. Abaddon In medieval myth the synonym for Hell and/or the ruler thereof, and in Revelations 9:7-11 it is the Christian angel of Hell. The Hebrew word abaddon means "place of destruction" (Job 26:8 and Psalm 88:11). Prior to its corruption by the Judeo-Christian tradition, "Abaddon" referred to the pit or cave that was used in mystery religions and schools as a rite of passage into the greater mysteries. Often, the experience would entail the use of ritual substances that put the aspirant into an altered state in which he or she could receive divine revelation. Because the experience was sometimes unpleasant, this rite came to be viewed as being "hellish." However, it was considered absolutely necessary so that the seeker may become pure enough to encounter the "mind of God." As an Angel…Abaddon The ”destroyer”. The Hebrew name for the Greek Apollyon, ”angel of the bottomless pit,” and the angel (or star) that binds Satan for 1,000 years. The Thanksgiving Hymns (a copy was also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls) tells of ”the Sheol of Abaddon” and of the ”torrents of Belial [that] burst into Abaddon.” The 1st-century apocryphon. The Biblical Antiquities of Philo mentions Abaddon as a place (sheol, hell), not as a spirit or demon or angel. In Paradise Regained, Milton also uses Abaddon as a place—the pit. It appears to have been St. John who first personified the term to stand for an angel. In the 3rd-century Acts of Thomas, Abaddon is the name of a demon, or the devil himself. According to The Greater Key of Solomon, Abaddon is a name for God that Moses invoked to bring down the blighting rain over Egypt. The cabalist Gikatilla denotes Abaddon as the 6th lodge of the seven lodges of Hell (arka), under the presidency of the angel Pasiel. In The Messiah, Klopstock calls Abaddon ”death’s dark angel.” A reference to Abaddon’ ”hooked wings” is found in Francis Thompson’s poem ”To the English Martyrs.” {See Apollyon] Abaddon has also been identified as the angel of death and destruction, demon of the abyss, and chief of demons of the underworld hierarchy, where he is equated with Samael or Satan. In Magic and Alchemy, Abaddon is the ”Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse.” In Barrett’s The Magus, Abaddon is pictured, in color, as one of the ”evil demons.”

Abbadon [Abaddon]

Abbadona A fallen angel, a seraph, the once chosen companion of the faithful Abdiel. Not wholly committed to the rebellion, he constantly bemoaned his apostasy, and thusly is called ”the penitent angel.” But according to Catholic doctrine a fallen angel cannot repent—for once an angel sins, he is ”fixed eternally in evil”. From this viewpoint, this angel is now a demon.

Abezi-Thibod ”Father Devoid of Counsel” From early Jewish lore, this is another name for Samael, Mastema, Uzza, and other chief devils. He is a powerful spirit who fought Moses in Egypt, hardened Pharaoh’s heart and assisted Pharaoh’s magickians. He was drowned (with Rahab) in the Red (Reed) Sea. With Rahab, he shares the princedom over Egypt. In The Testament of Solomon, he is the son of Beelzeboul (Beelzebub) and the demon of the Red Sea: ”I am a descendant of the archangel.”

Abigor In pre Judeo-Christian theology, Abigor was one of the upper demons of Hell. Abigor supposedly commanded the infernal regions of Hell and was the demon of warfare and battle. He knows the secrets of victory which he will sell to the prince who will offer him his soul. He was depicted as riding a winged horse.

Abracadabra ”I bless the dead”. One of the three holy names invoked in the conjuration of the Sword. The word is one of the most ancient in magick; it derives from the Hebrew ”ha brachah daharah” (”speak the blessing”). As an amulet or charm, inscribed on parchment, it is hung around the neck to ward off disease. The invocant, when chanting the word, reduces it letter by letter until only the final “A” is left. A Cabbalistic charm

This may be from the Hebrew Ab (Father), ben (Son), and ruach acadsch (Holy Spirit). Another possibility is that is from the first few letters of the Phoenician alphabet (A-Bra-Ca-Dabra) or from the name of an old disease demon. It could also be derived from the Aramaic avada kedavra, meaning, "may the thing be destroyed." The term is still used by modern-day conjurers. [See Abraxas]

