Letters to Bill Gates by Andrei Vartic
“Knowledge, experience, freedom - are the right choices”
The second letter
The second letter is more provocative (because I noticed that Bill passed from the wear of sweater to the wear of tie) but also gifted with the idea of Highways of Taking Decisions:
March 25, 1995
Dear Mr. Gates!
Your ideas at CeBit'95, March 8-15, 1995, exposed this time, in our surprise, with a tie, are certainly wonderful. But they are not the whole philosophy of the XXI century. Now, when I'm writing this letter, tens of thousands of students are deafening whistle the Government of my country on the Central square of Kishinau, whistle already 21 days because "hunger is teaching them to be mortal". The humanity reached the existentially sinister point of a crossroads: one is throwing toxic gases in Tokyo's underground and don't even claim his crime; another is killing 100.000 people in the eyes of the World and the World is telling that it's the internal problem of the killer; in New York a CNN reporter is shooting how a group of black people are killing with stones another one because he is living on the other bank of the river and the reporter is just shooting without getting involved. C'est la vie!
OR, PEOPLE ARE NOT INTERESTED ONLY IN INFO HIGHWAYS, NOT THE POSSIBILITY OF KNOWING EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYONE, EVEN IF THEY ARE IN THE SAHARA DESERT OR IN AMAZON WOODS. The access to more information, sure is in help to anyone, but cherry-flower (sacura) is blossoming in 5 petals indifferently of my caprices, defects or appetites and a snow-flake will be hexagonal indifferently of the power of WINDOWS'95. JUST THIS ONE PEOPLE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN INFO HIGHWAYS , BUT IN DECISIONS HIGHWAYS
(how much did Rodin suffer that his son was a dolt?).
Yes, this is it, Highways of decisions. Who wants to be born blind, fame, broken-minded or ugly? What woman don't want to have an inebriating sex-appeal? What man don't want to have a sexual power to satisfies all beautiful woman of the world? What is the most correct decision taken by a doctor in treating AIDS? But one taken by an traffic officer? What decisions do we have to take in order that Richard III wouldn't have been born, that ugly man who was starving after crime?
May be "Richard III syndrome", this terrible virus introduced in human soft, must urgently be localized and sent in virtual lives? But how?
May be by creating some computers that will take such decisions like the cherry-flower
(why do Japanese sing it so much?)
– that's the technical philosophy of the XXI century. Because not everything from possible virtual worlds have the right to exist, not everyone. Reread the old Keppler ("About the nature of snow-flakes"). He shouts from the past to the physicists an mathematicians of next centuries: "Be attentive at the blossoming of the trees, vegetables, berries that grow for human consumption. They all blossom in 5 petals..."
The evolution of the Universe
(human being is a part of Universe)
is constantly and quaintly consumption of Energy, that means the quantum growth of Entropy is the multiplication of Chaos
(The vanity of vanity — says the Ecclesiastes).
Blossoming in 5 petals, dividing the circle in 5 parts of 720, so the cherry-tree wastes the minimum of energy, that means it creates the fewest Chaos and lives in a real way its longest possibility. The message of this "72" someone kept for us in the Indian "Veda", in sizes of "Solomon's Temple", in sizes of mythological Atlantida "writed" by Plato, who had all this things from Solon, in other Platonian dialogues, in Hadrian's Pantheon and, surely, in the immense complex of sanctuary from Gradishtea Muncelului in Carpathian Mountains (Romania), that stretches a surface of 50 square km in a zone with hard access (the greatest sanctuary diameter is 360m).
Mr. Gates!
The measures of the Energy of the Universe are set on mathematical realities. This is told by Cod "AT FIRST IT WAS THE WORD", that is the Primordial Sign, that is a Cod of Cod formed from figures, but also the blossoming of cherry-flower, the molecule of ADN. "Stat nomine rosa", says still Umberto Eco.
It is nice to talk about "new frontiers", but the Real has its limits, and "new frontiers" are the multiplication of Chaos, because the Indian Veda says: the Creator created at first Agny, the devouring... Do You Remember the stories with the Dragon that asks for people a Sacrifice in same periods of Time? This Dragon is the Entropy-Agny, Mr. Gates, and the soft of XXI century must keep it in mind. And build up a monument to Ludwig Boltzmann for his idea that the " Entropy is the Arrow of Time".
Our team (which consists of experts in computers, medicine, archeology, spectroscopy) knows that without a people like You we won't manage to convince many people. We are just a few (near 15 people), we come from an unknown country (Moldova), and we propose You a very-very scientific and science-fiction deal (if we can say so) in another country (Romania), but we know also its commercial character, and the postcommunist myths learns us to address to MICROSOFT, because MICROSOFT can give everyone the flight - WINDOWS 6.0 through it to Highways of correct Decisions, that means to the Highways of Happiness, that means longing a human life at least to 1.08 angstroms?
Kishinau, the capital of Moldova, a little state at the bottom of Danube-river was once a Selicon Vale of USSR... The Universities from here were specially orientated to the creation of specialists for tens of plants that produced (and are still producing) hundreds of radio-electronically elements. Here, in Kishinau, anywhere You turn You can meet an software expert or an engineer. It's a pity, that this wonderful people are selling women drawers in the markets. But we also hope that it's temporary. Because for a salary of 200-300$ monthly they can do wonderful things. The climate in Moldova is OK (300 sunny days in a year), vegetables, fruits, wines and brandies are a lot of a French quality, but prices are very small, (package is horrible), Black Sea is near, we have still a Dniester river with campus already built, each one speaks few languages (the Russian is known by everyone), so you can have a trip in Moldova, especially in Carpathian Mountains, just to be convinced that ENTROPY EXISTS.
With respect, AV
P.S. To leave or not to leave the virtuality, the dreams, the darkness, the anguishes - this is the soft-question of XXI century and we would like it to go to people through the Windows of Bill Gates
(because Alkiona bird, that is pitied even by gods, not to cry),
Windows without which we couldn't Write and Publish so fast none of our studies, even this provocative file, dated 25 of March 1995.