
. Pa’aziel In 3 Enoch a name given for Metatron.

Pabael One of the messengers of the moon. Possibly a variant of Pabel.

Pabel An angel residing in the 4th Heaven ruling Sunday and invoked while facing west.

Pachdiel ”fear” In hechaloth lore, chief angelic guard of the 4th Heaven.

Pachriel According to 3 Enoch, one of the seven great angels appointed over the seven Heavens. Each one of these angels is accompanied by 496,00 myriads of ministering angels.

Padael, Phadihel One of the numerous angelic guards of the West Wind gate.

Padiel, Phadihel One of the seventy childbirth angels. He is the angel who appeared to Samson’s parents.

Paffran In occult lore, a Tuesday angel serving under Samax.

Pagiel A ”great and glorious” angel invoked in ritual prayer for the fulfillment of desires.

Pahadiel In hechaloth lore, an angel stationed in the 7th Heaven.

Pahadron According to Jewish mysticism, the chief angel of terror. He governs the month of Tishri (September-October).

Pahaliah An angel invoked to convert heathens to Christianity. He rules theology and morals and bears the name God Shemhamphorae. His corresponding angel is Sothis.

Palalael and Palaliel Two angels that serve as guards at the gate of the West Wind.

Palit ”the escaped” In Jewsih legend, this is a name for Michael when he escaped from the grip of Sammael (Satan) at the time Sammael was hurled from Heaven. The Midrash Tehillim gives Og as another name for Palit. Another form, Praklit, appears in Rabbinic Philosophy and Ethics.

Palpeltiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Paltellon An angel invoked in the benediction of the Salt.

Paltriel In hechaloth lore, an angelic guard of the 5th Heaven.

Pammon Angel of the 6th hour of the night serving under Zaazonash.

Panael One of the angelic guards of the North Wind.

Panaion In the view presented by Jewish Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition, this is ”possibly another name for Metatron.” Rabbi Ishmael speaks of seeing ”Panaion the Archon, one of the highest servents, and he stands before the throne of glory.”

Pancia A ”most pure angel” invoked in ceremonial magick, especially during the conjuration of the Sword.

Paniel An angel used as a charm for warding off evil and a guard of the North Wind.

Papsukul Possibly a variant for Papukkal. In Chaldean lore, an angelic messenger of the greater gods.

Paraqlitos, Paraclete The guardian angel of the sorrows of death.

Parasiel An angel of the 1st pentacle of Jupiter. He is lord and master of treasures.

Parasurama The 6th of ten avatars in Vedic theosophy. He was also known as Chirangivah the Immortal.

Pariel An angel used in charms for warding off evil.

Pariukh, Mariokh One of two angels appointed to serve as guardians of the Enochian literature.

Parmiel An angel of the 3rd hour of the day serving under Veguaniel.

Parshiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Parvardigar An angel of light in ancient Persia.

Parymel In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses one of fifteen angels of the throne invoked in conjuring rites.

Parziel In hechaloth lore, an angelic guard of the 6th Heaven.

Paschar. Psachar One of the seven exalted throne angels ”which execute the commands of the potentates,” according to The Book of the Angel Raziel.” In hechaloth lore, he is one of the seven guards of the curtain or veil of the 7th Heaven.

Pasiel In ceremonial magick he has dominion over Pisces. In Jewish qabalah, he is the angel of Hell (arka)—that is, he is ruler over Abaddon, the 6th lodge of the seven divisions into which Hell is divided.

Passisiel In hechaloth lore, a guard of the 7th Heaven.

Paspassim In hechaloth lore, an angel who assists Metatron in reciting the Shema.

Pastor An angel petitioned in magick conjurations for the fulfillment of desires.

Pasuy In hechaloth lore, a guard of the 4th Heaven.

Patha, Pathiel An angel invoked at the close of the Sabbath.

Pathatumon, Pathtumon, Patheon, Pathumaton In Solomonic invocations, a name for God; a name Moses invoked to cause darkness to fall over Egypt; a name Solomon used to bind demons.

Pathiel ”the opener”; See Patha In Ozar Midrahim, one of the angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Patrozin An angel of the 5th hour of the nigh serving under Abasdarhon.

Patspetsiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Patteny A ministering angel summoned in cabalistic rites.

Pazriel, Sidriel In 3 Enoch, one of the great archangels and prince of the 1st Heaven, sharing the post with Gabriel, Sabrael, Asrulyu, and others.

Pedael ”whom God delivers” In Jewish mysticism the angel of deliverance.

Pedenij An angel of the Seal.