Abraxas, Abraxis, Abrasax, etc. According Gnostic theology, the Supreme Unknown; in Persian mythology, the source of 365 emanations. The name is often found engraved on gems and used as amulets, or for incantations. In the cabala, he is the prince of aeons. He is encountered in The Sword of Moses, The Book of the Angel Raziel, and other books of magick and mysticism. The older mythographers state that Abraxas is, or was, a demon, and placed with the Egyptian gods. The word ”abracadabra” is supposedly derived from Abraxas. Originally it was a word expressing, in gnostism, the aeons of creation; in a deeper sense it served as a term for God. It is said in Gnostic text that Abraxas was the archon-ruler of 365 Heavens, and acted as mediator between the animate creatures of the earth and the godhead. He is sometimes represented with having a cock-head.

Achamoth One of the aeons, a daughter of Pistis Sophia. According to Ophitic gnosticism, she is the mother of the evil god Ildabaoth.

Adabiel One of the seven archangels according to The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels. Possibly another name for Abdiel who has dominion over the planet Jupiter (some site Mars). He is occasionally identified with Zadkiel, and sometimes with Nergal, the king of Hades.

Adimus At a church council in Rome in 745 C.E., Adimus was one of a half-dozen reprobated angels, the others including Uriel, Raguel, Simiel. From then on the bishops who invoked these angels (approved their veneration) were excommunicated.

Adireal ”Magnificence of God” One of the 49 spirits, one exalted, now serving Beelzebub, sub-prince of Hell.

Adram(m)elech(k) ”King of fire” One of two throne angels, usually linked to Asmadai. In demonography, Adramelech is 8th of the ten arch-demons; a great minister and chancellor of the Order of the Fly (Grand Cross), an order reputed to have been founded by Beelzebub. Adramelech manifests in the form of a mule (or horse) or peacock when invoked. He is a god of the Sepharvite colony in Samaria to whom children were sacrificed. He has been identified with the Babylonian Anu and with the Ammonite Moloch. Aeshma, Aesma Daeva "Fury". One of the Daevas, Aesma Daeva ("madness") is the demon of lust and anger, wrath and revenge. His wrath is mainly directed towards the cow. He is the personification of violence, a lover of conflict and war. Together with the demon of death, Asto Vidatu, he chases the souls of the deceased when they rise to heaven. The Jewish evil spirit Asmodeus is derived from his image. His eternal opponent is Sraosa.

Agares, Agreas Once of the order of virtues, he is now a duke in Hell, served by 31 legions of infernal spirits. He manifests in the form of an old man astride a crocodile and carrying a goshawk. He teaches languages and can cause earthquakes. According to legend, he was one of the 72 spirits Solomon is alleged to have shut up in a brass vessel and cast into a deep lake (or banished to ”lower Egypt”).

Agniel In The Zohar the 4th of the 10 unholy sefiroth.

Agrat bat Mahlat An angel of prostitution, one of the three mates of Sammael. The other two are Lilith and Naamah.

Ahiah, Hiyyah Son of the fallen angel Semyaza.

Ahriman, Ariman, Aharman, Dahak, Angro-Mainyus, etc. The Persian prince of evil, prototype of the Christian Satan. According to Zoroaster (who was tempted by the archfiend but came away triumphant) it was Ahriman who brought death to the world by virtue of slaying the first man and beasts. Ahriman was not entirely evil until Sassanid times. The Magi once sacrifices to him. He is coeval with Ahura Mazda and equally supreme in power, but will be overcome in the end by the great Persian ”omniscient lord of heaven and earth”.

Ailoaios Ruler of the 2nd gate ”leading to the aeon of the archons.” Aitvaras A little Lithuanian demon that appears in the shape of a black cat or a black cock. He will give goods and money to those who sell their souls to him; things he stole from other people. Aitvaras usually nests behind the stove, and the inhabitants often leave food and drink for him.

Aka Manah, Akaman Aka Manah is one of the Daevas. He is the personification of sensual desire who was sent by Ahriman to seduce the prophet Zarathustra. His eternal opponent is Vohu Manah.

Alad A title applied to Nergal, lord of the dead.

