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The Australian Society of Astrologers Inc

Exam System

The ASA Exam & Award Systems is set up via four main levels:

 The ASA Certificate of Astrology
The ASA Practitioners Certificate
The ASA Diploma
And last but not least the Official ASA Tutor certificate.
Specialised Diplomas are still to go before the Examiners Board.

Our first level is the ASA "Certificate of Astrology" A one to two year course (depending on the student) that covers all the fundamental principles of astrology via the ASA Syllabus. In setting out the Certificate of Astrology it came to the attention of our ASA Examiners Board that there are a number of very good delineating student astrologers who for one reason or another cannot draw up or do the calculations for a natal chart. However, via conventional exam systems, this would obviously stop them from gaining any sort of recognition!
Therefore, seeing as there are many computerised astrology-chart-services available in this day and age, the ASA Examiners Board decided to include an optional two part section that would allow these otherwise potentially good astrologers to sit for the Certificate of Astrology exam. Nonetheless, they need to be quite proficient in other areas of calculations, such as the ACD, which are included in the optional section!

This is a first level basic test via part A — worth 70% — and the main emphasis of this Certificate ofAstrology exam is that students develop a sound understanding of all the fundamental principles of astrology. Only basic delineating questions are asked via part B of the exam — worth 30%. Students are therefore not expected to be able to give an experienced delineation, and will be marked on basic but nonetheless sound astrological principles — a much more experienced delineation is required via the Practitioners exam.

The accent has been to not make the initial Certificate of Astrology exam near impossible to pass — by expecting students to be professional delineators — by setting a virtual unobtainable astrological criteria. Even though it was pointed out to the ASA Examiners Board that many Certificate of Astrology receivers tend to start doing readings and other astrological work for the general public, it was agreed upon that the emphasis needs to shift by accurately informing and educating the general public of the ASA’s qualification structure, instead of setting unobtainable heights for the students on this initialising exam.

The "ASA Certificate Exam" is a ten-day do-at-home open-book exam made up of two separate A and B parts with a minimum combined pass rate of 70%. However, part B, as a delineation exam, must be passed with at least a compulsory 20% out of 30% in order for any student to pass the overall exam. In other words, if a student passes the A exam with a full 70% but only manages say 18% with exam B, then this would not constitute an overall pass. As such, the Certificate exam would have to be re-sat for in its entirety the following year!

As this is a do-at-home open-book exam there are certain guidelines that must be adhered to. All answers, calculations and conclusions must therefore be clearly and coherently shown. Students also need to provide and include their own work sheets with these exams. If various calculation worksheets are not included with the appropriate sections in the Certificate exam then NO marks can be given on those sections! Also, a clear reference must be made to any type of astrology books and / or computerised astrology programs used.

Pass mark for the ASA Certificate of Astrology exam is 60 points out of 100 - Providing part B is passed.

From 60% to 75% is classed and recorded on the Certificate of Astrology as a PASS!

From 75% to 85% is classed and recorded on the Certificate of Astrology as a CREDIT!

From 85% to 90% is classed and recorded on the Certificate of Astrology as an HONOUR!

From 90% to 95% is classed and recorded on the Certificate of Astrology as a DISTINCTION!

From 95% to 100% is classed and recorded on the Certificate of Astrology as a HIGH DISTINCTION!

Our second level is the ASA "Practitioners Certificate" A one year course designed to allow student Astrologers to become proficient with their practice of astrology. Passing this exam will allow students to become practising astrologers. The Practitioners exam consists of part A and part B. Part A includes two initialising compulsory questions based on full delineation and Solar Arc Directed interpretation of a designated natal chart. Part B consists of Nine varied and appropriate questions of which two are to be completed! This exam can also be done in oral form, via cassette tapes. Although certain articulating guidelines need to be met.

A sixty- percent pass mark is required for the practitioner’s exam with no Pass, Credits, Distinction etc., recorded on the "Practitioners Certificate." The Examiners Board unanimously felt that an undifferentiated and possibly unbiased attitude was needed as this certificate simply states at the end, "Qualified to practice Astrology."

We have received a number of extremely gratifying comments from very professional and well to do astrologers from all over the country who have similarly reflected, after an in-depth study, that the ASA’s exam system is on par with, if not, "the" best astrological exam system in the world today!

Our third level is the ASA "Diploma" An optional one year course designed to help the Practitioner Astrologer develop and submit a particular astrological thesis (according to ASA guide-lines) in order to obtain their ASA Diploma—which, through necessary experience, can only be obtained three years after having achieved the Practitioners Certificate. The requirement here is that the Practitioner astrologer gives the ASA Board of Examiners prior notice as to the matter and substance of his/her particular astrological thesis.

Pass mark for the ASA Diploma of Astrology exam is 60% out of 100.

From 60% to 75% is classed and recorded on the Diploma of Astrology as a PASS!

From 75% to 85% is classed and recorded on the Diploma of Astrology as a CREDIT!

From 85% to 90% is classed and recorded on the Diploma of Astrology as an HONOUR!

From 90% to 95% is classed and recorded on the Diploma of Astrology as a DISTINCTION!

From 95% to 100% is classed and recorded on the Diploma of Astrology as a HIGH DISTINCTION!


