Chaos' Original Fiction

Yo! Welcome to my original fics. These are 100% my fault, though I kinda like them. Anyways have fun. ::turns to walk away, then comes back:: Oh yeah two things. First the same warnings apply for my original fics. If m/m stuff squicks you, I'm sure you can leave on your own. Two, These fics are mine. If you want to post them on your own site you can, but I'd appreciate it if you both let me know and give me credit. 'Cause if ya' don't...well my bud Mr. Maxwell here will learn ya with his scythe. Ain't that right Duo. (he's here to >_< ::cough:: entertain me...)

Again have fun!

A fic with this picture by it means the series is completed, or it's as completed as it's gonna get. I'm not working on it anymore.
A fic with this picture beside it means that it's a "Series in Progress" and I am either currently working on it or will work on it in the near future.

The Heart of a Slave
A tragedy set in midevil times. Are there really crimes of the heart? Or only crimes against the heart...
The Mystic Prophecy
An original story with an original cast. An epic adventure is about to unfold when a yound man, Seneca and his friends: Katja, Nathaniel, Tristan, Mike, Emily are thrust into a world of swords and sorcery. The young teenager, Seneca must uncover his darkened and mysterious past and recover his even darker heritage before those after his life succeed in their goal. But what lies in store for the rag-tag party of teenagers? Can they band together to stay alive? Or will Seneca's dark past and the secret he shares with Tristan destroy them all from within?