Alastor In Greek mythology, Alastor is an avenging demon, associated with blood feuds between families, and the Greek term for an avenging power that visits the sins of the fathers on their children. It is also an evil genius of a house that leads a man to commit crimes and sin. He was originally a mortal, the son of Neleus, king of Pylos. He became a (minor) demon when he and his brothers were slain by Heracles.

Alp In Teutonic folklore, a tormenting night-demon, or nightmare.

Alpiel According to Hebrew mysticism, an angel or demon that rules over fruit trees.

Alu A Mesopotamian demon with canine features. He was sometimes portrayed without legs, ears, or mouth. Alu preferred silence and darkness.

Al Ussa In pagan Arab mythology, a female angel. Her idol was destroyed by order of Mohammed.

Al Zabamiya In the Koran a term signifying angelic guards serving in Hell. There are nineteen of them.

Amalek In The Zohar he is identified with Sammael as ”the evil serpent, twin soul of the poison god.”

Ameratat, Ameretat The angel of immortality according to early Persian lore. He is one of the celestial powers (the Amesha Spentas) in the Zoroastrian system. Some scholars have equated Mohammed Marut (a Koranic fallen angel) with the Persian Ameratat.

Amnixiel One of the twenty-eight angels that rule over the twenty-eight mansions of the moon. He is also mentioned as an extra in the list of the seven Electors of Hell, thus making him a fallen angel at the very least.

Amnodiel One of the twenty-eight angels that rule over the twenty-eight mansions of the moon. Like Amnixiel, he is also mentioned as an extra in the list of the seven Electors of Hell.

Amudiel One listed on the list of the seven Electors of Hell.

Amy Once an angel of the high order of angels and of the order of powers, He is now ”a great president” in the lower realms. He ”gives perfect knowledge of astrology and the liberal arts.” According to Solomon, he hopes to return to the 7th throne ”in 1200 years”.

Anak Singular form of Anakim.

Anakim(-enim?) ”Giants” The offspring of fallen angels and mortal women. The angels Uzza and Azael have been singled out as having begotten children. The original name of the Anakim was nefilim. The Anakim supposedly “touched the sun with their necks.” This is consistent with the view expressed in rabbinic and Islamic text, that angels reached from Heaven to earth—just as Adam did when he was first formed, and as Israfel did or does.

Anane One of the fallen angels.

Ananel, Anani, Hananel, Khananel Regarded as both good and evil. As an evil angel he is said to have descended from Heaven to Mt. Hermon and brought sin to mankind.

Andhaka A Hindu demon.

Angra Mainyu, Ako Mainyu, Angromainyus In ancient Persian (Iran) religion and books of Zoroastrianism, Angra Mainyu is the god of darkness, the eternal destroyer of good, personification and creator of evil, bringer of death and disease. He is also known as Ahriman, and his name means "fiendish spirit". He is seen as the personification of evil, he leading the dark forces against the hosts of Spenta Mainyu, the holy spirit, who assisted Ahura Mazda, the wise lord, and final victor of the cosmic conflict. Ahriman introduced the frost in winter, heat in summer, all manner of diseases and other ills, to thwart Ahura Mazda, and he also created the dragon Azi Dahaka, who brought ruin to the Earth. When Ahura Mazda created the heavens, Azi Dahaka sprung into the sky like a snake, and in opposition to the stars formed the planets. Both Ahriman and Ormazd were offspring of Zurvan Akarana, who had vowed that the firstborn should reign as king. Ahriman thus ripped open his mother's womb, and Zurvan pronounced that he should rule only for nine thousand years, after which period his twin brother should reign in his place. Ahriman's chief weapon was concupiscence, through which all that was his should be devoured, even his own creation. There was a female counterpart of Ahriman, called Az, and it is said that when Ahriman saw the righteous man he swooned, and lay in a faint for three thousand years, until the 'accursed whore', Jeh, awoke him and defiled men with her destructive spirit, introducing fear, jealousy, lust and greed into man. Ahriman lives in darkness, in a place where all those who do evil go to after their demise (the hell) and his symbol is the snake. He is what in Christian religion can be called Satan.

Aniquel, Anituel One of the seven great princes of the spirits, represented as a serpent of paradise. He is in the service of Antiquelis (Antiquelis). In a Vatican Faustian tract Aniquel (Aniquiel) is one of the seven grand dukes of Hell.

