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In Motion


Old Day was all that it could be
Awash with sweet serenity
A haven of tranquility
To ease an aching heart
There, nestled in those safe warm arms
A country cottage full of charms
To quell the fears and sooth the qualms
Pained souls might not impart

But who knows what tomorrow brings?
Eternal hope from New Day springs
Of lasting hope in mortal things,
Of answers from above
New Day holds every newborn prayer
And promises to damp despair.
Light hovers on expectant air
~ An overture to love?

copyright owned by 'Dawn>


When morning brings no sweet respite
From troubles of a stormy night
And clouds obscure the sun's kind light
Solutions are not clear

But listen to the wondrous sound
When heartfelt prayer is heaven bound
For there are answers to be found
If only you will hear

Let Heavenly Whispers stroke your brow
And bring a blessed peace for now
With faith, ask when? and where? and how?
Then trust your inner ear

Gods Love on heavenly angel wings
Can make the sense of many things
So listen to the voice that sings
And vanquish every fear

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Their love was like a golden grain of sand
That slowly turns into a precious pearl
It was the debut of a butterfly
Whose bold resplendent wings with pride unfurl

And like the perfect petals of a rose
That shyly unveils all her inner charm
Their love was slow to blossom but so strong
They never guessed a storm could do them harm

But there is nothing surer in this world
Than knowing every rose must bloom then die
Unless it is the certainty of this:
True love cannot be based upon a lie

He trusted every word his lover told
And never once believed she was not true
The truth stole all the colour from the flower
Now like his heart the rose has iced to blue

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Many people have held my hand
Along the winding road
Some of them were briefly met
But still they eased the load
A few refused to turn away
They hold on still until this day
And now I'm sure they'll always stay
My true Forever Friends

The road through life is never straight
And we are often blind
But someone else could look ahead
For obstacles to find
Remember you might need someone
To shield you from the dazzling sun
Don't let your kind acts be outdone
By your Forever Friends

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Rising in majesty
Knowing his station
Reigning the sky
With a lofty elation

Soaring and swooping
King over mountains
Watching and waiting
This lion of high plains

Eye of a diamond
Keen and sharp pointed
Blessed by the heavens
And heaven-annointed

Wings to encompass
All of his ruling
Ears hearing all
Of his subjects soft mewling

Talons and beak are
The tools of his killing
But never gratuitous
This noble's blood-spilling

Strength in the knowledge
That flight is his saviour
Calm and efficient
Such regal behaviour

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


My heart upon the wing
I sing of happiness, my dear
My soul has taken flight
So light it makes the message clear

You are the one whose smile
Beguiles and takes me to the moon
You play me like a harpsichord
With Lord knows wondrous tune

My life is in your hands
The sands of time are precious grain
Our footprints side by side
Reside through happiness and pain

You are the one, my wife,
Whose life, more precious than my own,
Is all that I could ever need
God's speed! How love has grown

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


I had said goodbye to one love
And my heart was aching sore
It was time to take a walk then
Bare-foot strolling on the shore
As the daylight hours grew cooler
Like the sand between my toes
I reflected on our parting
(I was crying I suppose)

All the questions were unanswered
(As such questions often are)
And the sound of slapping waves just
Served to form a healing scar
Maybe sometime then I noticed
With some facet of my mind
That the sky had all turned rosy
Though such thought was not refined

But at one point such resplendence
By God's glory filled the air
And I stopped to watch the sunset
That was when I noticed there
That my strolling feet had wandered
Into someone else's life
It was sunset, tears and magic then
The night I met my wife

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


A shy girl with the sweetest smile
She barely raised her eyes
To meet the gaze of the man whose love
Was wrapped in shy disguise
Their soft spoke words of breathless voice
Made light of deeper things
And tender touch of trembling hands
Was like the fluttering wings
Of butterflies dancing with delight
All floating in the air
The meeting of two lonely hearts
Is sweet beyond compare

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Pale moon and shadowy glances
Night's spell and butterfly dances
Soft whispers as love advances
Stealing lonely soul

Pink pearls to stir emotion
Found not in any ocean
Save the seas of sweet devotion
For her heart's console

White diamonds softly shimmer
As the moon's glow dwindles dimmer
Stirring hopes begin to simmer
Dare she take the chance?

Love's gift and morning flowers
Sweet kiss in april showers
All of this a heart devours
Within the lovers' dance

copyright owned by 'Dawn'


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The poems of Shaice Anthony
Three More Gifted Poets
