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Deeper Thoughts




Satisfied? I shall never be until I find tranquillity,
Before I know what must be done and finish all that I've begun,
Save that the knot unravels here inside a heart that's strung with fear
And all the way ahead is clear


Gratified? I shall not aspire to walk upon Delight's high wire.
I know too well the fall is far, of melted wax and wings that char
But yet must I aspire to some, a certain fear to overcome
And not to apathy succumb


Complacent? I shall not be so unless there's nothing left to know.
Nor shall I step from star to star, or hold my heartbeat in a jar,
Or listen to the colour red until these weary bones are dead
And all the scrolls, unfurled, are read


Indifferent? How I scorn the word that from my tongue was never heard
Curse all of those who use some robe to save from trouble, strife or probe
Damned are they who seek no reply to questions unseen by a mortal eye
Indifference merely begets the lie


Contented? Who may ever say that morning broke to such a day
When we shall find such sweet illusion here amidst our life's confusion?
Doubt rules the Earth, and makes the man and so it's been since time began
Was ever there a Master Plan?


Demented? Yes I dare say true, a cynicism taints my view
I'd write of optimism though were I not wary of the blow
That falls from axes yet unswung to split the skull and still the lung
And silence carols all unsung


Lamented? Will I ever be? The question at the heart of me
And when I walk this earth no more but enter through the reaper's door
I fear the world will be unkind. For what have I to leave behind
Except these thoughts from troubled mind?


Inspiring? Oh that I could be; I wish to leave such legacy
If that could be, my spirit would soar, bequeathing the world a little more
Than unfulfilling motherhood or bags of bones in coffin wood
And words too oft misunderstood


copyright owned by 'Dawn'


Beauty walks the wire
From eye to eye
And owes its precious balance
To a lover’s sigh
But mere complacency
As time goes by
Could snap the wire
And see such beauty die

Beauty’s face is neither
He nor she
But is an idea, a thought,
A fantasy
Which bursts from the seed of the soul
To be free
Bestowing itself with

copyright owned by ‘Dawn’


Do cassocked beings of Satan’s church
pluck sinless chicks from swaying perch
beheading them to blindly lurch
amongst the naked writhing birch?

Then evil shall prevail its gloom
and gild the air with Lust’s perfume
through every step of Satan’s tomb
to seal the damned disciples’ doom

Do they forget who take the vow
and to the fallen angel bow?
All righteous men shall disallow
the sinners of the violent plough,

Their right to walk beneath the sun
or wear the name their fathers won
while Satan’s child, whose will be done,
completes the task he has begun

If they accept the bread and wine,
then let them feed like snouted swine
and learn to walk without a spine
or die in Hell by God’s design

copyright owned by 'Dawn'

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