Being young means being able to see
Things that the years have made dimmer to me
It means wearing clothes much too big or too small
And knowing you’ll get up again when you fall
It means smelling flowers for the very first time
And laughing out loud at a nursery rhyme
It means being able to climb up a tree
And always believing the sight that you see
Being young means you can eat what you like
And joyously riding along on your bike
Or skating on roller skates, sleighing down hills
Or having a spoonful of sugar with pills
It means growing up at a steadier pace
And having adventures when packing a case
Or washing the pots and the pans in the sink
Or learning to whistle or learning to wink
It means all the joys in your life are for free
It means having jelly and ice-cream for tea
Oh dear, what a pity we grow and forget
The pure joy of catching a moth in a net
Or walking on cracks for a dare and a bet
Or keeping a wood louse and calling it pet
And oh how the old ones are full of regret
I think I’ll stay young and not grow older yet
copyright owned by 'Dawn'
Time, for me, is no old man with wispy beard of white
He is instead a naughty boy who plays with impish spite
Old Father Time in weary pose could hardly play the game
Of speeding up and slowing down “an hour” to give it name
An hour can last eternity or pass with frightening speed
An hour can be quite adequate or barely meet your need
Depending on the mood of he who plays his timely trick
An hour can cause you happiness or make your heart grow sick
Oh cheeky chap on dancing shoes, you dance the minutes past
With busy little tips and taps you leave me quite aghast
Oh idler, sweet idler don’t laze the seconds through
I cannot wait, please speed it up, you contemplator you
No, time for me is no old man who waits so patiently
But only this unruly lad who can mischievous be
I play the game reluctantly; to cease I have no power
So I may never know the truth – How long then is an hour ?
copyright owned by 'Dawn'
It is still quite feasible to red a rag and tease a bull
But if he turns as hot as fire who knows what carnage would transpire?
So best to leave a bull at rest or find yourself a bull-proof vest
How could you be irrelevant if you stood by an elephant?
Would not your brain superior be to give you seniority?
One toe of his could break your bone so best to leave his pride alone
We like to think that a man’s docile beside a sleeping crocodile
But would you say your thinner hide makes nobler all the tears you’ve cried?
Beware the jaws that yawning snap and best to leave the crock his nap
Would you say it’s fair to cat a rat or hit him with a cricket bat?
When a rat is small and of beady eye whilst you are tall, there’s reason why
The toothsome rat will respond someday, so best to leave a rat at play
There never was a gap much wider than that between a man and spider
But spiders serve a purpose when they do away with flies for men
So best to find the common ground, what goes around will come around
copyright owned by 'Dawn'
I look in the mirror and what do I see
But a sulky-faced girl who pretends to be me
I give her a smile for I’m very polite
She smiles back at me so I know she’s alright
Then all of a sudden I’m feeling much better
So I tell my new friend that I’m glad to have met her
And right at that moment she says she’s glad too
We both burst out laughing – Yes well, wouldn’t you?
copyright owned by 'Dawn'
Merryweather says to Moo
It’s time to give your point of view
And Moo to Merryweather replies
I’m tired of watching butterflies
Says Merryweather to Moo, ‘Ok
Then think of something else to play’
So Moo puts on his thinking cap
Then runs to get his huge world map
‘We could set sail for Africa or Spain,’
He says in a rush as he tries to explain
‘Oh Moo,’ says Merryweather, ’Don’t you see?
We can’t, we’d be home late for tea’
copyright owned by 'Dawn'
Painting is ©Tom Sierak and used with his permission by Moon And Back Graphics to construct this set
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