The Odhinn Voodoo Buddha Cometh Sat Dec 30 1995 5am Alright. I can tell that this is going to be entertaining. I may have discovered a few answers to some of the subconscious questions gurgling throughout my feverish brain. Or maybe, it's just more of the same brand of insanity that has annoyingly presented itself to me again and again, like an overfriendly dog when you try to force it away from you. Let's see how it all pans out. Boola Boola. There is much talk of mental illness in the media as of late. I am not alone, and this is rather comforting, albeit in a chilly way. But, if I may be allowed the indulgence of diving right into the core of the ripping spin that is whirling in the center of my poor little strung-out brain, I will proceed to tell a tellurian tale... Making sense out of this fast-moving modern mythos isn't easy; in fact, it's a bad business all the way around - even to speculate as to where it might be going next. There are so many rich beds of symbolism involved, as well as many subsets. But the most profound and memorable golems are the simplest. Avoiding the complexities, we have four basic components represented: the Yin and Yang of the Yin and Yang, if that makes any sense (it should). The active and passive potentialities of both the male and female archetypes. You remember the Yin-Yang symbol, don't you? You know, the Tao; the two fishes - the white one with the black eye, and the black one with the white eye, swirling around each other. These abstract thoughts are more easily grappled with (in a tangible, solid form) as human sexual potentialities. Those of you with the ability to perceive what I am describing, are probably amazed right about now. Well put, no? Yukky as it sounds, those four forces have been put into action to hypnotize you into a lasting carnal slumber. Yes. Just about every single word that you think has been altered by the sinister Funky Chicken singularity, no? Go, funkmeisters, go! Ha. And they even had the nerve to leave an egg behind, huh? Yep, the ol' Flesh Engine leaves you feeling kind of jaded and wooden, doesn't it? Berserk. Little did they know... Yeah, the whole thing has been kind of gradually unveiled over the past few decades (and much more deceptive unveiling is to be done in the near future, on a very grand scale); there is an actual science and technology to it all - you'd be surprised. It's all very ancient. And, at this point, practically everyone is affected by it, often in very unpleasant ways. It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. That is the rudimentary occultic toolkit. A sort of supernatural machine language. The Black Magic version. And, yes, it does have great potential for evil; if you haven't recently noticed some of it's more insidious machinations, you've got to be stone cold dead. The so-called White Magic version is virtually the same, but the elements are euphemized into less corporeal forms, such as light, air, water, earth. It is this writer's personal opinion that all White Magic is a thin veneer laid over the perpetually wiggling Black Magic underneath. The only real active force of goodness that I've experienced is the power of the Holy Spirit. All else involves demonic powers, which will ultimately pull your silly soul right down to the pit. I know, because I've been there, and was bailed out by the Holy Spirit. Seriously. All sorts of individuals throughout the ages have used the simple, raw power that the aforementioned toolkit can provide to a clever metaphysical technician. There is an even simpler, but far less elegant emblem, that embodies much of the same philosophy as the aforementioned Tao symbol. It would resemble a fried egg, if the white around the yolk were made perfectly circular. Oh, and as an option, you might want to include an orange dot in the middle of the yellow yolk, for an additional level of spookiness. Eek. A very unfortunate side effect that many experience soon after being introduced to the deeper profundities of such deceptively innocuous little motifs, is rampant paranoia. This must be kept in check. Many demonic forces will be very interested in just what you think of their ongoing masterpiece (psst...America), and they will desperately want to know whether or not you can be counted on to be eventually mustered into one side or another of their loyal troops. Really. Don't fall for it. Read your Bible. Many grizzled old wizards have studiously labored day in and day out, and still haven't quite grasped the basic meaning of these admittedly slippery components of the Tao. They are much less powerfully manipulated by a person burdened by a complex mental framework. The simple-minded are far more proficient at utilizing the tools accurately and effectively in the realm of human emotion, for the common good (or, as we see so often, evil), if the crucial element of strong will is present, and used as a propelling force. However, the truly simple-minded person, with all of the strength of a less complicated mind, rarely sees a need to channel energies into efforts beyond their personality boundaries; indeed, many such individuals may be literally unable to perceive clearly the strong impact that their contribution of spiritual force might make on a world level. When they finally realize their spiritual strength, they need to be encouraged by more intellectually burdened folk, to press their mental faculties into the service of decency - to be good, in the traditional sense, so as not to further perturb the delicate psionic ether enveloping us all. Makes sense. Therefore, we see that the main objective of most occultists (of the society-influencing variety) throughout the ages, has been to achieve a sort of mental-spiritual balance between intelligence and simple-mindedness, so as to achieve the greatest results from the individual, and collective mind. To maximize human potential through an all-encompassing harmony. Believe it or not, that is exactly what God wants, too. The only problem, is that there really is a powerful, fallen spiritual being known as Satan, who, along with legions of other fallen angels (yes, really), wants total human destruction. His main weapons against humanity are fear and guilt, and he is a professional at using them against us. Most people that delve into the arcane wind up as pawns of Satan. But not all. It depends on how a person reacts to the knowledge obtained. Very few occultists are truly interested in total world destruction (although there are more of that type now than ever before, from what I know), in fact, many seek ways to achieve the greater good; but the demonic forces underlying their humanitarian plans and goals, inevitably are the dedicated enemies of the humans that they serve, as well as all humankind, and use every `trick in the book' to twist and warp the minds of those who want knowledge of the hidden mechanics of the world. Lemme tell ya. I've seen, and spoken with demons many times in the past (I do not recommend seeking an audience with any of them; it isn't wise - pray to God to be delivered from all demonic influences), and they are nothing nice (although they can be deceptively charming at times). They sincerely hate all humans, and especially relish the destruction of those that they have manipulated the most. You can count on it. They despise every last one of us. A few of you know that I'm not kidding. Demons are very real. Hell is very real. But the power of Christ's sacrifice for our salvation is infinitely superior, and conquers all opposition. Try silently meditating on the redemptive power of Christ (without any obvious symbolic gestures, such as clasping of the hands) the next time that you are in a socially chaotic situation, and just watch how aggravated the demons within those surrounding you will get. I'm warning you, it's no joke. The marvelous promises of God are life and eternity, and the deals made with Satan are death and eternity. So you see, you get eternity either way, but wouldn't you rather spend it alive, rather than in torment? Repent, and live; God loves you, no matter who you are, or what you've done. What everyone (especially in this city) needs to know, is that soon, there will be a series of unprecedented events taking place. Real jaw-droppers. Comic book stuff. Yeah. And one really fantastic event; Don't be fooled - it'll be a trick. Don't look for permanent answers from such temporary miracles. Consult God. Some of us stubborn humans have excruciatingly intense inner mental lives, but absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the wonderous possibilities that could exist, and manifest into reality, if we'd just adjust our intellectual intensity level way down, and amplify our blind faith, which squelches the whining of the selfish, individual will, and allows the Universal Will of God to take precedence, and carry us through all situations with ease. I exhort all to seek a closer relationship with their true Creator, and to gain a better understanding of His Will, but I also suggest that you not be uninformed concerning the ways of the world of the occult. Many things that ancient secret societies labored long and hard for, are about to be consummated, and it would be well if you were forewarned. Our Father wants you to have a good understanding of the odd spiritual ways of this fallen world, but He expects you not to be so stupid as to think that you can run with the nonsense, and forget Christ, who is truly your Redeemer from all sin. Nothing on this earth is worth losing your place in the righteous world about to be born. Jesus paid for all of your sins, and all you have to do is believe that God sent Him in the flesh to rescue you, and consciously recall, and sincerely repent of your sins. Just don't forget that there really will be an Antichrist, and that he will arrive (with a bogus version of a righteous world) before the true Christ. Don't get sucked in; Hell is a very real place, and you don't want to waste eternity there. It's an endless whirlpool of agony. Really. Trade in your fear of the demonic world for faith in Christ's salvation. You won't be sorry at all. Note that I haven't tried to bombard you with my knowledge of the Scriptures; honestly, I'm not exceptionally skilled at remembering where certain relevant information is written. I don't belong to any established Church congregation (and don't plan to), but I am a member of the eternal Body of Christ. This I know, and I hope that you will study the Bible (especially the New Testament), and find it in your heart to repent, and be freed from the bondage of sin and guilt that gets worse every day. Repentance is a sort of spiritual hygiene; everybody likes to be clean, no? Please, love God, and your poor, befuddled neighbors with all of your heart! I will leave you with one very pertinent extraction from Scripture: "Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world-forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." [Ephesians 6:10-13] Satan has all kinds of `good game' prepared to deceive the hapless world. Yes, the games are ready. Are you? Please pray. I am an eternal servant of the Most High God Yahweh, and His Son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.