. Kabrakan, Cabraca A giant demon in Mayan myth that causes earthquakes. He makes mountains disappear, while his brother Zipakna makes mountains rise, also through earthquakes. They are the children of Vucub Caquix.

Kafkefoni One of the seven enduring unholy sefiroth. He is king of the Mazzikin and husband of the ”little leprous one.”

Kakabel, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kabaiel, Kochab ”star of God” A great angelic prince who exercises dominion over the stars and constellations. In The Book of the Angel Raziel, he is a high, holy angel; but in apocryphal lore, such as Enoch I, he is evil (a fallen angel) and a resident of the nether realms. Whether in Heaven or Hell he commands 365,000 spirits who do his bidding. Among other duties he instructs his fellows in astrology.

Kaitabha The Hindu demon which tried to attack Brahma.

Kakadaimon In gnosticism, the evil spirit, as opposed to Agathodaemon ”the seven-voweled serpent (seraph), the Christ.” Originating from the Egyptian serpent Agathodaimon, the good spirit.

Kamuel [Camael]

Kapre The Kapre is from Philippine mythology. He is big giant or demon who often sits smoking a pipe or cigar lying in wait for people as they walk through a path. to scare them and cast spells on them. They also are black skinned and will change into a banana trunk when they are fired at.

Kasbeel, Kazbiel, Kaspiel ”sorcery” A ”sinful” angel, referred to as ”chief of the oath” whose original name was Biqa, meaning ”good person”. But Kasbeel fell, and after his fall he was renamed Kazbiel, meaning ”he who lies to God”. He once asked Michael for the hidden name of the Lord, which Michael refused to divulge. For the story, see Enoch I< 69:13.

Kasdaye, Kesdeya, Kasdeja A fallen angel who teaches ”a variety of demonic practices, including abortion.” He is one of seven angels reputed to have led the apostate angels.

Khamael [Camael]

Khanzab A demon who disturbs the prayers of Muslims, thus causing doubt in their minds.

Kigatilik In Eskimo myth, a fanged demon and the enemy of priests.

Kihe-Wahine Kihe-Wahine is the Hawaiian patron goddess of demons and lizards.

Kingu The demon in Mesopotamian myth who became the second consort of the goddess Tiamat, after her first consort Apsu had been slain. She gave him the Tablets of Destiny and intended to make him lord of the gods. He was killed by the young god Marduk who took the Tablets and fastened them to his chest. He killed Kingu and created mankind from his blood. Kingu plays an important part in the creation epic Enuma elish.

Kishimo-jinKaritei-mo The Japanese Buddhist patron goddess of little children. Her name means 'mother goddess of the demons' and she was originally a monstrous demon from India (called Hariti). She abducted little children and devoured them, until the great Buddha converted her. Now she represents the Buddha's appeal to compassion, and his devotion to the welfare of the weak. Kishimojin is portrayed as a mother suckling her baby, and holding a pomegranate in her hand (the symbol of love and feminine fertility). She is also called Karitei-mo.

Kiskill-lilla A Sumerian night-demon who has nested herself in the Haluppu tree of Inanna. She is known to the Akkadians as Lilitu.

Kitsune-Tsuki A fox spirit, or a demon that appears in the shape of a fox, in Japanese mythology. Kitsune-Tsuki ("Fox-Lunacy") is possession by such a spirit. It occurs mostly in women. The fox spirit enters through the fingernails or the breast.

Kompera A Japanese god probably based on the image of the Indian Kubera, the Lord of the Demons, Master of Magic. Kompera is often identified with the storm god Susanowo who sometimes aids people in mischief. He taught the secret of changing oneself into a dragon to the waitress Kiyo.

Kukuth Ancient Albanian female demons of sickness that spread the plague. The spirit of a deceased miser, who cannot find rest, and who does much evil, is also called Kukuth.

Kunospaston Demon of the sea. He is a hoar-fish and delights in destroying ships. He is also greedy for gold.

Kurteel A demon who causes bowel pains.


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