Anmael, Chnum One of the leaders of the fallen angels, sometimes identified with Semyaza, for Anmael, like Semyaza, makes a bargain with a mortal woman (Istahar) in connection with the revelation of the Explicit Name (of God).

Anshe Shem ”Men of name” In magickal incantations, the fallen angels are addressed by this term although it should be restricted to apply to two angels only: Azza and Azzael.

Apaosa Apaosa (Apa-urta) is a demon that brings drought and aridity. He rides on a black, bald horse. Eventually he was defeated by the god Tistrya. He is equal to the Indian evil spirit Vritra.

Apollyon "The destroyer". In the new testament of the Bible, Apollyon is called the angel of the bottomless pit. Abaddon, a poetic name for the land of the dead in the old testament, is Apollyon’ s Greek translation from the Hebrew language. Apollyon, in early Christian literature, is a name for the devil. He is identified as an angel of death, “hideous to behold, with scales like a fish, wings like a dragon, bear’s feet, and a lion’s mouth.” The exegete Volter identifies him with the Persian devil figure; Ahriman.

Apudiel One of the seven underworld planetary rulers, called Electors. The demon Ganael serves under the joint rulership of Apudiel and Camael.

Arakiel, Arakab, Aristiqifa, Artaqifa An evil angel who brought sin to earth. One of the ”chief of ten” of the apostate troops.

Araqiel, Araquiel, Arakiel, Araciel, Arqael, Saraquael, Arkiel, Arkas One of the 200 fallen angels mentioned in Enoch I. Araquiel taught human beings the signs of the earth. The name Araqiel denotes one who exercises dominion over the earth.

Araxiel One of the fallen angels according to Enoch I.

Araziel, Arazjal, Arazyal, Atriel, Esdreel, Sahariel, Seriel, Sariel, etc ”My moon is God” An angel who sinned when he descended to earth to unite with mortal women. Araziel governed, with Bagdal, the sign of Taurus.

Aremata-Popoa "Short Wave". One of two ocean demons that are greatly feared by Polynesian mariners because they are at the mercy of their immense power. The other demon is Aremata-Rorua.

Aremata-Rorua "Long Wave". One of two Polynesian ocean demons greatly feared by mariners because they are at the mercy of their immense power. The other one is Aremata-Popoa.

Arias An angel who rules over sweet smelling herbs. In the occult, he is regarded as a demon and is one of the twelve marquises of Hell.

Armaros, Armers, Pharmaros, Abaros, Arearos One of the fallen angels as listed in Enoch I. He taught ”the resolving of enchantments”. This may also be a corruption of Araros.

Armen, Ramiel?, Arakiel?, Baraquel? One of the fallen angels listed in Enoch I.

Asacro, Asarca An angel invoked in prayer and black magick rites.

Asael ”Whom God made” an angel under Semyaza who cohabited with the daughters of men becoming a fallen angel.

Asbeel ”Deserter from God” Asbeel is included among the fallen angels and he imparted the ”the holy sons of God evil counsel and led them astray through the daughters of men.”

Asderel, Asredel, Asradel, Shariel An evil archangel that taught the course of the moon. The name is a corruption of Sahariel.

Ashamdon Variant for Shamdan.

Asiel ”Created of God” . According to The Testament of Solomon he is a fiend who detects thieves and can reveal hidden treasure.

Asmoday, Ashmeady, Asmodius, Sydoney A fallen angel ”who has wings and flies about, and has knowledge of the future.” He teaches mathematics and can cause invisibility. He ”giveth the ring of Venus” and governs seventy-two legions. When invoked he appears as a creature with three heads (bull, ram, and man). A variant spelling is Hasmoday, who is the a demon of the moon.

Asmodee A French form of Asmodeus and supposedly identical with Sammael or Satan.

Asmodel He was once of the order of cherubim, but now is a demon of punishment. The cabal includes him as one of the ten evil sefiroth.

