributed it. I cannot even begin to describe to you the extreme stress I have endured over the past five years because of this. There is a very great book that you should read (if you haven't already), called 'Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula,' by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler. I have some text files that I saved from a webpage version of the book (which you might be able find online in the 'Illuminati' section of the 'Think About It' [thinkabout-it.com, or something like that] website -- use search engines, and enter the authors' names into it). Great book. You'll really enjoy it, because the writers also know all about the psychotronic technology and occultism and mind-control paradigms, that can be so maddeningly difficult to understand and explain thoroughly to others. I really appreciate the fact that you are aware of the spiritual dimension involved with this type of misery. I have had some absolutely incredible experiences over the past ten years; some of the details are buried within the text files on my web page, but not all. I have tried to record all of the most amazing stuff, but there are many things that I still haven't written about. I have about another three hundred LOG entries that aren't on my website. I have seen some unbelievable things in the clouds, but have been loathe to describe these visions to others, because I'm sure most people would think that I was hallucinating. Maybe you've seen something similar -- I know for sure that others have, but most folks just don't want to talk about it, for the same reasons. I have watched regular clouds form very crisp, distinct images, right before my eyes. I have seen archetypes of 'aliens' (which I believe may be seraphim, one of the angelic orders) manifest from cloud matter, and I have also seen a very large spaceship emerge from one huge bank of fluffy clouds (around 1994), that appeared to be composed of a very bright white metal. When this occurred, it seemed as though there was a profound dimensional 'shift,' so please understand that I know exactly what you are talking about re dimensional layerings and changes. Everything became very quiet. I have also seen demonic creatures, of various kinds, and I realize that there is some kind of connection between the lower (demonic) and higher (angelic) forces of evil. I believe that, as the Bible explains, that there is 'spiritual wickedness in high places,' and that seems to correspond nicely with some of the stuff that I have seen in the clouds, like dragons, military archetypes, etcetera. Certainly, not everything in the heavens is evil, but we've been warned not to be deceived by 'angels of light.' Jesus told us that very powerful deceptions would occur towards the end of this age, and I know for sure that this has been happening. We need to warn as many people as we can, because many folks have no idea about what is now possible, technologically. If this kind of stuff is being manifested by defense contractors that are utilizing advanced new holography systems, or whatever, people need to know about it, so that fewer people will be deceived, when the great (Satanic) deception begins. It seems pretty obvious to me that the people that are perpetrating such deception, are being overwhelmed spiritually by very real evil spiritual personalities, that very likely have their origin off-earth. Read through the book of Jude (right before Revelation), where it describes the 'angels that kept not their first estate, but left their former habitation.' Evil spiritual beings are taking over the souls of some of our highest officials, and this isn't good news for anyone that loves truth and freedom. I suspect that the people that are tormenting us, basically have sold their souls to the Dragon, Satan, so that they will be 'free' from the great persecution that is going to be directed towards the remaining Christian believers at some point in the near future (after the Lord descends and gathers the true dead and living believers), by the great darkness that is developing into a one-world government. They are going to all wind up being damned eternally, and sent to burn forever in the lake of fire, which is no joke. We should be praying for their souls, but I don't think it'd do much good at this point. They have already chosen their master (Satan), so their fate is sealed. I know for sure that there will really be an antichrist, false prophet, etcetera, and I strongly suspect that he (the antichrist) will basically be a fallen angelic and demon-possessed meat puppet, that will be controlled by the sick Satanic forces that have been gleefully 'experimenting' on us and our loved ones. All of that fantastic technology that we know exists, will be utilized to create scads of false miracles, and basically 'back up' whatever line the world government wants to feed to the masses. I believe that I understand some special details about these matters, because, believe it or not, that has been a big part of the 'experimentation' that I have been subjected to. I can tell you, without any attempt at being silly, that 'they' really are trying to 'create' an antichrist, because they have tried to suggest this to me many, many times. I have been told by demon-possessed people that the antichrist will be able to fly, and do other 'miraculous' things; and you know that it is possible, because you say that you and some of your associates have levitated. Even though I'm sure that it is possible to 'naturally' levitate; it seems possible that there may be some kind of antigravity ray that has been covertly developed, and certainly, such a device could be used to effect powerful deceptions. You know, whatever person could