--- Selected LOG entries --- Version 1.4 TER.TXT Copyright 1999, 2000 Terry Washington aka Phoenixx 1048 W Winona 3E Chicago IL 60640-3125 773-561-0737 HTTP://members.tripod.com/~mdars/experiences/ter.htm HTTP://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/index.html phoenixx100@hotmail.com This file was last updated on Thursday, July 13th, 2000 at 3:03am. I am a freelance computer programmer, artist and writer. I have been continually victimized by psychotronic technology for at least the past four years. I suspect that rogue factions within various domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, operating through certain criminal organizations, are largely responsible for my sufferings. Psychotronic technology, and the individuals and organizations that are abusing it, must be stopped, or we may very well wind up losing this nation, due to the spiritual consequences of what has been happening. I cannot put too fine a point on it. What has been happening, regarding the use of this technology, is very much so equivalent to the prophesied 'Mark of the Beast,' and 'Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots' described in the New Testament Book of Revelation. Check it out; certain factions of the wicked people that have been using this evil technology appear to be very Satanic individuals, that are attempting to manifest an antichrist, false prophet, or other similarly nefarious character. No joke. It very much so seems to have been a big part of their wishes for me, in my particular psychotronic harassment situation. They are sickening specimens, who will likely rot in hell for all eternity. I certainly believe that they belong there. But that's just my opinion. Only the Lord knows for sure what will become of the base fiends that perpetrate such intensely sinister practices and systems. I am not their judge. There are a great many details that I could provide about my particular set of experiences, that quite possibly would lead many people to agree with me, concerning my belief that I have been victimized by some sort of mind-control cult, or other, similar type of organization, that is utilizing occultic and/or psychotronic methods to attempt to manipulate and alter the psychological, spiritual and physical constitution of their selected victims. Really, many of the details of my story are very similar to what I have recently learned others have been enduring, so there isn't much need for me to describe some aspects of what has happened to me - there appear to be many commonalties, concerning stories of people that have been persecuted by the individuals and organizations that are the perpetrators of the psychotronic offenses and atrocities that have been occurring in America, and elsewhere throughout the world. I cannot relate every last bit of information about my particular tale, because I haven't yet compiled an exhaustive account of exactly what I have experienced. The full story of my strange psycho-spiritual odyssey would make a fairly interesting book, I believe, and I am hoping to eventually make contact with a reputable literary agent, that will be willing to help me with such an undertaking, as I am completely unaware of the ins and outs of the publishing industry, and need the assistance of an honest person that does. I have suffered greatly over the past four or five years, because of the misfortune of being led into a 'fraternal' trap, in July of 1995, by a couple of complete strangers that I decided to trust, because they mentioned being acquainted with people that were friends of mine. They invited me to their home for drinks. I won't identify the people, not because of any desire to protect them, but because I am sure that the local authorities already know exactly who they are, and for some reason, seem to be protecting them from prosecution. It took me almost six entire months to finally come to the realization that I had been slipped some kind of powerful sedative, and subsequently manipulated by occultic techniques and/or psychotronic technology. The rage and frustration that I have felt has been immense. To my dismay, many people seem to know more details of whatever happened to me 'while I was sleeping,' than perhaps I ever will. Although plenty of folks appear to be aware of this unrighteous series of occurrences that I have been dealing with, nobody has come forth to help me with this terrible situation. Some of the local Chicago police have literally laughed at me, when I tried to ask them about what I should do to seek any redress. Another horrible thing to contemplate, is that one of the people (a woman) that co-perpetrated this injustice against me, is actually involved in the judicial system. Not only is this deeply sad to me, but maddening. What the hell is wrong with the United States? Below, I have provided a selection of entries from my personal journal, which may provide a bit of insight into my perspective re the strange cultic activities that have been taking place in the United States over the past few decades. I believe that the goal of the practitioners of such darkness, is the manifestation of a temporary Satanic 'paradise' in this current Earth age - at the expense, of course, of those of us that love and fear Almighty God. selected.txt selected LOG files --- exorcise.log None of the wicked shall understand Fri Feb 26 1999 Things have been so incredibly odd over the course of the past few years. There are many different reasons why I stopped keeping LOG files. One of the most easily explainable reasons, is that I have been extremely angered by the fact that I am being monitored by some kind of agency. Probably several. It's really infuriating, because whoever they are, they seem to have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about violating my privacy. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just one or more of our intelligence communities; even though I wouldn't feel too great about that either (because they are filled up with some very mentally and spiritually unhealthy individuals); no, it appears to be some combination of governmental and private sector espionage forces. Extremely aggravating. Especially considering the fact that the jerks seem to be the ones that are pushing the 'Mystery Babylon' paradigm. It is just beyond my comprehension how people can be provided with so much insight into their general lack of morality and righteous ethical conduct, and still remain largely unmoved. I guess it's because the many different components that make up the bigger picture of what's wrong with the people that I have been aiming my criticism at have been at play for a very long period of time. Only recently have those many elements begun to cooperatively conspire to create the very dark dilemma that I believe our nation is in. Basically, the problem that we (and many other nations throughout the course of history that have found themselves in similar predicaments - these bad social trends are certainly not new, but nowadays, there are far more serious spiritual dynamics involved) have is a whole raft of issues related to the practice of various types of occultism and the primary result of such activities, which, of course, is demonic possession. Probably the greatest difficulty to surmount is the general denial that our cultures are in regarding the reality of disincarnate entities, even after scads of people appear to have had many different kinds of experiences confirming the reality of their existence. I think that I know how to help the situation, but the aforementioned individuals that have been snooping on me, and the people that have caused the many problems that I have suffered over the past few years, seem to be largely demonically occupied, and consequently, can't be looked to for any kind of significant help with the situation. I have met the enemy, and he is us... I should have never trusted [NAME DELETED]. An issue which desperately needs clarification, I believe, is the relationship between what are commonly referred to as 'demons' or 'devils,' and the other, higher-level evil intelligences. The higher level evil spirits are the one-third of the angelic forces that went along with Satan, after he decided to rebel against the Lord. They are the 'fallen angels.' Many people think that the demons are the fallen angels. That may be true in certain instances, but generally speaking, I believe that the demons are the 'children of disobedience,' that is, the illegal progeny that resulted from the disobedient angelic forces cohabiting with the antediluvian women of the earth. One thing that is very hard to grasp, is that those spirits (the demons) have been roaming the earth subsequent to the inundation, whilst their progenitors in the heavens have been occupied elsewhere. Doing what? I don't know, exactly, but I have received clues, possibly. Ephesians does inform us that there is spiritual wickedness in the heavens. That the Kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force, and all. The Lord's Word also lets us know that His enemies ultimately lose their wars against Him. Thankfully. We are also told that after a certain point in the end-time events (in the book of Revelation), Satan and his angels get sent from the heavens to the Earth. They are designated as the one-third of the 'stars of heaven' that get cast down by the tail of the Dragon. I believe that event has already happened; within recent history, more likely than not. Probably in this century. It sure makes a lot of sense to me, after all of the bizarre things that I have been perceiving. A veritable cornucopia of strangeness. A regular blizzard of weird phenomena. I really do believe that I am supposed to be trying to alert these dummies to some serious issues, but many different things have made it very difficult for me to do so. Now, more so than ever before, we are dealing with a 'generation of vipers.' It is so sad, because you'd like to believe that humans would have stronger character than what generally is being exhibited. Looks like 'hot monkey love' all the live-long day to me. Disgusting. After all of the confusion that I have endured, I am ready to go crawdad fishin' for the rest of my visit here. Unless the Lord wants me to pick up any of the points that I have been constantly dwelling on, I pretty much plan on giving up, because there really is very little (spiritually) intelligent life down here, and I currently am of the opinion that I truly have been wasting my time. My attempts to get the people to give real hard thought to what has been happening (ala the 'traditions,' and what they have been 'progressing' towards) seems to have largely fallen on deaf ears. Childish irony and sarcasm is what the collegiates desire, as usual. Stink and funk is what they want a whiff of. It's what they love. Nothing else gets their attention. Everyone seems to fancy themselves to be back in their dance hall days, or something. I don't know. Another funny thing, is that during the course of all of the madness that I have been sailing through over the past few years, I have perceived that at least a few other people seem to have had what I have decided to call 'the arena experience.' More than a few, likely. I can't lie, and say that I fully understand all of the greater meanings of what I know to be a very legitimate experience, but I do believe that if I were able to more successfully convey the gist of it to the masses, that a spirit of hopefulness would begin to prevail. As sure as I am of this, I have determined to wait on God for the 'green light,' because I know that even if I had all of my facts completely straight, it would be useless to proceed without the Lord backing me up. I have also considered that He might want me to do something else. I'm sure that I will know fairly soon, just what my purpose here will be. Trying to determine it on my own has been very exhausting. I believe that God knows that my intentions truly are good. I can fully understand why people would be suspicious of me. Better than anyone else, actually. I have been internally questioning and correcting myself constantly. It is very difficult to undo the effects of bad social programming experiences. It's really pathetic how many people have been nearly entirely taken over by those evil spirits. I have had many, many problems with them myself over the course of my life, so I feel somewhat sympathetic towards the slouches that they are inhabiting, but now is the time for our leadership structures to embrace utter spiritual and physical sobriety, and I have nearly driven myself stark raving mad trying to get the fools that are perpetuating those evil 'traditions' to realize that. I know that humor is important in any culture, but past a certain point levity morphs into leviathan. Zoinks. Yes, the juggernaut of maleficent mirth that has been on the increase over the past decade is definitely deeply wicked. The Lord warned us that these times would be evil, but I didn't expect such stark horror. People are really sick in the head in this realm. The concept of poisoning and violating our own citizenry doesn't bother them. Murder doesn't faze them. A lot of them are pedophiles, I bet, because child molestation doesn't make them blink either. What irritates me most of all, is that so many of them actually have the nerve to think of themselves as Christians. I just bet. What a sack of hypocrites. I mean, it's not like I am not a sinner; it's not like I'm standing in judgment alone against everyone else - but come on... These people have caused more havoc and misery in my life than I would have ever believed possible, prior to this series of insane eventuations. Another unsavory aspect of the situation, is that there appears to be a contingency of very high-level 'authority' at play. People with too much power, that seem to be trying to 'play god.' Sickening. The assholes excuse themselves for their transgressions, and pile misery on people such as myself, for virtually nothing at all. I am so happy that the Lord is righteous, because there is no one here that is, as best as I can tell. Without a doubt, there is a very bad feeling in the air. Some days it seems to dissipate; on others it's bigger and badder than ever. I have had some extremely extraordinary dreams over the past few years. A few of them have been of the sort where it is almost as if there is some kind of advanced symbiotic technology at play, where images are projected directly into your brain. There have been times where they have been so peculiarly vivid, that in the brief (usually) state between sleeping and waking, I have noticed them still 'running,' which lends credence to my theory that there may be a degree of external mental/spiritual manipulation involved in some of these experiences that I've been having. Whether or not that manipulation is being attempted by evil angelics, demonics or by puny humans, I still can't say for sure, but it definitely appears to be there. The image that I am remembering at the moment almost seemed to be computer animated right into my cortex. It was literally moving in a metered, frame by frame kind of way. There are several different dream sequences that I can recall where the same description applies, usually dreamt near morning. At other times, it has seemed as though another personality was intersecting with my own. Very tangibly, too. I have prayed about it a lot. There was one phase (that began approximately a year and a half ago, and intermittently continues to this day) where some sort of personality (that seemed to be associated with one of the archetypal 'alien' forms) seemed to present itself to my mind nearly every morning. When this happened, there would be something akin to a 'buzzing' feeling in the middle of my brain, which was rather unpleasant. This was nearly always right as I was awakening. I'm not too concerned about it, as I have a good prayer life, but it does cause me some anxiety from time to time. My fascination with Bjork remains, although it has somewhat calmed. I would still like to meet her. Maybe she would understand some of the things that I don't. That's what I'd hope. Maybe she is just plain evil. That would be a pity, because she has been so instrumental in changing my life for the better, although she very likely wouldn't believe that. A girlie, to be sure. I have had enough of this writing business for now. Cheerio. --- zygote.log Now you're in the funny company Sat Mar 20 1999 I am still dismayed about the apparent inability of many people to realize the awful situation that our civilization is in. It is really amazing how deeply brainwashed most of our citizens are. I guess it's been that way for quite some time; probably well before I was born. The complexities are very difficult to sort out. I think that what it comes down to, is that the fear of shame is a very powerful tool, that has been used often as a device to alter the socio-political dynamics of society, all throughout the history of Western and Eastern civilization. It is only recently that we have been experiencing the more 'high-tech' versions of the ancient mystery cults, because of the advent of new technologies. One of the most horrifying things to realize, is that almost all of the institutions that are supposed to be looked up to as venerable halls of sobriety, sanity and righteousness (such as the judicial system, militia, and on), seem to have been significantly corrupted by those wicked 'helping hand' practices. It is so ridiculous to realize that what appears to be a smoothly running system, really is only a whitewashed baal-worshipping voodoo cult. People that worship dollar bills. Unreal. I know that virtually none of them have any real love in their hearts for God, because if they did, I'm sure that they wouldn't be subjecting anyone to those sickening manipulations. They love Satan. Everywhere I go, I am perceiving people that are 'full of the devil.' Throughout my life, I have had several bad experiences with Catholics. But from time to time, I also have had a few good encounters with them. There is a certain Fr. Mitch Pacwa that I have a lot of respect for. I have heard several of his dissertations on various doctrinal issues over the past few weeks, and I have been very impressed with what appears to be his genuine sincerity and love for God. When he speaks of the Father, there is no giggling or grinning involved. No carnival spirit manifests within him. He is entirely sober, which is much more than can be said for just about all of the rest of public Christendom. I have noticed a few other sober Christians in the media, but most of them have a degree of harshness to them that Fr. Pacwa does not. I really believe that he truly loves God. Today, he described one of the main differences between the Eastern and Western religious viewpoints. To simplify it, the Eastern view is that sexuality can be used as a means to produce 'enlightenment,' as in the stimulating upwards of what is known as the Kundalini 'serpent power' in Tantric Yoga, while the Western (in the idealized Christian context) view is that sexuality is to be restrained for the purposes primarily of procreation, within the confines of a monogamous marriage at all costs. That is the fundamental difference between the Christian, and the New Age worldviews, Fr. Pacwa went on to say. Anyone that knows even a little bit about the New Age movement, is aware that most of it is heavily predicated on Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism, and the various Yogic disciplines. Many New Agers are in favor of sexual license (or laxity of strict sexual moral codes), while most Christians are not. Just one example of a very substantive discussion that I have heard brought forth on one of the programs featuring him. Gives me a reason to have hope for organized Christianity. But still, most of Christendom is pickling in giggling. Not very many fervent servants. Many ministers seem downright lizardly to me lately. As if they were really agents of the devil, rather than followers of the Lamb. I certainly can't say that all of them have been corrupted by that MOTB 'system,' but I am sure that some of them have been. Yes, that 'helping hand,' and it's black fruits of destruction have been getting constant attention, while real Christianity has taken a back seat. The people would rather laugh and 'feel good,' than take a hard, cold look at what the hell they have been allowing to transpire. Sometimes I wonder whether any of these people are actually going to make it into the Lord's Kingdom, as firmly embedded in foolishness and stink as they are. A more desperately dumb crowd of clowns, I can barely imagine. I just know that piles of them will wind up in the place of eternal torment. They can laugh if they wanna. They won't be laughing when that time comes. God is certainly not funny, though after all of this, I have determined for myself that He must have a sense of humor. I am certain that He is going to punish this nation for it's institutional errors, although I have no idea as to when that will ensue. Soon, more likely than not, I suspect. Unexpectedly, I bet. They just will not lift their collective heads out of the Satanic slop-trough. As I have mentioned before, I have learned that most of them have no problem with people being raped, afflicted, humiliated, murdered - you name it, they are not only willing to tolerate unrighteousness, but they want to see the video of it, too. Tell me that nothing is wrong with that. They will not stand up against the fascist state that has been developing here. They seem to desire the manifestation of such a thing. I am utterly disappointed in these sad sacks that are supposed to be my countrymen - they are a sorry excuse for Christian humanity, by any estimation. No wonder so many people throughout the world speak against our nation, and Christianity. These people are just nowhere near the goodness of Christ. I have an idea as to some of the horrific things that may happen in the near future, but I will not write down certain details, for they are largely unmentionable. They are almost too awful to think of. All I will say, is that these people truly have some very rude awakenings ahead of them, concerning this nation, and what it is really all about. All I can do is just wait, while the general public continues to drink in what I call the 'anti-culture,' which includes most of what might be described by most people as 'popular culture.' The obvious depravity of it, at times, is undeniable. I guess a lot of people feel entirely comfortable with it, and it's moral and ethical codes (or lack thereof). To me, it's the old 'law of the jungle' mentality. Or maybe, 'law of the black forest' is more like it. However you look at it, it's all bologna or salami. I think that the Oscars are tonight. Surely, there is plenty of hoopla over all that, as usual. I'll try to ignore it, for the most part. Or maybe, I'll watch some of it... --- yafei.log Pray for the enemy Sun Mar 21 1999 One of the very real hazards that I am constantly being confronted with, in my attempts to deal with the evils that have been plaguing me, is the spirit of pride. Especially irrational pride. It is a dedicated foe. It lurks around every corner. I know that I am not the only one to have these types of difficulties, regarding vainglory. After wrangling with it for years, I believe that I have discovered a few aspects of it that many others might not have. First, you must understand that irrational pride is almost always a manifestation of demonism. Satan is ever trying to advantage himself in instances where the egos of mortals have been wounded, or even merely lightly bruised. He immediately steps in from the shadows (when the situation is of interest to him) to fan up high the flames of indignation. This, he does very well. So, very often, molehill transgressions quickly become mountainous violations. For the sort of person that has gradually become inured to this kind of grinding cycle of anger amplification, the result is that there is a profound sense of the loss of peace and quietude in one's mind. I am sure that somehow, this results in some kind of advantage for the forces of wickedness involved in effecting the unrest. In other words, there must be 'something in it for them.' Something that would motivate them to rob us of our sense of well being. Well, that 'something' that they get from us, as best as I have been able to determine it, is the natural sense of well-being that many average folks have from day to day. Doesn't sound like a big deal, right? Well, if you were a demon, with no attachment whatsoever to the Spirit of God, you might understand. Am I saying that I understand, because I am not attached to the Spirit of God? Certainly not. I have had a very definite experience, as I have mentioned in several different places, with the reality of the possibility of separation from God. It is horrible beyond my ability to describe it. The best way that I can even come close to defining it, is sheer terror. I am fairly certain that demons are experiencing the agony of disunion with God all of the time. That, I believe, is one of the reasons why the people that they control the most, often seem to try and literally draw the peace right out of their victims. Demons. They are vampiric, writ large. Yes, so, you must understand that there really are demons. They are not imaginary. Not by a long shot. Got that, bucko? Goody. Let's proceed. Back to pride. Satan and his host (demons, and those who serve them) seek to inspire irrational pride in as many people as possible, so that they are able to advantage themselves of the balm of peace and sanity that their victims would otherwise be utilizing for themselves. Even the most minor level of soul-security might be coveted by an agent of blackness. They especially prize the higher forms of psycho-spiritual stability, such as innocence, piety, noble intentions, selflessness, and on. By inspiring (among other things, of course) evil pride in the hearts of mankind, somehow, they are able to eat away at one's personal collection of stabilizing character attributes. They want to steal our brownie points, you see. To ruin what is good and humble about us. Again, to simplify, by spoiling our days, they are able to brighten theirs. This is very, very important to understand. It is crucial that you ponder upon this reality. For as long as possible. I will continue in another file. --- bloem.log The path that led me to that place Thu Mar 25 1999 I have considered on and off over the past few weeks whether or not I should try to write down some of the many, many dream fragments that I could dredge up from the past few years. When I finally compile all of these squirrelly LOG files into some kind of book form, there will be a very significant gap, where there should be a lot of additional information about the deeply peculiar nature of my life over the past few years. I would like to provide as much missing information as possible, because I believe it may actually be of interest to certain people eventually. I will do my best to be exhaustive, but I can't remember everything, especially my dreams. Unfortunate, for they are often among the most interesting things of all to recollect. Every now and then, I feel sad that I have neglected the recording of various dreams. Even my waking life is often dreamlike in certain respects, and I haven't written much on that either. One of the problems, is that it can be very hard to tell whether the memory of a dream fragment or certain impression is going to be profitable in any way, down the line. Only time will bear it out. Patience, and being sure to pay close attention to all aspects of one's personal reality in general will help anyone to determine if they have any significant synchronicities happening betwixt their various different mental states - waking, dreaming, daydreaming, brainstorming and on. I have learned so very much over the course of the past few years. A whole lot of it, perhaps even most of it, has been gathered via eldritch intuitive processes that very often defy rational explanation. I can see the open road, the softer side of Sears, and a whole lot more. All of it can't be illusory. There are too many complex interrelated variables involved, such as the cosmic relationship between the numbers two and five. There is a very large-scale mystery at work there. You would be shocked and surprised. Dig in. To flesh it all out is my desired goal, but there is no way that I can do that easily. First and foremost, I have to decide where to begin, in this quest to bring order out of the chaos of my introspections. The best simple way that I can describe how much of the complex intuitive mental process that I am trying to explain began, is that several girls sparked a few of the different jump-off points for my awareness of these alternate, or perhaps I should say enhanced, world-view paradigms. Because of my natural male pride, and reluctance to credit women for initiating profound intellectual insights, I will refrain from mentioning which of the little devils (the women, you see) were mainly responsible for these varied eurekan experiences that I have had throughout this decade. Some of the ladies were friends of mine, others I might call enemies, and one, I don't even know personally at all. Well, anyhow, from the period of time beginning at the close of the eighties (early 1989, to be specific), up until the present time, my inner world has been more and more often commandeered by what I would like to call 'forces of enlightenment.' Certain other people might want to believe that something else has been involved, such as brainwashing, or mind-control techniques. That may be true to a certain degree, but there are certain classes of experiences that I have had that I can safely assume to be way out of the league (as far as them being able to 'effect' such things) of most of the pitiful people that fancy themselves to be occultists, or the modern types of psychological social engineers (that employ drugs and other tools to alter the mindsets of subjects). I know for a fact, that certain dark forces in our military-industrial complex have been extremely interested in various things that I have discovered. But, since they are nearly always motivated by greed and evil pride, they will never fully grok much of what I have been trying to get them to understand and implement. I will have to work more with the regular citizens. They are always more understanding and responsive, to new, critically important information and insights. The powerful people are almost always demonized (gibborimized, is another term that might be used to describe the traditional drinking cults of the 'mighty men'), and their demons are only interested in preventing their often uncooperative domiciles from being swept clean. A clear awareness of the bigger picture will often do that. When the people begin to understand that God is actually real, and coming to assume control of the Earth, there will be a lot of pandemonium. Not to mention the information regarding other worlds, etcetera. These are the kinds of things that I have been made more and more aware of over the past ten or so years. In phases. Some of these periods of 'enlightenment' (I do feel somewhat uncomfortable with my use of that word, but there simply is no acceptable substitute, besides 'illumination,' perhaps, which sounds even worse) stretched across days and weeks, others throughout entire years. There were stretches of perceptual barrenness, as well. The fields of my mind have lain very fallow indeed, at times. I know that I have needed those times to reflect and recuperate from the great perplexity and angst that often subsequently resulted from the accumulation of information during the more spiritually lively spans. How did the women I just mentioned inspire these insights? Mostly because of my being attracted in some way to them. But not always. Anger between myself and certain women has provoked some pretty amazing phenomena, also. But the info garnered from the far-reaching effects of amor have always been more valuable to me. It's almost as if I was propelled into an alternate universe, or some wrinkle in the time-space manifold, just by being enamored of some lovely lady, in certain instances. I very much so doubt that women often have the exact same types of experiences with men, although I'm sure that many of them would fervently argue that they do. It just can't be the same. I have often believed that there were certain things that I understood about women, that many men, and people in general, just didn't. I was correct, though because of my attempts to (not entirely effectively, I must regretfully report) convey what I have learned, I believe that now, many others also understand some, but not all of those extremely peculiar things that set women far apart from men. Very bizarre, but apparently true. It's almost like the role of a woman (and other categorical typologies) on planet Earth is often a kind of spiritual clearinghouse for errant souls from another place. There's a thumbnail of an attempt at an explanation of what I am getting at. To be sure, it can be easy to look at the entire world as some kind of soul-processing facility for spirits from a higher (and/or lower) zone. Why are we here, and how we got here, should be primary considerations for just about any sentient being stumbling around. Many folks just don't want to give it a whole lot of thought. Maybe some of those are the people that are most in danger of losing their souls to the MOTB paradigm. A very disturbing thing to realize, is that the evils and disorders of this Earth, may in fact be spread much farther than many of us would care to realize. Beyond Earth. That is very unsettling. But there is comfort