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Clovenstone Celtic Medieval Fantasy Novel art gallery scroll

Welcome to Clovenstone's art gallery of scenes from the book.

Just click your way through the gallery as you wish and enjoy a visit to Kildonan.

Cormac and Fiona in the Greenwald
Fiona and Cormac
in The Greenwald.
Click on this picture to go forward.
Clovenstone Celtic Medieval Fantasy Novelwoodwose mini

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Order the books right here!

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Clovenstone Chapter 1

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Good Stuff

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Stones Seven Chapter 1

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Write to me, please!

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Meet the Author

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Links Page

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Clovenstone Reviews Page

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Runes Page

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Kildonan Tapestry

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Cast of Characters

All text, artwork, and page layout copyrighted © by Ruth McIntyre-Williams