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Divine Love





Divine Love

When feet must stand on solid ground
And heartbeats are but mortal sound
No wonder thoughts are heaven bound
To trawl domains above
To soar through spatial, timeless sphere
Like some courageous charioteer
While inhibitions disappear
An overture for love

But wondrous realms of wispy skies
Or realms between a lover’s thighs,
Made sweeter by her breathless sighs
Come softly from her breast,
Are built upon a fragile dream
Less sturdy than a pale moon’s beam;
Without the mortar of esteem
They’re only second best

There is one love that transcends all
No mortal fear could this forestall
When such devotion does enthral;
Let’s call this love Divine
Its purity is want of sin
No measures needed clandestine
For hero or for heroine
As this word they define

What words of mortals could express
Emotions of such tenderness?
Most poets try without success
To net that butterfly
Perhaps the state is so unique
The meaning dwells in its mystique
That of it we in hushed tones speak
But I can verify

Divine love does exist and thrive
Within my soul it is alive
No fantasy could I contrive
Of such sweet wondrous joy
Nerve endings all have been exposed
And all assaults go unopposed
More poetry have I composed
To this unearthly muse

He took the reason from my heart
Whist vowing we would never part
Not now but from the very start
His soul with mine did fuse
Divine love has another name
(Its definition is the same)
This poem must enhance the fame
Of my man – now you know


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Latest Entry April 2004


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