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Kissing Whip

He stands aloof and self-assured
No smile upon the solemn face
His movements imperceptible
A metronome to steady pace
And everything of countenance
Forbids all but her heart to race

His voice is soft and never raised
A single word is ample threat
Obedience: her walk of life
And her existence is all debt
To this one master evermore
Who loves her like some docile pet

A look of darkness and she cowers
Then grovels for a mercy pat
He reaches for the kissing whip
Her heart beats faster; he knows that
But this transgression was too small
To earn her tongue of stinging cat

Her back is bared and offered up
In silence, and without delay
He makes adjustments to her pose
Perfection all in this display
Must be achieved before she feels
The kissing whip of judgement day

The lash is sudden, felt not seen
Her eyes are covered by the hood
Her lips are sealed by loyalty
And curved in grimace, pain withstood
His hand is quick with kissing tongue
Her pose is held like fine cut wood

As one by one the stripes appear
To mar or decorate her skin
And just as imperceptibly
His face is rapt in blissful grin
Beneath the hood her tears are real
But spent in utter, joyous sin


copyright owned by 'Dawn'  




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Latest Entry April 2004


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