Word Tests
Following are 5 Word tests
You are required to complete one of the tests under controlled conditions , with no help from anyone else.
1. Start Word.
Open the file INTEGRAT.DOC. Save As file A:\INTEGRAT.DOC.
2. Insert the title "Integrated Software Packages" at the top of the document.
Put a blank line underneath it.
3. Ensure the title is bold, centred, and underlined.
4. Change the font size to 12 points for the entire document.
5. Using tables, insert the following after the line The chart below lists popular integrated packages. The column headings are in bold, and underlined. Include all formatting.
Manufacturer | Name | Platform |
Microsoft | Microsoft Works | DOS, Windows, Mac |
Lotus | Lotus Works | DOS, Windows |
Spinnaker | PFS: First Choice | DOS |
Spinnaker | PFS: Window Works | Windows |
Claris | Claris Works | Windows, Mac |
6. Change the line spacing of the entire document except the table to double line spacing.
7 Indent the last paragraph by 2 cm.
8. Format the line beginning Advantages of Integrated packages, etc as follows:
- centre align the text,
- bold and italicize the text,
- change the font size to 14.
9. Put your name at the bottom of the document as indicated.
10. Save this document and print it.
Collect the printout and show the supervisor.
Do not delete the file, because the supervisor will want to see how you entered the changes.
1. Start Word.
Start a New document
Centre this text and make it bold. Save this document as A:\ANSWER.DOC
Insert a page break after 1995.
Insert file CHESS.DOC.
2. On page 2:
- change the font size of the entire page to 12 points.
- change the font size of the Title The Development of Computer Chess Games to 16 points; also underline it.
- left justify the entire page, except the heading.
3. Insert your name in the document header at the top right corner. Italicise your name.
4. Insert page numbers so that they appear at the bottom right hand corner of the document.
5. Insert a table after the sentence
Current Retail Prices of Chess Games Available in Wellington
but before the sentence (Note : for IBM compatibles).
The table should contain the information given below. Include all formatting.
Name |
Price |
Chessmaster3000 (windows) | $152.00 |
Battlechess 4000 | $133.00 |
Chessmaniac | $128.00 |
Colossus Chess 10 | $89.00 |
Chessnet (windows) | $84.00 |
Sargon 5 | $70.00 |
6. Save this document and print it.
Collect the printout and show the supervisor.
Do not delete the file, because the supervisor will want to see how you entered the changes.
1. Start Word.
Open the file VALLEY.DOC. Save As file A:\VALLEY.DOC.
2. Insert the title "March Hot Deals!!" at the top of the document. Centre the title, make it bold and change the font size to 14.
3. Format the last paragraph such that text is centre aligned.
4. Indent the second paragraph only.
5. Replace the word customer in the second paragraph with another word using the thesaurus.
6. Using tables, insert the following after the first paragraph. Include all formatting.
Apple PowerBook 150 $1800 Apple PowerBook 520 $3900 Apple PowerBook 520c $5600Printers :
HP LaserJet 4M Plus $3500 HP DeskWriter 660c $900 HP DeskWriter $500Design / Graphics / DTP Software :
Painter 3.1 $600 Elastic Reality $300 HyperStudio 3.0 $200
9. Except for the title change the rest of the documents font to Arial and the font size to 10. Put your name at the bottom of the document. Ensure your name is bold, underlined, and right aligned.
10. Change the line spacing of the entire document except the table to 1.5.
11. Save this document and print it.
Collect the printout and show the supervisor.
Do not delete the file, because the supervisor will want to see how you entered the changes.
1. Start Word.
Open the file HOMECOMP.DOC. Save As file A:\HOMECOMP.DOC.
2. Insert a page footer containing your full name.
3. Insert a page break at the end of the document. Insert file PART2.DOC in page 2.
4. Format the document as follows:
Paragraph line spacing = 1.5
Remove the indentation on the italicised section which lists the 5 topics starting with - personal services and ending with - telecommuting.
Text is fully justified
5. Go to the top of page 1; format heading as follows
centre, bold and italicize
point size = 15
6. Type the following immediately after the heading Entertainment. Include all formatting.
Playing games with or on the computer has always been popular.
1. arcade games
2. board games (eg. chess, backgammon)
3. simulations (eg. games such as golf, and flight or car racing simulators)
4. interactive graphic programs (eg.adventure games, murder mysteries).
7. Save this document and print it.
Collect the printout and show the supervisor.
Do not delete the file, because the supervisor will want to see how you entered the changes.
1. Start Word. Open the file DRINK.DOC.
Save As file A:\DRINK.DOC.
2. Change the title of the document (Drink & Drive Laws...) to uppercase and bold it.
3. Insert your name in the document header where indicated. Centre align it.
4. Insert a page footer containing the original name of the file (DRINK.DOC).
5. Change the justification of the document to Full, except for the top two lines containing the title and your name.
6. Using tables, insert the following after the last paragraph. Include all formatting.
180 ml | Can low | Can | |
glass | alcohol | normal | |
wine | beer | beer | |
Drivers over 20: | |||
Female 1.5 4 1.752 3.5 | 1.5 | 4 | 1.75 |
Male 2 5.5 2.5 2.755 | 2 | 5.5 | 2.5 |
Drivers under 20: 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 | 1 | 1 | .5 |
7. Change the line spacing to 1.5 for the entire document, except the table which should be single spaced.
8. Use the thesaurus to replace the word amount in the third paragraph with another appropriate word.
9. Change the document title to font size 18, change the font to Arial.
10. Save this document and print it.
Collect the printout and show the supervisor.
Do not delete the file, because the supervisor will want to see how you entered the changes.