Asmodeus, Asmodais ”Creature of judgment” Derived from ashma daeva (See Asmoday, Chammaday). He is Persian rather than a Jewish devil. Latinized form of the Hebrew Ashmedai. An evil spirit. He appears in the Apocryphal book of Tobit as a ”raging fiend”. Although he is described in later literature as the king of demons, in Jewish folklore he is mischievous and lively, a figure of fun and often a friend to people. He is said to disturb marital happiness, and it was Asmodeus who strangled the seven husbands of Sara during her wedding-night. Raphael overcame him and ”banished to upper Egypt.” In demonology, he is controller of all gaming houses. Asmodeus must be invoked bareheaded, otherwise the demon with trick the invocant. Some claim he is the son of Adam’s first wife, Lilith, by Samael, but in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Merlin the Mage we have this: ”Some rabbins say that Asmodeus was the child of the incest of Tubal-Cain and his sister Naamah; others say he was the demon of impurity.” Hebrew lore site Asmodeus as the father-in-law of the demon Bar Shalmon. In Solomonic text, Asmodeus also is known by the names Saturn, Marcolf or Morolf. He is said to be the inventor of carousels, music, dancing, and drama. Other views of him are also noted in the Angel section as Ashmedai.

Asadel [Asderel]

Asrafil In Arabic legends, the angel of the last judgment. De Plany called him a ”terrible angel” and included him as a demon in his Dictionnaire Infernal.

Astanphaeus, Astaphaeus, Astaphai, Astaphaios In gnostism, one of the seven elohim of the presence. In the Ophitic system he is call Hebdomad—one of the seven potentates/archons engendered by the god Ildabaoth ”in his own image.” He is also sited as the lord of the 3rd gate and it is said that his name derives from the art of magick. He is also sited as one of the seven sons of Sydik (Melchisedec). However, the name is claimed to be a variant of Satan. Astanphaeus is a primordial power in Phoenician theology. In The Gnostics and Their Remains it is sited that he is ”the Jewish angel of the planet Mercury” and of Magian origin.

Astaribo A name of Lilith in medieval magick.

Astaroth, Asteroth Once a seraph, he is now a great duke in Hell. In Greek he is called Diabolus. When invoked, he manifests himself as ”a beautiful angel astride a dragon and carrying a viper in his right hand.” Before he fell, he was a prince of the order of thrones, although some say he was of the order of seraphim. Voltaire finds that Astaroth was an ancient god of Syria. The Grimorium Verum sites that he as set up residence in America.

Astarte, Astoreth, Ashteroth, Ashtoreth, Ishtar-Venus Principle female deity of the ancient Phoenicians, Syrians, Carthaginians. Astarte was a Syrian moon goddess of fertility. As Ashteroth the Hebrews worshiped her when idolatry was prevalent in Palestine. Jeremiah called he the ”Queen of Heaven.” The Greeks based their Aphrodite on her. She is in occult teachings as the demon for the month of April.

Asto Vidatu, Astovidatu The Persian demon of death whom no human escapes. Together with Aesma Daeva he chases and tries to catch the souls of the deceased with a noose when they rise to heaven.

Asurakumara "Demon princes". A group of Jain (one of the great classical religions of India) gods associated with rain and thunder.

Asuras The asuras are usually called demons, but this is not a terribly good translation, for it denotes a sinister quality, which is not always in the character of these beings. Strictly speaking, the asuras are the powerful beings who are opposed to the devas. In early Vedic times, they were originally another class of gods, perhaps the indigenous deities who were overrun by the Aryan supplanters but who were incorporated into the new pantheon. Such important Vedic gods as Varuna and Mitra were classified as asuras. By the end of the Vedic period, however, the asuras had attained their more demonic role. Certainly some of the asuras were quite evil, such as Vritra, but some of them were also as pious if not more so than some of the gods. They would, at times, even be more powerful than the gods, forcing them to flee in the face of their power until some way of dealing with them could be found. On the other hand, in certain instances they were known to work alongside the gods for a common goal.

Ataf An evil angel invoked to overcome an enemy. He is especially effective in separating a husband and wife.

Atarculph One of the leaders of the fallen angels listed in Enoch.

Atriel [Araziel]

Aurkhi Be-Ram El An angel who has sexual relations with mortal women before the flood. Probably the same fallen angel as Ramiel in Enochian teachings.

Auza, Azza, Oza A son of the elohim, one of the fallen angels who had carnal knowledge of the daughters of men.

Auzael [Azazel, Auza]

Avitue One of the eighteen names of Lilith.

