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In Motion Two


~In Grandma's Garden~

Little girl left in Grandma's garden
Looking for new ways to explore
Finds a small, unopened packet
Faded picture's too obscure
Unafraid she tears the paper
Sneaks a peek, o sweet delight!
Oops, she slips and drops the packet
Scatters seeds in anguished fright


Little girl comes to Grandma's garden
Daily, just to check her 'brood'
Smiles a little, frowns a lot
Depending on her whimsical mood
Grateful birds have paid their visit
Without leave they pecked their share
But the child forgot to count
And anyway she has no care


Grandma's garden's much improved now
People offer up their praise
Grandma smiles and takes the credit
Memory's fond, of better days
Little girl claps her hands with pleasure:
Grandma is a gardener rare
Flowers bloom and hide the truth
Our Nature's helper's happy there

copyright owned by 'Dawn'



Of all the toys in my son's nursery
There is one that gives passion to my memory
Of a childhood filled with happy things
Of times now faint as gossamer wings
Of voices and choices I hardly recall
Of moments enormous and whispers so small

I can reach out my hand to recapture my past
As I finger the paintwork of a canvas so vast
That a little boy sat and was lost in the sway
Watching shadows on walls on a rainbow bright day
And my rocking horse took me to places of gold
Crossing valleys and mountains, the pair of us bold

We were rapt, unafraid like a knight and his steed
As we traversed our dreams with incredible speed
Yes, of all the toys in my son's nursery
There is one that allows all regrets to roam free
There's no harm for a child building castles from air
As an adult it's best that those longings are rare

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

Phil and Linda


Phil came;he saw;he conquered
And he never felt regret
He knew that he loved Linda
From the first day that they met

She stole his heart in seconds
How romantic can you get?
They're making plans to marry
And you ain't seen nothing yet!

Now Linda is a shy bear
And her heart moves cautiously
It took some time for even Phil
To woo her patiently

He took his lady dancing
And they waltzed beneath the moon
He brought his love a daily rose
To make her senses swoon

They dined in fancy restaurants
Drank champagne constantly
And pretty soon sweet Linda
Thought that Phil was heavenly

Phil came; he saw; he conquered - yes
But was that Linda's plan?
He chased her 'til she caught him
Nothing's changed since time began

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

~Tea For Two~

"Hello Cedric, like some tea?"
"Oh how nice sweet Emily"
"Let us share a currant bun"
"Playing adults is such fun"


"Frills and ruffles, what delight!
"Lady Em you pretty sight"
"Cedric Bear, now just you hush!
"Pretty words won't make me blush"


"I was thinking, Emily dear
"Now that everyone is here
"How about a wedding game?"
"No thanks, Cedric, all the same


"Adult games are quite alright
"But I'd look silly dressed in white
"Since you asked me to decide
"I'ld much rather play outside"


"Ok Em, a passing thought
"Just in case you're tired of sport"
"Me? Oh Cedric funny bear
"Let's go skating if you dare"


"What about these dainty clothes?"
"I don't care a fig for those"
"Emily, sweet Emily
"A tomboy is the girl for me"

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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The Poems of Shaice Anthony

Three Gifted Poets
