Guilty Pleasures
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Hey everyone,

Okay, I've started writing some *Nsync stories now, so I've decided to open this site back up and mainly focusing on HOSTED STORIES. I've come to conclude this because on my quest to have someone host my story.. I couldn't find no one.. not that it wasn't hostable.. just I really couldn't find many sites willing to host stories. So here is a site for all who can't find one :o) ::opens arms:: I accept anything haha..And it's also a BSB/Nsync Fan Fiction.. cuz i just love both the bands.. :o) So just check out the hosted part of this shin-dig and It'll give ya all the info u must know to be a part of this "Guilty Pleasure" hehe.. and enjoy the stories I have up myself. And please give credit where credit is due :o)



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