N ( ehn ) - v nion.
namhaid (naimhde) - enemy
naofa - sacred (adj.).
naoi - nine, number of gestalten, inherent completion and return.
naomh - lit. "Ninefold-one", sacred (person or thing).
naomhaidhe - ninefold of days, esp. the period after which danger has passed.
naonúr - a ninefold of persons.
Naoú Tonn, an - The Ninth Wave (of Eternal Return).
nasc - binding (one thing to another), link.
nascaire - lit. "link-attention"; state of perception in which data are patterned, events flow, time expands (cf mionaire).
nath (-a) - cant-word, (as plural) skill in adages.
nathair (nathracha) - snake.
neach - being, person, irregardless of sex, used as "neach Sídhe".
néaladóireacht - 1) divination by clouds; 2) furtively spying.
néallta fola - "Clouds of Blood", invocation of slaughter.
neamh - v farraige 7rl.
neamhshaolta - "otherworldly", magically intrusive into the mundane, used only as adjective/adverb, generally with or without explicitly intending an Saol Eile.
neart - power, strength, both physically and magically.
Neart inár lámha, fírinne ar ár dteanga, glaine inár gcroí. - "strength in our arms, truth on our tongue, clarity in our heart", definition of fianna honor (several minor variants exist).
Néide - youth who contested in iomarbhá to claim the supremacy of poet-druids of Ulster (qv Immacallam).
neidín - "little nest", a power-spot of rest or general safety.
neimheadh - 1) outdoor sanctuary; 2) more loosely, any person, thing inviolable as sacred.
Nemed - v Lebor Gabála.
ní hanasa - "Not difficult", a standard beginning to answering a question requiring expert knowledge.
ní heisce gan ríga gúasacht báis - maxim that a king (or any political leader) must always occupy the position of greatest danger in any battle in which his people take part.
níghe - washing, ritually done already regalia'd, not as cleansing, but as "crossing" into ritual space (cf ling thar tine cnámh).
nion - ash-tree, fiodh for the letter N, associated with, among other things, battle, asceticism, prudence.
nuáil - (generally acceptable) innovation.