in the realization that the setting right of the affairs of this planet will also involve the correction of other, perhaps associated places. I am trying to be careful. I don't want to say too much, because the spiritual atmosphere is very hostile at this time. We have just entered a war, and many people don't seem to be in any kind of mood to discuss spiritual matters. Any time is the right time to try and figure out what the heck has been going on, if you ask me. A thought that often saddens me, is that there is more potential at this time for the general dispersal of a greater understanding of the 'bigger picture,' but there is such opposition to looking at the possibilities. People would rather stay focused on the monkey stick, mon. Sad. I have had such an aggravating time with the mystery meat merchants. They really seem to believe in what it is that they are selling. Their product is king to them, and anyone that doesn't agree had just better watch out. Yeah, boyee. It's lemur-licious! I just can't believe these fools. Man. What the Lord will say to them on Judgment Day, I don't know. I hope I'm not around to see it. But I know that they are going to hold on to their 'food of the gods' system all the way up until the Lord comes down, I bet. Unbelievable. What a bunch of chest-beating champions they are. Unga. State good. What a bunch of gravediggers. If you're against what they do, they act as if you are entirely humorless, or something. They refuse to match up the meaning of their heinous activities with what the Lord has told us is the main reason why He is going to destroy this evil system of things. I just don't get it. Why won't they see? Demons. That's why. What's that? Oh, yes, dream fragments... There have been so very many. Here are a few; I deeply regret that I cannot place them in chronological order: A feeling of being located 'elsewhere,' in a dimensional or planetary sense, is often involved. Even though I often find it interesting, I am not very big on science fiction. I believe that my impressions are significant, and may actually involve very real localities, although I hesitate to say where exactly any of the 'places' might be in space and/or time... Sitting on a couch in a semi-clean basement area with several girls, across from someone who resembled one of the drummers from Ujenyx, Thymme Jones. Opened a large magazine (same form factor as Life), that had a photo of an erupting volcano on it's cover. There was an illustration of an Asiatic-looking woman, and I either heard or read (probably heard) the words 'white silk.' The girls seemed rather friendly. [NAME DELETED] (who looked completely different; rather elven) greeted me in a dream, and said that she'd been waiting for me to get there. There was a small computer (resembling a Sinclair), with something that looked like a blue LCD screen, that was flexible. [NAME DELETED] made a brief appearance. I believe that both of those may have involved nearby worlds, in other space-time zones, but I couldn't say for sure which one(s). There are times when I am sure that it is a particular place, and then I discover some reason to doubt my conclusion. It is incredibly aggravating. Suffice it to say that I really do believe that there are other worlds of life nearby, barred from our perceptions by barriers of time, as well as space. Mechanical ability to move through time, as well as space, would prove, or disprove this theory. I am sure that many others know a great many details about these matters. Speaking of Mr. [NAME DELETED] (I mentioned him a paragraph ago), he appeared in a few other dreams that I can recall. In one of them, he was reclining on the side of the AON insurance building with a black chick, that somehow seemed familiar to me. I think the woman reminded me a lady that lived in his old neighborhood (off of Wilson avenue), named Brenda (at whose home I had my one and only brush with the concept of spontaneous combustion). I think that she was some kind of witch. In another instance, he (Mr. [NAME DELETED]) walked into a room as I was washing my face. That was the morning right before I found the plasma screen computer that I am working on right now. In yet another dream, we were making plans to build a headquarters of some kind in a very high mountain cave. Seriously. There are other instances where he appeared, but I can't recall any at this moment. There have been instances where I have seen dark-skinned people wearing turbans, or something similar, where things in general did not seem to be earthly. I have also seen a whole retinue of odd creatures, some of which could definitely be classified as 'alien,' others that might fit more into the classical fairy-tale gallery of characters; you know, gnomes, nixes, fairies and on. Some of them seem to be extremely evil and nasty, and others are apparently harmless or even helpful. I have seen one thing recently that would really freak you out if you saw it. It was humanoid, with three eyes (the middle one was on it's side, in the middle of the being's forehead), and very scaly and fearsome. It seemed to represent something primal, like fire (in the bad sense), or destruction. The main thing that makes me able to differentiate between a 'normal' dream (where I am certain that the activities and personalities are exclusively of the Earth), and one of the stranger ones, is that there is often a sort of melancholic feeling that permeates throughout. The quality of the dream is more 'dreamlike.' That might be one effective way of explaining what I mean. In another, which I am pretty sure involved Mars, there were these really big, weird vehicles. I think that they were actually articulated, like the 'Big Bend' buses that we have running here on certain avenues in Chicago. But the articulated area was more exactly in the middle. They had tractor treads that incorporated three jumbo wheels inside of each track, of which there were four - two for the front segment, and another two for the rear assemblage. I assumed that each of the triangular tread units could be rotated on a central pivot, but I can't recall if they did that or not. One of them was driven off of a very high cliff, but landed, and seemed to be not much worse for the wear. Something gave me the impression that they were operating electrically, but in combination with some other fuel source. I even remember some kind of charging station, with a type of overhanging shade area alongside it. Many moons. There was one impression of the moon of Saturn, Titan, that I had, where a hand, or some kind of claw popped up from the crusty ice, and tried to pull me underground. Scary. Another that seemed to be on one of the gas giant moons, found me handling a box of some kind of computer chips that were roughly shaped like our state of Nevada. I seem to be having a period of mental constipation. I know that there are dozens of dreams that I could recall, but they seem to be very reluctant to bring themselves into the light of memory. There was a fragment of one dream, where I recall seeing an animal that looked somewhat like a rhinoceros, but longer, and different in other ways as well. It was browsing through a very lush, grassy area. I definitely think that there is a very real connection between this world's system of royalty, and the preservation of royal succession throughout the ages, and the transference of souls between different worlds. That is more obvious to me than ever before. Christ called Satan 'the prince of this world.' That must mean that there are other princes, of other worlds. Perhaps the Lord, and his loyal princes have spiritually sent many people throughout the ages, to try and remedy certain socio-political conditions. Remember, in the book of Malachi, at the end of the Old Testament (of the Protestant version, at least), the Lord promises to send us Elijah, to resolve certain problems, lest the Lord Himself come, and 'smite the Earth with a curse.' So, obviously, the Lord is able to 'send' people in some way, from 'someplace else' to here. But all too often, it appears that their missions are misinterpreted, or just outrightly opposed, and they are waylaid. Sometimes even killed. We know what happened to Jesus, and all of His disciples. The Lord even indicates to us in the New Testament that this is so (Him sending various servants, and their experiences of persecution). These servants must be 'sent' from somewhere. I know from my personal experiences, that there really is somewhere to be 'sent' from. I firmly believe that we can actually know to some degree, just where that somewhere is. Really, in a broader sense, it must be a collection of localities, considered as one thing, that is, Heaven. Consider the references to the 'many mansions' in the Father's Kingdom, relayed to us by our King, Lord Jesus. The Kingdom of Heaven. Maybe it spans much farther than most of us would care to consider. Yowsa. What do you consider a 'dimension' to be? My definition includes places in regular, discernible universal space, removed by time. In other words, Mars (for instance), millions of years ago (in the linear way that most of us reckon time), may have been able to support life. But if we were somehow able to, right now, get a glimpse into that age, I would consider that to be 'another dimension.' Similarly, if there is another world (or worlds) that may be prepared (or re-prepared, if you know what I'm getting at) for life-support in the future, and if we were able to glimpse that - there would be yet another dimension. Also, I believe that the more standard definition of a dimension may be valid. Dimension, in the sense of a place that has perhaps entirely different physicalities from what we know as our familiar mathematical whereabouts. Completely different dynamics and all. I certainly believe that the One True God, Yahweh, is super-dimensional, meaning that He has dominion over all of His creation, which I believe includes all 'dimensions.' I have worried about these impressions. Sometimes I think that they are all just a bunch of poppycock. But at other times, there really seems to be a lot of legitimacy to them. I don't know. Doesn't seem to be too far-fetched to me. At all. In another sequence, I passed through a semi-underground walkway into a store, where young people were selling some kind of curios that were arranged on narrow glass shelves. There was a curiously arranged semi-circular stage theater integrated into the building. Many of the different portions of the complex were connected by a series of ramps, and twisting platforms, in lieu of stairways. I then took a curving path up and out, and later stood on a bridge that had stonework that incorporated some hexagram designs. One, that I had just the other day, was very odd. I was running through what at first appeared to be a Hispanic neighborhood (I can't say exactly why it seemed to be Hispanic; I think it was the feeling that I got while dreaming), but then it sort of changed, and I was jogging down a hill, at the top of which was something like a gas station. The hill was extremely steep, and after I got near the bottom of it, I had so much momentum built up, that I couldn't avoid bumping into a wall after dashing through an alley. I couldn't help but notice how remarkably clear the mundane images (such as some crates and cardboard pieces propped up against a wall on the left) were in this alley that I just mentioned. It was all very realistic. Anyhow, after going through various passageways (I almost walked into what seemed to be a cold-storage area, complete with the long clear vinyl strips that are used in the doorways of such facilities), I found myself slowly walking down a long corridor, that eventually appeared to me to be the back room area of a retail store. On the left, there were shelves of what seemed to be very colorfully dyed decorative grasses; sort of like very large and fluffy cattail plants. Right before I made a left turn into what proved to be a retail store area, I noticed a ceramic mug with a heart logo on it. It seemed to be associated with the concept of Valentine's Day. When I walked into the store area, there were some racks of things, but I can't recall what they were. There were two ladies there. One seemed to be an archetype of [NAME DELETED], while the other appeared to be suggesting Bjork to me, because of her features. But I don't think that it was her. I think that it has some relevance to her, though. It would be tedious for me to describe what I mean. Anyhow, the [NAME DELETED] doppleganger seemed sort of cheeky, while the Bjork one seemed worried. They both seemed much, much older. But well preserved, almost in an undead kind of way. You could tell that they were very old, but that certain techniques and other things were keeping them alive. Kind of like they were young and old at the same time. I felt very surprised and a bit frightened when I saw them, and exclaimed, 'Jesus is Lord,' while grabbing them both behind their necks. As I did this, there was a very bad, descendingly sour feeling, and I heard myself (in the dream, of course) pleading with God to let me 'bring these people with me into Heaven.' Simultaneously (this will certainly seem silly to many people), I heard that weird background sound effect from the original Star Trek series; a kind of repeated 'pinging' sound. What happened next was horrible. They kind of shriveled up in my hands, and I was left with two (what looked like, at least) dried-up monkey skins. It was such an awful feeling, that I woke up instantly. Very creepy. Kind of bummed out my whole day. Well, I have spent a good three hours putting this one together. Maybe even four. I really should spend as much time as possible recording what I can remember of my dreams, because they have truly become more and more interesting (at least to me) as time progresses. A note: The word 'Bloem' is the name of a singer from the Netherlands (Bloem de Ligny; I have not seen or heard her yet) that allegedly reminds many people of Bjork. The meaning of the name is 'flower.' Right before learning of her (while doing my umpteenth computer search for information on Bjork at the Belmont library), I met a fellow at the Jane Addams center, who told me that he'd lived in the Netherlands for a decade or so. He described how there was no homelessness and poverty there, but how the taxes were something like 75 percent of everyone's income. He then said that 'there is always a price to pay.' Taxes. Ghastly. I thought that was an interesting coincidence, along with the experience that I had with that character, Vincent (also from the Netherlands area) some years back. The one that asked if I 'wanted to see the SWAT team,' around the time of the Olympics. I will check out her album, Zink, soon. --- phobos.log O'er the sea of tapioca pudding Fri Mar 26 1999 It is sometimes very difficult to know in advance whether the advocacy of a certain set of opinions is ultimately going to be more helpful or harmful. That dilemma is often a factor, in the presenting of important new ideational concepts, particularly where sweeping changes regarding social structures are concerned. I am fairly sure that what I think needs to be done, is a far better choice than the usual series of progressions that we have witnessed throughout the course of history, that nearly always lead to one form or another of fascist rule. In Scripture, when God commanded the Israelites to go and take over the land that He was giving them as an inheritance (Canaan), mention is made of the need for them to 'drive out the inhabitants thereof before you,' and to destroy their idols and altars, etcetera. After that, there is some kind of a warning about what would happen to them, if they neglected the very important command that God was giving them about how to deal with the cultures that they were dispossessing of their land. Something about (if any of the Canaanites remained in the land with Israelites) that they would become a great bane upon the people of God. That they would attempt to sabotage the Israelites in many ways, is the gist of it, I believe. Now, this is going to offend some people. I think that that situation applies to modern situations (such as here in North America) as well. As much affinity as I have for Native American cultures, it is more than obvious to me that many of them have spiritual roots that are deeply erroneous. Many of their nature-based and animistic religions are deeply steeped in demonism, and the worship of intelligences that are most definitely apostate to God. Cultures that worship objects, symbols, animals and on, are nearly always being manipulated by evil spirits in some way, from what I have learned. Antichristian Amerindians could very definitely cause much evil to precipitate upon this nation, from what I believe I have learned. Any people that are against the real Jesus Christ are a potential threat to our stability, but Satanic Natives even more so, because of the introduction of the Heavenly castaways, as of late. The Dragon and his angels. Some of them appear to have been deposited in the Americas. I know for a fact that they are spiritually operating in big ways, in many different kinds of people and cultures. They are controlling a great number of individuals. The slow boat is speeding up. Of course, there is very little difference between the worship of false gods from one culture to another, so I am certainly not trying to single out Native Americans, or any other group to lay undue Christian contempt upon. Just about all of the cultures involved in North America have pagan origins of various different kinds lying in their misty pasts; European, African and Asiatic, as well as the other cultures. The important thing to remember, is that the various different forms of Christianity are what largely replaced the 'naturalistic' worship modes that were in effect here on this side of the Earth, prior to the new arrivals, and worship of the Father and Jesus Christ. In fact, I very strongly advocate the rise of as many truly Christian Native Americans as possible, in all areas of the civilization. They could change many, many things for the better, and extremely rapidly. Now, what I believe is happening, regarding the situation concerning the 'table of demons' activities, is that certain forces (especially the many different fraternal orders - which is somewhat ironic to me, because of the heavily feminine nature of the tactics that are being employed) have been, for a very long time, trying to seduce the Christian masses into believing that there can be a compromise made between what Almighty God wants for the world, and what Satan, and his host want. That kind of a concept seems to have been subliminally popularized over the past few decades, especially. The entertainment industry is largely responsible for that. I must admit that I have even entertained the notion that it might be possible for the Lord to achieve a certain degree of peace with His enemies. I think that many people would very much like to believe that that might be possible. I don't believe that there will ever be any agreement of amity between God and Satan. I just want to make that clear. But I do believe that people that have been (wittingly or unwittingly) serving the adversaries of God can be led to the truth of the Gospel, and thus avoid the fiery perdition that they would otherwise have to look forward to. In other words, I believe that some tares can be converted into wheat for the upcoming harvest. The Lord really is going to gather the wheat into His barn. And the souls that insist on being tares, are going to be bundled, and cast into the furnace. That is why Jesus has sent forth certain angelic forces, as it is explained in the Bible. Those things are really going to happen. Before delving more into that, I will digress a bit: There once existed a tribe of people that were known in ancient times as the Phoenicians. Their nation existed in the northern vicinity of what is now modern Israel, with perhaps some protrusion into the area above. They were principally a maritime civilization, that placed a great emphasis on trading with many other nations of the Mediterranean area, and beyond. I think that they have been completely assimilated into other tribal groups by now. One of the many interesting things about them, is that they were the nearly exclusive possessors of the ability to produce a purple dye that was very much in demand in many places during their day. In fact, they were so known for producing the unique dye (which was extracted by some peculiar process, from certain mollusks), that they became widely known as 'the sellers of purple.' Another interesting thing, is that they were the inheritors of the ancient religion of Baal worship, which has been occasionally identified by some scholars, as somehow being associated with the planet Mars. Yet another thing of interest - the British have a very keen interest in the Phoenicians, and many of them seem to believe that certain aspects of their tribes were founded by that nation of long ago. It is one of the several ways that the modern British attempt (particularly in the aristocratic circles) to trace their history all the way back to one of the cradles of civilization. Others seem to be more in favor of Judaic ties, or other tribal associations. Maybe a little bit of all of that applies to modern England. I perceive a lot of disparate influences at play in their cultures. Now, remember (I am getting back to my original train of thought, be patient), during the ministry of Elijah, the people that he was most at odds with, were the Baal-worshippers, particularly the priests of Baal. In fact, at one point, he had hundreds of them slain, after they miserably failed a test to prove the superiority of Baal over Jehovah. You can read all about it in the Old Testament. Additionally, there is the consideration, that when the famous alliteration of the fall of the devil is made in the Old Testament (the lamentation upon the king of Tyre), the ancient city of Tyre is actually (at least throughout some of the course of it's history) a Phoenician city. The point that I am trying to make, is that I believe that the English-speaking world (which I call 'the Realm,' which includes most of the nations that have an English-speaking majority) has a dual spiritual heritage; Christian, and the mystery cult religion of Baal-worship (which I will henceforth refer to as Masonry). The acquisition of the lands involved in the Realm was effected largely under the influence of the Christian heritage (keeping in mind that many pagan cultures were dispossessed of said lands), but now, the dominant cultural influences seem to be based on the Baal cults, or some kind of tangential paradigm. This is something that many people understand very well in a fuzzy, Vaseline-smeared lens kind of way, but are very reluctant to acknowledge more straightforwardly. The worship of Baal (and all other false gods) is a very ugly business, involving all of the things that should be objectionable to anyone that claims faith in Jesus Christ. I think that I'll just leave it at that. Well, no, I'll attempt to clarify just what I mean... In the New Testament, those practices are referred to as 'the deep things of Satan,' 'things done in darkness,' 'not even worthy of mention,' or 'the worthless traditions of our fathers.' Did you know that Baal and Beelzebub are synonyms? They are perfectly interchangeable names. Beelzebub is Baal. The Lord lets us know, in no uncertain terms, that Beelzebub is the 'prince of devils.' He also says (through apostle Paul, I believe) to newly converted Christians, that they once followed the 'course of this world; of the prince of the power of the air (again, Beelzebub); the spirit that even now works in the children of disobedience.' Please remember that there may be some kind of extraterrestrial connection that needs to be understood, when we are considering the activities of the prince of devils. Yes, there really is spiritual wickedness in high places, Virginia. Now whether that spiritual wickedness involves Martians, Moonians, Venusians, hyper-Terraneans (for they that understand what I mean), or any other hypothetical dwellers of 'elsewhere,' I cannot say for sure. I personally believe that one or more of the aforementioned places (in other dimensions, of course) are probably involved. If you think that I am joking, I can assure you that I am not. The Lord is opposed to Beelzebub, and all of his children. The people that agree to participate in Masonry are the spiritual 'children' of Beelzebub. If you are interested in your soul's survival into the Lord's Kingdom, it is absolutely paramount that you understand that. The devil's children are not going to inherit the Earth, or any of the rest of the Lord's Kingdom. They have a very dark fate ahead of them, from which none of them will escape. I know this to be absolutely true. If you have doubts about it, sincere prayer to God may reveal the truth of it to you, if the Lord is willing. Now, one of the reasons why all of this has been so gosh-darn difficult for so many people to figure out, is because of the shame factor involved in the imposition of those wicked 'blessings' that take place in certain Masonic initiations. Some people speak gigglingly of the 'gift of gab,' or they use other, usually veiled, ways to refer to the evil deeds that are perpetrated upon the unsuspecting victims of the priests of Baal. To be blunt, it appears (though I have no direct proof of it) that the administering of poisons, demonic possession, rape and sodomy are standard fare in their religious rituals. If that doesn't seem ugly to you, you are probably not going to Heaven. You probably have another appointment. A hot date. There are many other false gods, but I think that it's safe to boil them all down to Baal. Astarte, and other female divinities, such as Diana, also seem to be very popular. In the Old Testament there is a reference to the pouring out of drink offerings to someone described as the 'Queen of Heaven.' If they are real, extraterrestrial intelligences, they are probably opposed to the Father. All of them are in the pantheon of Satan, no doubt. Those perverse mystery cults of sex and war have thousands of different variations, but they are all the same thing, basically. The Mark of the Beast. Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Satanism. It's all the same stuff. Nothing nice. Definitely not Christianity, my friends. The Lord warns us that all of the people that accept the Mark of the Beast are going to hell. All of them. No exceptions. You have been warned. I guess it's just hard for many people to believe that those abominations are actually the Beast markings that we've been warned about for going on 2000 years. Jesus told us that the spirit of antichrist was in the world, even when He was here. These people are fantastically stupid. The Lord has told us that someone would come along that would place a 'mark' upon all people: rich, poor, free, bond, and on. I can't claim to know exactly who that person is, but I feel very strongly that the developing situation is very real. I am determined to wake up as many people as possible to it. That my writings have not been returned to me is proof enough for me. It indicates that very dark possibilities may lie just ahead. If the Lord will not effect the return of my book, I don't think that there's anything that I'll be able to do about it. And I know that the will of the people that I believe have stolen it is evil. There is just no getting around it. It's closing time. Yes, I think that the Dragonettes have wrapped their scaly paws around my invention, and are probably planning to use it to advantage themselves in evil ways, as usual. They want their religion of rape and murder to spread as far and wide as possible, because it is what seems good and prudent to them. They can see no end to their whoredoms. However, their evils will eventually end. As best as I can tell, the brightest thing that could happen, as far as this situation is concerned, would be for my intellectual property to be restored to me. That would be a very glorious thing, indeed. But, as usual, the malefactors just don't get it. Gling (sound of a halo lighting up)! The Lord, and his loyal host, will prevail, of course. It just endlessly irks me that most of these people won't give any serious thought to the possibilities that I've been trying to get them to consider. A whole lot of them are going to go to that very real lake of fire. This I know, but I feel almost completely powerless to do anything to improve the situation. I feel lucky to know that I am saved. It is an awesomely happy thing to understand. The gloom in my nature stems from my lifelong experience with people that consistently reject some of the most important aspects of the Gospel. It's not like I have always lived a good life. In fact, I am quite familiar with many different types of vices. I know that repentance is the main key to being forgiven for one's sins. It is depressing to know that God is not going to lead everyone out of error. There is one other thing, that I should make mention of. Right after the account given in Genesis of the Deluge, we are told a little story about Noah getting intoxicated, and one of his sons 'seeing his nakedness.' The curse that Noah pronounced, after waking up, and realizing what his son, Ham, had done to him, was directed towards Ham's son. The name of the cursed son was Canaan, and the curse was of servitude to the progeny of Noah's other two sons. Just another reason why I see the continuing of those sickening practices as slavery, of a very nasty kind. Our civilization is full of people that have been routinely subjected to those Canaanite curses. We are a largely spiritually indentured nation, but most people aren't even aware of that fact. Those practices need to be ceased, or the end result will be disorder of the highest magnitude. I am trying to put forth as much information as possible, to convince people just why those diabolical practices, and the people that are in favor of them continuing, need to be understood for what they are. The enemies of God. Do not serve them, or you will certainly share their condemnation. --- tugboat.log I come from the land up over Sat Mar 27 1999 I watched a rebroadcast of a Bravo special on Bjork tonight. I saw most of it a few months ago. Tonight, I got to see some of the opening that I missed from my first viewing. She actually recorded an album when she was seven years of age. The bit that they played was pretty cute. She spent ten years in classical music school. I also learned a bit more about her pre-solo career with Kukl, Tappi Tikarass and the Sugarcones - er, no, that's Sugarcubes. Fun stuff to watch. A nice diversion. I forgot all about world peace. And the darkness of the devil. Not that I think that Bjork is all about sweetness and light. But, compared to other things, she sort of is. At least I hope so. Maybe she has a black, crispy center. Probably, actually. Sometimes I just get to feeling kind of burnt out on all of these issues. Nobody really cares much about the spiritual condition of the world, anyway. Often, I wonder why I continue to bother about it at all. There is no way that most people would take me seriously. Only lunatics would listen to me carefully. It's not that I think that I might be crazy. I know that I am not. It's just that the people are so heavily invested in denial. At times, it seems that virtually everyone is insane to some degree. Not me, thank God. I am as sane as the next man. Saner, even. There is a passage somewhere in the Bible that says that 'the worlds' were framed by the actions of God, or something close to that. Descriptions of Heaven as a plurality of places can be found in many different instances. Although mention is made of Heaven as being drastically different from Earth in many respects, there are definite similarities indicated, such as the activities of eating and drinking in Heaven with Lord Jesus that are mentioned in the New Testament. Also, we are told that 'Heaven and Earth will pass away.' Which, obviously, indicates to us that Heaven, like Earth, is perishable to some degree. Another thing that we are told, is that in the far-flung future, there will be 'a new Heaven and Earth.' Why aren't the preachers and pastors discussing these very important issues? I don't know; all I can say for sure, is that anyone that indicates that they seriously believe that there is life anywhere else in the universe, especially nearby, is treated as thought they were completely insane. Especially someone that claims to have personal experience with these matters, such as myself. Why I should be treated this way, is just beyond me. The entire series of awful things that have happened to me are just unbelievable. And yet, nobody seems to make the connection that all of that endless contempt being directed my way (as well as towards others in similar circumstances, I am sure) might just indicate that there is some validity to my arguments. I am convinced that the real secret about the world, is that most of the powerful individuals are connected in some way to a group of people that are the spiritual wards of a little clan of intelligences that have been cast out of the Heavens, after losing their war against Yahweh. It's as simple as that. But that appears to be the main thing that much of our civilization is in denial about. The nasty practices are just a smoke-screen, to keep anyone from seriously considering such possibilities. I am more and more convinced each day that all of the people that are 'participating' are going to hell. I hate to think that it's so, but... If anybody would be willing to discuss those matters in a completely sober way, without any