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Black and White World


Let us go back to the black and white world
and pretend it was better than now;
to our youth and beyond, to the poverty bond
we can visit if memories allow

See the shoes on our feet, stuffed with yesterday’s news
and our one suit of clothes, drab and drear;
with no jewels to bedeck, save the scum round the neck
we had nothing - and that includes fear

See the obstinate chins, and the diamond bright eyes
face the black and white world with a dare
We knew none could uncover, nor slyly discover,
those secrets of our great despair

See the place where we lived…was it ever in colour?
- was the paint ever glossy and new? -
where we hung by our feet, in full view of the street
from a rail, with defiance as glue

See the gutters that yielded a treasure-trove rare
Of ball-bearings and other such gems
How we stooped, unaware of the seams we might tear,
in our dresses without any hems

See the rosy-cheek children who looked down their noses
yet longed with green envy to play
with the black and white urchins so craftily searching
For some means to make the rich pay

And we did- you remember? We tapped every resource;
we understood nothing of shame
We would blackmail or flatter- it didn’t much matter
As long as they couldn’t prove blame

We were quick, we were slick and we didn’t mind danger;
in fact, it enhanced all the thrills
We took chances so lightly and squeezed through so tightly
you would think we expected some spills

But we didn’t -remember? We thought nothing of it;
invincible down to the last
Don’t you think it’s a pity that children so gritty
should grow up and hide from the past?

So let’s make a promise - a blood-binding vow:
let's be proud now,whatever occurs
We were brave and unfurled in that black and white world
and it made of us entrepreneurs!

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