Each season of the year and every month has its own special angel. These
angels help us learn from nature the particular lessons and insights
that every season imparts.
The Angel of January - teaches us to look within, to take stock of
ourselves and our lives. The January angel keeps us company as we ponder
over those long, cold winter nights, helping us to be honest with
ourselves and patient at the same time. Conveying the wisdom of an
elder, the January angel takes our hand as we seek to glean
understanding from our lessons of the past year. With this support, we
can give ourselves both recognition and admonition and admonition in
their turn. With this help, we can chart a new course or alter our
present one. We seek and receive the companionship of the January angel
to warm us through the winter of our introspection.
The Angel of February - is the angel of patience. During the dark,
blustery nights of February, when nature is in a deep chill and we long
for a sign of warmth and life, this angel can help us lern to await with
grace the first signs of spring. February's angel teaches us that winter
has its own special peace, that being snowbound or staying indoors can
give us a welcome reprise from the busyness of life. In February, we can
complete unfinished projects and prepare for new initiatives in the
spring. The angel of February brings us the gift of patience, helping us
to enjoy the solitude and quiet of the winter, guiding us to replenish
our energy for the warm, busy days to come.
The Angel of March - brings us stamina and courage. As winter ends, we
take heart from the crocuses that push their way up through the snow.
The Angel of March cheers us on through life's frozen moments, boosting
our morale and helping us achieve new landmarks. With the angel's help,
we dare to break through whatever barrier, whether personal belief or
lack of self-confidence, that holds us back. We gather the will to
launch a lifelong dream or begin the project we have envisioned but
never dared to tackle. As the sun begins to warm our spirits, the March
angel rejoices with us at the first signs of spring and lends us courage
to prepare for a new and daunting, but also fulfilling, task.
The Angel of April - is the spirit of rebirth. As the days grow longer
and the sun begins to warm us, April is a time for new life and new
beginnings. April's angel spurs us to test ourselves in new directions
and to make ourselves vulnerable in the face of unfamiliar
people and places. Encouraged by the April angel, we search for novel
endeavors that will enrich our lives and bring new meaning to our career
or family roles. The April angel teaches us to delight in each sign of
awakening, in nature and in ourselves.
The Angel of May - brings the blush and promise of spring. May's angel
rejoices with us as we take heart at the sight of trees ad shrubs in
bloom and relish our anticipation of the fruits to come. This angel of
spring reminds us that this is a time of awakening the seed within
ourselves. Perhaps we have a deep longing, an artistic talent never
explored or a friendship never quite attempted. This angel of May will
help us discover this potential, nurturing our spirits as we can dare to
fulfill this hidden promise and bring forth the fruit of a life fully
The Angel of June - helps us flourish and grow strong. June's angel
teaches us to sustain our enthusiasm for the new projects and directions
we started in the spring. In this glorious time of sunshine and growth,
we learn to seek out the warmth of friendships and family ties, to help
nurture the seeds we planted and become all that we were meant to be.
The angel of June urges us to be steadfast in our intentions, to renew
our dedication, and to stay on course.
The Angel of July - brings a season of leisure, a time to play and
replenish our energy. The projects we began in the spring should be well
underway and growing stronger on their own. July's angel urges us to
take the time, now, to step back and observe what we have planted. The
July angel encourages us to tend the garden of our life, to care for
what we have started, and to be objective enough to weed out the
unhealthy or unproductive elements. This angel of summer reminds us to
nurture the people and things that bring us happiness, so we can product
for ourselves a crop of joy and fulfillment.
The Angel of August - is the angel of perseverance. The new directions
we began in the spring may have become difficult to sustain. Like a
garden that needs constant watering and weeding in the scorching August
sun, our projects and dreams require stamina and determination to bring
them to fruition. The angel of August helps us with unflagging energy to
tend the garden we have planted. When the hot summer sun and the work of
our lives demand too much of us, the August angel brings us the
fortitude to cleave to our tasks through completion.
The Angel of September - helps us prepare for the harvest at hand. As
the summer draws to a close, September's angel reminds us to pause and
gather fresh strength because the culmination of a project often demands
one last surge of energy. The September angel brings us this boost,
seeing us through to the fulfillment of our task. This late-summer angel
also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others
the bounty of what we have created in our lives. In September, we take
delight in our good fortune, whether in a garden, a relationship, or a
career, and we share our joy with all those whose support has made our
harvest possible.
The Angel of October - rejoices as we reap the harvest of what we have
sown in life. October is a good time to step back from our projects and
our dreams and to take a hard look at what we have
actually accomplished. The October angel helps us to be
honest and objective about what is good and what is not. With this help,
we can face clearly the consequences of our choices over these past
seasons. We will taste our harvest and reject what is bitter or unripe;
we will make note of what worked and what did not, and we will change
for the better. October's angel teaches us that the greatest fruit of
our personal harvest is understanding ourselves.
The Angel of November - is the angel of humility. This autumn angel
brings a special gift that helps deepen the meaning of the Thanksgiving
season for ourselves and our loved ones. November's angel urges us to
acknowledge and appreciate the supporting roles others have played in
our lives this year and even thank those who have taught us difficult
lessons. The angel of November leads us to give thanks in a new way by
forgiving old hurts and healing broken relationships. Thus we help one
another to be truly grateful for our relationships and the richness they
bring to our lives.
The Angel of December - is the angel of generosity. The December angel
celebrates with us this time of giving gifts to all the wild creatures
and to all of God's children. The angel of December leads us to join
hands with people of all races and religions, recognizing that we are
children of the same creator, and we all share the responsibility of
bringing joy and health upon the earth. Inspired by December's angel, we
can celebrate this season of brotherhood by doing one act of kindness
every day of December ~ going out of our way to bring warmth and light
into another's life.