giggling or grinning, then maybe I would feel that I might be somewhat wrong in my estimation of the meaning of those initiations. But the simple fact of the matter, is that nearly nobody can do that. They just break into chuckles at the mere thought of those 'baggings' of people. I have laughed too. But after a while, for those of us that lean towards sanity, it just ain't funny no mo'. The end result of those evil practices will be fascism. And mass death. Murder, and a whole lot of other evil manifestations will blossom in our society, If the imbeciles that perpetrate those evils are not checked. That is what has been happening already, but I am certain that it will get far worse. Evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, for sure. The only hope we have left, is for our spiritually limp authorities to finally do something to stop those cults of devilish foolishness. The nation is spilling over with demonic activity. And that ain't too cool. Sometimes, I feel like the primal square. I can understand how certain people might not want to listen to what I've been saying. I irritate myself a great deal. It's just that the combination of things that I have endured indicates to me that there is a great need for as many people as possible to attenuate themselves to the possibilities of various things that might happen in the future, concerning Christianity. We have had thousands of years of paranoia over these issues, and now that things really seem to be coming to a head, it's almost as if there is a gigantic wave of spiritual apathy washing over everyone. I just don't know what else to do, but wait. --- bunyip.log The devil is in the details Sun Mar 28 1999 Spent a lot of time just resting today. My eye feels pretty lousy. At least the pain isn't as bad as it was last week. Looks like they are going to be waging war in the Balkans for quite some time. The campaign that they are executing now is supposed to involve something like three major phases. But everyone says that they aren't going to commit any ground troops. That is how nearly all wars are won, which I'm sure everyone knows. But, you never know what is going to happen from one week to the next. One thing that I think is good about the whole affair, is that Clinton appears to be coming out somewhat in opposition to the Russians. The key thing to remember, at this point, is that it is a very 'seems to be' kind of a situation. So far. The way that the international scene has been developing over the course of this century, I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that all of these political events were somehow scripted in advance, by whatever combination of world forces that have agreed to take control of the planet, in a world governmental sense. In other words, there might be more than a little bit of acting involved in the unfolding of current events. It takes a very suspicious mind to get to the real truth of the geopolitical situation nowadays. Nobody is playing it straight. Politically, nearly everyone and everything seems to be unsound. Many powerful nations have evil ulterior motives, I believe. Greed, of some kind, often seems to be a factor. Nations are just legitimized gangs, anyway. Always looking for fights. And finding them. But it's the very clever ones, that use elaborate PR tactics to convince the world at large that their motives are truly good (sometimes, it appears, the motivation really is humanitarian - would that were always the case), that tumble out of their rumbles smelling rosy. I think that our Department of Defense needs to remember that we are embroiled in a conflict in a European theater, not in Africa, Asia or the Arab world. There is a very big difference, not least of which, is that the Balkan area is part of the sphere of Soviet influence. Mostly in an unspoken way. But still, it is. I seem to recall hearing at various different times, that there is a large contingency of terrorists that operate out of Albania. Actually, I heard someone on television mention today that there's a rumor that some Albanians are connected in some way to a major terrorist from the Islamic world. I can't recall his name at the moment, but I know that he (and his organization) claimed responsibility for the bombing of an American Embassy building that occurred in Africa not long ago. I certainly believe that there is a chance that some terrorist acts might occur, as a result of the US and NATO getting involved in the Balkans. But, surprisingly, there isn't much talk along those lines. People are fleeing Milosevic's forces in Kosovo south into Macedonia, where they have already received something like 20,000 people over the past year or so. They say that maybe they can handle that amount again, with help from other countries. I heard some reports of atrocities. People being slaughtered. Nothing that isn't already happening here in the good ol' USA. Evil is pretty much the same all around the globe. Only here, they try to paint a smile on it's face. One of the people that were speaking in favor of the position of Milosevic, and his loyalists, said that Albright and Clinton are 'obsessed with destroying the Serbs.' I wonder if that's true. And if so, why? Maybe they are really acting as puppets, to do 'dirty work' for the Russians. One never knows. Another person equated the Serbs with the Nazis, and said that many of them were Axis sympathizers during W.W.II. I saw someone carrying a placard at a Communist rally against NATO, that was inscribed with the words: 'Adolf Clinton.' Yeah. That's how I kind of feel about the whole situation here in the US. I know that Clinton, and all of his contemporaries, know exactly what has happened to me (for instance). This atrocity has been perpetrated upon me, and obviously viewed by a substantial amount of individuals. And yet, nothing has been done to rectify the situation. I can only imagine how many other people have been treated similarly. Maybe many; maybe only a few. Something about it all smacks of fascism. I think that Clinton, and his people, are really just very well-disguised fascists. Maybe they are even Nazis. There seems to be a lot of evidence, at least from my vantage point. At the very least, I think that they are possessed by the devil. That is obvious, to anyone that has an eye for spiritual detail. Janet Reno, with all of her veiled hostility, and scads of other people always looking nervous, guilty and sweaty. Perhaps they are all on heroin, cocaine or something. I'll just bet that somebody has caught some of them on video. Doing it. There are teeny-tiny full color cameras that can be installed virtually anywhere. The possibilities of high-level political blackmail are virtually endless. Especially if you really think about the high-tech capabilities that many evil world forces now have at their disposal. Something very, very interesting might happen on a future New Year's Day. Pirated communications satellites could replace regular television signals with unthinkable broadcasts. Stuff like that. Real 'Outer Limits' scenarios. It could happen. --- ragnarok.log Ollie ollie oxen free Mon Mar 29 1999 Some days I feel almost as if I'm living in the past. That is the only way that I can think of at the moment to describe it. There seems to be a very written, fated kind of a quality to all things. I often feel as if I am stumbling along through one jumbo-size deja vu. There was a point at which I engaged in heavy speculation regarding whether I might have found my way into some kind of a time loop. One that might involve another nearby world, perhaps removed from this one by a great stretch of time and/or space. But my theories began to get too confusing and the reasoning involved, too spaghetti-ish, for me to continue to ponder upon those possibilities. I still think that aspects of that kind of paradigm might apply, but it is hard for me to include God in that kind of an equation without worrying about the potential of blasphemy. Where I am/was most worried (concerning God), is can there be a comfortable connection made between the concept of our Almighty God, who is perfect, and us, His creations, who most definitely are imperfect, and the possibility of God moving us along towards perfection via our now staggering, now halting technological progress. Obviously (at least to me, and the others that know what I'm talking about) the heavenly forces (good and evil) have what might be considered by many to be a very high degree of technological prowess. There definitely is a very advanced set of capabilities at their disposal. And at ours, of course - there appears to be a great deal of overlap. Certainly much of that is due to back-engineering of certain mechanical devices. That has been taking place over the course of much of this century. As well as various kinds of innovations in many fields of science that have allowed us to understand the more esoteric aspects of energy relationships. Particle accelerators and such have revealed many wonders that the general public knows next to nothing about. One of the sad realities, is that there has been no commensurate advancement in the dynamics of human psycho-spiritual development. That, again, is largely due to the refusal of the world's main power groups to drop their many variations on 'ancestor worship' practices, that is, the demonic cults. That is what is absolutely insuring the utter doom of this order of things. It no longer frustrates me to realize that nobody seems to fully understand that. We are told that the Lord Himself is putting it into the minds of the people to fulfill His will for the end of this age. Who am I to argue, if it is so? Let the Lord's will be done, is what I say. Only He knows the complete truth of all things, anyway. I trust Him. I just feel sorry for the people who don't. Now there appears to be more and more of a rising voice for the deployment of NATO ground forces over in the Kosovo region. That is what we will have to do, if we are actually serious about winning a war there. Otherwise, the guy will probably just dig in, and bide his time. A very disturbing development today, was that there is some kind of an accord between Milosevic and Saddam Hussein. Supposedly, the Iraqis have agreed to supply the Serbs with oil, and other supplies, while the Serbs in return, are promising to help repair and rebuild some of Saddam's war planes. Lovely. That is muy creepy. Next thing you know, that cozy alliance will blossom into a world of trouble for NATO, with various ex-Soviet republics getting on board, etcetera. The weird thing, is that Milosevic is ousting Muslims from Serbia. How that he is able to get Hussein's support, is somewhat mysterious to me. I thought that Saddam was a card-carrying Muslim. I don't get it. In a way, I think it would be good for us to send troops over there. Maybe it will help to insure that we will have at least one more generation of heterosexuals in our nation's future. Something about our young people seems very socially unhealthy. There is no spark of national romanticism. No desire for truth and honor. No bravery. Wickedness and shameless deceit are championed all the live-long day. The kids seem morally pale and sickly. Almost poisoned. Antidote: War! Ha. Just joking, sort of. I am actually beginning to believe that Milosevic is a bad guy. Maybe it is just the crafty media, softening up my mind; brainwashing me. Doing what they do best - spinning. Probably. No, but seriously, if the Serbs are really beginning to team up with the likes of Saddam, you just know that even greater evils could be looming on the horizon. And if we don't follow up with some ground troops, NATO will just look like an ol' bowl of Granny's oatmeal. With a big, greasy prune smack dab in the middle of it. Sickening, unappealing. Various member nations may begin to dishonor certain aspects of key agreements, or even drop out entirely. It would be scary, because I know that the Soviets would just love for that to happen. Folks here just don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of what the Soviets are really all about. Our people are just pretty stupid, in general, I guess. The Soviets, and Communists considered all together, have been responsible for the deaths of well over 100 million people throughout the course of the twentieth century. They are definitely big-time murderers. What is wrong with our current way of 'doing things,' is largely due to Soviet, and Communist influence. That is why I am so very happy that we once again have a chance to firmly oppose the Russians, and world Communism, which I firmly believe has never stopped being the awful threat that we once clearly perceived it to be. Anyone that knows anything about politics knows that the Democratic party is jammed with Socialists, Marxists, Communists, you name it. Nearly all of those people tend to be completely amoral, and fervently anti-Christian. This I have learned from many bitter experiences, not from the mealy mouth of some tired old jingoist. I know the truth of it. So, as unpleasant as it is for me to say it, I really do believe that there may be more than a few good reasons for us to get seriously involved in a war in that region. Yesterday, I was almost ready to say that we should just leave the situation alone. I don't think that would be the wisest course. I just hope that whatever happens, we avoid starting another world war. But that might be unavoidable, unless God is with us. Hopefully, He is. --- zhaoxing.log I'd like to teach the world to sing Tue Mar 30 1999 Those of us that have the hope of entering into the Lord's Kingdom don't need to concern ourselves overmuch with many of the free-floating anxieties that many of our non-Christian contemporaries enjoy. We have all of the time in eternity to look forward to. In fact, that is a very good way to determine whether or not someone is in the camp of the enemy - they often have a restless, nervous quality that is deeply etched upon all aspects of their character. Granted, I do believe that there are times when Christians should also be deeply nervous and restless. Now may be one of those times. But, ultimately, we really have very little to worry about, whereas the damned certainly do. Not very long ago, I watched a live conversation on C-Span (I love that channel) between Li Zhaoxing (the Chinese ambassador to the US), and a lady interviewer. Mr. Zhaoxing seemed to be a likable fellow, but he repeatedly downplayed all aspects of the issues relating to the illegal transfer of American defense technology to his countrymen. He said (which I believe is true, for the most part) that China has a long history of scientific progress, and was perfectly capable of developing all of the technologies in question without any assistance, legal or not, from the United States. He gave the chronology regarding China's development and testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs, and related other information that generally supported his claims that they have in no way needed to refer to western sources for ideas to augment their war machine. Well, I don't know if I believe that completely. I agree that China, and it's scientific community, are no slouches when it comes to being sharp in R&D regards, but there seems to be a lot of evidence that they actually have pilfered some of our trade secrets. Personally, I think that international blackmail tactics have a whole lot to do with it. I have been trying to get these people to understand the far-reaching implications of their willingness to tolerate the practices of occultic foolishness that I have long been speaking against. Those practices are of the devil, and his host, and will only advantage all of our adversaries in the long run. China may well wind up being one of those adversaries, although at the moment, I feel uncommonly optimistic about our relations with them. They can be an extremely charming company of individuals, especially when one considers how very out of order much of our culture over here is. Even though they are Communists, I admire them in many ways. I am constantly thinking of ways to get them to accept Christianity. That would really transform them for the better. One problem, is that most people here seem to be far more interested in getting the Chinese to drink Pepsi, and wear Nikes, than to help them to commit themselves to the coming Lord of the World, Jesus Christ. [NAME DELETED] has told me that he has received documents from the DoD which had been acquired from China, and then subsequently discovered to be info that had been gleaned from our defense community, and then translated into Chinese. There is some evidence. I think that many people in the defense community are well aware of such things taking place. Much of it may be legal, with all of the technology transfer agreements and all, but I am sure that some of it is not. Piracy of all types of information is very common, all throughout the world, so it would not surprise me at all to discover that such things were taking place. There are so many low-quality people in our government's federal bureaucracy, that it boggles the mind. I'll bet that many of those people cannot at all be trusted to keep our nation, and it's defense information safe. There is a such a climate of stupidity prevailing, at all levels of society. It is the perfect environment for things to go wrong, in small and large ways. Nearly everyone knows how very simple it is to transfer information of all kinds, all over the world, via the Internet. It doesn't take the proverbial rocket scientist to understand the kinds of things that might be happening. Again, I think that those blackmailing activities, especially the most offensive (occultic, involving hypnotism, witchcraft, and on) varieties, are one of the very gravest threats ever to our national security. Anyone that doesn't believe that that is so, is probably some kind of pawn of the devil anyway, and should basically be considered to be an enemy of our state. If we cannot keep this nation under God, we very likely are going to lose it to the enemies of the Lord. Satan, and his people, have been advantaging themselves within our nation, at the expense of those of us that love God. That, I firmly believe, is what has been going on. It is just ever so tragic that precious few people clearly understand that. Anyhow, Li Zhaoxing said that next week, a very big Chinese premier of some kind will pay a visit to the US. He seemed to indicate that the future course of Sino-American relations may be seriously affected for better or worse, depending on China's perception of the outcome of the potentate's trip. I hope that everything goes well, because I would like very much to see the relationship between China and the US stabilize and improve. I think that the two nations have a great deal to offer one another, although I believe that both nations also need to alter themselves in fundamental ways to allow the highest degree of cooperative progression to ensue. Mr. Zhaoxing was very personable, although he did exhibit a few of the characteristics of they that are being influenced by evil spirits. However, that certainly is nothing new to me - our nation is simply crammed with people that have the same kinds of problems. He also seemed to be heavily in denial about the aforementioned illegal defense technology transfer issues, saying for instance, that the allegations were 'fabrications pulled out of thin air,' or something close to that. Whatever. China is supposed to only have twenty or so heavy nuclear missiles in it's armaments, but with the MIRV technology to enhance even just a few of them, their destructive capabilities would be dramatically increased. Something to worry about, for sure. Also, there is the lamentable fact that we have no missile defense system, which I believe I have already mentioned in other files. Many people still do not understand what that really means. If more people did, there would be a far greater uproar over it. Yet another horrifying thing to contemplate, is that beyond FEMA, we have no concrete contingency plans for civil defense, in the event that such an unspeakable thing as a nuclear war, or series of large-scale terrorist events should actually precipitate upon us. No bomb shelters, stored rations, etcetera. China and the Soviets have very, very extensive civil defense programs in effect. In certain Russian and Chinese metropolitan areas, there are veritable underground cities, with level after level of warehoused food and other provisions, that are being renewed on strict schedules. Don't believe that? Go check it out. It's true. They have long been making plans to protect many of their civilians from the brunt of a nuclear war, whilst the drunks over here won't even discuss such matters publicly. These are the kinds of issues that have been burning in my mind for years. They are protecting their people, while we are poisoning and raping ours. Who do you think is smarter? Who do you think actually cares for their nation and people more? Sadly, the answer appears to be that the Communists, although they have the wrong god (no god at all, that is), actually appear to have genuine love and concern for the welfare of their charges, while our people (especially the younger set) are largely just interested in chasing dollar bills and having a 'good time,' even at the expense of our nation and it's citizenry. That is why I am so very ashamed of our country, in many ways. It used to be great, but not any more. Now, it's just kind of dumb. I am convinced that many of our own, are our very worst enemies. The Satan-worshippers are going to be responsible for our nation's demise, if it comes to that, which it just might. --- arkan.log After supper he began to joke Wed Mar 31 1999 Things have gone from bad to worse, over the course of the past twenty-four hours or so. Three American soldiers that were doing some kind of patrol along the Kosovo-Macedonia border were captured by Serbian forces (possibly, it hasn't yet been officially confirmed) when they strayed too far across into Kosovo. That is bad, because they will probably be POWs for a very long time. It may take quite a while for the Serbs to even acknowledge their capture, and if/when they do, surely they will be used as bargaining chips by Milosevic. Another thing, is that today, I actually got to see a live interview with the guy that is basically second-in-command in the Yugoslavian army. He is supposed to be more or less directly responsible for the main brunt of the offensive actions that have been taken to 'cleanse' the Albanian peoples from the Kosovo region. His full name is something like Zeljko Radnajovic (I may have the spelling incorrect - probably), but he is widely known as 'Arkan.' He is a very successful businessman in Yugoslavia, and is married to their top pop star. He also owns a football team, and is widely liked by many of the Serbs. Just today, the international war crimes tribunal (which is headquartered in the Hague) indicted him on several counts of war atrocities related to actions that were taken by the Serbs in the affairs concerning the Bosnia-Herzegovinia region. He is blamed for the torture and murder of many people. He is on the Interpol shit list, and has warrants for his arrest in many different European nations. Also, he has worked as an assassin for a certain character known as Tito. Make that man a general! Those kinds of people seem to be on the rise all throughout the world nowadays. Murderers, and criminals of all kinds are very popular. They make perfect fascists. These people over here just haven't the foggiest idea of what it would mean for us to get into a war with the Serbs. As I imagined, Arkan explained that if NATO sends in any ground forces, the Serbians will fight against them tooth and claw. I bet. Personally, I don't think that our people are ready to fight a hard-core war in that region. We don't have the moral upper hand, is what I think it comes down to. Our young people have been very badly programmed over the past few decades, and for us to thrust them into that violent arena would be sending a great many of them to very untimely deaths. I am sure of it. It's not that I am frightened of this Arkan fellow. Certainly not. I just know that he is a very serious chap, and is prepared to do what it will take to cause a lot of misery for our people in that region, if it comes down to it. Now listen. There is a missing dimension to human communication, that from time to time, I believe I am able to pick up somewhat. It's kind of like when one has a radio that occasionally tunes in far-flung stations, that aren't normally received in the area. Well, today I 'picked up' a very grim note of dedicated hostility towards NATO, and more specifically, towards the US, from Mr. Radnajovic. There was no mistaking it. Also, there is the fact that the Russians are sending seven warships into the Mediterranean area right now. And there's the connection with Hussein, and the endless hostility of some of the Arab world's leaders. I don't know. The situation looks bad. From the outset, I figured that we might wind up looking like villains, while the Russians, and the anti-NATO forces would seem good. In other words, I have felt early on that this whole situation might have a lot to do with high-level Satanic intelligences trying to galvanize many disparate world forces together against NATO. I know that the main threat to the progress of world Communism (and a truly Satanic world government) is NATO. The Communists surely know that. So, anything that can be done to make NATO look bad, is good in their eyes. It is very crucial to understand that, even though it should seem perfectly logical to anyone that is even slightly aware of the main dynamics of the Post Cold-War scenario. Unfortunately, many Americans don't even understand the simplest aspects of all of these issues. The other day, [NAME DELETED] asked me what NATO was. Argh. You know, even though she isn't American, you'd think that by reason of the fact that she lived through W.W.II in Germany, that she would be aware of such important things as that. Passover is beginning. I wonder what the Lord thinks of all of these developments. Sometimes it seems as if He is really going to allow everything to just pour right down the drain. I think that one of the best ways for the US to handle this situation, would be for us (and other NATO nations, of course) to offer asylum to all of the Kosovian refugees that Albania and Macedonia can't absorb. That would be about the only bloodless way for us to maybe come out of this affair looking anywhere near good. Just let the Serbs have Kosovo, and be done with it. After all, it is a very important and historically significant part of Yugoslavia. But we would definitely have to issue an extremely stern warning to Milosevic about moving anywhere beyond that point. Otherwise, we are going to have to get into it with him, in a big way. And that will be no picnic, I can tell. I feel somewhat ambivalent about all of this. There are many reasons why we might have to go to war against them, but then again, there are are almost as many reasons why perhaps we shouldn't. A very great dilemma. If there was only a very short amount of time in which to make a final decision about it, I would most likely be in favor of us sending in troops, primarily to help preserve the integrity of the institution of NATO. That is ever so important. But, I would prefer to have enough time to bring them (the Serbs) to some kind of a peaceful compromise. Arkan said that the Serbians are willing to live peacefully with the Albanians, and blamed the NATO bombings for the mass exodus of the refugees. The whole crux of the matter hinges on whether those people can coexist peacefully in the Kosovo region. Why not get them to help tailor the main aspects of whatever peace agreement can be reached, rather than have the NATO forces invade. He also said that 'thirty years of negotiations are better than one day of war.' That sounded pretty decent, right? Let's see if they are really interested in peace, is what I say. If they are doves, let's be doves too. He also indicated that the KLA (which is an Albanian-sponsored organization, I believe) has been trying to facilitate the annexation of the Kosovo region into Albania. He analogized the situation, by saying that the US would not allow our state of Texas to secede, and be annexed by Mexico, even if all of the people in it were of Mexican descent. Good analogy. I'll bet that made a lot of people over here think about the situation over there differently. Probably got a lot of Canadians thinking, too (considering the long, drawn-out fuss that has been going on for years over the possibility of the province of Quebec seceding from the Canadian union). Even though I know a lot more about all of these issues now, I still don't feel as if I know enough. I know practically nothing about Milosevic, and the Yugoslavian government. I have a very foggy understanding of their history, and relations with the other ethnic groups in the vicinity. I am sure that filling in all of those gaps would help anyone interested to reach a more educated conclusion about what course of action should be taken by NATO. I don't think it will pay to be hasty. --- nunavut.log You've not seen nothing Thu Apr 1 1999 Video footage (from Yugoslavian television broadcasts) of the three American servicemen (Stone, Ramirez and Gonzalez) that were captured by the Serbs yesterday was shown today. Looks like they had some kind of a tussle with their captors; one of them appeared to have fairly substantial bruises on his face. They looked pretty angry, and it was a bit eerie to see their images captioned with their names translated into Cyrillic characters. It almost seemed like they were Soviet prisoners (Russia, and some of the nations in the Balkan area, use that alphabet). The Kremlin today issued a proclamation that indicated that they consider the area to be a region of Russian 'geo-political interest.' See? It is really sad to see all of those refugees endlessly streaming across the Kosovo border into Albania and Macedonia. I wonder if those fascist jerks in the Yugoslavian government really care about those people at all. The fascist jerks here don't give a damn about my situation. The whole world seems to be ruled by thugs. I'm already sick of the whole thing. Nobody gives a shit about what I think, anyway. I am hoping that the situation simmers down soon. I saw another interview (on NBC) with that character Arkan. The correct spelling of his full name is Zeljko Raznatovic. This time he seemed pretty threatening, and I am very sure that the deeply sinister undercurrents that I sensed yesterday were real. I think that those Serbs have some kind of an ace in the hole, that has to do with international terrorism. There is a very high level of defiance at play there that does not sit well with me at all. I smell some kind of a nasty blackmail scheme by the Communists behind all of it. I saw Wesley Clark, the Supreme NATO Commander. He seemed fairly sober and sturdy, but nervous, with a slightly quavering voice. He showed a long series of slides that depicted where the bombing sorties were being done, and said that they are going to continue until the Serbs stop 'cleansing.' I don't think that many of the NATO people were prepared for these developments. Soon, they will be having their 50th anniversary celebration. It is going to be a much more somber affair, due to the unfolding events. I am not going to waste time by repeating my statements about how upset I am at the policies of the western nations, concerning those evil occultic practices that I hate so much. All I am going to say, is that they have been digging their own graves. If they aren't sensing that by now, they probably never will. Those activities have led to the moral and ethical destabilization of this nation (and I suspect many of the other western nations, as well), and no doubt has darkened us significantly in the eyes of the Lord. I know that He hates hypocrites. These people that are calling themselves Christians, and also kissing Baal, are going to 'receive their portion with the hypocrites,' as promised, eventually. Their dollar bills and pfennigs will not save them. That cup of filth and hand of whoredoms with '666' invisibly inscribed upon them, and all of the people that have partaken of the same, and accepted that mark, are going to be way shocked when they finally realize what they have gotten themselves into. Hell. I would have liked very much to have had the opportunity to more adequately warn them, but nobody called me. They just laughed. Now it looks like they might have to deal with the consequences of their stupidity. I am not righteous, but the Lord certainly is. I know that he is not going to help a bunch of Satan worshippers. Let them continue 'doing that.' Let them 'do that' all the live long day, week, month, year, decade, century, millennium, eon, and on. They can 'do that' eternally, if they really want to. It is wisdom to them. On a lighter note, today is the day that the new Canadian territory of Nunavut (formed from the eastern division of the former Northwest Territories) is officially established. I will probably have a whole lot more to say about it over the course of the year, because it is of great interest to me. Other files will contain various details. I'll bet the residents up there are all feeling pretty good. Hopefully, they had a very pleasant day. --- japheth.log And Noah awoke from his wine Fri Apr 2 1999 Did a little scrounging today. Found a lot of miscellaneous items; a small AM radio, an Escher calendar (one of my favorite artists), assorted boxes and doodads, and an old version of the SimCity program for the Mac, which I brought over to [NAME