Letters to Bill Gates by Andrei Vartic
“The teachers should be a mentor not a judge”
The first letter January 27, 1995
Dear Mr. Gates!
Because exists the limit of Real, no matter how much someone wants that makes P5-P8, Power PC and other processors reach the performance of AE bilions of exact operations per second, they won't manage to do this. They won't manage because there exists the second law of thermodynamics, there exists the arrows of time which was predicted by Ludwig Boltzmann, there exists the Prigogine's crossroads where the lots for the future will be dray, there exists the limit of Real World and at last there exists Waves of Time, prezise by Eminescu, a cosmic reality which is really higher than the Earth one, a reality without knowing it we can't go father in new technologies.
The only way to teach the machines to make many good operations per second is to give them brains and it must take into consideration the entropical realities of the Universe. That soft which can solve the problems as the ADN molecule. That soft will have the solutions which will show to the President, to the Shah, to the head of the company, to the Professor, to the Doctor and to the policeman the coming near crossroad-crisis and its solutions.
Your soft, Mr. Gates, must be in the processor (like in ADN molecules) and the processor has to follow the logic of a flower which blossoms in five petals, the logic of an hexahedron flake of snow, the logic of such operations as 31104/432=72 or i/108, the Logic of Creation which means that it must learn the division table as soon as is possible.
Why did Atlantida disappear but the Pantheon exists?
Who kept the science of Indian Veda?
How can you heal a part healins firstly the whole?
What is common between nights and days of the people from the Earth and the Cosmos?
Why Apostle John wrote "Behold, he cometh with clouds..."(Revelation 1,7)?
Mr. Gates! The science starts with the existence of the stainlessiron post in India, even the old civilization of Maya ("We, green leaves, are the Earth..."). With the fact that the Egyptians were calculating circles with 9 khet rays, with the existence of the root "tla - suffering" in such words like Atlant, that was, as you know, very powerful.
The Sumerians left the poem about Ghilgamesh (which is the top science of all sciences) which was written in burnt clay (Ghilgamesh went for alive water to the depth of the Ocean). The Greeks built the Great Library in Alexandria. The Computer builders, your friend, Mr. Gates, invented HDD. But You know that this HDD can not guarantee the keeping of information... And for sure there's nothing to talk about antivirus program, because every bad program is a virus, a very bad virus. One bad soft, like a plague, can destroys all World.
The Great Army of America sticked in the mud in Somalia, the Russians sticks in the mud in little Cecenia, but we didn't manage to solve the last virus that lead to appearance of another one. The Pentium is making mistakes, USSR was blown in one day, the terrorism is taking tremendous proportions, Leonardo forecasted the helicopter and submarine, but also the movement to red...
Your faithfully AV