The Purpose of this newsgroup

TJ and CK sum it up.

SKBFP wrote:

Just out of curiosity...what do the DL dissenters in this group hope to accomplish?

TJ replies:

Any number of things. It's a source of fun and amusement. There is pride in accomplishment in that rather than passively wait for SNL to come up with a skit parodying DL, we've done it ourselves.

To the extent that people are unaware that DL has no doctoral or Post-Doctoral qualifications to address matters psychological, religious, or moral, we serve as an antidote to DL's self-promotion.

Dislike of hypocrisy is a deeply-held cultural value in this country; so there's the satisfaction of standing up for a cherished ethical belief.

Parts of DL's advice are harmful or wrong. This group gives us the opportunity to demonstrate that fact.

And some of us have been around here for a long time and enjoy hanging out here.


>I mean, would DL's show being cancelled make you all happy?

I can't speak for everyone, but if I could be assured that DL would never resume a private practice, this would be ok by me.


> By supporting DL, I think it is obvious what we are trying to do (live morally, etc).

People who actually live moral lives have no need for DL. Actually, I think most people are more moral than DL gives them credit for being, and in fact, most people are more moral than DL. I think the followers of DL are more concerned with the behavior of others than with their own.


>PS If the show was cancelled, then this group wouldn't exist...then what would we all do?? :)

We'd celebrate by going over to Maddi's house, sitting around in her hot tub, eating chocolate and drinking strawberry daiquiris.




David says...

>Okay, it's obvious that most of the posts are from crackpot right-wingers or crackpot left-wingers. But there's a twist. The crackpot right-wingers write the left-wing rants in order to make the left-wingers look stupid. And the crackpot left-wingers write the right-wing rants in order to make the right-wingers look stupid. Then the offended parties of all stripes respond, resulting in total mayhem. I wonder what purpose any of this serves.

Charles Kinbote replies...

Perfectly just observations, and a perfectly sensible question. In my considered opinion, this ng has exactly one real purpose, which is to give me a place to post the following, from _The Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by Herself_ [1896], without some snert yammering that it's not on topic.


Was in Arizona up to the winter of 1871 and during that time I had a great many adventures with the Indians, for as a scout I had a great many dangerous missions to perform and while I was in many close places always succeeded in getting away safely for by this time I was considered the most reckless and daring rider and one of the best shots in the western country. After that campaign I returned to Fort Sanders, Wyoming, remained there until spring of 1872, when we were ordered out to the Muscle Shell or Nursey Pursey Indian outbreak. In that war Generals Custer, Miles, Terry and Crook were all engaged. This campaign lasted until fall of 1873. It was during this campaign that I was christened Calamity Jane. It was on Goose Creek, Wyoming, where the town of Sheridan is now located. Capt. Egan was in command of the Post. We were ordered out to quell an uprising of the Indians, and were out for several days, had numerous skirmishes during which six of the soldiers were killed and several severely wounded. When on returning to the Post we were ambushed about a mile and a half from our destination. When fired upon Capt. Egan was shot. I was riding in advance and on hearing the firing turned in my saddle and saw the Captain reeling in his saddle as though about to fall. I turned my horse and galloped back with all haste to his side and got there in time to catch him as he was falling. I lifted him onto my horse in front of me and succeeded in getting him safely to the Fort. Capt. Egan on recovering, laughingly said: "I name you Calamity Jane, the heroine of the plains." I have borne that name up to the present time. We were afterwards ordered to Fort Custer, where Custer city now stands, where we arrived in the spring of 1874; remained around Fort Custer all summer and were ordered to Fort Russell in fall of 1874, where we remained until spring of 1875; was then ordered to the Black Hills to protect miners, as that country was controlled by the Sioux Indians and the government had to send the soldiers to protect the lives of the miners and settlers in that section. Remained there until fall of 1875 and wintered at Fort Laramie. In spring of 1876, we were ordered north with General Crook to join Gen'ls Miles, Terry and Custer at Big Horn river. During this march I swam the Platte river at Fort Fetterman as I was the bearer of important dispatches. I had a ninety mile ride to make, being wet and cold, I contracted a severe illness and was sent back in Gen. Crook's ambulance to Fort Fetterman where I laid in the hospital for fourteen days. When able to ride I started for Fort Laramie where I met Wm. Hickock, better known as Wild Bill, and we started for Deadwood, where we arrived about June. During the month of June I acted as a pony express rider carrying the U.S. mail between Deadwood and Custer, a distance of fifty miles, over one of the roughest trails in the Black Hills country. As many of the riders before me had been held up and robbed of their packages, mail and money that they carried, for that was the only means of getting mail and money between these points. It was considered the most dangerous route in the Hills, but as my reputation as a rider and quick shot was well known, I was molested very little, for the toll gatherers looked on me as being a good fellow, and they knew that I never missed my mark. I made the round trip every two days which was considered pretty good riding in that country. Remained around Deadwood all that summer visiting all the camps within an area of one hundred miles. My friend, Wild Bill, remained in Deadwood during the summer with the exception of occasional visits to the camps. On the 2nd of August, while setting at a gambling table in the Bell Union saloon, in Deadwood, he was shot in the back of the head by the notorious Jack McCall, a desperado. I was in Deadwood at the time and on hearing of the killing made my way at once to the scene of the shooting and found that my friend had been killed by McCall. I at once started to look for the assassin and found him at Shurdy's butcher shop and grabbed a meat cleaver and made him throw up his hands; through the excitement on hearing of Bill's death, having left my weapons on the post of my bed. He was then taken to a log cabin and locked up, well secured as every one thought, but he got away and was afterwards caught at Fagan's ranch on Horse Creek, on the old Cheyenne road and was then taken to Yankton, Dak., where he was tried, sentenced and hung.

--- C Kinbote


Well, that, and it gives some of some us the chance to spar, occasionally with really first-rate opposition, and thereafter to hang out and and have a cyber-beer.

Btw ck, I recall reading about how Calamity Jane was hanging out with some teamsters and they all decided to go bathing/skinng dipping in the river. They were appalled to discover that Calamity Jane was female.

-- TJ

Has seen photos of Calamity Jane fully clothed (i.e. CJ was fully clothed in the photos, and so was I while looking at them). Can sorta understand the reaction of the other teamsters.