DELETED]'s, after debating it internally at great length. After all of the negative things that I have experienced in association with her and the household, I have almost decided to completely part company with them. If they only knew. Brad answered the door, and said that [NAME DELETED] was spending the weekend with [NAME DELETED] in Cicero (where she, her baby and boyfriend now live). He said that he'd make sure to get the software to her. Brad is a good guy, basically, I think. He used to date an odd chick (late eighties; early nineties) named Jessica, that was all obsessed with vampires, and the old Dark Shadows soap opera series. She had tons of the episodes on videotape, and played them all the time. I think the main character's name was Barnabas something; Jessica thought that her future soul-mate was going to look almost exactly like him. She showed me a picture that she'd drawn, based on some kind of a vision she'd had, and I couldn't help but see a very striking resemblance to Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock on Star Trek). Strange lady - but aren't they all? She and Brad broke up eventually, and I think she moved downstate. They bombed two key governmental buildings in downtown Belgrade today. They were nearly completely destroyed. Various Yugoslavian officials were all over the news networks today, complaining about the NATO assault. Almost all of them said that they wanted peace. I also saw some KLA people (based in London), that seemed to be slobbering over the chance to go to war against the Serbs. They are supposed to have an army numbering somewhere around 30,000 strong, but are very poorly (or not at all) trained, and have limited munitions. Christiane Amanpour (a CNN correspondent) said that she'd heard some of the refugees tell tales about mass killings, but added that she was unable to corroborate them. It appears that Milosevic has ousted something like a third of the ethnic Albanians from the Kosovo region. People are saying that there is a good chance that he will now accept some kind of an agreement with NATO soon. I sure hope so, because if we send in troops, the scene will surely get much uglier. I still think that there is a chance that the Russians have some kind of a major sneaky play coming up. I'll bet they don't like what is happening. Then again, as I've noted before, international politics often seems to be choreographed by the forces of spiritual wickedness in very high places. One never knows. I am really tired of it. Hopefully, it is resolved soon. I gave two of the purple pteranodons away today; one to Ching (the girl in the video store on Argyle - she gave me some Asian movie posters a few days ago), and the other to a lady that works in a dry cleaning store on Clarendon; she let me have a really neat Lincoln Park Zoo 'Caroling to the Animals' poster (dated December 6th - I gave it to [NAME DELETED] for her birthday) that was displayed in her store window last year. The neat thing about it, is that there is a cool graphic of three penguins (one holding a conductor's baton) in a row, with a big polar bear standing directly behind them. I thought it was neat, because those creatures are symbols of the polar regions, which I like very much. It is good to see that our people are able to more or less come to their senses in a short space of time. I am sure that we will need as much sobriety as possible in the coming years. When things begin to go wrong, many will be caught completely unawares. Lots of folks are very deeply embedded in ungodly foolishness. The unexpected should be anticipated, and where possible, prepared for. --- arrow.log As they rounded the corner Sat Apr 3 1999 Maybe today would be a good day for me to finally write a file about the near-death/out-of-body experience that I had back in early 1989. I've put it off for so long. But I really don't feel much like writing at all. Nah. Now is not the right time. I'll get around to it eventually. I feel really uneasy about many things at the moment. Although I can't say exactly how it is being done, I am fairly sure that there is a pretty sophisticated espionage operation going on, that revolves around my life; as crazy as it might sound, I am certain that the people involved are reading these files. You can call me a schizophrenic, if you want. I am not stupid. It is happening. Again, I can't say for sure exactly how I am being monitored - probably in several different ways. It is a monumental invasion of my privacy. Of course, I am furious about it, but there isn't much that I can do to stop it. It appears to involve the little 'our gang' MOTB fraternal demonization cult people; very likely a combination of the police, Mafia and local politicians and media personalities. You know, your friendly neighborhood Satanists. Probably the very same people that set me up to be poisoned and violated by the disgusting voodoo cultists. I thank the Lord that none of those types will be members of His Kingdom. Many of them will sizzle. Good. I think that a lot of them deserve it. Of course, that is just my opinion. After nearly four years of this aggravating shit, there is no way that I can think of anything nice to say about the people that have perpetrated this miserable situation upon me. If they can't see what they're headed for by now, they very likely never will. I thank God that I am saved into Heaven. If they insist on playing Fascistic and Communistic games, they are going to have that kind of a future. That I know for sure. If they can't be coaxed away from the devil's sensibilities, they are going to be totally overcome by Satan and his host. That is what has been happening. There seems to be nothing that I can do to stop it. Maybe it is God's will. Probably. I believe that I could help, but I have felt that I should wait to see if anyone would respond to my writings. Nobody has, so I have taken that as a sign that I should just leave it all alone. I may be going home to the Lord soon. If so, I pray that He will be as merciful as possible to my family and friends. Some days it seems like nearly everyone is damned to hell. The nightmarish crap on television would have anyone in their right mind believing that from time to time. Satan has a very big family on Earth. Like the Lord has told us, they are going to be bundled, and cast into the fiery furnace, when the time comes. Think it's a joke? Think again. God is no Bozo. And the wheat is going into His barn. The Sea of Glass. We get the olive branches, and they get the weeds. It's the Lord's righteousness that I look forward to. I have no righteousness. None of us that are being saved do, really. It's the goodness of Jesus Christ that covers our sins, and insures our salvation. I wish that I could prove what horrors lie ahead for the people that will not repent and accept the salvation of Christ. The fate of the seriously wicked people is going to be really awful. They have no idea. If they did, they would stop all of their infernal practices. The funny thing, is that all of the evil spirits know what is ahead. Probably not perfectly. But they know. They all know. And me, although I certainly am no evil spirit, I also know what lies in the future, as far as the end of all of the wicked is concerned. I feel lucky to not be numbered amongst them. Can't say that I understand all of the gory details, but I absolutely know that God is eliminating all of the willfully evil folks. They that refuse to repent. Make sure that you ask the Holy Spirit to seal your forehead with His mark, to prevent you from being destroyed along with Satan, and his beast-marked people. All of these issues are very real, and you had better take it seriously. That little black dot is the beast. It symbolizes the devil, and his fate, I believe. That's Sheol, Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus, Hell, etcetera. You don't want to go there. Accept Jesus, and be saved. --- pneuma.log You are the sunshine of my life Sun Apr 4 1999 I guess I really should begin to flesh out some of my personal theories about what has been happening, ala the end-times scenario, and what may be involved in the composition of the Lord's Kingdom, etcetera. I already have, somewhat, but there is much information that I have been reluctant to record, because I am not very sure about a lot of it. It is very important to remember that much of what I have been considering as possible, even if it is the absolute truth, would be very difficult, if not impossible (at least at this time) to prove. The fundamentals, like the literal existence of devils, I am very sure of, but other things, such as exactly where and what the Kingdom of Heaven is, are a bit more unclear. Most of my beliefs are based on a combination of personal experience, and data gleaned from the Bible, and related texts, that seems to support what I believe. There is so much information, that I simply cannot cover it all in one file, so I'll try to stretch it across several. I won't be very thorough, as regards correlating things in a bibliographic sense, I just want to sort of sketch it all out, without having to be burdened with the need for exactitude. If I ever get the chance to publish a more serious text, of course I will be more exhaustive. Before I commence writing, I just want to say that I believe that many of the strange experiences that I have had throughout the course of my life, and in particular over the past ten or so years, quite possibly could shed a great deal of light on many very important issues relating to Biblical prophecy, and the fate of this world and it's people. In fact, I have felt for a very long time that the Lord may actually want me to write about what I believe I know. It almost seems to be a mission that He has specifically selected me for. If that doesn't sound too high-falutin' for you, please read on... Maybe I should bother to put together a rude outline of what I would like to disclose. It almost seems as though I will have to be somewhat thorough in my approach from the outset, if I am to get as many people as possible to seriously consider the things that I think may be quite possible. It is just very tedious to have to wade through texts in search of specific information. No, I will keep it as simple as possible. Even though (in regards to these matters) I, in many respects, am not of very great importance, I'll begin with a bit of information about my life. The reader is reminded that the real focus should be on the Lord, and what He may be trying to help us to understand, via my relating these experiences, and my interpretations of them. From a very early age, I have wondered about the nature of the world and of the universe. Also, I have though about God a lot. I have not lived a perfect Christian life, but I believe that I have kept the Lord in mind throughout most of it. One way that I can kind of sum up a very important aspect of the development of my spiritual awareness, is that I have become progressively more and more aware over the years of the concept of evil as an extremely intelligent and unbelievably complicated force. I'm sure that many people could say the same. Also, I have discovered that the evil intelligences are parasitic, that is, they literally invade the minds and bodies (in either temporal, or more permanent instances) of the people that they seek to manipulate. When one becomes aware of the reality of intelligent, dedicated evil spiritual forces as a reality, it is nearly inevitable that some degree of curiosity about why such things are existent will ensue. Certainly, our culture is full of information that suggests that a great many people have had experiences with the presence of such spirits. There is always the argument that the power of suggestion alone might be enough to create favorable psychological conditions for the manifestation of belief in such things. But that, I firmly believe, is simply not so. They really exist. So, after coming to the conclusion that the spirits in question were actual, and not figments of my, or anyone else's imagination, I had to refer to the Bible to help me to sort out how to handle the unpleasantness of such awarenesses, as well as to better understand the position of man, in relation to those evil spirits. The main reason I felt comfortable with the Christian approach to such things, rather than any other, is because I'd had a moderate amount of experience with the Spirit of God throughout my life, and when these understandings really began to crystallize, my faith enabled me to more than adequately cope with every point of the sinister paradigms. I began to really see that Satan and his host (operating within or without human bodies) are truly subservient to God, and those of us that properly wield the Holy Spirit against them. I also began to understand what the main enemies of the Spirit are; sin in general, of course, but especially lust, greed, and unrighteous wrath. Those are the primary weapons that Satan and his unholy family attempt to use against humans (as well as groups of individuals, such as families, businesses and nations) that want to stay aligned with the Lord. If and when they are successful at evoking and maintaining such bad spiritual conditions in the souls of their victims, they are able to wield a very high degree of control over such individuals. What it comes down to, is that they are able to manipulate incredibly well the people that they are able to keep in various states of ungodliness. The simple balance of life experience on this world, in this age, is fear versus faith. The absence of one equals the presence of the other. The best way to eliminate fear is to have an ongoing relationship with the Spirit of God. It is a must for anyone that has become a target of the devil's unwholesome advances. There is no other way to adequately contend with Satan. If you think so, feel free to try and formulate your own prescription against the endless wickedness of those little devils. Whatever you come up with, it will very likely be an utter flop. There is absolutely no substitute for the power of the Almighty. I'll admit that I have tried many and sundry ways to battle them without God's help. Ha. Please don't bother making the same mistakes. The many occultic systems, talismans, rituals, etcetera, very often worsen the spiritual atmosphere for most of the people that put faith in those things. Such methods often result in a very great increase in superstition and fear, which is the perfect open back-door for the operations of the devil. Also, try not to be overly influenced by people that claim to be seers, mediums or prophets. Many such people are inhabited to some degree by evil spirits, especially the ones that exact payments for their services. I believe that many have been led astray by such individuals. And definitely stay away from witchcraft, and other types of pagan traditions. All such practitioners are enemies of the Lord, no matter what they might say and believe to the contrary. The influence of they that are members of such communities can be very difficult to completely overcome. I know the truth of this, from bitter experience. Try to pray for such people, if you know any, but never join in any of their practices, because the spirits that are controlling them, may very well attempt to take over your soul. I have some interesting (at least by my estimation) theories about witches, and pagans in general, that I will put forth later. Strangely, many of them seem to know very well that Christ is coming to rule the world, but for various reasons, they refuse to accept Him as Lord. The Lord tells us that 'every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.' It is so; even they that are in extreme opposition to Jesus will admit that He is Lord above all. Wait and see. There have been several key life experiences of mine, that have really helped me to better understand the reality of the intense spiritual warfare that is being waged on Earth, and beyond, in the Heavens. The most important, was my being rescued spiritually after having something like a heart attack back in early 1989. Rather than providing the details here, I will prepare an entire file on that alone. At this juncture, I will simplify things by saying that my near-death/out-of-body experience is the most important foundation for my faith in Jesus Christ. The memory of it has provided me with endless comfort over the years. Even though I am still puzzled about certain aspects of it (again, I will go into minute detail when I finally prepare a file about it), it definitely has provided me with the solid foundation of faith that has carried me through all of the extremely miserable things that I have been enduring over the course of these past few years. It also has helped me to see, even more clearly than before it took place, what a very awful spiritual climate has been generally prevailing upon Earth in this age. Another very important experience that I have had, has to do with my being tricked into some kind of an occultic 'set-up' back in July of 1995 by two people, whose names are C------ K----- and R------ A------ [CHICAGO ADDRESS DELETED]. I was invited to come over and relax in their backyard. To have a few beers. The main reason why I trusted them, is because R. A------ mentioned that he knew an acquaintance of mine. Also, two friends of mine that were around at the very moment that I met up with Mr. A------ seemed to know him, and didn't indicate that there might be any cause for concern. Big mistake. Never trust strangers. I believe that the two are practitioners of some kind of animistic religion, such as Vodoun or Santeria. Something like that. They definitely are servants of the devil. They indicated that C. K----- has something to do with the legal community; that she was attending law school. It is hard to believe that, because of what I believe they may have done to me. Very evil people, that I am fairly sure are going directly to hell. Sick bastards. I don't like to hate any people, but those two have really earned it from me. The evil situation that I strongly suspect they perpetrated upon me, has caused me more grief and anger than almost anything else in my life. I will probably have to prepare a file entirely on that alone, also. Other very unusual experiences that have been important, generally fall into two categories; dreams and visions. I have had many bizarre dreams, that have often seemed to have relevance to serious spiritual matters - but it is often difficult to remember them. The best I can do, is to record the fragments of them that I can clearly recollect. That is what I have done from time to time. I will continue to do so, because I think that it may become increasingly important. Now the visions... I can divide them into two categories also; those of spirits, and those of other things that seem to have relevance to important spiritual matters. Several very importent instances of the latter variety, I had at various areas along the lakefront, whilst relaxing, and gazing up at the clouds in the sky. To be perfectly honest about it, some of the things that I saw were so completely strange and shocking, in certain respects, that I have given a lot of thought to whether they might have been artificially generated, using some type of very advanced technology, that I am not aware of. Certain types of peculiar inner visual processes have caused me to consider the same possibilities. There is no doubt in my mind that some kind of intelligence has been directing and metering some, if not all of the things that I have seen and experienced; the real question in my mind, is whether it has been human, demonic, angelic, or a combination. I would like to report that all of what I have seen has been of God, but that, I believe would be untrue. This may go back to the point I made earlier about avoiding the spiritual influence of people that are at odds with God. Aspects of what I've seen and felt have been decidedly evil, so there appears to be subjective evidence for at least some degree of manipulation of my mind by forces in opposition to the Lord. This, of course, I deeply regret, because I think that my judgment may have suffered greatly at times as a result. But it is good, in that my mind has always been kept alert, suspicious and focused on attaining the highest degree of accurate spiritual discernment possible. The last important category of experience that I will mention, is of the many unusual events that unfolded subsequent to my forwarding a preliminary manuscript of an unfinished book that I have been compiling (Odhinn Voodoo Buddha) to a woman (Lauren Cohn) that used to work as a morning newscaster at the downtown news offices of ABC/WLS Channel 7 (she since has jumped ship over to CBS/WBBM Channel 2). There is a lot to write about concerning that. Again, I will need a file, or perhaps several, to properly treat it. Much strangeness in relation to my book. Those are the main categories of experiences that I have had, that have led me to believe what it is that I think I know about God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and what the basic dynamics of life on Earth in this age are. One of the most disturbing conclusions that I have reached, is that very few people appear to be worshipping the True God. Or maybe, a better way of putting it, would be to say that many folks just don't seem to understand the grave danger of certain practices that lead to a seriously compromised faith in the Lord. In the Bible, we're told that one 'cannot partake of the table of the Lord, and of the table of demons,' and that 'no man can serve two masters, he must love the one and hate the other'; things like that are very important to keep in mind, especially in this age of morbid attempts at across-the-board moral compromise in many areas where there really should be none at all. Practically everyone in the United States, Christian or not, is familiar with the concept of 'political correctness,' and the attempts to implement it, in order to erase many age-old concepts of what is right and what is wrong. To me, it is a detestable institution. I, like many other Christians, am fully in favor of equity for all members of our society, but not at the expense of those of us that want to preserve a more classical view of certain moral, ethical and social ideals. To be in favor of eliminating the representation of the beliefs of one group, in order to develop a more 'democratic' civilization would be grand hypocrisy, because to restrict the opinions of some, in order to permit the views of others, isn't the way to bring about greater understanding, and social parity. It is completely chauvinistic. Besides that, certain people are just plain wrong. Anyhow, what is important to remember, is that, as Christians, we are constantly at war with the devil. We are not to try and accommodate him, his people, and their sickening desires and practices. If we do this, we are no longer Christians, but pretenders. This the devil knows well, and he has had a very great degree of success, all throughout the course of human history, as far as getting Christians to compromise their faith is concerned, due to the general laxity of spiritual fidelity. It hasn't been difficult for him to deceive many of the masses into worshipping him in many vile ways, while also claiming faith in Jesus Christ. Thus, there has almost always been a large amount of deep hypocrisy at play in Christendom; it's just that, at this apparently late date, you'd think that there'd be less of it amongst the faithful, rather than more. There seems to be more of it than ever before, at least from the limited observations that I have made during my lifetime. We must remember that the Lord hates Christian hypocrisy, especially when it comes to those evil 'traditional' practices that so pollute the true worship of Him. He does not approve of the masses that seem to have little or no problem at all with 'kissing Baal.' Do not do that. Well, I'll leave it there, for now. As time goes on, I'll add meat to the bones. Remember, we are at war against the devil, and his people. We cannot afford to be flakes. Much is at stake. The Lord will not assist us, if He is displeased with our faith. Keep all anti-Christian practices out of your life. --- darkie.log Scrubbin' de double bubble Mon Apr 5 1999 Just saw Quoc, as I was throwing out some garbage; he was walking down the alley. I told him that I stopped by his Ma's a few days ago, and that she'd said that he'd left for Tennessee. He says that he's been in the city since Christmas, and intends to stay, and continue working. I was tempted to offer to go get a few beers for us to share, but quickly thought better of it. He may be having a few problems of his own, and I don't want to help cause any kind of friction in his life. It was good to see the dude. Looks like they are going to bomb ol' Milosevic until he has no choice but to acquiesce to their demands for him to cease his 'cleansing' of the ethnic Albanians from the Kosovo region. I saw some footage of a refugee camp today, and was appalled to see swarms of people lying on nasty blankets in the mud. A lot of them were coughing; some of them are supposed to be seriously ill. Lots of them looked like they needed medical attention of some sort. One gentleman said something about ten to fifteen people dying in his camp each day. Another person, a female health worker, said that there are fears of a cholera outbreak. They all looked totally wretched; many women and children were sobbing, and some of them appeared unable to move properly. Everybody seemed to be very tired. Really spooky stuff to see. Scared looking crowds of scraggly individuals huddled in filthy tents, sprawled in cardboard boxes, and more of them constantly arriving. A steady stream of displaced humanity. Hmm. Maybe the dude will come around. Maybe not. Whatever happens, I am fairly certain that NATO ground troops are going to be involved, eventually. Hopefully only as peacekeepers; to help usher the refugees back home, and to assure their safety. If most of those people aren't returned to Kosovo, I will be sure that there is some kind of behind-the-scenes high-level conspiratorial evil going on. Something that involves the Russians, and probably various members of the 'international community' (I can't stand that term). I heard someone mention that there are gold mines in Kosovo. What may have happened, is that a rich vein of ore might have been struck. If so, the Serbs (along with their allies, the Ruskies), of course, would want to have complete control of it, and the entire region. That would make perfect sense to me, because I know that would explain why the Soviets have been so quick to make moves against NATO. A few days ago, a Yugoslavian said something to the effect that he believed that the USA (he specifically mentioned the CIA) and NATO are responsible for the destabilization of the Balkan area, and in a potentially greater sense, Europe. I have heard the argument put forth that a concerted effort by an Anglo-American combine was primarily responsible for the collapse of what used to be known as the USSR. In fact, that source also said that the very same thing has been scheduled for the United States and North America, at some future date. Maybe it is true. A repartitioning of this nation (and perhaps much of the rest of the continent) has been envisioned by many disparate political organizations, such as the Ku Klux Klan, and various other special interest groups. I don't think that the time is ripe for such potential developments, but I do believe that the occultic lodges, and their ongoing nefarious activities are nudging us ever closer to the manifestation of such possibilities. I think that a very big (but seldom clearly understood) part of the reason why those 'traditional' activities continue, is that they strongly reaffirm certain types of racist views about various different social classes. What is foggily suspected about certain races, becomes crystal clear knowledge, when the dark illumination of personal experience is cast upon those filthy practices. The eerie thing about it, is that the folks that are being targeted for negative stereotyping, generally don't seem to be smart enough to understand that they are being set up in a big way for what I believe will ultimately be a program of mass relocations by the federal government, perhaps even outright exterminations. If they did understand, there would be a very great clamor by many organizations to bring those disgusting voodoo cults, and their sickening activities to a swift end. I guess there just aren't many intelligent people in certain racial groups. That's too bad. I really believe that some of the final consequences of those evil practices will be a phenomenal rise of violent racism, and barbaric manifestations of murderous rage on a heretofore unknown scale. All of this might sound real wild-eyed (especially since things are currently running quite smoothly), but I am certain that a particular series of destabilizing events could allow such extreme horrors to quickly precipitate. It is dangerous for a nation to deliberately capacitate indignation and rage in any it's members. It is never wise to do that. Happy citizens do not walk around with chips on their shoulders, you see. Mass destruction will be the end result. It all hinges on the economy. Alas; if only the demented serpent-cultists would stop their anti-Christian MOTB system. --- djinn.log The little dog laughed to see such a sight Tue Apr 6 1999 Few people know the truth of it. There is a lot of very funny material in the Bible. Nobody ever really thinks of it, because nearly everyone is obsessed with the frightening prophecies of the fearsome future ahead. There is much mirth. One of my very favorite examples is Habakkuk 2:19, where we are warned in a wry way against the worship of idols. Very likely, the writer wasn't attempting to be comedic, but I can't help but chuckle over those lines. There are many other examples that I can think of, but I won't bother to point them out now. Really, this is no time to be looking for humor in the Lord's word, but it is good to know that God took great care to include some very amusing passages in both the Old and New Testaments. I think that all of us that love God should be praying for Him to continue to be as merciful as possible towards mankind. It is very easy for many of us to lose our patience with others. At least, I know it is for me. But I am really amazed when I consider how fantastically forbearing the Lord is with the world. It really cheers me to remember His kindness. Takes the chill off of the often frosty reality of human social relations. What these people call love is a poor substitute for the real thing, for sure. Loving one another. Yeah. These folks don't know how. What they call love is usually an extremely carnal counterfeit version of the true concept. I have experienced very little sincere affection here on Earth. I've always tried to be as friendly as possible, but have seldom experienced a commensurate degree of reciprocity. Many of these characters are emotionally unhealthy. Severely. So much free-floating hostility is in the air at times, that it almost becomes difficult for me to breath properly. It can be very oppressive and cloistering. The weight of it often has me feeling very morose. The ironic thing, is that I am not at all a depressive person. My basic character is very upbeat, almost disgustingly so. I have excessively focused on various woes over the past few years, as a result of the intensely disagreeable psycho-spiritual circumstances that I have had to endure. I have nearly completely lost all faith in the idealistic concept of the United States of America. It is a sad thing, because I really used to love our country. I still love it somewhat, but after all of this bad treatment, there is no way that I'll ever have the same good feelings about this land. It is a sham, in many respects. We are still a great nation, but mostly in the technical sense - not where it really counts. Though some of our citizens are still reasonably kind, there is no real collective good conscience and heart left. Too many dollar bills, I think. --- darpa.log One nation under God Wed Apr 7 1999 I am just hoping and praying that I will find some way to leave this insane city. Maybe even the nation. I am convinced that the MOTB paradigm is real; that all components of such a system have already long been developed, and are now being tested on selected groups of people. Perhaps it has gone far beyond that, even. There is very little doubt in my mind that the situation is real. Again, as I may have mentioned before, I am continually reminded of an episode from the second 'Star Trek' series, titled 'The Game.' Anyone that has watched it will know what I mean, if they also are aware of what seems to be rapidly developing. The people that are playing the hellish 'game' that the anti-Christian forces are perpetrating seem to be virtually unable to understand that they are really going to wind up in hell. That helps me to understand what is meant in the Bible about their 'minds being seared with a hot iron.' I really wish that there was some way to snap them out of it, because I am perceiving that a huge amount of souls are going to be eternally lost. The Lord tells us that everyone that accepts the MOTB is going to the Lake of Fire, that has been prepared for the devil, and his angels. I certainly don't want to go there, and I won't. Many Christians often talk about how certain groups of people, such as Jews and Communists, are often extremely unresponsive to the message of the Gospel. I have learned, to my utter astonishment, that many Christians are unresponsive to certain extremely important aspects of the true message of Jesus