WARNING: Okay kiddies, this one has a big ol' three feet tall letter warning sign. Graphic m/f, m/m, m/m/f sex, and some sexual violence…sorta. I do not condone such behavior, but sometimes it does add a hint of flavor to a story. This is kinda PWP, or porn with a little plot in it. This is my first lemon, so this is kinda practice, go easy on me. Anyway, enter on your own accord. Consider yourself forewarned.

The Heart of a Slave
An original short story
By: Chaos Angel

I remember the day I received Mesdwin, it was the day my country overthrew his. The glorious war between the country of Pton and the country of Edicia ended with the only outcome possible; Pton crushed Edicia beneath its mighty boots. As crown prince of Pton, I lead the platoon, which sacked the castle of Edicia. The royal family was captured and brought back to our palace, among them my future slave Mesdwin.

Mesdwin watched as his father and uncle were put to the sword; befitting the nemeses of Pton. His brother, the crown prince of Edicia, was castrated to perform his new duties as my sister's eunuch. Not one expression of sadness, remorse, or pain crossed either Mesdwin or his brother's face, again befitting both their sex and their rank as royalty. As crown prince of Pton, I was given Mesdwin to be my own manservant. I graciously accepted and led him to my chambers. Neither of us flinched as we heard the wails and cries of his sisters as the were dragged to the stables to be our new wenches.

I was kind-hearted to Mesdwin from the moment he arrived, giving him a mattress and sheets for bedding and not the usual straw. For his meals he received metal utensils rather than wood, such as he should, due to his blue blood. He was to sleep at the end of my bed at night. He learned rather quickly though to ignore the noises which emanated from my bed whenever I entertained there, which was often.

These immediate kindnesses won me Mesdwin's undying loyalty and devotion. He was a fast learner and an even faster worker. Always eager to please, the desire to fulfill my wishes always blatant in his pale, gray, eyes. One of his special duties was to assist in my special training. If man is to become more than a beast he must learn control, control in every aspect. Why any fully trained man of Pton can deliver at least an hour of pleasure to his wife without problem; and any woman lucky enough to become the mistress of such a man is given at least two hours of such pleasure in exchange for her honor. On the other hand the same man could finish his performance in less than twenty minutes, if called to perform with a wench in the stable. For this control, all men of Pton, of course must train, so they must practice on their slaves. To this day I've heard no complaints from the slaves.


As I walk from the barracks I feel the eyes of my men upon me. The sweat from the daily battle training adheres my clothing to my skin, outlining my body completely. Therefore I am not surprised I feel the eyes of many glued to me; my body, sculpted to perfection from years of training is a sight to behold. As I walk to the bathing area, I can hear the whispers of the stable wenches as the admire my hindquarters. As I expected, Mesdwin is waiting for me at the baths; his eyes lowered in respect, for it is death for a slave to meet his master's gaze. Without a word Mesdwin begins to disrobe me, his own body already naked with the intent to bathe me. As I walk into the pool, he follows at a respectable distance. I stop in the middle of the pool as he finally enters, causing the warm water to rise on level with my nipples. Mesdwin begins with my feet, quickly washing away both my tension and the dirt and grime left on my person from a day of vigorous training. Replacing them with the scents of perfumed soap and scented oils.

At the soothing sensation I lay back in the water and let his hands cleanse my body. It was soon that I would become the king of all Pton, and my wife it's queen. I would discuss these important matters with her tonight, but she would be in bed early this night, entertaining her somewhat handsome cousin as she had every night for the last week. That reminded me, I needed to ask her to keep her pleasured moans quieter. It was a little tactless for a woman to make such noises, and downright tasteless when her husband is in another room.

Mesdwin reached my ass, and I turned to give him a better angle. Mesdwin's body was beautiful in it's own right. Although almost equally sculpted from assisting at my training, his body was nonetheless leaner than my own. I watched his hands as the washed my back, seeming to almost be marble against my tanned skin. A slave very rarely leaves the house, while I am almost always absent, due to conquests and outdoor training. Mesdwin's sponge presses into my side, gently requesting that I turn again. My body reacts as he massages and cleans my loins; washing the last of my body.

" Will there be anything else my lord," he says. His voice is deep and husky, unlike his brother, who continues to sound like a boy half his age. I look down at my arousal, and come to the conclusion that I still had some time until I was summoned to supper. Enough time for training.