point at a large object, and then a bunch of defense 'wizards' might flip a few switches, activate powerful satellite or ground-based particle-beam ray grids, and then -shazam- a truck or whatever would rise up into the sky, and it would seem like the gesturing person did it. Or, the person might float around. That kind of stuff. The masses would eat it up, and if, as we have been told via the Bible, the antichrist really is going to eventually enter the temple in Jerusalem and proclaim himself to be God (can you imagine that? Hopefully, we won't be around to see such an abomination), he'd probably need to do some really 'miraculous' things to get the people to believe such a claim. I had a very real near-death experience about ten years ago, and I know absolutely for sure that God is real, and that Jesus Christ really is returning to rule over the entire earth, just as the Bible tells us. It's totally true. Russ, I have e-mailed various Christian ministries, and tried to discuss this sort of stuff -- none of them have responded, and most disturbing of all, it appears that many of them already know all about whatever happened to me, after I was drugged. They have been laughing about it for years, literally. Also, I have had some very terrible problems, regarding losing communication with my 13-year old daughter, who lives with my ex-wife. I believe that she has been molested by a man that has married my ex-wife, and again, nothing but mirth, merriment, denial and lies from every side, when I try to discuss these possibilities with anyone. I really don't feel like even thinking about any of this right now. Argh; it makes me so angry. Even though I am a very sincere believer in Christ, I must say, from sad experience, that there are a lot of bogus, Satan-happy Christians out there. You'll be lucky if you can get any mainstream Christians to consider your ordeal. I know that it's very possible that what you mention about your children being maneuvered for a 'sale' is true. I had an ex-CIA friend for many years (Alan Maxwell aka Golden Tiger), and he described to me (back in the late eighties) something called 'white slavery,' where women and children are abducted and then sold to people and organizations all over the world for every purpose imaginable, primarily sexual. A lot of the voodoo-cult people are involved in that sort of thing, at least here in America, and probably throughout Europe as well. Sick bastards. Russ, you've got to pray constantly for your kids, because I have been praying for my daughter, for fear of the deep spiritual sickness of this world overcoming her. You are very right about the evil and powerful forces that want to use and 'experiment' on children, and it is maddening how virtually everybody turns a blind eye to the obvious depravity that is so widespread. I am also aware of the particularly keen interest that seems to revolve around certain kinds of Eurasian children, although it would be difficult for me to explain exactly. I have a feeling that a lot of possessed individuals have begun to fancy themselves to be little 'gods,' and feel that they can continue to perpetrate these offenses against us with impunity, because of their belief that they are superior to those of us that they are victimizing. A good example of an individual that might fit that sort of profile, would be Edward Dames, who is the head of an organization known as Psi-Tech, which was spawned directly from the DoD's research over the past few decades into 'remote viewing,' which involves (in case you don't already know) attempts at trying to discern future events through a methodical process, which can often involve teams of people honing in on a 'target' subject, utilizing a sort of meditation practice, which borders on black occultic techniques, I believe. I don't know a whole lot about Ed Dames and Psi-Tech (they probably have a website somewhere), other than that he has worked closely with various US (and perhaps other) intelligence agencies over the years, and that he seems to feel that he and his associates have the 'right' to use their techniques to try and 'probe' the minds of whoever they wish. He is only one of many such people worldwide; there are many others, no doubt. He was a frequent guest on the Art Bell radio show, which was very popular several years ago, but has now been taken off of the air, allegedly because the host was stepping on certain intelligence community toes. I have experienced a lot of very bizarre internal phenomena, that suggests to me that there are many international (Russian, Chinese, Japanese) players in the nascent psionic, psychotronic and spiritual warfare arenas. They are using every 'trick in the book,' and it seems that they are trying to drive certain people crazy, at times, via the evil methods that they employ in their manipulations and 'testings.' I am sure that some of them have been using corrupted Eastern disciplines, perhaps enhanced by some of the new technologies, particularly satellite grids, microwaves, and on. It's all about them trying to strengthen their advantage over their perceived enemies, which are basically those of us that are going to be saved from this increasingly hellish spiritual environment. Russ, the perpetuators of such evil are lost souls, possessed by damned evil spirits. I'm telling you. They have been trying to brainwash people, and they often seem to consider a fragmented and/or ruined life to be a 'success' for them. Real evil jerks. A big, and very secret part of what is happening behind the scenes, is that there is a kind of evil 'production' that is being developed, which may literally involve writers and producers. It is very large-scale, and you must know that it concerns the 