--- Notes.txt - For: http://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/ --- phoenixx100@hotmail.com; odhinn@mail.com '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Permanent New Contact Number: (224) 800-5911 ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I added JONAS1.EXE -- I hope to be adding a few other files within a month or two, including the OLDPRO program... --- LAST EDIT Tue 18 Dec 2012 @ 4:00pm CST '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Permanent New Contact Number: (480) 264-9124 ' ' This {VoIP} number will be good until around 2011, ' ' so, please be sure to record a voice message ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' --- LAST EDIT Tue 16 Jun 2009 @ 8:45pm MST Please join the Psionic War Digital Network, if you are interested in further discussing the topics covered by the material found on this website: http://psionicwardigital.ning.com --- LAST EDIT Fri 9 Jan 2009 @ 2:01am MST I've added a reading of one of the poems from OVB; just scroll down and click on it to play or save. Plight of the Gibborim potg_001.mp3 --- LAST EDIT Wed 6 Aug 2008 @ 8:40am MST Hello, I hope that all of you are still sane, and in one piece. Please be sure to leave your contact information, if you decide to call or email. I'd love to hear from any and all of you. I am planning on putting together a boiled-down version of OVB over the next few months. Suggestions about what to include, and not, are welcome. Heh. Another writing project may begin soon. New material: I am unable to retrieve much of the aforementioned digital material (music, mainly) at this time. However, I do have a copy of the OLDPRO program that I mentioned available, but it is not "ready for prime time." Hee. Needs tweaking. If I am able to find the time to edit and recompile it, it'll surely turn up here. I think that it's interesting. Also, there are a few other small programs that I just might post. --- Prior edit Thu 26 Apr 2007 @ 9:45pm CST long-delayed greets to all - i am very interested in starting a 'cultural archive' of sorts, that would be a repository of literature, music, art, digital works, etc. - any of you that might understand this should contact me asap - it would require a decent-sized building in a semi-remote (get it?) place... Things are still in flux; it might take some real doing to get everything together (new web stuff), because I am going through a sort of 'relocation' situation -- much of my old material is stored in several different facilities -- when i am able to get to it, i will certainly upload it... in particular, i'd like to make available an old ai program of mine, called 'OldPro' -- it will need some editing and recompiling, that's the main problem. --- Prior edit: Tue 10 Jan 2006 Still, there'll be a wait for the new material; It really is on the way, however... --- Prior edit: Wed 6 Oct 2004 @ 10am I apologize for not updating this site more often; there are a few people that are interested in it, at least. More new stuff is coming, eventually, and also, more (about a dozen) poems for the OVB book. I've also created some digital music loops that I really like, although they are pretty "blocks outta th' box," if y'know whuddeye meen... Those shall be included as well. Most of the titles are silly, and so are the jittery ditties... Big shout out to Sweet Cony Cohn, whom I miss terribly, and sincerely hope is ok in Philadelphia. --- Prior edit: Fri 9 Jan 2004 @ 3pm Just a few brief notes for anyone interested in the material... I'm preparing a lot of new stuff to add to the page, so stay tuned -- it'll eventually arrive... alternate email addresses: (I had to go to the highest hotmail blocking level) phoenixx100@angelfire.com odhinnvoodoobuddha@yahoo.com ::: Due to the ridiculous spam problems that we are all familiar with, I suggest that anyone attempting to contact me concerning this page add "re web page," or something similar (in capital letters, perhaps) so that I will realize that it's a legit message... Thanks, and I sincerely hope that the new year brings you joy. Later... Terry