Christ. Jesus extensively warned us about demons. Many Christians doubt, or don't believe at all that they exist. Jesus told us to stand against the MOTB, and the Great Harlot (which I believe are basically the same thing), and her cup of filth. Many Christians appear to be fully compliant with the insanity of those realities. Jesus warned that believers would be delivered up to affliction, and hated all throughout the world for His name's sake. It appears to be happening, and worsening every year. I understand these things, and I am sure that at least a few others do, but many people just seem to want to continue to 'do that.' How it is that they are able to so easily ignore the sinister meanings of those practices, I can't say, but it is scary. That is the MOTB/Mystery Babylon paradigm; I am more sure of it each and every day. Participating in that system is accepting the 'religion,' and curses of the serpent, Satan - the original murderer, who began his career by inspiring Cain to murder Abel. That unholy shit is no game. I am sure that many people are going to hell because of those rituals. Think about it. I have determined that the US (along with various other nations) very well matches up with some of the main negative symbols that are depicted in the end-time scenario of the Bible. I don't feel like being too specific, because it is really difficult to be completely sure about what I am perceiving. I just know that there appears to be a profound deficit of wholesome behavior, sanity and common sense here, and I know for a fact that there are some tremendously powerful evil spirits at play in our culture. One of the things that many folks just can't seem to grasp, is that those spirits can operate in all different kinds of people. It seems that they can move very easily from one type of culture to another. That probably would explain why, for instance, people in general can't distinguish the kind of misfortune that has happened to me, from the crimes that the Nazis perpetrated upon their victims during W.W.II. It is the exact same type of evil, probably being perpetrated by the very same groups of malevolent intelligences. Many people just can't fathom that, because the sick thing that has been done to me was perpetrated by a Jew (C------ K-----) and a black (R------ A------). I know what I am talking about, but if I tried to explain it to others, many would not understand. They cannot make the connection. Evil is evil. The demons that were involved in the bad thing that has happened to me are the very same ones that effect atrocities in cultures all throughout the world. There is no real difference between murderous cults of one kind or another; they are all Satanic. But somehow, the situation in America has 'evolved' in such a way, that allows for many of our stupid people to somehow fully accept the evil abominations of those voodoo cultists, and even in many instances to view them as somehow being 'good.' Wacky. There is no difference between what they do, and the evil of, for instance, the Nazis, or the Communists. They are all practicing murderers, and should never be tolerated in any truly Christian civilization. I hope that God hates what they do, and what they have done to me. I'm fairly sure that He does. Just today I saw a very interesting explanation of a new technology that was described as a 'bio-chip.' It has very profound implications, especially for the field of medicine. Basically, it's an array of thousands of very small sponges, about a micron square each, that all have specific DNA information added to them by a robotic process. A prepared fluid solution that is to be tested is applied to the array; if similar biological materials are present in the liquid, they bond with the appropriate areas of the matrix, thus providing a very efficent way of quickly investigating and identifying the chemical composition of substances. The technology was developed by a combine of several very different organizations, including DARPA, and several Russian scientific institutions, including the Russian Human Genome Project. I remember [NAME DELETED] being very upset about seven or eight years ago about a technology transfer agreement that had been reached between the state of Illinois, and an area in the Russian confederacy known as Georgia. He seemed to be spilling over with bad feelings about it. That was fairly near the start of his association with the DTIC, and he seemed paranoid about a great many things. I'll bet he'd be interested in the bio-chip technology. It will speed up, and make far more economical, many different types of important medical research. Concerning the Balkans; there are a lot of misgivings about the military role of the US, on the part of many commentators. One gentleman pointed out that we have not much more than a million enlisted persons in our armed forces, and seemed to be suggesting that there might be important reasons for us not to commit any ground troops. Others talked about Albright and Clinton having some kind of vendetta against people in the region, or something like that. Another guy expressed dismay about the fact that during a recent press conference, Clinton said that he was 'reading up on the area' (the Balkans). The fellow explained that such a statement didn't help him to feel confident about the President's role as Commander-In-Chief. I see his point, but at least Clinton was being honest, and expressing his poor understanding of the region. I am not very aware of the historical dynamics of that area of the world either. It is never wise to pretend to know more than you do, especially when in a position of authority. If your lack of accurate knowledge is exposed, your credibility suffers. I wonder if I should try and convince Frank Babula to help finance a project for Mr. [NAME DELETED] and I. If I put together a decent explanation of what it is that I'd like to develop, it might actually go over very well with Frank, and some of his associates. I'm sure that he would be nice enough to circulate a few copies of whatever proposal coalesces. I really want to try and prototype some of the things that I have been wanting to manufacture. But I'm not sure whether I can trust the guy. Even [NAME DELETED] doesn't seem very trustworthy at times. But the dude is one of the best friends that I have left, and he has a lot of technical expertise that would take me years to acquire. It is almost ridiculous to consider going forth without him. If only I could get him to really accept Christ. The man upstairs will take care of it, I hope. --- toe.log Nail-biting action Thu Apr 8 1999 Not long ago, I watched Clinton give a fairly long speech on various reasons why Americans should be interested in improved relations with China. The Chinese premier, Zhu Rongji, is now in the US, and will visit a half-dozen or so cities (including Chicago) over the next week. I don't quite understand how his authority compares with that of Jiang Zemin, but all by all indications, he is a very important figure in the Chinese political pantheon. China loosened some of their restrictions on imports of American agricultural goods, and that is supposed to help them tremendously with groups like the World Trade Organization. There is a great deal of complexity to issues concerning China, and it's relations with the western nations; it really tasks the mind to try and reach a decisive conclusion about what, for instance, the US attitude towards them should generally be. Ideally, I would like the US to primarily play the role of an usher that comfortably seats China in the theater of free-market world economic matters. That is the main focus of most Americans that are involved with them now; the next most important concerns would probably be education, and cultural and technological exchanges. I would very much so like to see Christian missionary efforts stepped up, but I am very sure that there would be much opposition to that by many of the Chinese politicos. It is very important for us to bring the message of the Gospel to them; I can't stress it enough. It will prevent an increase in negative spiritual cross-fertilization. Please think about that. Part of the reason why we have been having such a profound increase in evil spiritual manifestations, I believe, has to do with the spiritual ramifications of the intensification of our social, political, scientific and economic connections with Asia in general, not just with China. But China is the largest piece of the complete puzzle of Asia, of course, and we must take great care to influence them more strongly as regards religion, meaning Christianity. We must include the active Spirit of God in all of our dealings with them. Otherwise, we may well be far more manipulated by them (and Communism in general) than we already currently are. What that could mean ultimately, I will leave up to the worthy professionals to predict. The spirit of Communism has often proven to be very murderous, and if we cannot call upon God to quench that force, it will infect us even more gravely than it already has. Make no mistake, Communism in spiritual respects is decidedly anti-Christian. Many very savage acts have been carried out by some of the nations that have embraced collectivist political philosophies. Some of them have been on a very large scale, if you know what I mean. I am not imagining things. The democratic nations have not been slouches when it comes to barbarity, to be sure, but when you start counting the toe tags racked up by the Fascists, Socialists, Communists, etcetera, you'll begin to get the picture. In Communist nations, TV watches you. --- loop.log Those bad mice Fri Apr 9 1999 Did a lot of cleaning and organizing today. Yesterday (Thursday afternoon and evening), actually. Finally sorted through all of the vinyl albums that I had stored in some metal crates. I was surprised to find several Gary Numan LPs, as well as a lot of other stuff that was in the collection. I decided to discard as much extra clothing as possible; I don't wear most of it anyway. [NAME DELETED] is always loading me up with the stuff. A lot of it doesn't fit well. I will be working hard in this room for another full week. It will take at least that much time to completely go through everything. The papers and memorabilia I'll finish lastly. I want to remain calm, and just keep diligently plugging through it all. The insanity of the sheer volume of items in this apartment sometimes can really wear on my nerves. I will never have a home this full of things. Maybe a storage area. What a lame existence I have. I've got to get out of here and go find myself a wife. That is going to be a real task. There is no way that I'm going to be happy without a decent family life. This urban shit is sickening. I can't even stand thinking of all of the things that are wrong anymore. It's not my fault that people are the way that they are. I want to get away from all of the mentally ill creeps that have been perpetrating the brand of wickedness that I've been describing. They are sick. There is nothing that can be done to help them. They are too far gone. There are a lot of very, very strange things that I have seen, that I would like to describe, but when I get close to feeling comfortable enough to begin relating the details, suddenly, it seems better to wait until another time. Some days, I think that it would be absolutely safe to stay here in Chicago, and start a business, or something. But at other times, that seems to be completely out of the question. These people just don't know what is going on. Or maybe they do, and are severely in denial about it. This city seems to be some kind of a major spiritual landing pad, for very unwholesome intelligences. I guess nobody has given much though to the Ferris wheel that is installed at Navy Pier. Sounds silly; but I know what I mean. The people downtown in the Loop just don't get it. --- seagull.log The Vengabus is coming Sat Apr 10 1999 It is really amazing to realize how easily the mind can be drawn away from a righteous frame of reference in this atmosphere. Evil thoughts are always distracting me. I am trying to pray constantly. I saw a Christian television program called 'Carmen' last night that depicted Satan and a demonic (in a kind of semi-parody) character engaged in a conversation about the main threat to their success - believing, praying Christians. It was great. Something about it reminded me of my friend Carlos Santiago - he would have loved it. At one point in the talk between Satan and the demon, the fact that children in the US see something in the neighborhood of 14,000 murders depicted on television by the time they are teenagers was mentioned (the lesser devil was giving a glowing report to Satan about it; in a demonic 'good news' context). I have heard people complain about that, and other related issues, but it was real eerie to see those two devilish characters mention it. The little imp even replied to Satan's question, 'has it been successful?' (regarding the kids seeing the murders acted out on TV), by saying grinningly, 'just take a look at the news!' Yeah. Eek. Satan has been very successful indeed. The minds of many people are just swimming and leaping with many varieties of wickedness. I sense the disease of darkness oozing from the pores of many of the characters on television, as well as in everyday walk-around life. One of the saddest things that I have had to learn, is that what can appear to be a charming kindness emanating from some folks often isn't. People sometimes have very carefully constructed personality facades. A thin veneer that, when peeled back, often reveals a nasty ol' boogie. When considering all this, I am reminded of the form of Good and Plenty candies. That is how a lot of people are. Pink and bright on the outside, with pitch black innards. Brr. I have witnessed so many disgusting, disturbing things on television over the years. I won't waste time with descriptions; many others have seen them as well. It is obvious to me that TV (and other media) has been heavily used to bring about a radically evil shift in mores over the past few decades. The result, is that we now have a civilization that is at least as desensitized to (nearly all forms of) human cruelty as they were back in ancient Rome. Also, on that same show (Carmen), the host had a conversation with a guy who extensively talked about the problem of 'generational' ritual abuse Satanism. Very big problem. It will lead to the downfall of the US, if it continues; I am surprised that it hasn't already. It almost seems to be endemic. Mention was made of the fact that victims often are raised to believe that their families are Christians, but eventually they discover that it is only a front for the Satanic activities. That really hit home with me, because it is exactly what I have been perceiving over the course of the past few years. I am absolutely certain that a lot of the ministers that I have been watching on television are actually members of Satanic cults. I am not going to accuse anyone, because I know nothing specific about their private lives. It's just a feeling that I get. A frightening thought. Boris Yeltsin made some very threatening comments yesterday, in conjunction with the continued military actions of NATO in the Balkans. Some warbirds on Nightline said that he wasn't 'playing with a full deck.' I believe that they can't understand, because just like I expected, their demonic residents are preventing them from seeing the writing on the wall. I think that some really bad things may happen. The zombies will not listen to reason. That's too bad. --- zephyr.log As I was going to Saint Ives Sun Apr 11 1999 I have tried to sort out and make sense of the incredible jumble of strange experiences that I have had in my lifetime thus far. Coming to definite conclusions about certain aspects of what I've been through isn't simple. I have been praying a lot, but sometimes, it even seems like the Lord is allowing the evils that I have been decrying to continue and worsen. Also, I have given thought to the possibility that the evil activities that I have spoken of are not the MOTB system. I think that they are, but of course, I could be wrong. Again, as I believe I have said before, even if I knew for an absolute fact that those 'traditions' were the MOTB, it would still be difficult to convince many people to abandon them, because the force of peer pressure appears to be a very significant factor. When one considers why such irrational and sinister practices persist in a (so-called) Christian society, in spite of the apparent match-up with dark Biblical symbology, the cursory answer seems to have something to do with a sort of peer pressure that allows that filth to be acceptable in the eyes of the (by my estimation) sorry fools that participate in that damnable system. Certainly, the deeper answer has everything to do with the reality of the unseen evil spiritual realities. I would like to begin to go into some of the issues that I have been avoiding; descriptions of shuddersome things that I have seen, as well as a few (apparently - one never knows) nicer visions. Now may be the time. First, I would like to say that this has been one of the days that I have been 'raving' (as [NAME DELETED] puts it). Sometimes the frustration over all of the shit that I have been enduring gets to me, and I try to express it as best as I can to [NAME DELETED], who often responds with unbounded hostility. I may have mentioned that I strongly believe that there is some kind of electronic bug in the house. There are also wiretaps, very likely. These kinds of suspicions might seem silly (to someone that doesn't know about the kinds of things that I do). They seem ridiculous to [NAME DELETED], even though I have gone to very great lengths to try and explain to her how such a thing might be accomplished. It is probably a system where the audio of our conversations is transcribed, and put onto an Internet web page. That would explain why it seems that so many media people appear to be 'hip' to the things that [NAME DELETED] and I have been discussing. She doesn't exactly understand why it is that anyone would be interested in what we talk about. I have told her that she isn't aware of the extremely odd phenomena that unfolded after I delivered the unfinished manuscript of my book (Odhinn Voodoo Buddha) to Lauren Cohn (who I hoped would assist me in getting it edited and published; I believe she (and/or others) may have opted rather to steal it from me. If so, that's too bad). Well, anyway, that is the main reason why I believe that our home is bugged. I am nearly 100 percent sure of it. Even worse, it appears to have been going on for several years, and seems to not be conducted by the CIA or the FBI. If that were so, it wouldn't bother me much. The private sector is spying on us, along with (probably) local governmental agencies. It is really offensive, because the people that are supposed to be looked up to as our authorities are allowing it to happen, apparently. So, that is compounding my aggravation. My life has become some kind of diversion for a bunch of unapologetic Satanic assholes. After they poison and afflict their victims, the ghouls watch the progression of their sufferings by spying on them in their homes. Those people are some real jerks, whoever they are. Spiders, vultures or vampires is more like it. Here's one example (that will help to explain why I suspect/know that this is happening): A while ago, I began to have very strange and unpleasant feelings about [NAME DELETED], and [NAME DELETED]'s household. I am not going to be specific, because I don't want to come across as being accusative. I'll just say that I feared (and still do) that someone might be molesting [NAME DELETED]. I had some very ominous forebodings about it, and couldn't ignore them, although I hoped that I was just paranoid. I expressed my worries to [NAME DELETED] out loud, over the course of several weeks. Subsequently, there was a veritable explosion of conversational occurrences in the media that indicated to me that people had been listening to our talks here at home. This went on for months, and is ongoing. It was/is really unbelievable. The worst thing of all, is that many people seemed to be wickedly laughing about my worries. The endless mocking really let me know (in yet another way) that many of these people have very deep problems that have a lot to do with demonic possession. The concept of children being harmed should never give anyone cause to feel mirthful. The many ways that people 'made light' of those touchy issues really scared me. Those are clear signs of the presence of evil spirits. That situation really helped me to become aware of the reality of the espionage. We were being spied on. I was convinced. Also, it became apparent to me that the people doing the spying are extremely evil folks, the kind that approve of child molestation, and other forms of extreme immorality. Godless people. I really hate those types. One thing that I have learned over the years, is that there is no reasoning with that kind of a crowd. They are just like many drug addicts and homosexuals. If you even try to approach them in a friendly way, they think that you share their interests. Once they realize that you don't, many of them become fantastically hostile. That is largely because of their fear of exposure and condemnation. They use their anger to cover up their pathetic orientations and evil lifestyles. I know that all of us are sinners, so I try to never be heavily judgmental. But when the life and happiness of your loved ones are at stake, it is difficult not to be. That so many people would laugh about the well-being of my little daughter really disturbed me greatly. That struck a strong sour note with me. My cynicism increased exponentially as a result. I don't want to expand on this much more; but I'll mention that there even seemed to be subjective evidence that [NAME DELETED] may have gotten wind of my suspicions. Now, even I tried to talk myself into believing that I was being irrational and paranoid, to think something like that. But as horrible as it might seem, it just might be so. There are very pervasive subcultures (Satanists, witchcraft groups, etcetera) in this nation that often revolve around molestation, murder, rape and many other unpleasantries. I know that they exist. I suspect that [NAME DELETED], and some of her friends (one of which I know for a fact is a Satanist - Amy) may be involved with such a group. Such people are often very sophisticated - they network; even if [NAME DELETED] isn't directly involved with what has happened in my life, someone may be relaying information in some way to her about it. Or, she may actually have become a witch, or worse. Maybe she and her friends have tried to curse me. There have been times when it has seemed quite possible. That might be the case. Ha. I just wanted to unload my feelings about that. Now, on to the visions; I'll start with a disagreeable one. The nicer ones can wait. Well, before I begin (another digression), I really should explain that the very first person that helped me to take seriously the concept of demons was a friend of mine, [NAME DELETED]. She moved my perception of them from the figurative level to the literal, experiential level. She helped me to believe and know. Not directly, as in an occultic sense where such beings are summoned up, but in a rather circuitous way. In fact, the whole account of how I met her, the things that we did together, and conjunctive stories about many of the friends and associates that we had during the time of our relationship, would really be the most proper way to go about doing this. But there is just too much information to tangle with. It is all very interesting. I am hoping to write a very detailed book about all of it someday. For now, what I describe will have to be abridged. Soon after she and I met, we became comrades, and began to socialize with several friends that we had in common. Very peculiar, that [NAME DELETED]. Her mother had recently committed suicide, and she was very distraught about it, understandably. However, her charming personality was extremely engaging, and in retrospect I have to remark that it is amazing how upbeat she was, in general. I think that part of the reason why we got along so famously, is because we were both suffering from profound losses; mine was my aforementioned ex-wife. At one of our little social events, as she and I were walking through a hallway (in a building on Wilson avenue) towards an elevator, I had my very first clear look at a demon. It manifested from within her, and the thing about it that made it so definite, wasn't so much the visual aspect of the experience, but rather the accompanying powerfully evil feelings. It was reddish, and the visual was very brief, but real. It was almost as if she had strongly blushed; but we were in a very dim hallway, and the 'blush' was a sort of low-light incandescence that revealed an unexpected presence. It appeared in her face, and then quickly disappeared. It was so real, that I spoke some rebuking words against it, which I can't exactly recollect at this time. I do recall speaking against it in the name of Jesus Christ, which of course, is the proper way to interact with any bad spirit. If any of the readers ever have a similar encounter, please remember to respond to such unclean intelligences by immediately calling on the Spirit of God. My shock was mild, but definite. [NAME DELETED] widely smiled, and said 'what?' when I reacted as I did. I have since learned from other such experiences that people often are not at all aware of the presence of evil spirits representing themselves through their bodies. Many people don't believe that such things are actually real. But after you have viewed them with your own eyes, you know for sure that they are real. I told her what I'd just seen, and I can't remember what she said, but I do know that she knew of the reality of demons, and spoke of them on many occasions prior to and subsequent to this incident. In fact, I'd even poked fun at her a time or two about her prattlings about such things, even though I'd had many odd spiritual experiences before meeting her. I had already sensed the presence of evil as a definite intelligence in many situations, but I'd never seen anything clearly like that. I made a note of it later, in one of her journals, which she probably still has. This took place in late 1988, or early 1989. Now, I want to reiterate that I'd had some very profound spiritual encounters (I am thinking specifically of two separate incidents; one that involved Carlos, and another with Ru and Justice - I'll describe them in another file) before this occurrence, some of which involved heavily negative forces. Again, not to put too fine a point on it, the big difference here, is the visual factor. Ok, that was just the beginning. Her and I had many, many other profoundly strange experiences and adventures that I'll put into writing as I find the patience to do so. I am certain that lots of people have had these sorts of happenings in their lives, but few feel like talking or writing about them. There is way too much silence about such things. What I have just described is a really mild affair, compared to some of the more bizarre manifestations that I have seen. Now, I am going to leave off describing any other instances for now. It seems to take a lot of energy out of me to write this stuff down. I would like to say that actually seeing an evil spirit is a very important development in the life of a Christian, because some hard-core groundwork for active faith in God can be lain, depending on the kind of reaction that the perceiver has. I must stress that the correct reaction, is to call upon the Spirit of God immediately. That is the right way to deal with those devils. If you attempt to relate to them in any other way - outside of the authority of the Holy Spirit - you are treading on very thin ice indeed. Lemme tell ya (which is something that dear [NAME DELETED] used to say a lot). --- photovor.log Only electric vehicles are there Wed Apr 14 1999 The Lord has been very kind to me. I went scrounging several days ago, and found (in one of the alleys where I am always finding all sorts of decent items) an excellent monochrome computer monitor. Not the typical kind, that can only display DOS screens, but a really nice one, that can display VGA in greyscales. Nice. About a month ago, while out on a dig, I found a discarded AST 386, which I almost didn't retrieve (I'd been seeing all sorts of abandoned computers and components throughout the neighborhood, and most of them are usually inoperative, or badly in need of repair; the 386 with the gas plasma display that I found a few months back being a notable exception, of course). When I got the monitor home, and hooked it up to the AST, the screen popped up; it works. I am working on it right now. It has a 100MB hard drive, and best of all, it has both types of standard floppy drives, and an IRWIN tape drive, to boot. I have been working feverishly for the past two days. Finally, I have been able to take care of a number of important data tasks that I have been thinking of for (literally) years. Backed up the Psion; backed up my LOG files; transferred various information to 1.44 floppies - there's a plethora of wonderful things to do, now that I have the proper tools for the tasks. The real challenge will be to try and hook up the IBM to the AST, and do file transfers. That will be scary. But if it works, and I'm able to smoothly synchronize the two machines, and easily shuffle files between them, it'll be grand. I'll be very happy. I am already very happy. Probably, a lot of people just wouldn't understand why I would feel so elated over a few outmoded PCs like these. The main thing to remember, is that I really love computers. A lot. They have provided more constructive happiness and sane entertainment for me than anything else. And the reason why my love of them is so much more sincere than many others' fickle affections towards the things, is because I still remember the days when eight kilobytes of RAM cost something like five hundred dollars. Those people explaining the Y2K thing aren't kidding; computer memory was very dear back in the seventies and early eighties, and every attempt was made to squeeze the most use possible out of it. I remember trying to minimize BASIC programs that I was writing in every way imaginable; abbreviating words, using only one-letter variables, placing multiple commands on one line, etcetera. Those were fun times, because you really had to use your brain to get the most out of computing. Nowadays, it seems that everyone is spoiled by all of the sophisticated software and cheap memory that is available. It is really amazing how quickly the home computer revolution took place. The entire developed world has been profoundly changed because of it, to say the least. I have been ignoring the news, because all it does is get me worrying about the world, and a whole lot of things that I have no control over. Why bother? I have been steadily organizing my room, but it still doesn't seem much better. There is just so much stuff. I wish I had a storage space for some of it. Aggravating. It colors my concentration; I can't even think normally, because of the nagging feeling that I've got to finish sorting everything in here out. I haven't been feeling very well. It might be because of my irregular sleeping schedule. Sometimes I feel as if I could just float away, like a soap bubble on a summer breeze. Nah; I just need some shut-eye. I had to delete a lot of offensive material from the AST. That took a while; there may be more. I know that there are still various personal files of the previous owner lurking on the hard drive. I will hunt each and every one of them down until they are all deleted. That's the kind of a ship I run, you see. No cotton candy and no circus peanuts for nobody. One of the most pleasing things that I was able to do, was to finally consolidate all of my LOG files that I could access (there are some on the IBM 386 that I can't yet get to - it's floppy drive is broken) onto one floppy disk. Something like 320 files. Pretty voluminous. I just can't get over how much all of this has pleased me. I guess a very big part of it, is that I now actually have the ability to make 1.44 disks, which opens up a whole world of possibilities for me. I will be able to send pertinent files to [NAME DELETED] and others. I saw an ad a while back that featured a new disk drive (manufactured by Iomega, the company that makes the Zip drives) that uses very tiny rotating media; I think it was called a Clik drive, and the little disks hold 40 megabytes. They are very tiny - the size of matchbooks. If anyone makes a decent, affordable portable computer that uses those, it will be a very big deal in the long run, I bet. --- gothic.log Judgment is coming Tue Apr 20 1999 There has just been a series of shootings at a Denver area school (Columbine H.S., Littleton, CO; in Jefferson county), involving two students dressed in black trenchcoats, and wearing black face masks. Eight of the injured students have been recovered from the school building, but it is feared that many others may still be trapped inside, unable to leave, for fear of having to pass by the gunmen. This is all very sad news to me. I was hoping that we'd seen the last of such awful scenes a few years back, when the (I think it was the last occurrence of such a thing) Jasper incident took place. Unfortunately, it has happened again. Several students called into a Denver television station, and relayed various types of information to the people there; one young man said that the two gunmen were part of a 'trenchcoat