Peliel Chief of the order of virtues and the preceptor angel of Jacob. He alternates with Zekuniel as 2nd of the ten holy sefiroth.

Penac An angel serving in the 3rd Heaven.

Penael A Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the north. He is also one of the messengers of Venus.

Penarys An angel of the 3rd hour of the night serving under Sarquamich.

Penat A Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven. Like Penael, he is a messenger of Venus.

Penatiel An angel of the 12th hour of the day serving under Beratiel.

Pendroz An angel of the 7th hour of the night serving under Mendrion.

Peneal An angel serving in the 3rd Heaven.

Peniel, Penuel, Fanuel ”face of God” He is credited with being the angel Jehovah, the dark antagonist, who wrestled with Jacob. It should be noted that The Zohar identifies the antagonist as Sammael. In the cabala generally, he is a Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven, and like Penemue (See Demons), cures human stupidity. In Genesis, Peniel is a place, the hallowed place where God revealed himself to Jacob face to face.

Periel One of the many names of Metatron.

Permaz An angel of the 2nd hour of the night serving under Farris.

Permiel An angel of the 4th hour of the day serving under Vachmiel.

Pesagniyah In The Zohar a supervisory angel of the south in charge of the keys of the ethereal spaces. When prayers of persons in deep sorrow ascend, he kisses such prayers and accompanies them to a higher region.

Pesak In hechaloth lore, a guard stationed at the 5th heavenly hall.

Petahel A ”most holy angel” invoked in magickal rites at the close of the Sabbath.

Petahyah In The Zohar, he is the chief in charge of the northernly region of Heaven, ”appointed over that side to which prayers offered for deliverance from enemies ascend.” If such prayers are found worthy, ”Petahyah kisses them.”

Phadihel, Padael In Jewish legend, he is the angel sent to Manoah’s wife (who conceived and bore Samson). He is also said to be the angel that appeared to Abraham, Jacob, and Gideon (Genesis 32:29; Judges 13:3-18; Luke 13:34).

Phaiar An angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Phakiel With another angel named Rahdar, he controls the Zodiac sign of Cancer.

Phaldor Genius of oracles.

Phalec, Phaleg Ruling prince of the order of angels and governing spirit of Mars (Cornelius Agrippa referred to him as the war lord). Of the 196 Olympic Provinces, he has dominion over 35. His day fro invocation is Tuesday. In white magick, he is one of the seven stewards of Heaven.

Phalgus In Transcendental Magic, he is the genius of judgment. In The Nuctemeron, he is the genius of the 4th hour of the day.

Phanuel, Uriel, Raguel, Fanuel, Ramiel, Phamael ”face of God” The archangel of penance and one of the four angels of the presence. In Enoch I he ”fends off the Satans” and forbids them ”to come before the Lord of spirits to accuse them who dwell on earth.” Phanuel is also identified as the Shepherd in the Shepherd of Hermes. In Enoch I he is equated with Uriel. In IV Ezrs, he is equated with Ramiel (Jeremiel) or Hieremihel, or Eremiel (the last named in the Apocalypse of Sophonias). In the Sibylline Oracles he id ”one of the 5 angels who know all the evils that men have wrought.” As Phaniel, our angel is invoked, in an early Hebrew amulet, against evil spirits. In Müller, History of Jewish Mysticism, he is identified with Uriel. Ethiopians celebrate a holy day of the ”archangel Fanuel” on the 3rd day of Taxsas.

Pharniel An angel of the 12th hour of the day serving under Beratiel.

Pharzuph Genius of fornication, angel of lust. The meaning of the word in Hebrew is ”two-faced” or ”hypocritical.” In Bereshith Rabba it is the ”angel of lust” (not named) that presents itself to Judah at the crossroads in order to entice the patriarch to ”observe” his daughter-in-law Tamar and to mate with her (Genesis 38). In The Nuctemeron he is one of the genii of the 4th hour. [See Schiekron]

Phatiel An angel of the 5th hour of the night serving under Abasdarhon.

Phinehas In Judges 2:1, ”the angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal” and whose countenance ”when the Holy Ghost rested upon it, glowed like a torch.”

Phorlakh, Furlac Angel of earth. The name (Phorlakh) is inscribed on the 7th pentacle of the Sun.

Phorsiel An angel of the 4th hour of the night serving under Jefischa.

Phronesis ”prudence” In gnosticism, one of the four luminaries from the divine will.

Phul, Phuel Lord of the moon and ruler of seven of the Olympian Provinces. A Monday angel.

Pi-Hermes Equated with the angel Raphael. In hermetics, he is the genius of Mercury and head of the order of archangels.