Awabi Japanese sea demons that live near Nanao. They eat fishermen when they drown and are the guardians of large seashells containing shining jewels.

Awar, El Awar One of the sons of Eblis called the demon of lubricity.

Ays In Armenian mythology, Ays is an evil demon and the personification of the wind. In this form he is able to enter the body of a human being, who will either go mad or become a demon himself. Ays belongs to the Dev, a group of immortal spirits.

Aza [Azza]

Azael, Asiel ”Whom God strengthens” One of two fallen angels who cohabitated with Naamah and sired the sedim. Azael is supposedly chained in a desert until the Day of Judgment. He is listed as one of the four evil rulers of the elements and is identified as a guardian of hidden treasure.

Azaradel The fallen angel that taught men the motions of the moon.

Azazel, Azael, Hazazel ”God strengthens” One of the leaders of the 200 fallen angels. Azazel ”taught men to fashion swords and shields” while women learned from him ”finery and the art of beautifying the eyelids.” He is the scapegoat in rabbinic lore, Targum, and in Leviticua 16:8. In The Zohar the rider on the serpent is symbolized by ”the evil Azazel.” Here he is said to be the principle of the order of bene elim (otherwise ischim, lower angels). Irenaeus calls him ”that fallen and yet mighty angel.” In The Apocalypse of Abraham he is ”lord of hell, seducer of mankind,” and here his aspect shows him to be a demon with seven serpent heads, fourteen faces, and twelve wings. Hebrew legend speaks of Azazel as the angel who refused to bow down before Adam (in the Koran the angel is Eblis or Iblis) when God presented the first human to the assembled hierarchies in Heaven. For such refusal, he was dubbed ”the accursed Satan.” According to Islamic legend, when God commanded the angels to worship Adam, Azazel refused, contending ”Why should a son of fire (an angel) fall down before a son of clay (a mortal)?” At this God cast him out of Heaven and changed his name to Eblis. Azazel is listed in Magic; Its History and Principle Rites as an ancient Semitic god of the flocks who was later degraded to the level of a demon. Bramberg entertains the notion in Fallen Angels that he was the first fallen angel.

Azaziel Another name for the seraph Semyaza.

Azibeel One of the original 200 fallen angels.

Azi Dahaka, Azi Dahak A storm demon from Iranian mythology. He steals cattle and brings harm to humans. It is a snake-like monster with three heads and six eyes who also personifies the Babylonian oppression of Iran. The monster will be captured by the warrior god Thraetaona and placed on the mountaintop Dermawend. In a final revival of evil, it will escape its prison, but at the end of time (fraso-kereti) it will die in the river of fire Ayohsust.

Azkeel One of the leaders of the 200 fallen angels.

Azrael, Azrail, Ashriel, Azriel, Azaril, Gabriel ”Whom God helps” The angel of death, stationed din the 3rd Heaven. To the Moslems, he is another aspect of Raphael. In their tradition, he has ”70,000 feet and 4,000 wings, while his body is provided with as many eyes and tongues as there are men in the world.” In Arabic tradition, he is ”forever writing in a large book and forever erasing what he writes; what hw writes is the birth of a man, and what he erases is the name of the man at death.” When Michael, Gabriel, and Israfel failed to provide seven handfuls of earth for the creation of Adam, Azreal succeeded. For this he was appointed to separate the body and soul at death. Mudad, the angelus mortis in ancient Persian tradition.) Oriental legend has him accomplishing this (bringing death first then separating the soul) by holding an apple from the Tree of Life to the nostril of the dying person. In Jewish mysticism he is the embodiment of evil. He is also one of the three holy angels invoked in Syrian charms.

Azza, Shem-yaza ”The strong” A fallen angel who is suspended between Heaven and earth as punishment for having had carnal knowledge of mortal women. Azza is said to be constantly falling, with one eye shut and one eye open, so that he may see his dilemma and suffer more.

Azzael While Azza and Azzael are referred to as two distinct, separate angels, they seem to be one and the same in other sources. Variant spellings are Assiel, Azazel, and Azzazel. His punishment for cohabitating with mortal women was having his nose pierced. He taught witchcraft, by the art of which man caused the sun, moon, and stars to descend from the sky in order to make them closer objects to worship.


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