Rev. Dr. Tim, BsD, McC
Rev. Dr. Tim, BsD, McC
Official Elk
Intellectual Slut
Have you offered a heart to Tezcat today?
Godless Liberal Socialist
political/media/usenet Conspirator
Supreme Being and Reigning Monarch of AFA-B
Worshipper of the one true Duct Tape
I, too, am no Axel Heist.
Poly was a cracker
I Am My Dogs Best Friend
There is one God and His name is Tezcat
"Changing Rooms" and "Antiques Roadshow" are damned good shows I
don't care what you think.
Follow the Gourd! The Holy Gourd of Jerusalem!
Charter Member Pack-0-Jackyls
He who makes fish tremble

Reality Check (12/04/2000)

I think it's time that we all stood back and looked at the
election issues dispassionately. Here are a few truths and
opinions for you all to consider.

1. Concession on either candidate's part is meaningless. Gore
could concede tommorrow, and if the judge in the Seminole County
case throws out the absentees, Gore will be president regardless
of any concession he might give.

2. It's a close race. No one should complain that either
candidate is doing things that he is allowed by law to do. If
the difference was greater than a couple of percentage points,
there'd be reason to complain. As it is, it's a statistical tie.

3. No one should complain that either candidate is trying to
work the legal system to assure a victory. That applies to
Gore's attempts to have hand counts conducted in democratic
strong holds as much as it applies to Bush's effort to delay
decisions until it's too late. These are big stakes.

4. I think a decision by the Judge in the Seminole County case
to throw out the votes would be wrong. The voters turned in
applications that were filled in completely. It is not their
fault that the Republican Party filled them in wrong and then
tried to fix it. More importantly, those voters who sent in
correct applications should not be punished for the idiocy of
the local Republican Party. Perhaps the best decision would be a
revote by everyone in that county who cast ballots in that
election and had turned in correct applications the first time.

5. The overseas absentee issue is different. The voter is at
fault for not dating their signature, particularly if they have
any doubt that their ballot might not be postmarked. The date
requirement is there to prevent fraud. It's not a trivial
requirement. All ballots with dated signatures should be

6. Machines are not perfect. In close races like this, every
undervoted and overvoted ballot should be looked at to see if
intent can be determined. We don't hold elections to give vote
counting machine vendors business; we hold them so people can
express their choices.

7. The Florida Legislature has the power to appoint it's own set
of electors.

Dr. Tim

Sometimes, a sig is just a sig.

There's nothing wrong with a long sig. It doesn't mean anything.
You can have a long sig without it meaning anything about the
size of your uhhh you know. So shut up you rotten bastard. It's
not symbollic of anything. I'm normal sized so just let it
be. Kiss my ass. Freud was full of crap. I have a long sig
because I like it. I'm sure that's true about Aaron too. Nothing
more than that. Quit smirking. It doesn't meam anything else.
Stop laughing. Go to hell you rotten bastards.

Rev. Dr. Tim, BsD, McC
Official Elk
Intellectual Slut
Have you offered a heart to Tezcat today?
Godless Liberal Socialist
political/media/usenet Conspirator
Supreme Being and Reigning Monarch of AFA-B
Worshipper of the one true Duct Tape
I, too, am no Axel Heist.
Poly was a cracker
I Am My Dogs Best Friend
There is one God and His name is Tezcat
"Changing Rooms" and "Antiques Roadshow" are damned good shows I
care what you think.
Follow the Gourd! The Holy Gourd of Jerusalem!
Charter Member Pack-0-Jackyls
He who makes fish tremble

Alex Stevens wrote:

>Whoa, whoa, whoa.
>Well....since ya mentioned size... (nevermind).
>Dude, the only one who has an issue about your penis size is
>*you*. I have enough on my mind with trying to figure out
>how to apply SS into my own life, calculating different
>responses, and trying to fit in enough time for sleep and
>work, that I *wish* I had the luxery of time to think about
>what size dick you have. I really don't have that time, so
>it looks like I'm outta luck.

So what are you inferring? Are you trying to say I'm smaller
than most guys? Most guys lie about it. They exaggerate. In my
PE classes in high school, they all wore prosthetics to make
them look bigger. I tried to prove it, but the coach was in on
it. He got me sent to juvie for assault. I'm really sick and
tired of hearing people play innocent when they post these
little remarks about long sigs and Bush and the election and
making money fast when they're really trying to say that I have
a small penis. Well, you can all go to hell you rotten bastards.
I'm killfiling everybody right now. Screw you.

Rev. Dr. Tim, BsD, McC
It's normal sized, damn it!
Official Elk
Intellectual Slut
Have you offered a heart to Tezcat today?
Godless Liberal Socialist
political/media/usenet Conspirator
Supreme Being and Reigning Monarch of AFA-B
Worshipper of the one true Duct Tape
I, too, am no Axel Heist.
Poly was a cracker
I Am My Dogs Best Friend
There is one God and His name is Tezcat
"Changing Rooms" and "Antiques Roadshow" are damned good shows I
care what you think.
Follow the Gourd! The Holy Gourd of Jerusalem!
Charter Member Pack-0-Jackyls
He who makes fish tremble

Laura wrote the following in one of her recent columns:

"In my 1994 best seller, "The Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives," I pointed out that from my experience talking to thousands of women (and men) on the air, it seemed clear that women ruminate and stew over perceived or imagined slights, disappointments and frustrations. Whereas men react more to change, correct or eliminate the problem. Activity counters depression; rumination breeds resentment."

That's a very broad brush she uses paint half the population. You'd think that a PhD who uses her degree as the basis of her credibility would be a bit more careful about making such generalizations. After all, self selected callers to Dr. Laura are surely not representative of the population as a whole. If that were true, 99 out of 100 people would be emotionally disabled and intellectually challenged.

You have to wonder why it is so important to her to constantly demean women. The answer is obvious. She despises her gender. Look at all the significant relationships in her life. She lived to please daddy, unrelentlessly pursued Ballance, seduced Lew, and lives her life through her bunchkin. Where are the women? We don't know because she's estranged from both her mother and sister.

Rev. Dr. Tim, BsD, McC