" No, I don't think that will be all. Prepare for training exercises," I tell him. He bows graciously and turns the nearby shelves. He quickly selects a jar of a gelatinous liquid, and a cloth sheet. The sheet he spreads on the floor, and while I lay down, he prepares his own body for penetration. Squatting, he opens himself with his fingers, spreading the gel over his opening. Upon being satisfied that that he is ready, he leans over my cock, engulfing it fully. I moan slightly at the immediate softness and warmth. His head bobs up and down over my engorged length until he is sure he has stoked my body into full flame. Standing over my body, he lowers himself as he directs me into his opening. As I sink into his depths I close my eyes and sigh. " Alright, give me twenty full strokes," I say. Mesdwin complies as he silently counts to himself as he spearing himself completely on my cock, then raises himself until only the flared head remained inside him. As I feet the warmth of his body on my length my mind begins to wander. I think of the new soldier in my troops. His small muscular body and bright blue eyes almost make me lose control. " Stop," I command, and Mesdwin freezes in place, half of my cock embedded in his ass. I concentrated on diffusing the urge to release. This is the hardest part of the training: disarming the trigger. As I feel my body calm, I command Mesdwin to continue with thirty half stroke, double time. I feel him comply, sensing his eyes to be lowered to my stomach. Never above my shoulders. I gather my thoughts again to the young soldier. I remember how eager his type is to take their commanding officer into their mouths. But affairs such as that had to be handled delicately, or jealous fights may break out in the barracks. It would not be the first time it had happened. I must give each their own turn, at different times of course. I remember how a certain general had let his wife covey to me that I would be a welcome guest in their bed. I am not sure what this invitation could mean. It could be solely based upon his desire for me, which would be unsurprising; though higher-ups such as him may have an underlying political agenda as well. Nonetheless it is an inviting offer. I can picture myself pounding my cock into his wife's cunt while he delves into my own depths. Or maybe I would fuck him as he tastes the dew of his wife's womanhood. Yes, it is definitely an inviting offer.

Suddenly I feel that something is wrong. Mesdwin's rhythm is off slightly. I open my eyes to see him staring into them, his own pale eyes smiling with desire.

" How DARE you look me in the eyes. Do you not know that is death for a slave!" I bellow at him. He does not bat an eyelash.

" I dare because I love you," he says to me quietly. I look at him in shock, his words too vulgar for me to fully relay. I know what the words meant, but in my whole life I have never heard them. " I love you," he says again, resuming his motions on my cock. I glared at him, his outrageously vulgar words float in the air at my nose. I feel my body lose control. I sit up as I push his back to the ground and his knees on my shoulders. I begin to fuck him like an animal possessed, my anger and repulsion seething from my eyes. " I love you, I love you, I love you," he repeats the vulgarity into the air over and over, fueling my anger. I continue to thrust into him madly as I watch his eyes gaze into mine. Hard, and brutally I pound into his ass, sometimes deeply, while at other times I may go in at an angle, hitting and hopefully damaging the insides of his bowels. I wanted to hurt him for his impudence. He continued to scream obscenities to the ceiling, " I LOVE you, I adore you, I LOVE YOU!"

I growl as I continue my assault on his ass. Even to this day my face grows red as I remember how we fucked that evening; we were less than animals. I bite into his neck, hard, chewing on the sinew and muscles. Mesdwin continues to scream his revolting mantra into the air as I can no longer stave the urge to release. I bellow and shut my eyes as I spill my seed into his body, plopping down on top of him out of breath. I ripped myself from his body as I stalked back to the pool to cleanse myself. Mesdwin walks into the pool after me, his eyes now back at the reflective surface of the water. He cleans me as though nothing had transpired; dressing me without a word.

As I leave the bath I hear him quietly slash in the pool, for it is a slaver prerogative to bathe in his master's dirty water. He must know that it will be his last bath, for I cannot let him live. How will I know that this will not happen again. I'll leave my silver, hunting knife on the table of my quarters when I go to supper. As a son of royalty he will know what to do with it. Yet, part of me would spare him though I command that part to be silent. If I were to let him live, how can I be sure that one night, after drinking too much with my comrades, I won't come back to my quarters, kiss him on his lips and confess that yes, I love him too.