Mafia homosexual group.' Another kid that phoned in was a hundred or so yards outside of the school, hiding in some bushes (he said that he was praying to the Lord that the two offenders didn't see him from one of the windows). One of the last of the kids that I heard, was actually inside of the school, hiding under a desk in a classroom, and watching the two local Denver television news anchors on a pocket TV. He'd contacted them via his cell phone. Pretty dramatic stuff, but it really nerved me out to watch it, so I shut the TV off. A lot of people made statements about the cause of the situation being attributable to the 'world we live in today,' or something to that effect. One of the students actually made a plea in favor of the gunmen, along those lines, saying that society should be blamed, rather than those two perpetrators. To me, that's pretty ridiculous, even though I certainly can understand what the young man was getting at. With all of the crud being forced into the minds and bodies of young people these days, some occasional violent and chaotic manifestations are to be expected, but these types of high-level situations should never happen. Each of the two young gunmen were alleged to have two shotguns; one of them was carrying a small Uzi, in addition. They also had a supply of pipe bombs, several of which they detonated in a parking lot, and later, inside of the school's cafeteria, and perhaps in the library area as well. Insanity. Don't average people understand why those sorts of things are happening? Are these people really all that blind to the facts? You know, I can't claim to understand the exact reasons why any particular incident of this type goes down, but I do feel that there is very little attention given to the spiritual issues relating to alienated youth, and the many disturbing trends in young peoples' subcultures. I have never seen a sicker set of cultural weirdnesses than those that have emerged over the past decade. Many adults just don't know, because they have long ago detached themselves from the currents of popular culture, or are still living in an 'oldies' mindset, based on the pop cultures of the sixties, seventies or early eighties. A lot of the new music, and attendant 'cultural' norms, are very, very sick and demented. The glorification of violence and perversity has really been amplified. That has long been a base element in nearly all modern rebellious youth cultures (a sort of common denominator), but nowadays, things have really started to go over the top. Few of the authorities really seem to care very much about young people being influenced by such Satanic shit. As far as I understand it, what you meditate upon, is what you will become, and a lot of kids seem to be soaking up some really nasty vibes, via pop culture. Along with those bad vibrations, come evil spirits, that are often more than willing to set off such violent episodes in young people. This is the same phenomenon that we see in the urban street gang cultures. Violence, violence, violence. And no end in sight. And for most of the people that have been 'marked' by that sickening system, there seems to be no kind of way out of the constantly churning cycles of hate and hostility. Nearly everyone knows what has been going on in 'the world that we live in today,' why aren't any of the people brave enough to stand up, and speak out against the Mark of the Beast? Do they really think that those disgusting practices are excusable? Do they think that we are serving a Lord that condones homosexuality, child molestation, murder cults, snuff films, perverse sex, etcetera? What is going on in their minds? Not a whole lot, as regards righteousness, I see. I think many of them have completely lost whatever minds they once had to the black snakes that are the true objects of their worship. They certainly aren't worshipping Almighty God. They are devoted worshippers of sex, money and shameless filth. They just won't understand until they are literally on their way to eternal destruction. That's just too bad. Right now (I turned the TV back on), they are saying that several people are being held hostage. Dozens of students (and probably some faculty members) have been evacuated over the past hour or so. A few of the fleeing youths have been taken into custody, but nobody seems to know if they are associated with the offenders. A few dozen people have been shot. One girl was hit in the chest nine times. This all began around 11:15am (Denver time). Twenty people are currently listed as injured; I have just learned that the girl that was hit nine times has just gotten out of surgery, and is listed in stable condition, believe it or not. Three other victims are still critical. The two gunmen are still holed up inside. There are at least a hundred police cars arrayed around the Columbine complex. SWAT teams from several counties have been called in, and there is even a tank-like armored vehicle trundling through the school's parking lot. It's a bit later now, two dead suspects have been found in the school library, and the casualties could reach as high as twenty-five. SWAT teams are still combing the area; several booby-traps have been found - pipe bombs inside of knapsacks. For the most part, it seems as though the ordeal, which has continued for the past five hours, is over. Another student said the 'trenchcoat Mafia' was a group of about twenty young men (some who wore pancake make-up and painted their nails - Gothic style), that were generally seen as outcasts by the majority of students at the school. They were drawn to violence (and the especially vile brand of violence in the popular media, as I expected), and another student claimed that some of them played wargames with toy guns on the school grounds from time to time. There really seems to be little hope for the destructive trends to be slowed or stopped in our culture. The main reason why, I believe, is because of the nearly universal denial of the fantastically negative spiritual impact that the disgusting practices of 'traditionalism' have on the young people of this nation, and beyond. Kids being beaten, molested, raped, harassed, persecuted - often by their parents, 'guardians,' or close friends and relatives. And the perpetrators of such atrocities seeming to believe that there is something good and 'right' about what they do to their innocent victims. Surely, not all of the children that perpetrate such terrible crimes have been mentally or physically abused, but I suspect very strongly that most of them have been. There is no other explanation for such senseless acts of violence being acted out by such young people. The very real demonization that results from those hateful anti-Christian activities is more than obvious to me. Hopefully, the Lord will help the fools that don't or won't understand the truth of those evils to see clearly. The little 'brotherhoods' of pathetic pedophiles and murder hobbyists can't carry on those Satanic practices forever, without incurring the wrath of Almighty God. I suppose they think that the Lord is on their side. Not. It will be a very joyful day when all of those people are finally sent to the furnace, where they belong. Amen. Another thing that I just thought of, is that certain destructive forces within the entertainment industry have assumed the roles of the prime psychological abusers of our children. There is no need for me to try and list the individuals and organizations that are most responsible - anyone that is not in denial about these matters should be able to determine for themselves who the culprits are. Even children who live in homes that are completely free of anti-Christian cruelties can now get their fair share of mind-numbing Satanic ritual abuse. All they have to do is flip on the trusty television set. There, right before their glistening eyes, will delicately unfold all of the delightful abominations that their spongy little minds and hearts can absorb. Murders, rapes, you name it - all on the boob tube. During prime time, or nearly anytime. I guess the folks that produce all of that shit think that they will not have to answer for it in the long run. They will. Of that, they can be sure. By the way things are going, I think that it is entirely possible that the United States is still scheduled for wholesale destruction. I believe it. This has got to be the latter-day Babylon, or at least a very significant part of it, which the Lord has promised to destroy. I know that He will keep His promise. I am so disgusted by the endless whorishness of our people, and their oblivious attitudes. I really think that the US would be far better off completely destroyed, than to continue along under the will of the insane Satanic conspirators. Probably, more souls would be saved, if we were shut down. With the people at the 'top' being the godless vacuums that they appear to be, I know that the collective head of this nation is truly jam-packed with darkness, and consequently, the entire body (of the nation) is corrupt. The United States of America is an endlessly filthy, sodomized, vermin-infested carcass of a country in the spiritual sense. It once was great, but not any more. It's no longer Christian at all; it bees all about Baal. It, and it's sickening Satan-sucking soulless zombie prostitute population needs to be destroyed. God will do it, I bet. He promised. I hope so, because what has been happening is truly very disturbing. --- buzz.log Snap, crackle and pop Wed Apr 21 1999 In yesterday's file, I made a reference to an incident in a city named Jasper, that I thought was similar to what happened yesterday in Littleton. I think some other kind of tragedy took place in Jasper; Paducah and Jonesboro were the places that I was trying to recall. Anyhow, what I was attempting to say, is that I thought that these sorts of terrible incidents weren't going to continue past the last few occurrences, one of which was the Paducah incident. Children coming to school with high-powered rifles and homemade explosives just isn't right. There is some literature that Mr. [NAME DELETED] supplied me with, that suggests that the NSA may be one of the more actively involved United States agencies, as regards the new electronic warfare paradigm. There was a reference to a complex system of highly effective subliminal suggestions, using extremely sped-up (that only the subconscious mind can discern) voice sampling bits, and broadcast over certain high frequencies to tiny micro-miniaturized receivers (that theoretically could be subdermally implanted in victims). Using this system, victims could be gradually harassed to a point where they could easily be 'commanded' to commit crimes of various sorts. The article claimed that the NSA calls those sorts of people 'shooters on a shelf.' Probably, if there were a secret plan by a certain intelligence agency to assassinate some high-profile US citizen, such a psychotic, rifle-ready character would be brought forth by the digital witch doctors, to do the dirty deed. It's sad to think that they could do that. I have felt that some of our intelligence people and agencies might have been involved in the perpetration of certain psychological offenses that I have noticed in the general media and entertainment industry, but I really wasn't sure as to how far we'd 'progressed' in the psychotronics department. Pretty far, it now appears. That's sort of strange to me, because I always felt that the Russians had the jump on us, from the information I read in books like 'Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain.' I guess there's a whole lot of covert technology that probably has been being tested and used for many years, if not decades. If what I have been reading is true, it is very bad news, because it explains why there has been such an incredible increase in the aggravation of the spiritual atmosphere over the course of the past few years. The broadcast media may be loaded with encoded suggestions of all kinds. Also, I imagine that the HARP project, which could potentially alter the integrity of the Earth's ionosphere, may have some connection with a general psyops program, that has at it's base, the very tiny subdermal transceivers that I have seen several diagrams and schematics of over the past decade or so. That technology is no longer speculative; it is all too real. It is possible to place a micro-sized 'bug' on a person (probably without them being aware of it, perhaps by agents wielding special applicator devices, that can operate in broad daylight at least as stealthily as professional pickpockets), that will allow them to be tracked all throughout an entire continent, and perhaps even most of the world, by satellite. The information that [NAME DELETED] provided was abridged, but substantive enough to be believable. In one portion, a person that allegedly had worked with certain federal agencies, and had used various covert technologies, said that there were many, many instances of the NSA, and other federal agencies causing great mental pain and anguish in the lives of many people, even their own employees. Some of them were driven to commit suicide, often claiming that they were hearing voices in their heads, or claiming to have been possessed by demons. These sorts of effects also appear to have been effected in the lives of individuals involved with the entertainment media. Kurt Cobain's suicide is supposed to be attributable to the influence of the NSA, and this new technology. Supposedly, they began to heavily persecute him after he let on in his song lyrics that they were pestering him ('the friends inside my head' - one of the lines from a Nirvana song mentioned). The Talking Heads, and some of their lyrics were also mentioned. If all this shit is true, these Nazis must be stopped. It doesn't matter if they have all of the superior technology in the world; if the Lord wants their activities to cease, they will. All real Christians have got to pull their stupid heads out of the sand, and realize what is happening. The MOTB system is burgeoning all around us, and the assholes that have set it up, are using it to cause all kinds of serious disturbances, all throughout the world, quite possibly. What is most offensive to me, is the concept of a bunch of phony Christians that are too busy worshipping black snakes and dollar bills to even realize or admit that Satan is completely taking over the world with the MOTB. A sack of shitty people that would rather get down in the dirt on their knees and 'do that,' than stand up for the truth of Jesus Christ, which, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with that Fascist funky filth. Bastards. The non-stop monkey-ass antics that have been being perpetrated are obviously all about that new psionic weaponry that the irresponsible morons that are 'running' our nation are using against our own citizenry. The psychotronic mind-gamers of the NSA, CIA, FBI, etcetera (perhaps in combination with other world intelligence agencies, perhaps not), are very likely responsible for a long list of artificially instigated atrocities, such as the Jonestown massacre, the Heaven's Gate cult, and now, the 'trenchcoat Mafia' murder spree. What a bunch of snakes. The punks would rather cybernetically whore out the entire United States, than be righteous, and expose and end their abominational practices. I am intensely offended, and I hope that the Lord is, also. Where is the outrage? Why am I the only one? Well, I'm sure that I'm not the only one, but it feels like it. It's like the entire media is run by Beelzebub, or some other similarly non-luminous character. The Lord hates Dagon, Mat and Baal worshippers. This nation appears to be absolutely crammed full of them. Even Christians appear to be bowing down to them. That's why I'm convinced that if things don't change dramatically, and very soon, we are truly in for some big-time destruction. Certain people in the American military-industrial complex seem to have intertwined with the organized crime syndicates of the world into one huge, Satanic lump. Obviously, the individuals that did this particular evil thing to me had something to do with the heroin trade, and some sort of crime syndicate(s), but there also appeared to be intelligence agency elements at play, both domestic, and foreign (I think French, Russian or Chinese). Intelligence agencies all throughout the world are always trying to manipulate minds, so I basically understand that. However, I have never had anything to do with heroin, so I really can't say what the motivations for such wickedness on the part of those elements of the equation are all about, but I suspect that it may have something to do with them being able to continue receiving a steady supply of the Chinaman's yummy opiate paste. Probably, there are very disgusting and pathetically drug-addicted wealthy people that would pay for such horrors to be effected upon innocent victims. This is a truly depraved nation and world, especially when you consider that Christians are mixed up with all of that hideous shit. Those are the devil's people, for sure. They will deserve every blessed minute of eternity that they spend in the unapologetic flames of hell. Amen. --- asteroid.log When you're with me I'm smiley Thu Apr 22 1999 Something very interesting just crossed my mind, so I had to wake up and write it down, before the thought escapes me. In my last file I mentioned that I believe that there is a potential element of heroin trade involved in some of these incidents where people are led into occultic traps that involve the administering of soporific poisons, and subsequent monkey business, including possible zombie rituals, physical violations, etcetera. Well, I just remembered an old acquaintance of mine, from back in my very early high school days (whose name, I deeply regret, I cannot recollect) at Whitney Young, who introduced me to the concept of fantasy role-playing games in general, but more particularly, to the TSR game known as Dungeons and Dragons. The individual wasn't especially physically noteworthy in most regards, excepting perhaps that he was a bit on the tall side, but he had a very interesting psychological profile, as best as I remember. Wish that I could dredge up his name. At any rate, this guy showed me how to set up and play fantasy game campaigns, which ultimately radically changed my perceptions of many aspects of human psychology. The main thing that I learned, was that many (I had already written 'most,' but really, it isn't most) people have a sort of built-in 'fantasy/adventure' mechanism, which, when properly triggered, can often lead to some very startling revelations about the true psycho-spiritual character of the individuals in question. In other words, one can learn a great deal about the true nature of people while playing games with them. Although the many different games that I was made aware of were all intriguing (Gamma World, various spy and military games), the main focus of our conversations were D&D adventures. At that particular time (the very early eighties), the fantasy role-playing game genre was probably approaching it's heyday, because, you must remember that the home video-game industry was about to seriously make it's debut in the consumer market. Right around that time, one of the very hottest games available for home use was Pong, and variations on it, like the ColecoVision console, which included a skeet game, with a plastic gun on a cord. But that was all about to change. The reason why I decided to wake up, and chronicle this, is because I just remembered that my buddy also was keenly interested in the writings of a science-fiction author, Frank Herbert. His most famous works are the books in the Dune series. Now, I haven't read all of the books in the series, in fact, to be perfectly truthful, the appeal of the series somewhat escaped me, until I got to see the cinematic version of the story, which was very well done (at least in a visual sense), and wonderfully atmospheric for the time. That really opened it up more for me. Again, although I cannot get exquisitely particular about the storyline details involved in the books, I can give a vague sketch of the general gist of the plot. The main theme, is of a series of planets that are ruled over by a royal class of people (divided into various 'houses,' and having many rivalries and intrigues between them, as you'd expect), with a somewhat dark thread of religiosity coursing throughout, as a kind of binding force. One of the most memorable aspects of the series, is that a very integral part of the cultures involved in the story, was the trade of something known as 'the spice,' which, I believe, would only grow on one of the series of planets, a barren desert world. Yeah. Now, this spice (which, of course, was highly addictive), after it had been ingested for quite some time, caused an actual monstrous physical metamorphosis to precipitate upon the users, which ultimately led to them being submerged in some sort of amniotic-type fluid, in a kind of large aquarium on rollers. At least, that's what appeared to happen to one of the users (anyone that hasn't seen the film version, should). Really, that's about all that I need to say about Dune, because I'll quickly get to the point of all of this. In the Bible, a Greek word (pharmakios) used for sorcery, really, when literally translated, means 'drug usage.' What that means, basically, is that drug usage and sorcery are interchangeable. The one is the other. Drug users are sorcerers, whether they choose to believe it, or not. The medieval accounts of witches flying through the air on brooms, and other such fantastic stories, are largely attributable to accounts given by the witches themselves, after having smeared their bodies with a paste made from hallucinogenic herbal compounds. Those same witches often claimed to have been spirited away to other worlds, where they engaged in various peculiar activities with beings that seemed to be very real indeed to them. Many shamanistic experiences involve drug usage, including the rites of various Native American groups. European, African and Asian cultures all have records of shamans, and strange tales of peculiar journeys embarked upon during episodes of drug usage. The reason why I am mentioning all of this, is not to diminish the credibility of any people that claim to have had experiences involving such journeys, but to perhaps help all of us to understand why this is such an experiential common denominator, this concept of the shamanistic 'trip.' There even seems to be a very hard-coded symbol in our culture that points to the commonality of such an experience - that of the wizard's conical hat, with the stars and planets embroidered upon it. That archetype has been with us from at least the Middle Ages, and perhaps even longer. I recall hearing on a radio program, that some Native Americans claim to have found themselves actually aboard space vehicles while engaging in Peyote rituals. I am completely aware of what they are talking about. In fact, I will expand on this much more in the future, if I have the opportunity to do so. The point that I am trying to make, is that it appears that in 'the real world,' there really is a more or less common experience of some kind, that involves brief transits of the spirit from one dimensionally fixed locality to another, and back. These experiences, often, though not by any means always, involve some kind of altered mental state, sometimes involving drugs. The argument could be made that all perceptions made in a chemically-influenced state are not to be trusted, and I, for one, could certainly understand that line of reasoning, but the sheer volume of similar reports warrants some kind of serious consideration, I think. Especially now. There may be some kind of connection between drugs and the extraterrestrial phenomenon; perhaps it has something to do with the reason why the Lord commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. After they did that, the serpent had much control over them. And remember, we are told in the Bible, that serpents are wise. Probably a lot wiser than we think. The ones that are running the 'game' that has been going on here in America sure get really hostile and ugly when it is even suggested that those activities be brought to an end, so I strongly suspect that there is some deeper, perhaps celestial, level to what it is that they are attempting to do, by promoting those ungodly activities. If I told you what I think it might be, you would really think that I'm crazy. You must understand, that the Lord, and His angels have really been fighting a very serious war in the Heavens against Satan and his angels. Just think about that for a while. What are the main points of contention between them? What, if any, physical areas of the Heavens are involved? Where is 'the place' that Satan and his angels lost? Why aren't Christians asking these very important questions? Huh? --- kate.log Didn't have the money for a guitar Thu Apr 22 1999 I really enjoy the music of Kate Bush (I have a jumbo-sized poster of her lovely visage hanging on the south wall of my room). I also like a lot of Tori Amos' work, which has very similar tonal, lyrical and aesthetic dynamics. Love those ladies. I kind of miss my artistic life, especially the musical aspect of it. If there wasn't such a dark and oppressive atmosphere prevailing, I would probably be trying to find some decent bandmates; even though the music industry is largely full of shit, I have some hope that there will eventually be a cycle of renewal. If we can remove at least some of the heavier serpent-cult elements from it, there might be real hope for some truly melodic music to once again rear it's pwetty head. I would like peace to be attained without the need for anyone to lose their heads, figuratively, or literally. Only faith in God can provide that peace. I am sure that many people would like to see some of the disgusting bastards that are operating in the entertainment industry relieved of their filth-filled heads. I must admit that I have felt that way on more than one occasion. I have come to the sad conclusion that many people of certain cultural bents will simply never be able to appreciate some of the, shall we say, brighter aspects of musical craft. Certain individuals are just trapped in a lightless, sensual mindframe, is what it appears to boil down to. Unfortunately, they seem to feel most comfortable when they are able to successfully drag the general consciousness down into the muck and mire, especially that of the youth. When the children of the land are completely emotionally darkened by the very lowest cultural impulses, the entire root of society's survival imperative begins to gradually degenerate. That is why there seems to a great amount of indifference on the part of even many adults. Because it appears that our posterity have very little hope for a sane and stable future, one of the consequences of that perception (whether correct or incorrect), is that many grown-ups seem to have thrown all caution to the four winds, giving in to every form of vice, for fear that there isn't much time left, in which to 'live' out their potentially short lives. When nearly all of our so-called leaders appear to be ghoulishly advocating the behind-the-scenes, whorish MOTB activities of the New World Order social paradigm, one can't help but feel deeply cynical about the future. Serious, God-fearing people should be in deep shock over what has been happening. The bagged and tagged '666' heads, and their hellbound souls, can't help much to improve the spiritual equation, that much appears to be quite evident. The children appear to be far more sensitive to all of this than most adults probably suspect; many of them have responded by catapulting themselves into shameless hedonism (one classic reaction of human youth to an unstable social environment) and the worst kinds of obsessions with empty vanities, and varieties of cruelty. It's really a pity that there are so many individuals that are play-actors when it comes to the concept of Christianity and true righteousness. People that would rather base their 'rightness' on their genotype, political party, or bank account. Entirely phony Christians, that probably couldn't care less about Jesus Christ, and the very important warnings that he gave us about the events directly prior to the end of this age of darkness upon planet Earth. People that demonically molest their children as a matter of ('traditional,' you see) course, and yet dutifully attend church on Sundays, with pursed lips, and folded hands. Disgusting, unworthy specimens, whose faces I hope I won't be seeing in the Lord's Kingdom (unless they repent). And then, when their little ones turn around and cause some kind of significant disruption in the civilization, all they do in response, is clasp their clammy hands to their blanched faces, and read lines like: 'Oh, where did we go wrong?' Please. This nation is full of very evil spiritual practices, that if left uncorrected, will definitely result in some very uncontrollable events unfolding in the not-so-distant future. Middle America is seething with hostility and discontent, because of those Satanic 'ancestor worship' practices being passed down for countless generations. The devils that have been hopping from parents to children, and then to the children's' children, and on, are very, very real, and should be considered as the prime risk to our national security. As I have said before, one of the biggest impediments to us being able to make progress in these regards, is the nearly complete consensus of the society at large, to remain firmly in denial about these crucial spiritual matters. Everything of an unexplainable spiritual nature, must be spoken of in the shop-talk of the professional psychiatric set (whose members are often heavily demonically possessed individuals, themselves). Even people that have plainly seen the creatures that I am speaking of (demons) many times, are (and understandably, because of the condemnation that often results) often extremely loathe to identify themselves as understanders of the horrifying reality of their actual existence. If such creatures do not exist, then why are there entire bookstores devoted to the understanding of the mechanics of such odd perceptions? Jesus (and many other people in the ancient world, as well) spoke of, and spiritually moved against them with great deliberation. I must repeat, they are absolutely real. The firm understanding of the reality of their existence, is one of the most important master keys to a more accurate analysis of what has been happening on a spiritual level. I am not claiming to be a expert on them - far from it, but I am way beyond being convinced that they exist. One explanation why so many people are devoted to denying that they are real, is that apparently, the demonic possession saturation level is extremely high at this time, and as I have mentioned before, we are enduring an even more pernicious wave of the spiritual creatures, some of which may actually have arrived from other dimensions, planets, or possibly, they may even have been liberated from some form of imprisonment deep within the bowels of the Earth. In fact, some of them may actually be the disobedient angelics arriving upon Earth, after having lost the war in the Heavens against Yahweh, and Archangel Michael. Do you think that all of this is a bunch of malarkey? Nope, it is real, and again, I must reiterate that I cannot claim to have a perfect, or even nearly correct understanding of the exact dynamics of the situation - I only have my own experiences to draw from, in combination with what I have learned from the Scriptures. Those evil spirits have been 'taking over' the Earth, via those unmentionable practices. That is why the resistance level to evil of all kinds is so tragically low, at a time when it needs to be at it's highest. One interesting possibility, is that the Sumerian mythos claims that there was an advanced civilization that once existed on the planet Tiamat (the 'Watery Dragon,' which is now the asteroid belt), which was very matriarchal in it's character and organization. The serpent character, Enki, somehow is associated with that world, and if any of that is to be believed, many answers to the deeper questions of the Big Picture may lie there. Again, I must repeat, that I am not claiming absolute faith in any of those possibilities; but from my experiences, it seems as though it might actually be possible. I have not yet written a file explaining some of my more incredible experiences; maybe some of the reasons why I believe that such possibilities should be seriously considered will become apparent as time goes on. I am very worried about being wrong, of course, and leading anyone astray as a result. The best insurance that I can offer against that possibility, is to encourage anyone that might ever peruse these files to sincerely pray to God about these matters, if they are anywhere near being concerned about such things. I know that I am not the only person to have had a bizarre life, filled with confusing, and often contradictory spiritual events. If I had to boil my general theory down to a one-minute speech, it would likely be something like this: I believe that the Kingdom of God is comprised of a collection of different localities in the literal (and possibly beyond; I imagine that entirely immaterial worlds might also be involved) Heavens; life-supporting worlds, not unlike planet Earth, but enjoying complete freedom from the oppression of the spiritual darkness and confusion that results from the violation of God's ordered will for all of His creatures. Certainly, the arrival upon Earth, of a physical Jesus Christ should bear out