Syllabus for the ASA Certificate

All students sitting for the ASA Certificate should have a sound understanding of, and show abilities in, the following fundamental principles of astrology:

1. Zodiac Signs, Houses, Planets and Nodes of the Moon

a) The astrological meaning of the twelve (harmonic) monthly zodiac signs

b) The difference between the Tropical Zodiac and the Sidereal Zodiac and how this relates to monthly Zodiac signs; as well as the difference between Tropical natal charts and Sidereal natal charts.

c) The astrological meaning of the planets and luminaries (Sun & Moon); including the meaning and occurrence of retrograde and stationary planets as well as cutting planets and trailing planets.

d) The meaning of: The twelve houses, Intercepted signs, House cusps, Chart ruler, and ruler of a particular house as opposed to the natural ruler of a house.

e) The difference between the mean and true nodes of the Moon and how these nodes occur astronomically.

2. Basic Astronomy

a) Have a basic knowledge of astronomy via the meaning of: The Ecliptic, Zodiacal Longitude, Declination, The Meridian (local), Celestial Latitude, Moon Phases, Planetary Cycles (time wise), Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses.

3. Natal Chart Calculations

a) Have an understanding of G.M.T. (Greenwich Mean Time), L.M.T. (Local mean time), L.S.T. (Local sidereal time), Sidereal Time, Standard Time, Time Zones, Daylight Saving or War Time; and show the ability to find the time zone and whether Daylight Saving or War Time was in operation (anywhere on Earth).

b) Know how to calculate the L.S.T., and the acceleration of the interval.

c) Have an understanding of, and be able to find, the Longitude and Latitude for any place on Earth (and how to use southern latitudes in chart calculations).

d) Know what house system one is using and by using the relevant tables be able to find the Asc, MC, and all other house cusps to the nearest degree.

e) Calculation of all the planets and nodes of the Moon to the nearest minute using Logs or calculators.

d) Via "a, b, c, d and e, be able to accurately draw up a natal birth chart using any favorite or prescribed method.

4. Elements, Modalities and Polarities

a) The four elements and the signs they belong to.

b) The three modalities (quadruplicities) and the signs they belong to.

c) The polarities of the feminine and masculine signs (positive or negative).

5. Aspects, Eclipses, Patterns, Chart shapes & Lunar Phases

a) The meaning of the 180, 120, 90, 72, 60, 51.43, 45, 40, 30, and 150 degree aspects; also called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th harmonic aspects plus the quincunx; including their prescribed orbs.

b) The astrological implication or meaning of an unaspected planet.

c) Solar and Lunar eclipses - Partial and Total - and their basic astrological significance.

d) The recognition and basic meaning of the following chart shapes: the Bundle, the Splash, the Bowl, the Locomotive, the Bucket, the See-saw, the Splay.

e) The recognition and basic meaning of the following aspect patterns: the Grand Trine, the Grand Cross, the Grand Sextile, the T-square, Fan Handles, Stellium’s, Mystic Rectangles, Singletons, Yods and Kites.

f) To recognize and give meaning to the following Lunar phases: New Moon, Crescent Moon, First Quarter, Gibbous Moon, Full Moon, Disseminating Moon, Third Quarter, Balsamic Moon.

6. Part of Fortune, Vertex and Declinations

a) Diurnal calculation (Sun above horizon) and Nocturnal calculation (Sun below the horizon) of the Part of Fortune.

b) Be able to calculate the Vertex for northern and southern latitudes.

c) The meaning and use of Declinations (no calculations required).

7. Rulership, Exaltation, Detriment and Fall

a) To know when a planet or luminary is in its Exaltation, Detriment, Fall or Rulership.

b) Be able to determine the Ruler of the chart (Ruler of the Asc) and the strongest planet in the chart ( usually the most elevated planet closest to the MC)

8. Chart Definitions and Midpoints

a) To know the definitions of the following: Natal Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Horary Astrology, Sidereal Astrology, Geocentric Charts, Heliocentric Charts, Cosmobiology, Electional Astrology, Ingress Charts, Mutual Reception and the Final Dispositor.

b) A basic understanding of the ninety degree dial & how midpoints are calculated (via Cosmobiology) and their astrological implications.

9. Planetary Cycles and Medical Astrology

a) To have a basic understanding of the Saturn cycle and its return, and the secondary progressed Moon cycle and its return; as well as the Jupiter cycle and its return.

b) To know the parts of the body ruled by which zodiac signs?

c) To know the parts of the body ruled by which planets/luminaries?

10. Decanates, Duads and the discovery of outer planets

a) Modern elemental Decanates (also called Decans) and duads (or Dwads) (threefold and twelve-fold division of individual zodiac signs).

b) The times of discovery of the outer planets and their basic social implications and effects.

11. Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc

a) To be able to find the Adjusted Calculation Date (ACD) of the secondary progressed Moon for any given year (using a midnight or midday ephemeris).

b) To be able to calculate, and relate to the natal chart, the Secondary Progressed and/or Solar Arc directed position of the planets for any date.

c) To be able to list the aspects of any Secondary Progressed or Solar Arc directed planets to the natal chart at any given time.

12. Transits and recurring themes in a chart

a) To be able to list the transits received by the natal chart at any given date and display a basic knowledge of such transits.

b) The implications of recurring and therefore reinforcing themes in a natal chart, as in: Saturn in Libra, Venus in the Tenth house, Venus aspecting Saturn, etc.

13. Basic Delineation

a) The meaning of planets in houses and signs.

b) To understand the broad function of the Cross of Matter (Asc./Dsc and Mc./IC. Axis).

c) To understand the basic outline of family background (parents, siblings, schooling, home-life).

d) To understand the basic relating skills of the person.

e) To be able to look at the persons career and health in a basic way.

The student is not expected to be able to give an experienced delineation, and will be marked on basic but nonetheless sound astrological principles, when sitting for the Australian Society of Astrologers ‘Certificate Exam’.

 For further information regarding the ASA education programme, please contact your closest Teacher Representative as detailed on the ASA Committee page.