db Takes Babs to Task...

What is all the ruckus out here?!? [arriving at the scene just in time to see a gang of children frantically dispersing] I come home from a hard at work, try to relax a little, and I'm awakened by what sounded like stampeding jackals. [notices Babs standing alone, charred, bruised, clothes tattered and muddy] Babs, what are you doing? Come here young lady! I said COME HERE!! Now.....what have I told you about playing with fire(the topic of abortion)?? And to make matters worse, you go and do it with those children from accross the tracks. You know I don't like you playing with them so much. They have a bad reputation. Especially the little Sojourner girl. Besides, her eyes are too close together...[aside] and you know what they say about people like that. I can understand your compassion for the rest of them. Especially little Chuckie and Cyndie, their hearts seem to be in the right place anyhow but, they're still a bad influence on you and I don't like you spending so much time with them. Why can't you play with little Jakkie down the street? I know all the other kids make fun of him with his tourettes and all but, he seems like a nice enough boy. I bet he'd be a good playmate if someone would just spend a little time with him. Or what about that little Chenault girl? Maybe you and her could attend Sunday school together this year. And who was that other little girl who used to come by so often?... oh yeah, little Tina. Does she still live around here? Well, anyhow, the point is, instead of playing in your own neighborhood, what do you do?! You either go find those other children accross the tracks or those snooty kids on the other side of town. Then you come home with bruises and your hair all tangled up...and you act like you can't wait to go back again. What am I going to do with you?!? Don't roll your eyes at me young lady!! That's it! You're grounded for a week. Now, you just march your little hiney up to your room and stay there until I call you for dinner. If you get bored, you can start reading that Nero Wolfe novel I got you for Xmas. [sighs] Kids!