that possibility (remember, Jesus said that we would eat and drink with Him in the Kingdom). Furthermore, I believe that these 'mansions in the Father's Kingdom' have some sort of ability to exist within a common timestream, although, by our current reckoning of time (in a linear sense), they might actually be removed one from another, by millions, or perhaps even billions of years of time. To be absolutely clear about it, I believe that God the Father is completely spiritually transcendent, but is able to directly operate within all of His creatures, in any way that He so desires. I believe that Jesus Christ is literally the only begotten Son of God, in the sense that He is the Prime Creation of God, the Word of God. As the man, Jesus, He will be the full representative of God in the flesh, perfectly qualified and able to righteously rule over all of the nations of the world. As Christians, we must understand at least that (about Christ). Something that all Christians should be very worried about, as I have attempted to convey as best as I am able, is the possibility that a quorum of anti-Christian forces might be able to produce an individual that would counterfeit the return of the man Jesus Christ to the Earth. It is very important for all of us that consider ourselves to be awaiting the return of Christ to the Earth to be aware of the desires of the enemies of God to thwart His good will for the people of the world, and to create their own, false, version of a world messiah. There are all kinds of possibilities - I have attempted to explore some of them in past files, and I will probably continue to speculate for as long as I am able to. One of my main reasons for concern, has to do with what I very seriously believe was a sort of 'mission' of mine - to provide the people of good faith with as complete an understanding as possible of one way that this sort of thing might manifest. The characters that have misappropriated my intellectual property have done the Body of Christ a grave injustice, I fear, for this whole experience that I have endured, if properly presented, quite possibly could shed a brilliant light upon certain possibilities. I fear that the individuals that have derailed my mission may attempt to use some of my ideas for destructive purposes. If I am correct about the Lord giving me such a mission, then I would imagine that the people that are responsible for ruining it are really going to be in for some tremendous problems, in the long run. It is really lamentable that people of certain cultural backgrounds appear to be primarily responsible for causing these misfortunes to befall me. I would that it were not so. As I have said to a relative of mine, it is almost as if there is a conspiracy to cause as many negative ethnic stereotypes as possible to be presented to the general public. --- tagalog.log I'm sorry, it ain't what it seems Fri Apr 23 1999 Just got off of the phone with [NAME DELETED]; she is no longer working six days a week, as she has done for about five years. I decided to ask her what she thought about The Littleton incident, and the concept of Goth kids perpetrating it. She basically thought it was pretty messed up, but to be honest, I didn't really listen too much to what she said, because I began to describe the odd synchronicities between that tragedy, and my visit with Mr. [NAME DELETED]. I told her how I supplied him with a shareware version of ID Software's Castle Wolfenstein game, which includes all kinds of Nazi symbology, like portraits of Adolf Hitler, Eagle Swastikas, and other assorted niceties, like armband-wearing guards that you must kill for points. Weird game, which I thought might help ol' [NAME DELETED] to lighten up a bit about his predicament re psychotronic harassment. On the disk label, I wrote: 'Invade a Nazi Fortress, like a Good American Boy,' which I thought he might find funny. The main synchronicity between our visit, and what happened in Littleton subsequently, is that the carnage at the high-school took place on Hitler's birthday. That would be disturbing enough, but there is much more. In the small package that I prepared for the dude, I included: two floppies (containing two Pac-Man type games, and a few text files that I prepared especially for him), a tape of Carlos' band, Scorched Earth Policy, a poster from the Robocop film, and a photocopy of a LaRouche-associated article, entitled 'George Bush's New World Order Means Global Genocide,' written by Nancy Spannaus. I believe that Ms. Spannaus is an active member of the LaRouche organization, which (as nearly everyone knows) has been ruthlessly criticized by most people in the American media as being, well, bad in their eyes. They are largely verboten in media circles, even as casual conversational fodder. I think the reason why, is because they are extremely anti-Satanic. Most of the media people, and nearly all of the other power-brokers, are slavishly serving mammon, so it figures that LaRouche, and his associates would be largely written out of the societal equation by the cultural brainlords of the USA. It might take a lot of writing to get people unaware of certain political dynamics to understand why all of this seems very significant and profoundly interesting to me. To simplify, I will say that I believe that certain political forces in America have been actively trying to manufacture an antichrist figure, and a surrounding scenario to accompany such a personality. I believe that George Bush, and various other major political figures in the USA pantheon, have literally been trying to do just that. I feel very strongly that they are all part of a very large Luciferian conspiracy. They appear to be guilty of using very advanced technology to attempt to manipulate the minds and souls of many US citizens into evil channels. You may have heard the accusations that the CIA has been involved in crack cocaine drug traffic out on the west coast. I cannot verify whether or not that is true. However, I firmly believe that some of our intelligence people are guilty of transgressions far worse than that; more heinous even than many of the crimes committed by Stalin, Pol Pot and the Nazis. It's because they largely don't appear to be very horrific (as in blood spatters and scattered limbs), in an external sense, that average citizens seem not to believe that the kinds of evils that our intelligence agencies have been perpetrating upon our own citizenry are as bad as they really are. Make no mistake, they are very bad, indeed. I believe that a group of people have been 'monitoring' [NAME DELETED] and myself, (and probably a lot of other victims), and somehow (perhaps with the assistance of very advanced technology) choreographing certain events along with our activities. Now, that might sound really nutty, but there appears to be a huge volume of subjective evidence to support this view. It is just so exhausting to try and relate every last one of the niggling details that have led me to believe that this kind of a situation might actually be possible. During one particularly frenetic period of psycho-spiritual chaos that I endured about two years ago, I recall hearing an interruption in a radio broadcast that I was listening to, and overhearing some communications over hand-held radios, something that appeared to refer to an operation called 'Salt and Light.' I have been constantly trying to figure out the truest meaning of the unpleasant things that have been happening to me over the course of the past four or so years. I am convinced that our government is behind at least some of it, as unhappy a thing to report as that is. Again, I think that they have been seriously attempting to 'build' a false prophet, or antichrist type of figure, with what they have done to me, and probably several other people. At first (back around 1996), there were people that approached me, and pretty much readily admitted (in a periphrastic way) that they were trying to manipulate me. One woman called it 'the grand experiment.' If that isn't a spiritual high crime, I don't know what is. I am going to tell you quite candidly, that I believe that they (the American military-industrial complex, perhaps in combination with other world powers, perhaps not) have some kind of a base, or bases in the nearby Heavens, perhaps on the Moon and/or Mars, and that the people that have been operating at such a high level, now appear to find great amusement in trying to manipulate the lives of individuals such as myself and Mr. [NAME DELETED], using the kinds of evil technologies that I have discussed from time to time within these files. They are quite literally 'playing god.' It has been suggested to me that anyone that would 'bite' the bait of actually participating in an 'antichrist program,' would have all kinds of unbelievable technological support from our government. All sorts of phony (technologically created) miracles would be manifested. I am sure of it. Back-engineered spacecraft, 'aliens,' etcetera, and some kind of bullshit, world-government-supported storyline to go along with it all, most likely. The works. The most ugly thing about all of it, is that so many of the people that appear to be in the sold-out to Satan '666' crowd, claim to be Christians, thus adding a heavy degree of confusion to everything concerning these most weighty matters. One comforting thought, in the midst of all of these unsettling perceptions, is that I do not believe that the evil forces responsible for such abominations will be allowed to fully manifest their ungodly plans, until after the Lord has delivered the Body of Christ from the Earth, as He has promised us. The real 'fun' will begin for the fools that want it, after we Christians are delivered from this insane asylum that the world is becoming. I believe that the real reason why no one has attempted to communicate with me about my experiences, is because most everyone seems to realize that the real perpetrators of the disgusting atrocities (poisonings, voodoo ritualism, violatings) that have been 'going on,' are hellbound incarnate devils, or fallen angelics. Even Christians are being abused with the MOTB system, that appears to include some kind of satellite-based neural communications network, operating throughout much of the world. Apathy abounds, when such systematic evils begin to prevail. I am trying hard not to be apathetic, but it is difficult not to be, considering the circumstances. One other coincidence that bothers me, is that right before I finally departed from the [NAME DELETED] household, he asked me to take a look at some microcircuitry that he claimed to have retrieved from within his own body. He'd shown me something before, a few hair-like wires, and some small bits, that possibly could have been micro-miniaturized electronic components of some sort, but after examining them closely, I must admit that I wasn't entirely convinced. I told him that I'd rather not take a look at it (a thought has crossed my mind - it very well could have been the same stuff; perhaps he'd forgotten showing it to me some time last year), because it would haunt me (for the rest of the day - I was already feeling rather spaced-out). He seemed disappointed, but quickly turned and directed me into his room, where he extracted a small sheaf of papers from underneath a large stack. I then headed for the door; as I left, he said something like 'those are your briefings.' I didn't think much about it, and just returned home. Upon closer examination, several days later, the papers proved to be very significant, in a synchronistic sense, for they provided specific information about ways that intelligence agencies might be able to direct individuals to perform violent acts, using a system of highly sped-up subliminal suggestions, broadcast over radio frequencies to specially designed subdermal micro-transceivers (I have already provided a brief sketch of that system in a previous file). This is just one simple example of the type of uncanny coincidences that have absolutely plagued my life over the past few years. After having noted many, many such odd occurrences, I simply cannot believe that they are accidental. There is little or no doubt in my mind that there are people and forces that are literally trying to manipulate my life, internally, as well as in more external ways. The intense fury that I have felt over this cannot be appreciated by anyone that has not had the depth of negative experience that I have had, I am sure. --- pijunhed.log Come on baby, tell me Fri Apr 23 1999 All of the insanity that has been happening over the past few days (the Littleton tragedy, and it's after-effects) has really got me thinking about many things. For one, I hadn't realized that the 'Gothic' movement had become violent. I was almost an active part of it (because of several of my friends), back in the days when I was working in nightclubs like Cabaret Metro, and Limelight. In fact, it probably has changed significantly since the beginning of this decade. The term 'Gothic' used to bring to mind relatively mellow groups like Bauhaus, The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and a slew of other, primarily post-punk, mostly British bands. What they call Gothic nowadays, seems to run more along the lines of Trent Reznor and NIN, Marilyn Manson and KMFDM. Perhaps a more appropriate term for the newer forms would be 'post-Gothic,' or even just 'Industrial' (as in the Industrial music genre). Noise, or Industrial music, and it's chaotic, mechanistic sensibilities, are far more what the current musical culture concerned appears to reflect. The Gothic subculture in Chicago was extremely non-violent, compared to nearly all of the other alternative scenes, with the possible exception of the Ska, or Mod scene (even that set had plenty of belligerence within it's ranks). My favorite band (The Cocteau Twins), in it's early stages, probably would be classified as a Gothic band. But again, the application of the term to the new, violent culture that has arisen is incorrect, as far as I'm concerned. The only thing that the old Gothic culture has in common with the new, is the black, or dark clothing, and the obsession with brooding, dark themes. The violence and insanity simply is not present (at least not to the current degree) in the old music. This all disturbs me, because of a lot of very unusual coincidences, relating to the course of my adventures in the halls of subcultural experience over the years. I have noticed a general trend towards violence in just about all of the music subculture divisions, even ones (such as the Goths) that once were notoriously non-violent. The local Skinheads (American and Nazi), Punks, etcetera, all used to make fun of the Goths, because they were so peaceable. I guess now, there will be tons of Goth 'wannabes,' that will have no clue as to what that scene initially was really all about. A very long way from 'Bela Lugosi's Dead,' lemme tell ya. I think, maybe what has happened, is that a lot of the initial participants in the movement got heavily involved with drugs and witchcraft, and thus, the flow of things became dramatically altered, and moved towards violence. That might be one way of explaining it. The people that I knew that were involved in it, were basically just serious alcoholics. That was the fundamental vice. There was one Frankensteiney guy, Grant (this is so freaky), that (wait 'til you hear this) was actually a jock with a short military crewcut, that on the weekends, wore a black frazzle wig, to be a Goth 'weekend warrior.' No kidding. He was so successful at it, that he quickly became the premier example of the local 'Goth dude,' scamming all the Goth chicks, fighting the skinheads, etcetera. This freaks me out, because of the nature of the horror in Littleton, where those characters were actually deliberately looking for 'jock' types to kill. Weird, right? There are a lot of other very odd stories that I could tell about the Goth, and other subcultural scenes, but I really don't feel like it right now. Maybe later. The main reason why I decided to write another file, is to continue onwards in my attempt to clarify some of the important experiences that I've had, that relate to what I believe may happen over the course of the near future, pertaining to the end of this screwed-up system of things, and the beginning of the righteous rule of Lord Jesus Christ. Enough of this Goth crap. Well, before beginning, I'll make a list of some of my Goth friends, for future reference: Paulette, Kara (Dragon Lady), Rocco, Brian Wendorf (who now works for Lumpen), Rat, Kim and her brother, whose name I can't remember, and the lovely Smith (a woman, who was a bartender at Limelight). Come to think of it, I think that even [NAME DELETED] might have fit into that scene category. I don't think that any of them would have ever dreamed that such a terrible thing would ever happen, involving people claiming affiliation with the Goth subculture. The mind reels. On to the more serious stuff... Concerning the possibility of life on other planets in this solar system, in other time-space zones: I think that it's possible. If Almighty God created life on this world, Earth, which is in the middle of a series of planets, any of which, given the proper distance from the Sun, in relation to Sol's photonic output (which, over the course of billions of years, might fluctuate quite significantly), should be able (with the Creator's touch, of course) to easily support life of the carbon-based variety that we are familiar with. One must keep in mind that the main reason why this planet is able to happily sustain life upon it's surface (so far), is because of a li'l ol' thang known as an atmosphere. If our atmosphere's delicate chemical profile was significantly altered, even by just one or two percentile points of nitrogen (or other gases), we might all quickly roast, or freeze to death. One might ask, 'life on Mercury? - preposterous!' Well, it might seem ridiculous, until you consider the possibility of the expansion and contraction of the orbital phases of the planetary bodies, along with increases and decreases in the ratio of the Sun's output. Have you ever seen a bit of flaming char that has been cast off from a roaring fire? Well, then you probably are aware that most inflamed solid bodies, have a degree of fluctuation to the process of their burn. Sparks sputter. Our Sun is not unlike a jumbo spark - I am sure that it, too, is sputtering, but over phases that stretch across millions and billions of years, and perhaps even farther. One never knows. Anyhow, what I am getting at, is that there might possibly be a time when the Sun's output would be dramatically different from what it is currently. More output, and planets and moons further out would be better candidates for worlds of life; less, and, well, you get the picture. Now, am I saying that this is the actual way that things are? No, I am merely speculating; however, this theory, in conjunction with the possibility of advanced civilizations possessing the ability to traverse time-space boundaries, makes the 'life on other worlds' theory a lot more believable to me. Again, as I have mentioned in other files, the Heavens are mentioned in plural form, all throughout the Old and New Testaments. It makes very good sense to me that our Lord has not been resting on His laurels throughout the vast expanses of time and space available to Him. I don't see why He wouldn't create life on other bodies within this solar system, in other time-space zones. The thing that is difficult to understand, is the potential relationship between ages on another world, say Mars, and our current age on planet Earth. My experiences suggest to me that there is a great amount of order to celestial matters, as they are directed by the Lord, and His loyal creations. Not to get too detailed (because I want to save a lot of this for another file), but I know for sure that there are actual intelligences posted in the Heavens, that regulate spiritual traffic between this world, and at least one other place that I strongly suspect is a world similar to this planet in many ways. To those that are entirely unaware of this kind of thing, that might sound mildly, or even extremely disturbing, but for someone such as myself, that from experience knows the truth of it, it is a mighty revelation that is very hard to share with others. I could write for days about many things. I feel it is my duty to chronicle as many of my experiences as possible. But for now, I am going to rest. I am tired. --- gibborim.log And not some puppet on a string Sat Apr 24 1999 I am hoping that the Lord will give me the opportunity to develop some of the ideas that I've been thinking of, without having to cooperate in any way with the damned masses. It is really hard to believe how many people are stuck on the evils of that inane system. It seems that practically everybody that has made it in America has had some sort of 'brush' with those evil traditions. I have tried for many long years to look at the concept of 'voodoo politics' from as many different angles as possible. I don't believe that I have recorded some of my thoughts along those lines as of yet, so now may be as good a time as any other. First, I realize that similar situations that others may have been led into, might differ quite significantly from mine. The perpetrators of such abominations may vary greatly in age, ethnic background, etcetera, from one incident to another; but, I am fairly certain that the basic actions executed are principally the same. Concerning those 'actions,' I believe that they are a symbolic reenactment of what the serpent did to Adam and Eve after deceiving them, or Ham to Noah, after the flood waters receded. The book of Habakkuk, one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, contains a lamentation against people that 'give strong drink to their neighbors, that they may look upon their nakedness.' Read it. One of the most disturbing aspects of trying to understand such occurrences, is the fact that the main proponents of such activities appear to be non-Aryan peoples, such as Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and on. As unsettling as it is to contemplate that, it must be considered carefully. Of course, nowadays, many Aryan people seem to be very willing participants, primarily because there appears to be a very strong economic incentive involved for the people paying allegiance to antichristian intelligences. One of the great ironies of all of this, is that Baal, considered as an actual group of spirits (antichristian angels - Samyaza and his cronies), may actually be primarily Aryan, in the context of considering the Martian question, and activities that appear to be happening between Earth and Mars, Venus and/or elsewhere. This may all sound clumsy and confusing, but at this moment, I am writing mostly for myself, based on what I believe I have learned about the Heavens. As I have indicated before, I haven't, as of yet, provided a lot of additional information about my psycho-spiritual experiences, and my interpretations of them, so there may be many gaps in understanding exactly what I am trying to indicate, until I am able to fill in the holes, by relating more information. To repeat, I am not entirely sure about a lot of what I have experienced. I have held back from writing this stuff down, for a long time, because of my worries about possibly being wrong about certain things, and misleading people as a result. I will liberally pepper these files with affirmations of self-doubt, because I have learned that it can be a very dangerous thing to put too much faith in one's own spiritual reasoning, no matter how convincing the subjective supporting evidence may be. Always leave room for acknowledgment of possible error, when trying to ascertain the more exact details of these types of issues. Only the Lord knows the perfect truth of these very sensitive and extremely important matters. Anyone that is seriously questing for the truth, must continuously ask Yahweh for His assistance, in the name of Jesus. Do not forget that. I am warning you. The main reason why I believe what I do, has everything to do with my 'transfer to the arena' experience, back in 1989, which I have referred to many, many times. I still haven't even prepared a file that exhaustively details all of the information relating to that. Soon, I will. Back to the issue of unholy personages from the Heavens. Now, in the Apocryphal works, When the disobedient angelics of the antediluvian Earth (the Nephilim, which means 'those who came down') went against the Lord's will, and took wives from among the daughters of men, quite a bit of time elapsed before the loyal host of Heaven were called into play, to effect God's judgments against them. This must be so, for we are told that the progeny of the illicit liaisons (the Gibborim, also known as the children of disobedience, the mighty men, the biters, reprobates, 'fellers,' what are now some of the disincarnates, or demonic spirits occupying the planet) between angels and humans caused great disruptions upon the Earth for a considerably long period of time (sorcery, cannibalism, and other deep evils were widespread, we are informed), before the holy angels arrived to amend matters. A period of time lengthy enough for the first generation Gibborim to have their own children with human women, which have yet another Hebrew name attributable to them, which, unfortunately, I cannot recall at this moment. Continuing, the disobedient angelics and their progeny caused human civilization to be altered dramatically, by introducing many alien ideas and technologies, including the sciences of war, sorcery and adornment. Obviously, if the angels were bringing this kind of knowledge along with them, whatever world or worlds they departed from must have been utilizing the same kinds of information, at least at some point in their history. One difficult thing to explain, is how exactly the angels were able to sexually interact with human women, in the first place. In the New Testament, Jesus Himself tells us that Heaven's angels do not 'give or take in marriage.' In fact, He tells us that those of us that are being mustered into the Father's Kingdom won't be marrying any longer, either. My understanding, is that the unholy angels may have actually engineered human bodies for themselves, or perhaps secured them via spiritual possession. Then again (and this is something that many people will probably find very hard to accept), they may have already had their own fleshly bodies. There are many instances in the Bible where angels are described as having physical bodies. Remember the explanation in Scripture about the difference between the celestial and terrestrial bodies, that 'the glory of the one is not the glory of the other.' At any rate, they somehow managed to have material children with Earth's women. Now, after the Lord sent Archangels Michael, Gabriel, et al, to Earth to bring judgment against the evildoers, there is an account (again, in the Apocryphal book of Enoch, which many scholars dismiss as heretical, but which appears to be very crucial to gaining a better understanding of what has been happening spiritually upon Earth throughout it's history), of the Lord's pronouncements against the mischievous group of beings, the Nephilim and Gibborim. He ascribes the entirety of the crime to an angel known as Samyaza (who I believe may actually be equivalent, or similar to Beelzebub, or maybe they are different, I don't know for sure), and sentences him to imprisonment under 'hurled and pointed stones' within the Earth. The Lord also decrees that the Gibborim should be 'excited one against another, that they may perish in mutual slaughter,' or something similar. Leaving aside issues of whether that seems to be a fair judgment or not (I personally believe that God's will is always right, but others often disagree), I will say that there appears to be evidence that something very similar, though different in some important ways, may be taking place in our modern age. There is the fact that Christ told us that the end of this age would be 'as it was in the days of Noah,' and that gives me reason to suspect that similar spiritual dynamics may be at play, perhaps involving yet another group of disobedient intelligences from the Heavens (the Dragon and his angels), because, you will remember that the descending of the Nephilim, and the subsequent effects of their disobedience, came directly prior to the Lord's decision to inundate the Earth. See? The pre-flood world of uncontrollable wickedness was ended by water, and the current age of evil will be closed off by fire. We are told that when Lucifer decided to rebel against Yahweh, he drew away a certain amount of angelic personalities from the Lord's service, approximately one third, I believe. In the book of Job, we are given an example of the devil presenting himself to God in the Heavens, at the same time that some loyal angels did. So, we must conclude that Satan and his host may have only recently been restricted from traveling throughout the Heavens. We are told that the devil is actually cast down to the Earth from the Heavens, at the end of this age, prior to, or perhaps during, the Great Tribulation. Of course, this concept conflicts with the classical idea of Satan being underground, in caverns, or something like that. Certainly, there is evidence in the Bible and Apocrypha that there actually are certain groups of evil spirits restrained within the Earth (Samyaza, the four Euphrates angels, Apollyon, and probably others), and perhaps elsewhere (I have reason to believe that Tartarus may be a place completely separate from Earth). What I am trying to say, is that the groups of angels that have disobeyed God throughout Earth's history, may have actually only been contemporaries of Satan. Sympathizers, if you will. The real Satan may actually have only recently been ejected from the Heavens. That might explain why this century has been increasingly destructive and wicked, because everyone has heard that 'the devil comes down with great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time.' You know, I just attempted to save this file, after writing several very important paragraphs past this point, and the Windows Write application crashed, so I am forced to rewrite the material. I will try to replicate it as best as I can. As an interesting note, the 'crash' came after I'd written extensively about my theories concerning the concept of racial idealism, as it has been popularly understood in the western cultures of this age. The concept of racial idealism, in the western sense, seems to have caused an incalculable amount of psycho-spiritual damage, especially throughout the course of the twentieth century. The nascent desire for the triumph of genetic idealism has laced modern society with many unusual and unprecedented social problems. Subconscious angst has increased tremendously because of the many tangential issues, such as abortion, the right-to-die movement, genetic selection, cloning and on. The ability for the human race to be more involved in it's future development has many different people and cultures worried, and understandably so, when one considers the churning cycles of mind-numbing cruelty that have continued all throughout Earth's history. Which is not to say that the desire for an ordered, more racially homogenous world is necessarily an evil wish, not at all; it's just that the wistful idealism on the part of proponents of eugenics, seems to always be corrupted by a balance of marked vampiric blood-lust. Somehow, there always seems to be a need to couple the general desire to better the race with hostile actions against elements that are considered to be enemies of such wishes. I believe this is due to there being some connection between the disobedience of the Nephilim and their progeny in the antediluvian world. The people that are touting an Aryan ideal, are really only referencing a racial typology that is not existent on this Earth currently, the one-time Sons of God, that blatantly disobeyed His directives, by descending and having sexual relations with human women. The Lord Himself tells us that (upon His return, I assume) He is going to 'make of one blood all of the tribes of man.' I think that gives everyone reason to believe that God is very interested in producing a far greater biological unity at some future time in Earth's history. I believe that it is very crucial that we realize that, due to natural human chauvinism, we will be largely unable to produce the far-reaching ideal results that many of us would like to see. Also, we must be aware that there are many different schools of thought, when it comes to questions of racial idealism. There are people, such as the Nazis, who believe that there should be one principal race erected above all others, and then there are groups that take a more Romantic view of ethnic ideals, where several groups are arranged in a sort of mild version of a caste system. Then, there are the Vedicists, or Theosophists, whose views, in my opinion, differ only slightly from those of the Nazis. Malthusians are probably the most current and popular crowd of people subscribing to such theories, and the most pragmatic, I think. However, I don't agree with any of those groups. The Aryan paradigm runs through almost all of those, and other similar cultural philosophies. It's extremely important to understand that. I believe that the so-called 'Aryans' of this world, are the inheritors of a very small ratio of genetic and/or spiritual substance, that has been passed down through the ages from the time of the disobedience of the Nephilim. I feel uneasy about reaching this conclusion, but I believe that