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Oh you lucky young performers
with your high-flown aspiration
How I envy you these moments
My heart fills with admiration
As my memory’s fired with pleasure
I recall my introduction
to this world of real excitement
and my love for that production

What a wondrous world is theatre
Every day is filled with action
Fear is mingled close with pleasure,
moments give deep satisfaction

All the greasepaint and the costumes
are but momentary glitter
All the hours and hours of practice,
whilst they keep the actors fitter,
inspire a secondary emotion,
a preamble to the essence
when you’ll stand before the footlights
sure that people feel your presence

When with trembling heart aflutter
you transcend your expectation
As the minutes pass so swiftly
you are filled with new elation
All too soon you reach finale
and you wonder as you bow,
could you make the next performance?
Will the audience allow?

Then wondrous sound assaults your ears,
continuing without a pause
Your eyes are misty; heart is pounding
Can this be applause – APPLAUSE?

Yes, oh yes! How I remember
I know every thrill you’re feeling
How the very thought of acting
makes an actor’s mind start reeling

So play on, my young performers,
take this opportunity
Laugh and sing and make your roles
your one, your own, identity


copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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