Pihon A name for Metatron ”when opening the doors through which prayers of men are admitted into the celestial abode.” Metatron is called Sigron when he closes the doors.

Pi-Joh, PI-Ioh Equated with Gabriel. In hermetics, he is the genius of the Moon and head of the order of angels.

Pilalael One of the many guards at the gates of the West Wind.

Pi-Ré Equated with Michael. In hermetics, he is one of the seven planetary genii and head of the order of virtues.

Pisqon One of the many names of Metatron.

Pistis Sophia ”faith,” “wisdom” A female aeon, one of the greatest in Gnostic lore. She is said to have procreated the ”superior angels.” It was Pistis Sophia who sent the serpent to entice Adam and Eve. According to the Texts of the Saviour, she is the daughter of Barbelo.

Pi-Zeus In hermetics, genius of Jupiter and head of the order of dominations.

Plesithea In Gnostic lore, ”the mother of angels”, a virgin pictured with four breasts.

Pniel In geonic lore, an angel who exercises rulership over one of the months of the year.

Poiel An angel of the order of principalities. He rules over fortune and philosophy and is one of the seventy-two zodiac angels. His corresponding angel is Themeso. The Magus lists him as one of the angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Porna A Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the south.

Poro An angel of the order of powers, invoked in conjuring rites.

Porosa A Friday angel of the 3rd Heaven invoked from the south.

Posriel, Hadriel? An angel in charge of te 6th division of Hell (where the prophet Micah may be found).

Poteh, Purah The prince (sar, angel) of forgetting and invoked in necromantic rites at the close of the Sabbath.

Pramlimiel An angel of the 11th hour of the day serving under Bariel.

Pravuil, Vretil designated as the ”scribe of the knowledge of the Most High” and as ”keeper of the heavenly books and records.” According to Enoch II, 22:11, he is ”quicker in wisdom than the other archangels.”

Praxil An officer angel of the 2nd hour of the night serving under Farris.

Preil A angel (called ”le grand”) in Mandaean lore.

Prenostix Angle of the 6th hour of the night serving under Zaazonash.

Primeumation A spirit invoked in the exorcism of Water. ”By this name Moses caused hail in Egypt” and ”swallowed Corah, Dathan and Abiram.” Numbers 16:16.

Prion A ”high holy angel of God” invoked during the conjuration of the Reed.

Pronoia In gnosticism a great archon or power who, according to legend, assisted God in fashioning Adam. Pronoia provided the nerve tissue. The Arabic legend of God sending four great angels to fetch seven handfuls of earth for the creation of Adam has been referred to in the entry under Israfel. The Iranians believed that each of the planets (with Pronoia regarded as a planet) had a hand in fashioning our first parent. Bar-Khonia affirms that ”this myth had been barrowed from the Chaldeans.”

Propater An aeon who remains motionless on the constellation of the chariot (the Merkabah). Propator is master of the Pole and is surrounded by his decans and myriads of angels. He is designated pro-Father and the aeon who dwells in the zenith of Heaven with the aeon Sophia beside him.

Pruel An angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.

Prukiel An angel invoked in Syriac charms as a spellbinding angel.

Prunicos In Ophitic lore, the supreme celestial power, by some called Sophia.

Prziel An evil angel employed in conjuring rites against an enemy.

Psachar, Paschar One of the seven angelic princes of power.

Psdiel An evil angel employed in conjuring rites against an enemy.

Psisya One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Psuker An angel of the 6th Heaven who has Uzziel under him as officiating, ministering angel.

Psyche In gnosticism the name of Valentinus’ demiurge.

Pthahil The Mandaean Demiourgos; and angel ruling over the lesser stars; said to have been ”assistant to the Lord of Life at Creation.” He created Adam’s body but could not give it life. He is also denoted a prince of evil, seeking support from planets and demons.

Purah, Puta, Poteh An angel invoked in magickal rites at the close of the Sabbath. In Jewish lore, he is lord of oblivion, the angel of forgetfulness. Isaac Luria associates him with Esau-Samuel.

Puruel, Puriel, Pusiel ”fire” The ”fiery and pitiless” angel who ”probes the soul.” He may be a Graecized form of the angel Uriel.

Purusha The cosmic spirit in Sanskrit lore. He is the 1st cause, itself being uncaused. Compare with the cabalistic En Sof, the ”unimaginable creator of the universe.”

Pusiel, Puruel One of the seven angels of punishment. He is identified with Hadriel, and dwells in the 6th compartment of Hell. Even though he resides in Hell, he is not a demon.

Puziel An evil angel employed in conjuring rites against an enemy.


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