Yule Ceremony
The Yule log is made from a fallen tree. The log is flattened slightly on one side so that it will not roll off of the altar. Into the top drill 5 holes, wide enough to accommodate a taper candle, and deep enough to keep the candles steady.
You may use the following colors for your candles, but you may substitute whatever works for you. From left to right:
Red, Gold, White, Silver, and Green.
For effect the candles are smaller on the outside and tallest (white) in the middle - making sort of a candelabra effect. The rest of the log is decorated with holly & seasonal trimmings. Have a different person light each candle and recite the accompanying phrase (s).
Light the white candle in the center
“So begins the longest night of the year. As I kindle the yew flame, remind us that thought the snow may be deep and white upon the fields, and the dark nights may be cold, we will warm each other with our thoughts and deeds.”
Light the silver candle
“I light this flame in your honor Great Mother. You, who have kept the silver light shining on the darkest nights. The nights may grow shorter, but you still shine as brightly through the darkness. May your light always guide us to the truth.”
Light the gold candle
“Today we celebrate the birth of the Sun. I light this flame in honor of the return of the light to the land. The days will grow longer with each passing night. The Earth renews itself with your birth, and we are reborn with you.”
Light the red candle
“In this holiday season, friends and family surround us. This flame is lit to spark the kinship we hope to carry with us throughout the coming year, and to allow us to live passionately and with courage. May the red of this candle remind us of the fire within ourselves.”
Light the green candle
“The evergreen trees are decorated with lights and the boughs are strewn with holly. Reminding us that even in this cold season, the earth is still alive and fertile inside. The green of the Earth is deeper and sometimes hidden, May this flame remind us that it is there.”
All chant together or in a "round" style;
“Be not afraid of winter's deep cold, the sun returns and will again take hold.
The warmth returns unto the land, so keep your sisters close at hand.
The wheel has turned full to it's start, we stand together - Joy in our hearts.
We stand together ever winning, all our spells together spinning.
Wealthy, healthy, happy free, if this your will, So Mote It Be!”