'final things' that are spoken of throughout the Bible. The deception business is what has been causing these problems that we have been experiencing. I strongly believe that the final deceptions are going to involve UFOs, fake 'aliens,' and perhaps some kind of bogus space-travel scenario. I know that there really are legitimate heavenly places, where good heavenly beings reside, but I suspect that there are some fantastically evil heavenly realities also, that would utterly shock anyone that learned of them. Make sure that you do not wind up serving the antichrist, Russ, or you will probably become a complete zombie, ultimately losing your soul. No kidding. A little hint at what I am getting at, has to do with the fact that Satan and his people are going to be incarcerated for most of the upcoming thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth. Towards the end of the thousand years, they are released, and will lead a great army of people against Christ's government in Jerusalem. I believe that some of those people that will be led by Satan into battle are going to be brainwashed flunkies 'harvested' from this current time, that will wind up sharing Satan's bondage during Christ's millennial rule. Read through Revelation and see. Remember, Satan and his people are being 'cast down' from someplace in the heavens, where they used to dwell. After Archangel Michael defeats Satan and his angels, we are told that 'their place was found no more.' Some people believe that their 'place' could have been a planet that once orbited between Jupiter and Mars, that was destroyed during an ancient space war. But that's another story. Russ, those creeps won't get away with what they have done to us and the others, so don't worry. But be ready to lose your life for Christ, when the time comes, because that is what it is really coming down to. Sorry to be so negative, but we have to be sober and realistic. I will continue to pray for you and your family; things are now dark, but the future truly is bright for those of us that have been suffering through this. Please keep praying, maybe the Lord will finally help us. Terry Washington 1048 W Winona 3E Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 561-0737 phoenixx100@hotmail.com phoenixx100@angelfire.com http://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/index.html --- End of Letter to Russ Warwick --- A short e-mail message that I recently sent to Carrie Dawn now follows... --- Message to Carrie Dawn --- Dear Carrie Dawn and MCF, I have considered joining the MCF, and allowing the details of my ordeal to be posted for quite some time. I understand very well what the Mind Control Forum is all about. I have endured psychotronic and psycho-spiritual torment for many years, and it is time for me to provide as many people as possible with the details. I am interested (as I'm sure many other victims are) in making contact with a reputable literary agent, because I honestly feel that my story could make a very interesting book. But that's not the main purpose for my joining. I want as many people as possible to begin to understand the connection between the long-prophesied 'Mark of the Beast,' 'Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth,' and the burgeoning psychotronic technology harassment scenario. Very important, especially for those of you that are sincere Christians. What is happening is no joke. The Lord specifically warns, that E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E that 'accepts' the Mark of the Beast willingly, will be condemned to the lake of fire for all eternity. Do NOT accept the Mark of the Beast and/or Mystery Babylon, which have been disguised by the foolishness of the fraternal 'do that' cult antics that the Satanic crowd has been continually pushing upon the masses. May the Lord bless you all. Sincerely, Terry Washington 1048 W Winona 3E Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 561-0737 phoenixx100@hotmail.com http://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/index.html --- End of Message to Carrie Dawn --- --- Closing Notes --- To Carrie Dawn: Thank you for helping me to post my story -- I trust your judgement re whether the names of the mind-control perpetrators should be obscured or not [never mind, I just obscured them myself -- the other names can stay]; also, feel free to edit (within reason), and/or break the text up into a series of documents, if need be. If you do decide to post this information, I only ask that you notify me via mail, and/or e-mail. Thanks again! To the other Mind Control Forum members: I am seriously interested in corresponding with anyone that would be willing to discuss my experiences with me. I am particularly interested in communicating with others that have encountered the same types of cultic individuals that I have described (that utilize 'knock-out' drugs and dark occultic manipulation techniques). I would very much like to get to the bottom of why it is so impossible to get the 'powers that be' to understand the deep error of those evil 'political system' practices. Perhaps we can join together, and organize a letter-writing campaign to the proper United States officials. If the authorities that are supposed to be governing and protecting us here in America, are not properly doing so, then it is our responsibility to make sure that they completely wake up to the situation, and prevent those wicked 'voodoo politics' practices from continuing. If our 'authorities' continue to allow the madness of voodoo and witchcraft cults to covertly dominate American affairs, I believe that our nation (at least as we currently know it) will ultimately be destroyed by the Wrath of God. --- End of Closing Notes ---