What's up fellow Cougars?
Consider this a formal invitation to Los Angeles Black
Exposition and Trade Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center on September
15-17, 2000, that is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon until
8:00 p.m.
My company (Faith Toys, Inc.), will be making its debut
at booth number 1234 in the Hallelujah section of the convention.
The featured toy is Angel Teddy: Angel Teddy sings
Jesus Loves The Little Children and quotes John 3:16 "For God so loved
the World" and introduces itself as a messenger sent to tell you that
Jesus loves you. All of the above is to music. (There is nothing like
So please come to the Los Angeles Black Expo and Trade
Show and support your community and fellow Cougars and enjoy.
Jesus Loves you and so do I.
God Bless
Dorothy Phillips