it may be completely, or partially accurate. You must remember that Satan and his host, basically deeply hate humanity, probably because of the pronouncement of eternal damnation that has been brought against them by the Most High. They are ultimately going to be eternally destroyed for their disobedience, and those of us that cooperate with them will share the same sentence. You cannot get around that. Think carefully. Back to issues of race. Besides Aryans, there may be several other groups in the Heavens that have some commonalties with the humans of Earth. I personally believe that there is one particular type that is vaguely Mongoloid, that may inhabit one or more of the moons of Jupiter and/or Saturn, where I also believe Aryans of the Nordic type may dwell (as well as on Mars), in some other time-space sector. Sound unbelievable? Heh. Don't forget that I am referring to those planets being potentially inhabitable in other time-space zones. Again (I said that I would pepper these writings with doubt), I cannot claim to know that these things are absolutely true; even if I did, I would have a very difficult time providing proof, right? In fact, I believe that race (which I will refer to as Lemurians) was originally based on Tiamat, and some of them may have migrated to other moons and planets in this solar system (and perhaps others), just prior to that world's destruction. Venus may have been one of them. I think Venus may have been one of the very first planets populated in this solar system, and that it may have once had a completely different orbit. It, also, may be the place of the resurrection. Jesus called himself 'the Bright and Morning Star,' which is a reference to the planet Venus from the ancient world. But also, there is the fact that 'Lucifer' is another name for the planet Venus. Confusing. Trying to make sense of what is meant by references to a Heavenly War is challenging, but extremely interesting, no? In fact, I will really go out on a limb; I believe that war may have been primarily between those two groups of beings, the Aryans and Lemurians. Additionally, I think that the 'serpent' described in the Bible may have originally corresponded to a particular genotype amongst they that dwell in the Heavens, but probably now more generally refers collectively to all creatures that ally themselves with the enemies of Yahweh. I have had countless experiences with nearly all racial types here on Earth, that indicate to me that Satan has been successfully operating in every cultural subdivision of mankind. Don't make the mistake of believing that any one Earth group is superior, or more righteous than another, in the spiritual sense. That is simply not so. We are all considered equally by the Lord, I believe. While it is observably true that portions of some groups may have different abilities, strengths and weaknesses from others, please remember that God tells us that 'all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God,' and that 'there is none righteous, no, not one.' Many of us would like to believe that our particular 'team' is better than that of others. That is human nature, such as it is in this age of ungodly confusion. I think that the Lord may be attempting to bring about a certain level of cooperation between forces in the Heavenlies that may have once been at odds with one another, in an attempt to reduce the casualties of the Great War. I have tried to be as careful as possible in getting to the point of saying this, because I know that it would not be to the liking of many. If I am correct in assuming this, there might be some explanation as to exactly why there has been a corresponding realignment of certain attitudes on Earth, as regards racial relations. This may be largely due to a greater level of communication and cooperation between various opposing forces in the Heavens. If it is truly so, let us all pray that the greater harmony that seems to be pending will be brought about under the will of the Most High, and not from the result of ages of occultic manipulations by sorcerers, which would assure us of a very temporal, and ultimately phony peace. God tells us that 'though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.' That, I believe, might possibly be a hint. Nothing is impossible for the Lord. --- jewel.log Step inside this place Sun Apr 25 1999 Went scrounging. Found a lot of little things. Returned home twice, and then decided to take the four VCRs that I'd found over the past few months to VN Electronics, down the street. The guy gave me $20 for the four broken machines. Found a Jewel CD, which was encrusted with food-oriented filth. Wiped it off with a liberal amount of Windex. I have it in the CD player right now; it is playing, with no skips, so far. I love her vocal style, although it can seem a little formulated and contrived after a while. I can tell that she is a overly intelligent person, hiding behind a less cerebral front. And a woman, which makes her dangerous. She reminds me of Brenda Gorman, an old friend of mine. Right now she is singing a song about Jupiter (it is probably called 'Swallow the Moon'), which makes me feel quite sad, for some unexplainable reason. There are so many reasons that I love women, even though they are often so aggravatingly chaotic and fragile. I was going to write about some more important issues, but I have been overcome by emotion. The sadness of my confusion about the Heavens has impelled me to feel strangely sentimental; it is difficult to sort out the many conflicting feelings. Called [NAME DELETED] - left a message. He is not there, probably. Aggravating. I must leave a note about my continuing obsession with Bjork. Even after trying for (literally) years to forget about her, I think of her every single day. Very, very bothersome. I have attempted to replace her with thoughts of other women, to no avail. --- redwagon.log Elementary, my dear Watson Wed Apr 28 1999 Have been cleaning this consarned cluttered room all day. [NAME DELETED] called on Tuesday evening, and we had a short talk about his actions with the FBI, regarding trying to get them to take the concept of psychotronic assaults seriously. Apparently, they are more willing to investigate these sorts of complaints as of late. I would imagine that they have been hearing from more and more people as time goes on. Certainly, they would have to separate the kooks and psychosomatic cases from whatever base of people would actually bother to contact them about such things. In a way, it would be pretty hard for me to try and talk with them about my experiences, because even I would like to believe that I am just losing my mind, or something to that effect. I am not. And neither is Mr. [NAME DELETED], who seems to have (as I just implied) gotten in touch with some people that will actually seriously consider these complaints. I know that it is a very big deal for them to get to the point of understanding better what has been happening. It really is a matter of national security. We discussed the possibility that there might be a contingency of psyops experts trying to encourage the development of 'mental illnesses' in the lives of the wealthy, for the purpose of attempting to steer them to certain psychotherapists, who, hypothetically (if they were in cahoots with such a scheme) might forward percentages of their clients' payments for their psychiatric services to intelligence bureaus, or private espionage teams. That seems to be feasible. Who knows? Another thing I mentioned, was that I believe that the fact that so many of the offensive psychological forces operating in the United States are addicted to drugs of various kinds, including heroin and cocaine, is absolutely no accident. That is all by design, I am quite sure. As a simple illustration to try and support my view, I reminded [NAME DELETED] that the entire nation of China was more or less enslaved by the British for a very long period of time, by their encouraging the widespread consumption of opiates. At a certain point, from what I have gathered from various historical chroniclers, many of the common, and also the wealthier people were heavily addicted to opium smoking (which is one of the reasons why the symbolic 'opium den' is often associated with the China of yesterdays ago; I think that many modern Chinese resent that, and probably consider it to be something of a negative cultural stereotype, and understandably), and were easily manipulated by the Brits, who probably had their fingers in most of the political pies of the time. How was itty-bitty Britain able to have such a powerful cultural sway over huge tracts of Asia, and for such long periods of time? Drugs, mon. They were a very big part of what the Anglos were able to accomplish in China, and India, as well. But you won't hear much about such realities in many of the more antiseptic history books, which generally minimize the perception of such things, by reducing it all to a lot of coded-language bullcrap. Pretty much the same thing appears to be happening here in America, only I don't believe that it is exclusively the British who are taskmastering the numskulls that are perpetrating the shenanigans that have been happening here. They may have actually initiated the sequence of 'traditional' events that led us down the flowery path to destruction, but it seems as though other nations, after having learned their heinous methods, have followed along in their footprints, and are now the main aggressors, as regards our being politically and culturally dismantled. The poisonings and violatings are all for the benefit of they that hate us, whose numbers are growing steadily day by day. Eventually, we will probably be violently conquered by the Russians and/or the Chinese and French. Probably, nobody would believe that, if I just flat out said it. These people are very stupid. They don't understand Socialists, and other sorts in that political vein. The way that we are being deeply hoodwinked is really amazing. Also, very sad. But they will not listen. Dey tink dat de big bad woild is our fwiend. The fact that nobody has even attempted to discuss any of these matters with me, is reason enough for me to wash my hands of it all. Let someone else be a hero. I have had enough. If the blasted politicians don't care, why should I? They are the elected officials. I'm going fishing. Heh. Sunday night (after partying a little in the neighborhood with Hutch, and a Native guy), I went looking for Lynda. Found her, and Victoria, at the bar on Damen and Lawrence. They were up to no good, and I was fairly drunk, and acted pretty foolish, as best as I remember it. Lynda said that Tony broke up with her from jail. I sort of made light of it, because I hope that he really isn't going to leave her, what with the baby, and all. I briefly saw Edith, who was watching little Julio Antonio at her home. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have been so flaky with Ms. Dahm; she seemed a bit strange - I got insecurity vibes from her. She usually seems very confident. I am worried about her. Her ex-husband, Gigs showed up at the bar, after about an hour or so. Lynda and Victoria split, and Gigs and I got to talking about Joe Frank and Gila, who he says are still sliding around the Chicago area. I would be glad to see them, even though I know that they are trouble. We also discussed Marco D'Orio (the spelling of his last name may be incorrect; I've never seen it written out), who (I think) is still in New York, and Junk, who is a guy that [NAME DELETED] lived with at Hell House (an old squat on Milwaukee avenue, near Halsted - circa 1986-1989). Junk was a heroin addict, who actually died in Hell House, which greatly disturbed [NAME DELETED], who had fought with him on one occasion, over basically nothing ([NAME DELETED] smashed one of the dude's bottles of Jack, which got him real mad, and he pounded on [NAME DELETED] a bit; Gomez, the old bassist from Ujenyx, came to Mr. [NAME DELETED]'s rescue). I guess Gigs and Junk were fast friends, because Gigs reverently described him as a 'good brother,' which is about the finest compliment that you can get from most bikers. Gigs is a biker (a very mellow sort - a tech; he used to have some old Indians in front of his home, which I thought was cool), but I don't think he rides with any club. In fact, I tried to get him to remember Caveman (who may have been an Outlaw once) and his girlfriend, Mickey. But he couldn't recall them. I'm pretty sure that Caveman knows Gigs, because he mentioned Marco. Ah, whatever. Gigs seems to want to reunite with Lynda. He asked me if she ever talked about him, and I said that she did, but she really hasn't mentioned him more than a few times, now that I think about it. They are supposed to be going on a date of some kind this week. I hope she stays with Tony, because of their child. But that's their business, and I plan to stay completely away from all of it. I've got to get my life on track. Gigs and I drove around for a while, looking for the girls, but they had slipped away into some nook or cranny. Eventually, I headed towards home, after collecting a Radio Flyer red wagon that I'd found earlier, from behind Edith's building, where I'd left it. Stumbled towards my neighborhood, scrounging all the way. About one-third of the way back, as I was digging in a bin, a girl in back of a building asked me if I was collecting aluminum cans. I said no, and that I was looking mostly for computer components. When I asked if she had any disks, she went into her apartment, and brought one out and gave it to me. Her name is [NAME DELETED], and she's originally from St. Louis. I sat in her apartment for a few hours, and learned that she's a DJ, and spins at clubs somewhere in the city. She was pretty cool, and actually knew about the Cocteau Twins, and the various subcultural issues. Also, she works at a storage place on Ravenswood. After leaving her home, I continued scavenging, and wound up collecting a huge amount of good stuff in the wagon, most of it very decent. [NAME DELETED] had a fit, when I finally arrived, at about six in the morning. I had to make four or five trips up and downstairs to get it all in my room. One thing that I found kind of surprised me - a glossy sticker of the name '[NAME DELETED],' which is a fairly uncommon name, I think. It kind of cheered me up, because I have been thinking of her a lot over the past year or so. I am going to write to her soon, in fact. --- symb.log A definition must not be circular Wed Apr 28 1999 Just got off of the phone with [NAME DELETED]. Tried to say a few concise words about the disturbing things that have been happening over the course of the past few years, but, as usual, it mostly tumbled out all jumbled. I described part of an Art Bell radio show that I'd listened to a while back, that involved an account (given by a military aerospace engineer) of a descent into the bowels of what I believe was the legendary Wright-Patterson Air Force base. This took place somewhere in the fifties or sixties. The engineer, who was/is a literal rocket scientist, said that his services had been requested by some military officials that had recovered several downed spacecraft. They wanted him to help them back-engineer certain components, or something similar. He described being lowered several levels below the inside of a very large hangar, on a huge hydraulic platform that approached the size of a football field. When the scientist was being led towards the craft that he was to examine, he reported having the odd sensation that the machine was responding to his thoughts, and had actually adjusted some mechanical operational parameters accordingly. I think that he mentioned something about lights altering their intensity on some kind of control panel. In a completely different Art Bell show (I just remembered this), another military-oriented man said something about a recovered alien actually having been an integral part of the mechanical operations of another recovered spacecraft. One, or both of the men being interviewed described the effecting of a electro-mechanical connection between a biological electrical source (such as a humanoid brain), and a purely electronic system (such as the navigational circuitry of a spacecraft) as symbiotic technology. This has always been very interesting to me, because I have had many experiences, where some very unusual synchronistic occurrences between my mind, and electronic systems have taken place. Not too many, but enough to seriously provoke my interest in the topic. I told [NAME DELETED] that enduring the past four years of brain-busting torture may have helped me to learn some very subtle engineering principles, that may well be of great use in designing specially tailored countermeasures against psychotronic assaults. In referring to certain aspects of the psychotronic phenomena, I made an analogy using the fluctuation of the distribution of tension in an arm-wrestling match as an illustrative example. It wouldn't be very wise to get overly detailed at this time, so I will leave it at that for now. I am not going to allow anyone to pilfer any more of my ideas. Hopefully, I will be able to get [NAME DELETED] and I hooked up with upright individuals, that will help us to develop our engineering concepts. --- dolly.log It's all about the girlies Thu Apr 29 1999 How best to mend the fabric of American society, after so many decades of institutionalized and increasingly grievous errors? It is even possible to begin to think about such a thing? The weight of misery is very great, and many people have long ago given up nearly all hope. I must admit that my love for our nation, and the world in general, has grown somewhat cold. However, I still feel compassion for most people, including some of those that I hate. I don't like being angry. It isn't part of my nature. Though I also am 'seeing through a glass darkly,' I feel very strongly that the time has come for the people that have been involved with the 'traditional' approach to life, to come up out of denial about what it is that they have been doing, and what, if those activities continue, the ultimate consequences of their actions will mean for our nation and the rest of the world. They need to squarely face up to what has been happening, ala the backyard shenanigans, and then commit themselves to completely eradicating those practices. If that can be accomplished, untold miracles of God's mercy could follow, I believe. As unlikely as it seems that such a thing could happen, I am still holding out hope that it just might. Those foolish and evil activities, and their deeper meanings, need to be clearly revealed. One great problem, is that I am certain that it would take a monumental form of bravery on the part of some of the highest authorities in our land, to lend the necessary credibility to such an unprecedented undertaking. The kind of bravery, that practically none of our elected officials have, as best as I can determine it. That we have such a sad collection of largely perverse, chicken-hearted souls as our leaders is no accident. That, too, is also by design. They certainly are not on fire for Jesus Christ. They are on fire for dat monkey stick. No heroes among them. They would rather chuckle all the way down to the pits of hell, than to finally snap out of the stupor that they've been in for so long. It's almost as if they have been cryogenically frozen in a state of negative spiritual suspension. Don't they realize that what they do is wrong? Will they ever? I am getting angry again. Well, since at this moment there is nothing much that I can do to help amend matters, I will write about some other actions that might help improve things a bit. Many lines of text have been written about the lack of positive role models in the media for our children. But the media should not be held responsible for the raising of our children. The immediate family should contain the prime role models for kids. The fact of the matter, is that we have, in many quarters, very incompetent parents (and extended family structures). I know, because I am one of them. Absent fathers, crazy mothers, creepy relatives. Many of our current generation of adults have been raised in single-parent, or 'alternative.' types of families. In many of those families, the personality profiles of some (or even most or all) of the prime role models often left much to be desired in the minds of the children (that are now grown-ups). Consequently, many of our modern adults have inherited various patterns of deeply dysfunctional behavior. All of the blame for societal instability cannot be blamed on non-standard family structures, however. Many traditional two-parent families have a very poor psycho-spiritual constitution. So basically, the root of the problem, is the family, and how immediate role models affect children, either positively or adversely. If we are seriously interested in improving our civilization, we must needs be interested in the increased wholesomeness of immediate family structures. Sound families are the fundamental hallmark of a truly progressive and stable world. There have always been evils within kinships of all kinds, all throughout history. Perhaps in former ages, certain evils were even more pernicious than they are currently. The main thing to remember, is that this age has a far more complete, and easily accessible palette of wickedness for children to choose from, than nearly any other historically recorded era. As the actions of many parents become increasingly questionable, the onus of moral orientation and development is often placed upon the children themselves, which can cause considerable psychological strain for them. That should not be, because proper instruction on mores should be administered by the guardians. If they are not teaching good moral and ethical conduct, the youngsters will suffer in many ways, both immediately, and later on in life. We have significant portions of the last few generations of our citizenry, that have been raised in families that enthusiastically advocate extremely antichristian behavior, such as witchcraft, homosexuality, consumption of narcotics, criminal activities, etcetera. Many of those people have achieved very high positions of power in our civilization, and are now broadcasting their moral sensibilities far beyond their immediate families, to the nation at large. So, we see that our nation's spiritual profile has profoundly changed, and by many estimates, for the worse, because of the alterations that have taken place within our nation's family structures. Many military-minded, jingoistic souls would like to attribute the blame for all of this to specific groups, such as homosexuals, blacks, Jews, whites, etcetera. I don't think that any one group is exclusively responsible for lowering the collective decency of our people. There is blame enough for all groups. Even if it were true that only one or two groups were the prime offenders, all of us should feel somewhat responsible, for we are all partakers of sin to some degree. It greatly irritates me that certain groups do appear to be more offensive than others at this time. Keep in mind the entire history of our nation, and how currently less hostile groups were once (and could again become) far more transgressive. Also, certain cultures that haven't had many opportunities to make a negative impact over the course of American history, soon might. Think of that. I said that I would try and give advice. I will attempt to do that. The encompassing issue is ennobling the relationships between children and their parents or guardians. Since there seems to be very little hope of being able to 'convert' the many generations of people that have been embracing certain antichristian lifestyles to a more Christian perspective, I will just say that their errors have been harming us all, not only them, and their immediate families. Our nation is sodden with pornography, fornication, and perversions of every wrinkle, spot and stripe, thanks to them, and their loose moral codes. Drugs of all kinds are readily available in every little hamburg that graces our map. Crime is endemic, and a way of life for many urban and suburban children. All of this, is largely because of dysfunctional families, and the far-reaching consequences of immorality. What can we do? The first, and most important thing that I would recommend, quite seriously, is prayer. The difficulties involved in surmounting the obstacles arrayed against those of us that care about these issues are many. We must enlist the help of the Lord. There is no way that one, or even all of us, can tackle these mind-numbing problems. I want to get inebriated, just thinking about it all. I'll drink you all under the table. The book of Ephesians (also in Revelation), tells us that the Lord has a secret plan for the world. I believe that I may understand some of it, but I am not going to share my thoughts on that with you right now. I just want to say that I really love God, and that He, and Jesus have been the main inspirations in my life. The Lord has promised to show us His exceeding grace in the ages to come, and there truly will be unlimited and unimaginably wonderful times in the future, for those of us that continue to remain faithful, in these perplexing times. The Lord is very real, and His good will towards us, as well. Experience with deprivation, misunderstandings, hostility and other assorted misfortunes and miseries have taught me this. The ages to come are real. Very real. I want you to be there, to enjoy them with me, and the rest of us that also know the truth about the future rule of Jesus Christ. Until the age of righteousness begins, we will have to do our best to remain calm and good. We will also have to try and figure out ways to maintain our societal equilibrium. The Satanic forces have really been pushing it, and the damages sometimes seem to be irreparable. With faith, not so. We may yet be able to lift the nation up out of the dark, smoky pit that it has fallen into. I hope so, but one must be realistic. The Lord may not want us to recover. He may be planning to destroy our nation, even. Such things must be considered. We have been very wicked, indeed. The children. If we want a more hopeful outlook for this age, then we must prepare to be more concerned with all aspects of child development, and young people in general. We cannot continue to allow out posterity to be desensitized by the endless depictions of violence and debauchery in the media, or permit them to embrace the many evil familial permutations, such as 'open' or gay marriages. Those practices utterly decrease sincere love and respect for mankind (contrary to the beliefs of people who advocate such abominations), and often lead to great confusion, cynicism and stark alienation for many youths who are exposed to them. God is against the people who live like that, and the Holy Spirit does not permanently dwell in many such homes, from my (albeit limited) experiences with those types of households. I have tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to engage in discussions about God with people living along those lines, and have often encountered the deepest forms of antichristian hostility. Such domiciles are practically spilling over with demons. To digress a moment, I will mention that I have heard many tales over the years, concerning young people being abused and/or molested by their relatives, or close friends of their family. In nearly all of the cases where the children approached another family member to complain about such an incident, they suffered ridicule, or denial from the person that they confided in. Several young men have told me stories of being raped by friends of their parents, or even family members. One young girl, a friend of mine, said that her grandmother molested her when she was about nine years of age. I have heard too many similar stories, to believe that they were all false fabrications by imaginative young minds, or something like that. I think that they are all too true, and that there is a really sickening dark side to our nation, and much of the the rest of the world, that involves the ritualistic abuse of children, and wholesale denial of it by the perpetrators. Of course, if it is so (and it appears to be), it isn't a good thing at all. That, as best as I understand it from experience, is exactly how the worst curses of demonic possession are passed on from one generation to another. By rapes, molestations, and other types of violence. Which is why those practices must stop. If they are not brought to an end, we will be looking at a fully demonized civilization, like Sodom and Gomorrha, which the Lord hated, and deliberately destroyed. The quickest way to begin the improvement of the progression of our social affairs, is to encourage the moral fortitude of the very youngest children, but especially of the young ladies, who, I believe, are morally superior in certain ways to young men. That is, before they become corrupted by the endless wickedness of the world. Once they have been laid to waste by the many destructive vanities, you can forget about the concept of them being morally superior. Chastity and other virtuous qualities, are fantastically important to imbue in little girls. Nasty young ladies (and men, of course) have done untold damage to the spiritual nature of this nation and world. Do not doubt it. The animistic sensualization of the English-speaking world has proceeded unchecked for about four or so decades. It is time for all sane people to realize where our vacuous immorality has led us, and whether or not we want to continue our descent into lightlessness. Improving the spiritual quality of our children's' lives will make a gigantic difference, over the course of the next few decades, if the Lord will allow us the opportunity to have such hope for renewal. Women are very important in all of this, for many, many reasons. Too many to go into at this time. But the short answer as to why that is, has to do with the fact that women are the main initiators and arbiters of marriage alliances, and the subsequent consequences of marital bliss or discord. It is very important that we understand this, and that we encourage our women to choose as wisely as possible. To select men with the best moral and ethical qualities that they can find. Not a bunch of slouches. Our future as a nation and world depend on important (and very simple, no?) understandings such as this. I am hoping that God will help us all. --- seiko.log We never get to it Sat May 1 1999 Prepared another floppy disk, and a few printouts for [NAME DELETED] yesterday morning and afternoon. He mentioned having troubles with his mouse driver, so I supplied a few files that may help the situation. I also included a nice set of utilities, that he might find helpful. Really, the main reason I wrote him, was to let him know that he can use the HP scanner, if he wants to. With all of his piles of paperwork, I bet he could really make good use of it, especially since he has a Zip drive. I can't use it until I get a computer with a USB port, anyhow. Thursday evening, [NAME DELETED] came home with a load. After sorting through it, she let me have some CDs; most of them were really skippy, but one, an album (Citron) by what I am assuming is a Japanese performer, Seiko Matsuda, is pretty cool. Sort of an Asian Jazzy Pop formula, which is one of my very favorite forms of music, when it is done correctly, with just enough energy and verve. I have been anticipating a really big wave of Asian Pop stars to make it big in the US for going on a decade now, but it still hasn't yet happened. Even so, if we have enough peaceful time ahead of us, I am sure that it will. I have seen some Asian musical acts that really excited me. Not so much because of a lot of flash and fashion crap (which is what most of our popular music is heavily dependent on), but because of a certain sort of presence, and style of presentation, that is very unique and invigorating, again, when it is done correctly. There was a time when the mere mention of the words 'Asian Pop star' would make people snicker heartily into their sleeves, if not out loud. That is changing, as I can see. No more tone-deaf, monotonous voices, and mechanical and imitative musical styles. Most of the better Asian groups that I have heard over the past ten years have been extremely original and totally refreshing. They make a lot of our performers seem like swamp things, bogged down in tar pits of stylistic rehash. Aren't I the world-weary music critic? Snik. I really like Seiko's voice. One of the songs, 'We Never Get To It' (I think that's the title - I only have the CD) really impressed me, although it is a bit dated (the album is from 1988). An Asian chick that can sing well is a beautiful thing. A good band, and back-up singers, too. I also was given an Alanis Morissette audio CD, which contains an interview with her, from a few years ago. Haven't listened to it yet, but it isn't very scratched, so it should play fine. She can sing well too, but she can get kind of whiny, like a lot of chick singers from all around the world. It's a syndrome. I like her, and it'll be interesting to hear the interview. Yesterday was probably one of the first days in a very long time that I watched zero hours of TV. Feels good; I'm going to try for day number two, but it'll be hard, because there are new cartoons in the morning. [continued in the file TER2.TXT] Copyright 1999, 2000 Terry Washington aka Phoenixx 1048 W Winona 3E Chicago IL 60640-3125 773-561-0737 HTTP://members.tripod.com/~mdars/experiences/ter.htm HTTP://www.angelfire.com/journal/archer/index.html phoenixx100@hotmail.com This file was last updated on Thursday, July 13th, 2000 at 3:03am.